Chapter 902 Local War

After reporting the rumors, Yu Yu said, "President Yang of "Science Fiction World" told me to let you check your mailbox or Dongdong. She sent you a message, but you haven't replied."

"Is she in a hurry?"

"Then I don't know, I just told you to read the news."

"okay, I get it."


After hanging up the remaining number, Yu Dong turned on Dongdong, and then saw Yang Xiao's message.

Yu Dong was running around outside these days, and he didn't have time to open his mailbox and dongdong every day. Anyway, they could contact him if there was anything left, and they basically communicated by phone.

Moreover, although the domestic Dongdong has the same name as the foreign Dongdong, they are actually two softwares. If you want to receive news from Yang Xiao, you have to use the Chinese version of Dongdong.

The message Yang Xiao sent was very simple. One was to congratulate "The Martian" on its successful release, and the other was to talk to Yu Dong about the annual meeting of the Deep Space Company at the end of the year.

Looking at the time, it was only after eight o'clock in the morning. Thinking that Yang Xiao hadn't rested yet, Yu Dong sent a message back to Yang Xiao, saying that he had been busy outside for the past two days and was dizzy, so he didn't see any news from her. .

After about 3 minutes, Yang Xiao replied to the message.

Yang Xiao: Actually, it’s not too urgent. I just happened to be chatting with Mr. Yang about other things, so let him remind you to read the news.In fact, it's okay to talk about it after you return to your country.

Yu Dong: You said you want to talk about the company's annual meeting, what specifically do you mean?

Yang Xiao: I have an idea, do you think it is suitable? Can you set up two booths for us and "The King of Science Fiction" in the sci-fi themed pavilion in the park during the annual meeting of your company?

Yu Dong: No problem, I'll let you handle the rest.

Here, Yang Xiao was stunned when she saw Yu Dong's reply. She knew that Yu Dong would probably agree, but she didn't expect Yu Dong to agree so simply.Half a minute after her message was sent, Yu Dong's message came back.

Yang Xiao had already had an idea about planning a booth in the sci-fi themed pavilion, especially after this year's sci-fi themed event, she felt the influence of the deep space park.

Yang Xiao couldn't help but sigh with emotion that Yu Dong had really put his heart into helping them all these years.

Chinese science fiction now has a complete industrial chain. Science fiction writers publish novels, and then magazines such as Science Fiction King select high-quality novels and adapt them into comics, and Deep Space Animation Studio selects high-quality adaptations from these comics. into anime.

There are also some works that will be directly made into TV series or movies.

The reason why this industrial chain can be formed is of course due to Yu Dong.It was the birth of Yu Dong that brought Chinese sci-fi to the world stage, and domestic sci-fi fans have grown rapidly since then.

Later, it was also a series of operations of Deep Space Corporation that directly set up the sci-fi industry chain.

The sci-fi-themed event held in the Deep Space Park this year was a great success. It is said that the combined turnover of all the booths in the park reached 3000 million yuan in that week, with an average daily sales of more than [-] million yuan.

This figure is definitely worthwhile, but even if it is discounted in half, the total turnover of [-] million yuan in a week is very exaggerated.

This year's sci-fi theme activities have also moved the minds of many other local governments, such as their city of Rongcheng.

Not long after the deep space sci-fi themed event ended, the person in charge of the relevant unit in Rongcheng called Yang Xiao. The other party's meaning was very clear, just asking Yang Xiao if it was possible to replicate the sci-fi themed event of Deep Space Company.

Rongcheng has been vigorously developing the local tourism industry. Over the years, it has thought of many methods, but the results are still very small, and it cannot be compared with other cities with developed tourism.

In the past few years, Jinling has sprung up suddenly, and the output value of the tourism industry has doubled several times, which also makes Rongcheng a little greedy.

However, Yang Xiao regretfully told the other party that it was too difficult to replicate Jinling's sci-fi themed activities, almost impossible.

When the other party asked why, Yang Xiao gave him an analysis one by one.

