Chapter 910 Breaking News
In fact, they have no choice but to use capital means to "cheat and plunder". If Deep Space Corporation has enough cash on hand, they don't even need to think about borrowing money from banks and funds. They can directly take out [-] million pounds to sweep all the shares of Manchester United. .

But now Deep Space Corporation has too many things to do, and the cash on hand can no longer be used, so it can only use some tricks.

There are multiple factors in why Deep Space Company wants to win the Manchester United Club.

First and foremost, of course, is to make money. Manchester United is very commercial. It can be said that their commerciality is stronger than any team in the world. It has a strong ability to absorb money. In a certain sense, Deep Space won Manchester United. , It is equivalent to buying a wealth management product with unlimited potential.

In addition, the Deep Space Group wants to enter the sports world, and Manchester United is obviously a good entry point.

The acquisition of Manchester United is of great significance to Deep Space. It not only gives Deep Space an entry into the sports world, but also changes the strategic direction of Deep Space.

Before it planned to acquire Manchester United, Deep Space Corporation did not borrow a dime from any fund or bank. Whether it was building a building or acquiring a company, it was all directly spent in cash.

To sum up, in the past few years, the development of Deep Space Corporation can be summed up in three words, that is, no borrowing, no financing, and no listing.

The first two are resolutely implemented, and the last one is partially implemented. Some of the companies controlled by Shenkong are also listed. The most typical one is Amazon. After all, if a company like Amazon does not go public, Shenzhen Airline companies should lose money for many years.

There must be companies that do not borrow or raise funds, but the current new companies are basically not the same as the deep space company. Investors are willing to give money to these new companies, and these companies really need the money.

However, since the acquisition of Manchester United, even if Deep Space Company has broken its own tradition, one will have two, and they will have more and more financing behaviors in the future.

Next year, Deep Space Corporation will have more places to spend money, and this kind of means will be used more frequently, especially in the stock market.


"Hurry up, the movie will start soon."

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, in the Deep Space Park, a young boy pulled a girl and ran towards the giant screen auditorium. A few days ago, they were lucky enough to book the "The Martian" giant screen at 03:30 this afternoon. Theater tickets.

There are a total of three ways to book movie tickets for the giant screen theater.

The first is the traditional way, which requires the booker to go to the counter in the park to make a reservation, and there is a long queue at the counter almost every day.

The second is to make a phone call. The giant screen theater has a special reservation phone, but because there are too many people calling, the line is often busy.

The third is online booking, but the number of tickets available for online booking is limited. Usually, only one-third of the seats will be opened online for a session. The reason for this is to allow those who do not know how to use the Internet to have the opportunity Get tickets.

In order to prevent the existence of scalpers, regardless of the booking method, the booker needs to provide his own Star Card account number. Each person can only book two seats, and the booker must come to see it by himself.

When the giant screen theater was first built, there were not so many rules, but scalpers soon appeared, and ordinary tourists basically could not book tickets. After all, ordinary tourists could not squat in the park all day long like scalpers. , Ordinary tourists who want to go to the giant screen theater to watch movies can only buy high-priced tickets from scalpers.

Under normal circumstances, buying a ticket for a giant screen theater from a scalper costs at least 60 yuan. The seats are relatively good, and there are several consecutive seats. It is possible for a ticket to sell for more than 100 yuan.

A ticket originally only cost [-] points, but if the [-] points were exchanged with others, it would normally only cost more than one yuan.

A movie ticket that costs more than one yuan can be sold for at least 50 yuan in turn. Of course, some people are willing to do this lucrative business. At its peak, when the Deep Space Park opened in the morning, there were hundreds of scalpers rushing in.

In order to grab tickets, these scalpers even have conflicts with each other. After all, there are only so many tickets, and some scalpers bought them, but others could not.

There are also some scalpers who, after grabbing tickets, sell them to other scalpers on the spot, and then other scalpers sell them to ordinary tourists at a higher price.

