Chapter 901

After the premiere of "The Martian", it has received a lot of praise in China and North America. Fans all think that this is a sci-fi film that is full of laughs, and although the story is set on Mars, it is very down-to-earth.

Although the production cost of "The Martian" is lower than that of the previously released "Mission to Mars", fans in North America generally believe that the visual effect of the former is much higher than that of the latter, whether it is the set or props, it is more beautiful. Can feel the photographer's intentions.

But on the Chinese side, apart from the movie itself, the audience is also very concerned about China's appearance in the movie.

And those shots related to China also became a hot topic of discussion among netizens on the Deep Space Tribe that night.

But amidst the applause, there were also some strange voices.

At around three o'clock in the afternoon on December 23, Yanjing time, on the Chinese version of the Deep Space Tribe, a tribe owner with more than 5 fans named "Take you to see the world" suddenly published a long article titled [Look at It seems to move China, but it is actually a Chinese special. Let me show you the difference between the North American version of "The Martian" and the Chinese version].

The article points out that the sci-fi movie "The Martian" screened in China has many pictures related to China, which makes many Chinese people excited, but unfortunately, these pictures can only be seen in the Chinese version of "The Martian" To, and in the American version of "The Martian" and there is no such content.

This move is entirely to deceive Chinese movie fans and attract Chinese movie fans to buy tickets at the cinema.

"Show You the World" even listed the differences between the American version of "The Martian" and the Chinese version of "The Martian" in detail, listing them second by second.

He pointed out that in "The Martian" released in China, the content related to the China Space Agency lasted for more than half an hour, but in "The Martian" released in North America, the China Space Agency only appeared three times, and the screens were combined in Together less than 1 minute.

Seeing the "evidence" so detailed, many netizens believed it to be true, and began to curse.

[Black Lemonade: I also said that there are so many Chinese scenes in Hollywood movies, but I didn’t expect this trick from deep space. 】

[Plastic Bag Prince: I have always been a fan of deep space, but this time I can only say, deep space, you let me down so much. 】

[Box Chengjing: I didn't expect Deep Space Company to deceive our audience's feelings, can I ask for a refund? 】

[No. 40 Spicy God in the World: If you refund the ticket, you must refund the ticket. The ticket price is more than [-] yuan. I didn't expect to be so foolish. 】

[If you don’t eat lunch, you need to lose weight: Be careful what you say, maybe the Deep Space Company will block you all. 】

[The refrigerator is not cooling: if it is sealed, it will be sealed. If it is sealed, it is not that there are no other websites. 】

[The person in the backpack: It's so disappointing. 】

[When the water is clear, there will be no fish: I bought a ticket for tomorrow. Hearing what you say, I don’t want to go see it anymore. I’m going to refund the ticket now. 】

[Two-legged toad: Deep Space Corporation must give us an explanation. 】

[Green grass is not watered: Thanks to me, I even invited my classmates to watch it together. I didn’t expect it to be like this. I quickly told my classmates not to let them give money to such scammers. 】

[Bowling's sadness: I just want to know if Yu Dong knows about this. 】

[Fang Box: You should know. He is the author of the original work, participated in the screenwriting, and is also a shareholder of Deep Space Corporation. If he says he doesn't know, do you believe it? 】

[Two heavens of ice and rivers: Has even a great writer like Yu Dong started to lie to us? 】

[Pu'er No. [-] in the world: Money is a good thing, no one will refuse it, even Yu Dong is no exception. 】

[Red Ribbon: They said before that Yu Dong was on some rich list. How do you think he got there? All the money he makes is clean? 】

[Pen tip down: Really, didn’t it mean that most of his income comes from royalties and copyright fees?It is said that he can write tens of millions of yuan for a script. 】

[Only the phone post: You also believe this, do you understand money laundering? 】


Among these comments, some are relatively simple, ordinary netizens who believed this article, and some are actually trolls.

Of course, some people in the comments spoke for Deep Space Corporation, saying that the matter has not been investigated clearly, so don’t be in a hurry to scold. matter.

