Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 903 The Lion's Big Opening

Chapter 903 The Lion's Big Opening

The situation in China is different from other countries. In addition to the movie’s own reputation, because the China Space Agency has more appearances in the movie and its image is more positive, “The Martian” soon became a movie that was reserved by various domestic units.

Less than two weeks after its release, the box office of "The Martian" broke through [-] million yuan in China, and the momentum behind it has not slowed down much, continuing to hit higher box office.

The box office of "Titanic" released the year before last was [-] million yuan in China. According to the current situation, it should not be a big problem for "The Martian" to surpass the box office of "Titanic" in China.

Compared with "Titanic", "The Martian" has several advantages.

First, "The Martian" was released simultaneously in China and North America. This is a gimmick in itself. It is also the first domestic Hollywood blockbuster to be released simultaneously. Many people usually don't pay attention to sci-fi movies at all, just because of this gimmick Went into the cinema.

Second, the original work of "The Martian" is very famous, and its audience base is better than that of "Titanic".

Third, there are Chinese elements in "The Martian".

Fourth, compared with two years ago, the number of screens in mainland China has increased and improved significantly.

The first three points are all subjective factors, while the fourth point is also an objective factor.The number of screens has a great impact on the box office. Originally, due to the limitation of the number of screens, some movies missed a lot of box office.

Two years ago, there were less than 2000 yuan screens in mainland China, but now the number has grown to more than 500, an increase of nearly 30.00% compared to two years ago.

The increase in the number of screens, on the one hand, is related to economic development, and on the other hand, it is also related to the popularization of domestic cinema culture.

When VCD was popular, movie theaters were going to be lonely, but they still achieved reverse growth in the past two years, which is also related to Deep Space Corporation.

A few years ago, Deep Space Company used Jinling as a pilot city to improve the projection effects of various theaters.

With the upgrading of various theaters, the audience found that although watching movies on VCD is very convenient, watching movies in movie theaters is still different.

Of course, what the Deep Space Company can do is support, and the most important thing is that the policy of the cinema has come down.

With the reform of the theater chain system, theaters have also developed rapidly, and each theater has begun to gain momentum. Otherwise, even if Deep Space took the initiative to upgrade their movie theaters, no one would be willing.

Because of the reform of the theater chain system, the competition in the industry has become stronger. Some people want to enter the theater, and some people are afraid of being eliminated. At this time, everyone is of course the same. Their movie theaters have better screening effects and can attract more audiences.

Because of these reasons, "The Martian" started better than "Titanic".


When Yu Dong returned to Jinling from the United States, it was already [-]. Deep Space Corporation held a New Year's Eve event in New York, and Yu Dong and the others participated together.

As soon as he returned to Jinling, he hadn't packed his luggage yet, and the investigation report on the tribal leader's "showing you the world" rumor was delivered to him.

According to the investigation report, "Take you to see the world" has no direct contact with Huayi Brothers or foreign forces, but this matter has something to do with Huayi Brothers.

Between Huayi Brothers and "Take You to See the World", there is also an advertising planning company called "Wenyi Baichuang".

This "Literature and Art Hundred Creations" company is an advertising company in name, and its main business is advertising planning and network marketing, but it is actually a navy business.

Wenyi Baichuang has been established for more than a year, but the company's business development is quite good. According to the survey, there have been several Internet incidents in the past two years that have the shadow of this company.

They have contacts with many tribal owners. If they receive some orders, they will contact the tribal owners who cooperate with them as soon as possible, and spread the news they want to spread through these tribal owners.

The situation is the same this time, Huayi Brothers first found Wenyi Baichuang Company and handed over the task to them, and Wenyi Baichuang Company found "Take you to see the world" after receiving Huayi Brothers' order.

The task of "Showing You the World" is very simple, all you need to do is to post the copy written by Wenyi Baichuang Company to the website.

This report is very detailed, with a total of 4 pages on A56 paper, and even listed some of the accounts that were confirmed to be navy.

After reading the report, Yu Dong sighed slightly. He knew that there must be a navy, but he didn't expect that the current navy is so formal and has formed a complete industrial chain.