After this situation occurred, Deep Space Company had no choice but to take measures and start restricting purchases, which basically prevented scalpers from appearing.

Huang Xiaohui and his girlfriend were snatched online, and it took many rounds to snatch them.

The girlfriend looked at the watch out of breath, "There are still ten minutes, why are you in such a hurry, my arm hurts from you."

Huang Xiaohui scratched his head embarrassingly, "I heard that an 8-minute video is usually played before the opening of a movie, and sometimes it's a preview of a new movie."

"It could be an advertisement, too."

The giant screen theater will indeed play the warm-up video 8 minutes in advance, and sometimes it will show clips or previews of other movies, or play advertisements, but most of the advertisements in the theater are Shenkong Group’s own advertisements.

For example, some time ago, when "Plants vs. Zombies" was released, the giant screen theater let go of game-related advertisements for a period of time.

In such an era when the Internet is not very developed, everyone is actually quite happy to see advertisements in theaters, and they don't think it is a waste of their time.

And the advertisement of "Plants vs. Zombies" is an actual combat clip, which is quite interesting.

Seeing that his girlfriend had an opinion, Huang Xiaohui also slowed down, but he kept staring at his watch.

After they went up to the second floor, Huang Xiaohui looked up and saw the screen hanging in mid-air, and then froze.

A video similar to a press conference is being played on the big screen, and the official spokesperson of Deep Space America, Campote, is speaking to the camera.

Campote spoke English, but there were Chinese subtitles on the screen.

"We have completed the acquisition of 36% of the shares. In the next week, our shares in Manchester United will reach 70.00%. It is expected to complete the acquisition of all shares in six months."

A reporter in the audience asked: "Is there any relationship between this acquisition of Manchester United and YU? We all know that Manchester United fans have always regarded YU as the team's lucky star. Is it YU who facilitated this transaction?"

Campote: "For this acquisition, YU did participate in the decision-making."

His answer was ambiguous, giving people infinite reverie.But reporters don't care, they also need this kind of daydream headlines, as long as they write good news, readers will interpret it confidently.

Another reporter asked, "After the acquisition of Manchester United, will Deep Space Corporation acquire other teams? Besides Manchester United, there are many excellent football clubs, or you may also focus on other Yudong projects. ?”

"I don't have this idea for the time being. At this stage, our eyes are all focused on the English football league." Campote replied.

"After Deep Space acquires Manchester United, what will it bring to Manchester United? I think Manchester United fans must be very concerned about this."

"We will try not to get involved in the management of the club as much as possible. We will only show up when the team needs our help. Manchester United is a great team, and in the days to come, we will definitely walk out a path full of glory. Road, that’s why we bought Manchester United at any cost. There are many Manchester United fans in our company, and I think they will be very happy when they know that Manchester United is a part of us.”


"what happened?"

Seeing Huang Xiaohui standing still, the girlfriend asked with a strange look on her face. She hadn't paid attention to what was playing on the screen.

Huang Xiaohui turned to look at his girlfriend blankly, and said word by word, "Deep Space is going to buy Manchester United."

Although my girlfriend doesn't pay much attention to football, Huang Xiaohui is a Manchester United fan, so she also knows such a football club.

However, she doesn't have much feeling about the acquisition of a football club by Deep Space. After all, in her opinion, no matter how powerful a football club is, it is still a football club, but Deep Space Corporation is a large multinational company.

Is it any surprise that such a large multinational company has acquired a football team?Had she known that it might cost more to buy Manchester United than a large company, her reaction would have been the same.

Huang Xiaohui clenched his fists excitedly, and then said to himself, "Deep Space has acquired Manchester United, so won't the players who will meet Manchester United next year come to Jinling?"

"What did you say?"

Huang Xiaohui smiled, "Haha, I'm talking about coming next year."

The girlfriend rolled her eyes, "Don't we come here every year, what can we say?"


The video of the press conference started after three o'clock and was played in a loop on several large screens in the deep space, and tourists who walked by could see it as soon as they looked up.