Some people directly said that for Deep Space Corporation, it is actually not enough to make such a fake for the domestic box office.As for Yu Dong defrauding money, that's even more out of the question. With Yu Dong's personal assets, it is impossible to do such a thing that damages his reputation. If he really wants to do this, he will not only be bad, but also stupid.

But those comments speaking for Deep Space quickly faded away.

In the beginning, there was only discussion under the tribe "Take you to see the world", but soon this article was reposted a lot, and the well-known actor Xu Zheng also reposted this article not long after, which added to this article popularity and credibility.

This matter quickly attracted the attention of the Deep Space Corporation official, and the public relations department of Deep Space quickly responded by directly suspending the account of "Take You to See the World" and blocking related information.

Deep Space is not afraid of being accused of manipulating public opinion at all, because they know that if such rumors continue to spread, no matter how hard they try to refute the rumors later, many people will still think that Deep Space has lied to them.

The so-called spreading rumors is one mouthful, and the rumors are broken. The damage caused by rumors is difficult to smooth out. Only by controlling the matter to a small range as soon as possible can it be useful to refute the rumors later.

After controlling the dissemination of fake news, the next step is to collect information and sue the people who spread the rumors while dispelling the rumors.

However, it is unlikely that this matter can be perfectly resolved through legal channels. Let alone whether the lawsuit can be won, even if it wins, the other party will not lose anything. Not too much, tens of thousands would be great.

The reason why rumors have been banned repeatedly is because the cost of breaking the law is too low, while the cost of defending rights is too high.

In addition, even if Deep Space is looking for trouble, it can only ask the tribe owner to "show you the world", and those who forwarded this long post later have nothing to do with him.

Let’s talk about Xu Zheng, he just reposted this tribe, he didn’t express any opinions of his own, and there is no way to sue. Xu Zheng can completely say that he reposted it to verify the authenticity of this matter.

The public relations department of Deep Space is of course aware of these situations, so they never thought of resolving this matter through legal channels.

An hour later, the Deep Space Company officially issued an announcement, explaining the specific situation, telling netizens that what they said about "showing you the world" is purely fictional, and that the Chinese version of "The Martian" is not the same as the "Martian" screened in North America. Any discrepancy, and Deep Space would file legal action against Show the World and find out who was behind it.

Regarding Xu Zheng, Deep Space Company didn't mention it at all, but some people found that Xu Zheng's account has been suspended.

At the same time, netizens also found that the article "Take you to see the world" can still be read, but there will be a line of red characters at the top of the article, which reads: This news has been proven to be fake news.

[Clip: Oh my god, is there such an operation? 】

[There are no books on the bookshelf: I knew it was fake news. My cousin is in New York, and I called to ask. 】

[Book page: If you think about it with your brain, you know it's fake news. "The Martian" in North America has only been released for a few hours. This tribal pig is so awesome, he can still watch the Chinese version and then fly to the United States to watch the American version ?And it takes no time to write articles, it's too fake. 】

[Black Seal: I said it was fake news at the bottom of that article, but my comment quickly sank, and he seemed to have a troll to help him. 】

[Orange Backpack: Didn’t you read the announcement from Deep Space Corporation? They want to find the mastermind behind the scenes. What does this mean? Someone must be manipulating this matter. Let me show you that the world is a small tribe of pigs. Usually, a tribe has dozens of comments , Today, this article received thousands of comments just after it was published, and many people forwarded it. 】

[Happy little pig: I feel that Xu Zheng is doing something, otherwise why would he forward it? 】

[Instant noodles and eggs: Shenkong Company has been very kind to Xu Zheng. After this guy defected, he didn't close his account. I didn't expect this guy to look for work on his own. Now it's fine, Shenkong directly banned his account. 】

[Wooden table: md, when I saw the news, I felt unhappy, but now that I see the rumors being refuted, I feel much more at ease. 】

[Little Mantou: Same, same, luckily the deep space didn't let me down. 】


In Shanghai, in Xu Zheng's newly opened studio, he looked at the assistant in front of him who bowed his head and said nothing, his eyes were about to burst into flames.

This assistant followed him when he was in deep space, and later he defected and brought the little assistant out.