It seems that the emergence of Deep Space Company has not only driven the development of the domestic Internet industry, but also the development of the navy industry.

If the Deep Space Company does not come forward to control it, and if this situation continues, the Internet environment in China will be very poor in the next few years, because people will find out that spreading rumors on the Internet can also make a lot of money.

Many companies will also find that it is better to directly discredit their opponents than to spend money and energy on positive publicity. As long as the opponents fall, it means that they have won.

And discrediting the opponent is too easy, as long as you spend a little money to hire a navy, you can quickly achieve the goal of defeating the opponent.And compared to other industries, the entertainment industry will be the hardest-hit area. After all, the entertainment industry now relies on reputation, and an ordinary rumor may ruin an artist.

This time, Literary and Art Baichuang asked "Take You to See the World" to help them publish articles, and only paid 1 yuan to "Show You the World". It is not clear how much other sailors spent, but It's definitely not too much, and it can add up to tens of thousands of dollars at most. It can be seen how low the cost of attacking opponents is, and it is a typical example of "big things" spent with small money.

It was because the target of their rumors was the Deep Space Company, and it was still on the Deep Space Tribe, so the matter was suppressed so quickly without any substantial impact.

If you switch to another small company or an artist with no background, you can only watch the rumors continue to spread, even if you try to make excuses everywhere, it won't help.

After looking at the information in his hand and thinking for a moment, Yu Dong dialed the remaining number.

The call was connected quickly, and Yu Yu on the other end of the phone said with a smile, "Boss, what are your orders just now?"

"I've already read the investigation report you sent over. Apart from this literary company, are there any other navy companies?"

"Of course, this industry is very profitable now, and the demand is constantly increasing. It can be called a sunrise industry." When the word "sunrise industry" was mentioned, Yu Yu couldn't help laughing, "Ahem, anyway, this industry Now it has been targeted by many people. With such a big market, it is impossible for a single literary and artistic company to complete it. The most important thing is that this kind of company has no technical content. Anyone can set up one and find a few people to train casually. You can get started with the training. However, other companies basically have just started, and their development is relatively average, unlike Wenyi Baichuang, which was established relatively early and has a relatively high reputation in the industry."

Yu Dong said disdainfully, "They have the nerve to spread the word in the industry blatantly about such dirty things."

"That's right, they also have quite a few dongdong groups, some are business groups, dedicated to receiving business, and there are many customers in the group. There are also some technical exchange groups, where they usually exchange their experience in this area. Huayi Brothers came into contact with Literary Creation in the Dongdong group, and then contacted them privately, and the information about this is included in the information given to you."

Yu Dong smiled, "It's impossible for me to read the fifty or sixty pages of information one by one. However, Huayi Brothers and the others are quite courageous. They dare to contact Wenyi Baichuang on Dongdong, so they are not afraid of us. found."

"Haha, they probably don't understand, thinking that there are so many messages on Dongdong every day, we can't find their news, and they use trumpet accounts, and they probably think that we can't find out that it's their trumpets. But they What we don’t know is that we want to find chat records in this area easily, and we don’t know that we can find their trumpet through IP. The key is that it is very troublesome to contact them without going through Dongdong or 163 mailboxes, so even if we know There may be trouble, or don't want trouble."

Yu Dong also smiled. It is easy for Deep Space Company to monitor this information, but it is just that it does not encounter any special events and will not use this information.

"Boss, do you want to clean up this Hundred Creations of Literature and Art?" Yu Yu asked again.

But Yu Dong shook his head and said, "Don't touch them for the time being, but keep an eye on them and collect all the things they have done. The same is true for other navy companies. You have to keep an eye on them. In addition, Huayi Brothers, put them Find out all the recent plans for me, whether it is a big event or a small event, it must be complete."

"Well, we're already discussing this matter. I'll ask someone to send you the information later."

Yu Dong nodded, and he was thoughtful when doing things in the margin, and he could always get things done first.