At the end of the analysis, it can be concluded that Chengdu does not have a large international company like Deep Space.Just building a park with the same scale as the Deep Space Park is enough for the Rongcheng government.

The so-called scale does not only refer to the area of ​​the park, but also depends on the infrastructure that the park meets.

Among other things, the money spent on the world's top IMAX theater of Deep Space Company alone can cover the cost of building a small building.

Let's talk about those screens in the deep space park.

Many people say that the boss of Deep Space loves screens very much because of the large number of screens in the Deep Space Park.In the deep space park, there are almost no places without screens, and there are all kinds of screens looking up and down.

It is precisely because of these screens that the deep space park gives people a strong sense of technology.

Moreover, these screens are still consumables for Deep Space, because the Deep Space Company will replace a batch of screens every once in a while.

To put it bluntly, the Deep Space Park is made of money.It's just that they pile up money and hope to make it back, but other people pile up money and only lose money.

Yang Xiao also asked the other party, if they were given a deep space park, would they be able to do so without charging for tickets?
This question stopped the other party at once, and after pondering for a long time, the other party still told the truth that they couldn't do it.

If such a park is open to the outside world and does not charge tickets, the money lost every year is not something they can bear.

But the Deep Space Company can do it. The Deep Space Park has been open for so many years, and there is still no charge, and the standard of [-] points has not changed until now.

The reason why Deep Space Company can do this is of course not only because their company has money, but also because they can get money from other places, and points are no different from money to Deep Space Company.

After listening to Yang Xiao's analysis, the leader didn't say anything else.

And when Yang Xiao was analyzing it to the leader, she was also feeling emotional. In less than ten years, the Deep Space Company has grown to such a scale, and Yu Dong seems to have become an existence that they can't touch.

It was precisely because Yu Dong's current status was so high that Yang Xiao was even more moved.

Yang Xiao: Thank you, Yu Dong, I have caused you trouble again.

Yu Dong: Sister Xiao, you’re welcome. I should do something, and it’s not a trouble. You reminded me of this. It’s time to allocate a booth for you, and not just for your two. The booths of other sci-fi-related magazines will also be divided, but the booths of your two companies must be larger.

In the past two years, many magazines similar to "Science Fiction World" and "Science Fiction King" have emerged in China, but their development is mediocre, but Yu Dong does not want to give up these small magazines. The vitality of the market still depends on these small magazines.

Although Yu Dong believes in Yang Xiao's ability and character, he still thinks that it is not a good thing for "Science Fiction World" to stand out and have no rivals at all. This will make "Science Fiction World" lose its external motivation.Once something goes wrong with "Science Fiction World", the Chinese science fiction world will be hit hard.

Even if Yang Xiao and Tan Kai can not forget their original aspirations and maintain the motivation to move forward, there is no guarantee that the rest of the magazine will be like them.Sooner or later they will retire, and no one can say what the situation will be like after the others take over, so Yu Dong has to plan ahead.

Yang Xiao: Okay, thank you very much. In addition, congratulations to you. Although there was a small episode, the release of "The Martian" was not affected in any way. I went to the cinema today and saw a lot of people queuing up. We The agency also took a lot of effort to get the tickets.Now all units are organizing employees to go to the movie theater. Two days ago, the Radio and Television asked me if I could get a more favorable ticket, probably thinking that our agency is closer to your deep space.

Yu Dong: Haha, although the theater is not under our control, if you really need tickets, we can help you get some.

Yang Xiao: That's really unnecessary. If they really want cheap tickets, they can tell the theater that the relationship between Radio and Television is relatively good in the theater. How about the premiere of "The Martian", is there any specific data?
Yu Dong: I haven’t got the specific data yet. The North American data should take another three or four days to get. The domestic data is hard to say, because the domestic data is a bit troublesome to count, and it will take a while .

Yang Xiao: Can you tell me about the North American data?
Yu Dong: No problem, I will ask Yuyu to send you a detailed data as soon as possible.

Yang Xiao: Actually, there is one more thing. We want to make some changes for the Galaxy Awards next year, and I would like to ask your opinion.