In addition to arranging his itinerary and taking care of his daily life, the assistant also helps him manage his social accounts.

At the beginning, Xu Zheng managed the account by himself, but after a long time he felt troublesome, so he handed over the account to his assistant.

But what Xu Zheng didn't expect was that this little assistant was messing around behind his back.

Ten minutes ago, Liu Ye called and scolded him for a full three minutes.

When he was in the company, Xu Zheng had a lot of contact with Liu Ye. His impression of this kid was that he was usually shy, good at sports, and rarely talked.

After coming out of the deep space company, the two have not been in touch.

When Xu Zheng received a call from Liu Ye just now, Xu Zheng was quite happy, thinking that the relationship was still there, but he didn't expect to be scolded.

At first Xu Zheng was stunned, wondering why Liu Ye would call and scold him all of a sudden, he couldn't just return the matter of leaving deep space because of him, it's been a long time.

But Liu Ye was cursing and cursing, and Xu Zheng understood it. It turned out that Liu Ye was scolding himself for reposting some kind of tribe.

After talking with Liu Ye on the phone, Xu Zheng logged into the Deep Space Tribal Network, and then figured out the ins and outs of the matter.

He definitely didn't transfer this tribe, it must have been done by his assistant, so he called his assistant over.

The assistant was also very frank, admitting that he did it himself, but he also thought that what he said "show you the world" was true, so he forwarded it.

Xu Zheng scolded the assistant and warned him to be careful in doing things in the future, but he didn't punish the assistant further, because in his opinion, although the assistant was a bit stupid, he was at least loyal.

When he left deep space, only this assistant came out with him, just because of this, he could have more tolerance for him.

After stabilizing his emotions, Xu Zheng said, "Even if what he said about 'showing you the world' is true, and the deep space really deceived Chinese audiences, we shouldn't repost that tribe. This is obvious. If someone wants to engage in deep space, even if we don’t retweet it, someone else will. Since we can’t play a decisive role, it’s better to wait and see what happens, there’s no need to go into troubled waters.”

The assistant nodded, "I see, I will definitely pay attention next time."

"Let's get through this hurdle first." Xu Zheng sighed slightly, and then picked up the phone again. He was going to make a call to Wang Zhongjun.


When this happened, Yu Dong and the others were still asleep in New York, and when they woke up the next day, the matter had been brought under control.

After listening to Yu Yu's report, Yu Dong frowned and asked, "Does Jimmy know about this?"

"Well, I know, I told him after it happened."

Jimmy is still in England now, and the time difference with China is a little smaller. When the incident happened, it was already dawn in England, so Yu Yu first reported the incident to Jimmy.

"What did Jimmy say?" Yu Dong asked.

"Mr. Ji said let's investigate first to see who is behind the scenes."

"Well, let's check first. I will give you two directions, one is Huayi Brothers, and the other is overseas."

The margin on the other end of the phone said unexpectedly, "Overseas?"

Yu Dong smiled and said, "It's just one direction, just pay attention."

In fact, Yu Dong doesn't think it's overseas, because this kind of method doesn't look like overseas, but now is the time for Yanjing's Olympic bid, and he himself is the ambassador of the Olympic bid, so it's not wrong to be sensitive at all.

As for why Huayi Brothers was investigated, the reason is also very simple, because it is this Huayi Brothers who has opposed the Deep Space Company the most in the past two years.

It was because of Huayi Brothers that Xu Zheng left. This time Xu Zheng reposted the tribe, it's hard not to make people associate it.

Although Huayi Brothers had bad intentions for Deep Space Company, Yu Dong hadn't thought about engaging with Huayi before, and he also hoped to see other outstanding domestic film and television companies emerge.

Even if Huayi poached Xu Zheng, Yu Dong didn't think it was a big deal. This kind of thing is what you like, and at most it's just that Xu Zheng is not very affectionate.

But if Huayi did what happened this time, the nature would be completely different.

Yu Dong hopes that there will be excellent film and television companies in China, but he absolutely does not want this kind of film and television company that uses rumors to attack its opponents to emerge.

(End of this chapter)

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