"Pick up some plans that are more important to them, and create a little obstacle for them. They play dirty tricks, and we can't be too open and aboveboard."

Yu Yu smiled and said, "There is really one thing that has something to do with us. They got a script from a young director, and this script was adapted from Fan Yiping's "Looking for a Gun". Fan Yiping signed a contract with us in Deep Space. He All works are represented by us. Therefore, if Huayi wants to make the script, they must ask us to buy the copyright. This matter is being discussed, and the result has not yet been negotiated. In addition to the film and television adaptation rights, they also proposed that they hope Tranquility could be in this movie."

Yu Dong said with a smile, "The Huayi Brothers are really thick-skinned. On the one hand, they are secretly looking for someone to mess with us, and on the other hand, they come to us and ask for the right to adapt the film and television."

"Then we pushed this matter off?" Yu Yu asked.

Yu Dong smiled and said, "There's no need to push it all, Tranquility doesn't let her go, but the script is still on sale, but the price must be higher."

"How much money is appropriate?"

Yu Dong thought for a while and said a number, "One hundred thousand."

The margin can't help but be speechless, the number of [-] is really exaggerated.

"Looking for a Gun" is a short story with more than 2 words, and the adaptation fee is only more than 1 yuan under normal circumstances.Deep Space’s asking price is higher than others, but at most it’s [-] to [-]% more, and it’s not bad if it can sell for [-].

"Boss, you don't want to sell them?" Yu Yu asked.

"I think, why don't you think about it? I want to sell this novel for a good price. I think the price of [-] is very good. You think they won't give us the price of [-], right?"

"Hey, I think so. It is impossible for Huayi to spend so much money for a young director, and Fan Yiping is also a young writer."

After saying a few words about the young writer, he paused for a while. He remembered that Fan Yiping seemed to be 35 or [-] years old this year, older than their boss.

It's just that Fan Yiping started relatively late, and it's only been a few years since he really stepped into the literary world, so the margin is that he feels young.

After a short pause, Yu Yu continued, "I reckon that they won't spend too much budget on the script, otherwise they wouldn't have the money to hire stars. Since they asked for Tranquility, they should be thinking about the cast. effort."

"Since you can invite Tranquility if you have money, naturally you won't be able to afford one hundred thousand."

"That's true, then I'll tell Huayi Brothers that it will cost one hundred thousand, even if it's less than a dime."

"Well, that's it."


That afternoon, Wang Zhongjun was watching the news of "The Martian" when his assistant knocked on the door and entered the office.

"Mr. Wang, someone from Deep Space Company called just now and clarified the price of the rights fee for the film and television adaptation of "Looking for a Gun."

Wang Zhongjun raised his head and smiled, "How much do you want? Twenty thousand or thirty thousand?"

"The other party said that if you want [-] yuan, you won't talk about a cent less."

Wang Zhongjun was taken aback for a moment, a little in disbelief, "Are you sure, what they want is [-], not [-]?"

His assistant's pronunciation is not standard, and it is indeed possible to say four into ten.

The assistant put his two index fingers together and made a ten, "One hundred thousand, I also double-checked it on the phone."

After confirming that it was [-] instead of [-], Wang Zhongjun crouched down his fist. He didn't expect that the deep sky would open his mouth so loudly.

Suddenly, a layer of cold sweat broke out on Wang Zhongjun's back. Could it be that the Deep Space Company already knew that they did the "show you the world" thing, and deliberately set a high price for revenge?
But after thinking about it, Wang Zhongjun felt that it was impossible. They did not directly contact "Take You to See the World", and the accounts they contacted with Wenyi Baichuang were all small accounts.

Besides, if Deep Space Company really knew that Huayi had instructed them to do this, how could it be as simple as asking for a high price? I'm afraid they would have sanctioned them long ago.

It is also easy for Deep Space Company to sanction them, as long as they discuss with China Film Group, they will be guaranteed that they will not be able to make movies in the future.

Not only did Deep Space fail to do so, it even offered to sell them the film and television adaptation rights of "Looking for a Gun".

(End of this chapter)

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