Not many people noticed it at first, but gradually, most people knew that Deep Space Corporation was going to acquire Manchester United.

"Deep Space Corporation wants to buy Manchester United?"

"So arrogant?"

"Yeah, awesome."

"What is Manchester United?"

"The greatest football team in the world, you don't even know Manchester United, what are you talking about?"

"I said that this Manchester United is awesome, and it can be acquired by Deep Space Corporation."


When Manchester United fans heard the news, their first reaction was that Deep Space Company was so awesome that they could even acquire Manchester United, but those who didn’t know Manchester United would think, what is this Manchester United? acquired.

Deep Space Corporation has acquired many companies, but some small companies will not have any reports at all, and only the acquisition of large companies will have news. Since they can play videos in the park, they must be very famous.


After the news that Deep Space Corporation will acquire Manchester United, many people on the Internet are discussing whether they will invite Manchester United stars to participate in the Deep Space Annual Meeting after Deep Space Corporation completes the acquisition of Manchester United next year.

As we all know, every year as long as individuals or units that cooperate with Deep Space Corporation will be invited by Deep Space Corporation, some more famous people will walk on the red carpet.

If Deep Space Corporation acquires Manchester United, then the stars of Manchester United will be equivalent to employees of Deep Space Corporation. It is not too much for them to walk the red carpet, right?
Some netizens said that the red carpet at the annual meeting of Deep Space Corporation is the most interesting red carpet in the world, because here you can see all kinds of dresses, and sometimes you can even see people wearing big padded jackets with slits People in cheongsams walk together, and you can see people in evening gowns walking with people in long gowns.

Everyone is very casual. Those who wear outer dresses will not say that they are soiled in big padded jackets, and those who wear big padded jackets will not say that they are hypocritical in evening gowns. They respect each other's choices.

If the stars of Manchester United can come and walk the red carpet next year, it is also something to look forward to.

But everyone never thought that if you want to see the stars, you don't have to wait until next year. At this year's annual meeting, Manchester United coach Ferguson appeared on the red carpet with his beloved disciple Beckham.

The two of them appeared together, as well as the great directors Spielberg and Leonardo Dicap.

When the four of them showed up on the red carpet, the crowd went crazy.

Although Ferguson and Spielberg are famous old men, Beckham and Leonardo are too dazzling, and all the cameras are shooting their faces. After all, it is not easy for these two people to be in the same frame things.

Because there were a lot of guests, they didn't take a few steps after they came up. Later, Jay Chou and Shakira walked onto the red carpet hand in hand.

After these two people walked on the red carpet, the reporters didn't know how to take pictures. These two people have gone crazy in the European and American music circles this year, and the major music charts are full of their songs.

There are a lot of scandals about the two of them. After all, they are about the same age, and they are both popular in the music industry. In addition, Jay Chou wrote two songs for Shakira, so it is normal to have scandals.

Moreover, the two usually interact a lot. When Shakira sang, Jay Chou went to play the piano to accompany him. When Jay Chou sang, Shakira went to be a guest and dance with him.

The most exaggerated thing is that Shakira sang in Canberra, Sydney, and Melbourne, and Jay Chou followed up three times in a row. With such frequent appearances, it is hard not to make people think about the relationship between the two of them.

In fact, the two of them have very different personalities. Shakira has a warm, cheerful and straightforward personality, while Jay Chou has a sullen and cool personality. Sibling love, there are still a lot of gimmicks.

Behind Jay Chou and Shakira is the group of Gu Tianlei and Aniston. The "Source Code" they acted together has been filmed, and the post-production work has basically been completed, and it is waiting for the release.

When there are more and more guests, the red carpet becomes more and more crowded, but in the face of this crowded situation, those who have participated before are used to it, and even those who have not attended before have heard of it , so be mentally prepared.

Fortunately, the red carpet is long enough, so there is no need to stand up.

(End of this chapter)

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