Chapter 909 Leverage
After reading the contents of the note, Ren Hongfei said to the leader, "Well, I'm going to report the situation to the leader now, and you and our staff go to the lounge for a while. The weather is so cold and you wear so little, It’s not easy to come all the way, so don’t cause non-combat attrition. Moreover, this is the gate, and if you stay here, it will affect the passage of others. You wear Manchester United jerseys, which naturally represent Manchester United..."

The leader pondered for a while and said, "We'll wait for you in the car."

Hearing that they were going to get in the car, Ren Hongfei smiled and said, "Hey, okay."

After watching more than 100 Manchester United fans get on the bus again, Ren Hongfei hurriedly took the note to Yuyu's office.

Yu Yu just went to work and was looking at today's itinerary. After hearing the knock on the door, he looked up at the door. Seeing that it was Ren Hongfei, he said with a smile, "Hongfei, what do you want me to do?"

Ren Hongfei walked quickly to Yu Yu, and handed the piece of paper to Yu Yu, "Mr. Yu, just now at the door..."

Listening to Ren Hongfei explaining what happened outside, Yu Yu took the note, and then raised his eyebrows, but his expression was different from Ren Hongfei's, and he was less surprised.

However, the content on this note is indeed a bit funny, but after hearing what happened, I can be sure that the other party and these people are not here to do a spoof.

A total of seven demands were listed on the note.

Article [-]: Do your best to keep Sir Alex Ferguson.

Number two: Make Old Trafford a little bigger.

Article [-]: Bring Ferdinand and Ruud van Nistelrooy, two excellent players, to Manchester United.

Rule number four: Make at least one movie about Manchester United.

Article [-]: Build a mini stadium for Manchester United for youth games.

Day [-]: In the next six years, you are not allowed to draw dividends from the club, and it is best to increase your investment.

Rule number seven: Get David Beckham and Victoria Spice apart ASAP.

The first six are very normal fan demands, and it is the seventh that makes the margin amused.

It is said that Europeans and Americans advocate freedom, but in fact this is not the case. They also practice "arranged marriages".

It has not been a day or two since Manchester United fans let Beckham break up with Victoria. Since the two were together, various voices of opposition have not stopped.

Many fans believe that the appearance of Victoria made Beckham's thoughts go outside the football field. After the two got together, he began to appear frequently in various social occasions, and his professional attitude was not as good as before.

I know why these fans sent such a note, because now Deep Space is planning to acquire Manchester United.

But this is the operation of Deep Space America, and it has nothing to do with Deep Space China.

This matter has not been disclosed to the public, and the outside world is only speculating, but it is absolutely unknown what the specific goals of Deep Space Corporation are, and what is the specific progress of the share acquisition.

It is even more impossible for these fans to know the specific situation. They probably just ran over recklessly after hearing some gossip.

According to Ren Hongfei's description, most of these people were wearing short-sleeved clothes, and the buses they took were those found locally, so they must have been ill-prepared.

Yu Liang got up and walked to the window. From his office, he could just see the north entrance.

The bus was still parked not far from the gate, and the banners on it were not tied very tightly, and they floated up when the wind blew.

Ren Hongfei walked to Yu Liang and said, "They said that if our company doesn't agree to their request, we won't leave."

The margin laughed, these fans are quite cute.

"The above conditions, except for Beckham breaking up with Victoria, the other conditions are good, but this matter is not under our control, this matter has always been operated by Mr. Ji."

"Then let's ask Mr. Ji for instructions, or talk to the boss about this?" Ren Hongfei asked.

"I can't go to Mr. Ji for this matter. After all, the acquisition of Manchester United has not yet been finalized. Even Mr. Ji and the boss have no position to agree to these conditions. Moreover, Mr. Ji doesn't know where he is these two days, so it is more difficult to find him. Trouble." Yu Yu held his chin and thought for a while, then said, "The boss will probably come over later, let him report the situation. And you, go down and persuade them, and see if you can take them to the lounge or If you sit in other places, the bus is always parked at the door and it doesn’t look good, the key is such an ugly bus.”

"Okay, I see, I'll go down and tell them now."


After Ren Hongfei left, Yu Yu stared downstairs for a while, and then sighed slightly. This simple bus and more than 100 people are too conspicuous, and it is easy to attract the attention of others. Many people who looked like media reporters were taking pictures around the bus.

It is estimated that after today, the news that Deep Space Corporation intends to acquire Manchester United will spread more widely. People don't care whether this matter is true or not, as long as there is traffic, it will be reported.

The most important thing is that this matter is still true, and Deep Space has no way to refute it.


About half an hour later, Yu Dong came to the park, and Yu Yu briefly reported to him about the Manchester United fans.

After listening to Yu Yu's report, Yu Dong said with a smile, "It's okay, just let them play in the park. As long as they don't do things that violate the order of the park, we don't have to worry about it. Jimmy's talk is almost the same. At dawn over there, that is, in the afternoon here, we will officially announce the acquisition plan for Manchester United, and there is no need to hide this kind of thing."

Surprisingly, Yu Yu said, "Is there any clue?"

Yu Dong nodded, "Well, yes, it is basically certain to take all the shares of Manchester United."

"Boss Ji's efficiency is too high."

"Well, it is indeed high."

I have to say that Jimmy is really efficient this time. It has been less than two months since he started talking about this matter.

In such a short period of time, Jimmy sorted out all the shares and solved the source of funds.

The total cost of this acquisition is 30.00 million pounds. Deep Space needs to pay about [-] million pounds from its own pocket, and then they will pledge [-]% of Manchester United's shares to borrow [-] million pounds from three American hedge funds. [-] million pounds, leaving a shortfall of [-] million pounds.

In the end, Deep Space will borrow [-] million pounds from the bank with the club's stadium and training base as collateral.

In this way, Deep Space can take Manchester United with a little leverage of three times.

Jimmy has already negotiated these things, and the next step is to follow the process step by step. When all the procedures are completed, Manchester United will belong to Deep Space America.

(End of this chapter)

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