The weather at this year's annual meeting is not as good as in previous years. It has been overcast since the morning, and when the red carpet started to walk in the afternoon, the wind started to pick up again.

It is precisely because the wind has become stronger that everyone walks the red carpet at a faster speed. Although there are more guests this year than last year, the time spent on the red carpet has not increased, and it is even shorter than last year.

At the end of the red carpet process, small snowflakes began to float in the sky, and it was at this time that Yu Dong and Jimmy finally appeared on the stage.

Different from previous years, this year Yu Dong walked the red carpet with Jimmy. After all the guests walked the red carpet, the two of them walked on the red carpet side by side.

When walking with other people, I don't feel how long the red carpet is, but when there are only the two of them left on the red carpet, it becomes very empty.The point was that it was windy and snowing, and there was no one to cover her, so Yu Dong didn't want to stay on the red carpet for too long.

What he wants most now is to quickly run into the building, but in order to take care of the media reporters who came to the scene and the audience watching the live broadcast in front of the TV, Yu Dong still walked on the red carpet patiently step by step.

While smiling at the cameras around him, Yu Dong said to Jimmy next to him, "I'll walk among other people next year, so that the final red carpet will be a bit deserted."

Jimmy waved to the surrounding crowd, "That's not okay, you have to be the last to leave, so as to keep the scene alive, no matter how many stars there are in Deep Space, you have to be the brightest and most dazzling star."

Yu Dong said with a smile, "Walking on the red carpet will make the stars shine brighter?"

"Walking on the red carpet may not make the stars brighter, but it can let everyone know that the brightest star in the deep space can only be you."

"Be careful with your words, don't say such nasty words, maybe tomorrow there will be a lip-reading master interpreting what we said, and something will come out between the two of us."

"Then I don't care, but if you want to interpret it, you can only interpret it. Didn't you notice that my lips didn't move?"

Yu Dong turned his head to look at Jimmy's mouth. The latter's lips did not move, but he still made a sound, "Look, right?"

Yu Dong was taken aback, "When did you learn this skill?"

Jimmy smiled, "You're a gangster, you don't have any tricks."

Yu Dong gave him a thumbs up, "Awesome."

The reporters around who were filming them were very strange. What is Yu Dong doing?Who was he talking to all the time, and Jimmy's lips didn't move.

After walking for several minutes, the two finally reached the top of the steps. After turning around and waving their hands, they quickened their pace and walked into the building.

Seeing them leave, the reporters outside also began to pack their equipment.

It wasn't just Yu Dong who couldn't stand it, these media reporters couldn't stand it either. They squatted in the cold wind for several hours, and some of their faces were numb.


"Is the red carpet over?"

In an apartment in London, Benedict Cumberbatch asked his friend Charlie Wood after he came out of the toilet.

Charlie Wood nodded, "Well, the red carpet is over, you perfectly missed the red carpet show between YU and Jimmy."

Benedict shrugged, pointed to his stomach and said, "I also want to see Yu and Jimmy, but my stomach seems to have a different opinion."

Charlie Wood said with a smile, "Your stomach not only doesn't want you to see Yu and Jimmy, but also doesn't want you to go to Jinling. If you weren't sick, we might also appear on the red carpet."

"No such possibility." Benedict shook his head and said, "It is impossible for a newcomer like me who has just signed a contract to be arranged to walk on the red carpet, and a friend of a newcomer like you , let alone walk on the red carpet."

Charlie Wood couldn't help complaining, "Even if we don't walk the red carpet, we can at least watch the red carpet live instead of sighing in front of a broken TV in this small apartment room. If it wasn't for taking care of you, I really I want to go alone."

Last year, Benedict graduated from the London Academy of Music and Drama. He thought that after graduation, the sea would be wide and the sky would be high, but the reality poured cold water on him.

For half a year, he didn't accept any role. In order to keep his life from starvation, he could only go to a restaurant to work.

Just at the beginning of this year, when Benedict was about to doubt his acting dream, Deep Space Company contacted him and signed an agent contract with him.

When he received the call from Deep Space Company, Benedict's first reaction was to think that the other party was a liar, because he couldn't think of any reason why the people from Deep Space Company would take the initiative to sign him, a rookie who couldn't even get a movie. .

His appearance is not ugly, but he is definitely not particularly outstanding.He thinks his acting skills are good, but he has no chance to prove it.

Faced with this kind of pie in the sky, Benedict kept his head clear and used many methods to finally confirm the identity of the other party.

A few days after signing with Deep Space, he received a role, and this role belonged to Deep Space itself. He needed to play a madman who wanted to blow up a train in "Source Code".

This role doesn't have many roles, but for a pure newcomer like Benedict, this is definitely a very high start, skipping the extras and becoming a supporting role with some roles.

Although there are not many roles, he was in the crew during the filming of "Source Code". Living outside saves money.

At the beginning of December, Benedict's agent suddenly told him that the company invited him to Jinling to attend the Deep Space Annual Conference.

When he heard the news, Benedict was very surprised. He asked his agent if a newcomer like himself was also eligible to participate in the annual meeting, but the agent told him that as long as the artists signed by Deep Space Company were eligible to participate in the annual meeting. Yes, even if some people cannot enter the hall to participate in the meeting, they can still be invited to visit the deep space park.

The travel expenses to Jinling, as well as all board and lodging expenses during the period are provided by Deep Space Corporation, and each person can bring a family member.

Originally, Benedict didn't want to bring his family. After all, he didn't have a girlfriend, but after Charlie Wood heard about this, he insisted on following him. Benedict was so pestered that he had no choice but to agree with Charlie. Wood followed.