Yu Dong: What changed?
Yang Xiao: We want to revoke the Foreign Fiction Award.

Yu Dong: Why was it revoked?

Yang Xiao: Listen to me, the reason why the Foreign Fiction Award is revoked is because we want to expand the selection scope of the original award. The award is no longer limited to domestic works, but can also include foreign works, as long as the work is translated that year If it is published in Chinese, it is eligible for the award.In this case, there is still no need for foreign fiction awards to continue to exist.

Seeing Yang Xiao's news, Yu Dong probably understood that Yang Xiao wanted to make the Galaxy Award a worldwide award like the Nebula Award and the Hugo Award, so as to increase the influence of the award.

Of course, Yu Dong thinks this is a good thing. The Galaxy Awards have been making changes over the years. From the beginning, it only judged works serialized in magazines, and later expanded the scope of selection to include all domestic science fiction works. Awards increased by double digits and awards have been improving.

Yang Xiao had actually thought about this before, but he had never had the conditions to realize it before, because there were very few new science fiction novels written by foreign authors translated into Chinese, most of them were short novels, and basically It was published in Science Fiction World.

In this case, it is enough to set an award for the most popular foreign novel.

But the current situation is obviously a bit different, because many foreign novels have begun to be published in China, and even some foreign novels have not even been published in their own language, and the Chinese version has been produced. , because China's current science fiction market is the largest in the world.After these novels have achieved good results after being serialized in national science fiction magazines, they will be directly translated into Chinese and published in a single volume.

After thinking about it, Yu Dong sent a message.

Yu Dong: I think it's good, but do you have any idea to award a certain foreign novel next year?
Yang Xiao: I knew I couldn't hide it from you. It's not that we decide who to give the award to, after all, the jury decides who to give the award to.It's just that this year there is a foreign novella that is quite competitive, and it is very likely to win the novella award next year.

Yu Dong: In that case, let’s change it. I think it’s good.When you are sure that you want to change it, I will tell Jimmy and ask the company to cooperate with you in publicity.

Yang Xiao was overjoyed. The reason why she wanted to listen to Yu Dong's opinion was that she really wanted to see what good ideas Yu Dong had, and that she also hoped to get help from Deep Space Corporation.

To become a world-renowned award, to compete with the Nebula Award and the Hugo Award, in addition to award restructuring, publicity work is definitely indispensable, and if they want to publicize, Deep Space Corporation is naturally their biggest reliance.

Of course Yu Dong knew what Yang Xiao was thinking, so he said it without waiting for Yang Xiao to speak.


Three days later, the North American first-week box office of "The Martian" also came out, with a total of 200 million U.S. dollars, directly reaching the No.1 box office this week.

With such a high first-week box office, if there are no major surprises, "The Martian" will definitely have a North American box office of [-] million US dollars, and it is very hopeful that it will enter the top three in the global box office.

At present, apart from "Titanic", the top few films in the global box office have almost the same box office, all of which are just over one billion US dollars. As long as "The Martian" can get a global box office of 11 billion US dollars, it will be able to squeeze to No. 2.

However, things soon changed.

By the end of the second week, the North American box office of "The Martian" exceeded 500 million US dollars.

According to the data at this time, the North American box office of "The Martian" is at least [-] million US dollars.

In addition, other countries and regions have also been released one after another. Although the global box office statistics are somewhat delayed, there can be a rough estimate. At this time, the global box office has reached 5000 million, and there are still many countries that still It has not been released, and when these countries that have not shown it start to show it, the rate of increase in the global box office will increase.

With such a momentum, there is basically no suspense for the global box office of "The Martian" to reach 11 billion.

The second has been stabilized. It stands to reason that what should be considered at this time is to hit No.1, but the problem is that according to the current situation of "The Martian", it is basically impossible to surpass "Titanic".

In other words, "The Martian" is destined to be the second child.

However, although there is no hope of winning the global box office championship, there is still hope for winning the box office championship in a certain country or region, such as China.

(End of this chapter)

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