The air tickets for both of them have been bought, but Benedict suddenly caught a bad cold more than a week ago, and he has not fully recovered after being raised for more than a week. Now the aftereffect is diarrhea every day.

Benedict glanced at a blanket lying on the sofa, and said with a smile, "I'll take you with me at the end of the year when I act in a big play this year."

Charlie Wood asked with a smile, "What are you going to do this year? Last year you made a movie, and it was a supporting role, and there has been no movement since then, right? Your agent told you, what are you going to do in the near future?" shoot?"

"Sandy just told me that I'm going to be in at least one movie this year."

"Will it be the protagonist this time?"

"No, he told me clearly that it won't be the protagonist, but this time there must be more scenes than in "Source Code". I don't have high requirements for these, as long as the salary can make me live, and then I can be with the crew Just study, last time I learned a lot from the director Mr. Christopher in the "Source Code" crew."

"I know, you are talking about Nolan Christopher. You said that he will definitely become a well-known director in the future. I have heard you say it many times, but I have to admit that his "Memory Fragments" is very good. .”

Benedict smiled, then wrapped the blanket around him tighter, staring at the TV screen.

As a party, he has more regrets than Charlie Wood.

For Charlie Wood, this trip to Jinling is just a trip, but for him, it is indeed a very important thing for his career development, where he can meet many good actors, good directors and many Excellent producer.

When he was the most ill before, he even thought about dragging his sick body to China, even if he died, he would die in China.

Until now, he still has not figured out why the Deep Space Company would take the initiative to contact him.

He asked his agent, Sandy, about this matter, but Sandy couldn't answer him. Sandy only knew that it was a notice issued by the company. As for why the company issued this notice, Sandy was completely unclear.

After thinking about it, Benedict felt that the last time he had contact with Deep Space Company was when he and Charlie Wood chatted with YU when he came to the UK to hold a signing event.

However, they just chatted briefly and didn't talk too deeply. It is impossible for YU to suddenly send someone to look for him after several years because of those few words.

While Benedict was in a daze, Charlie Wood next to him pointed to the TV and said, "The meeting has begun."

Benedict nodded and turned his attention to the TV.

The opening program of the annual meeting is very regular, most of them are songs, and there is also a dance. The performers are all artists under the Deep Space Company, both at home and abroad. Kelly, Shakira, Yunesbo, and Sun Yanzi all performed on stage.

After the opening show, as usual, Jimmy took the stage to report some development data of Deep Space Corporation in 2000.

The data that Jimmy reported to the public is actually nothing special. Basically, it can be found online, and some data that cannot be found, Jimmy will not say.Not to mention there are businesses like Cat Doctor and Box that have no official public relationship. Although everyone knows that these two companies are related to Deep Space Corporation, Jimmy will not publicly say this.

Moreover, Jimmy reported good-looking data, and some not-so-good-looking data were not reported.

The Deep Space Group is very profitable, but not all of their businesses are profitable. For example, their Deep Space Literature Network, although it has developed better and better in the past few years, it has always been in a state of loss.

In this case, of course, it is impossible for Jimmy to report the profitability of Deep Space Literature Network, but to report information such as the number of members, daily active users, and the number of paying users of Deep Space Literature Network in the past year.

There is also the space platform. Although "Plants vs. Zombies" has attracted many members and increased a lot of income, it has not yet achieved profitability, and Jimmy will naturally only report various growth data of the platform.

After Jimmy has finished reviewing the past, several guest representatives will come to the stage to say a few words, say good things to Deep Space Corporation, and then express their best wishes to Deep Space Corporation.

After they finished speaking, it was finally Yu Dong's turn to take the stage.

Seeing Yu Dong come on stage, everyone cheered up.

Everyone has seen the past of deep space, and everyone is looking forward to the future of deep space. Everyone wants to know whether deep space company has any big plans in the next year.

The people present are all inextricably linked with Shen Kong Company, and the actions of Shen Space Company will also have a huge impact on them. It can be said that what Yu Dong said today will become a kind of weathervane, guiding many people to follow suit. direction for the next year.

Yu Dong also knew what everyone wanted to hear from him, so he didn't talk too much nonsense, and said directly after he stepped onto the stage, "Let me talk about myself first, and I will release at least three books next year, except " In addition to the novel of the same name of "Pounding Heart" and "Source Code", there is also a science fiction novel called "District 2001". If there is no accident, the two movies "Pounding Heart" and "Source Code" will also See you all in [-]."

After he finished speaking, there was a small amount of discussion below. Everyone has heard about the two books of the same name, "Pounding Heart" and "Source Code", so they are not particularly surprised, but This is the first time I heard of the new book "District Ninth".

However, some people who usually pay more attention to Yu Dong’s news have already remembered that when Yu Dong attended the ABC interview before, he mentioned that he was preparing to write a science fiction novel, and this novel had something to do with expressionism.

At that time, it was quite media coverage.

If other science fiction writers brazenly say that their novels are related to expressionism, many people will definitely express their disdain, but if these words come from Yu Dong's mouth, then the meaning is different.

Yu Dong is not only a writer of science fiction, he is also a traditional writer, and a scholar-type writer. His research on literary theory is much deeper than that of ordinary writers.

Since he said that his new novel had something to do with expressionism, he was not wrong, and no one dared to question it.

After finishing the story of the novel, Yu Dong took this opportunity to mention the Olympic Games, "Many friends should know that I am the ambassador of Yanjing's Olympic bid, so in the new year, I will also try my best to promote Yanjing , to help Yanjing succeed in its Olympic bid."

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