Taking advantage of the opportunity of the annual meeting, Yu Dong publicized Yanjing's bid for the Olympics, but after all, today is the annual meeting of the Deep Space Corporation, not a publicity conference for the Olympics bid, so he just mentioned one sentence and talked about the group's next year. plan of.

"Everyone knows that our company acquired PayPal last year and completed the integration of the e-commerce platform and the payment system. Then in the next year, we will transplant this system to China. Considering the domestic situation , Deep Space Corporation will set up another system in China, and I believe it will not be long before this system will come to your side and bring convenience to your life."

Deep Space Corporation is preparing to engage in e-commerce in China. As soon as the news came out, many people in front of the TV became nervous.

These people are all engaged in e-commerce, and they have been paying attention to the news of Deep Space Corporation, just to see if Deep Space Corporation will bring Amazon to China.

Now that they hear that Shenkong is going to enter domestic e-commerce, these people will of course be nervous. After all, Shenkong’s strength is too strong, and ordinary domestic companies can’t handle it at all. In order to survive, they must prepare in advance.

But what they don't know is that Deep Space is not in a hurry to enter the domestic e-commerce market.

Yu Dong and Jimmy had made a strategy before, at least until the end of next year to start this matter.

At the beginning of this month, Yu Dong, Jimmy, and Shi Zhengrong chatted for a long time in the office, just talking about this matter.

Shi Zhengrong hopes to enter the domestic e-commerce, but Acer has no experience in this area, so he found a very experienced company called Deep Space, hoping to cooperate with Deep Space.

Acer has strong strength here, and has just taken a large sum of cash from Deep Space Corporation. If they can join, it will naturally relieve the pressure on Deep Space Corporation.

However, they have only just begun to talk, and it may take the next year to really build a domestic e-commerce website.

And the reason why Yu Dong released the news so early was because he wanted to muddy the water and see the reactions of all parties.

Hearing the announcement from Deep Space, each company will definitely react to deal with the next actions of Deep Space Corporation, and Deep Space Corporation can take a good look at their reaction at this time.

In a fight between the two parties, there is no way to go up and see the tricks. They must try their tricks first. Yu Dong did this to try their tricks. Naturally, it can be easily dealt with.


Before everyone got out of the last message, Yu Dong said the next one.

"Everyone knows that our company has acquired BenQ Dentsu, and BenQ Dentsu has completed a new company with Primoelectronics. Many people are looking forward to the appearance of BenQ mobile phones. Now I want to tell you that the BenQ mobile phones you are looking forward to , I'm going to meet you."

Originally, some people were still discussing the last news, but after hearing this news, they also stopped discussing.

The situation on the Internet is similar. Everyone never expected that there would be news of BenQ mobile phones.

Yu Dong didn't sell anything, and directly announced the news of BenQ's mobile phone, "On March 24th, BenQ Mobile Communication Technology Co., Ltd. will hold a new product launch conference. There will be only one product in this conference. That was BenQ's first mobile phone."

Hearing this news, whether online or offline, everyone became lively.

[Huaisheng Tofu: I just said why I haven’t heard the news about BenQ’s mobile phone. It turned out that it was going to be announced at the annual meeting. 】

[Clay Book: March 24th, it doesn't seem like a long time. 】

[Airplane at 10:30: As BenQ's first mobile phone, I don't know what it will be like. 】

[Mark Wen: I am more concerned about the price, I hope I can afford it. 】

[Add water to the electric blanket: I am more concerned about how we can buy mobile phones. I haven't seen a BenQ mobile phone store until now? 】

[Tenth Black Under Heaven: Indeed, I haven't seen a BenQ mobile phone store until now, where can we buy mobile phones without a storefront? 】

[The mouse is hungry: Is it possible that there is no storefront for BenQ mobile phones, and if you want to buy their mobile phones, you have to buy them online?Haven't you heard that Deep Space Corporation is going to engage in e-commerce in China? 】

[Sakura Flying: It's just preparations, it hasn't been launched yet, and they won't be able to launch e-commerce on March 24th. 】

[Trash bin: There shouldn’t be a BenQ mobile phone store that sells mobile phones, right? It should be the kind of BenQ product store. There is a BenQ store next to our house, where you can buy things like computer screens, mice, and keyboards. . 】

[The sun comes out to play mahjong: But there are too few such stores. I am in Luzhou, and I have never heard of a BenQ store. 】

[Flood bathing: I'm in Yudu, and I haven't heard of a BenQ store. 】

[White Yunduo: The location is Shanghai. There is a store near my home that is being renovated recently. It is a BenQ product store. 】

[Qinqi Calligraphy and Painting: Coordinated in Rongcheng, there used to be a BenQ product store near my home, but now it seems that a bigger store is being renovated. 】

[Eight glasses of water a day: There is also a BenQ product store near our house. It has been renovated. The store is very large and stylish, but I went shopping and there is nothing in it, and there are not many customers shopping. 】

[Glass bottled water: Xuzhou is also here. A very large BenQ product store has just been renovated. It seems that it is preparing for the sale of mobile phones.The waiters in this store are very enthusiastic. I went there last time and didn’t buy anything, but I tried all the products in it. If I didn’t have a lot of money, I would definitely buy it. 】

[Pink butt: I really envy you guys, I've never heard of a BenQ store here. 】

[Muppet World: Are you worrying too much? Even if there is no specialty store, those mobile phone stores on the street will definitely buy it. 】

[Nietzsche doesn’t eat dinner: Haha, there is still a store to feel more at ease, otherwise the warranty of the mobile phone can’t be guaranteed. 】


Although Yu Dong didn't know what the audience was discussing, he also mentioned the specialty store.

"BenQ Dentsu is actively increasing the number of stores, trying to ensure that there is at least one franchised store in every prefecture-level city, so that customers who buy BenQ products can feel at ease."

In fact, it is not ordinary viewers who pay the most attention to this news, but those who are engaged in the business of electronic products. Some people even took action after seeing this passage on TV, and began to call BenQ Dentsu to contact them for purchase. thing.


After talking about BenQ, Yu Dong said a few words of congratulations, and then ended his speech.

Then Jimmy stepped onto the stage again, summed up the content of the annual meeting, and the meeting was over. Later, some of them would be interviewed by the media. After the interview, they would start the dinner.

Yu Dong walked to the interview area with Spielberg.

After stopping them, a reporter asked, "YU, "The Martian" is still in theaters now, what is your expectation for the box office of this movie? The movie's box office in China has surpassed that of "Titanic" , how do you feel about that?"

Yu Dong said with a smile, "Of course I am very happy to see "The Martian" being liked by so many audiences, and I am even more happy that its box office in China has surpassed "Titanic", but I am not only happy because we The box office of Chinese movies exceeds that of others, and it is because China now has the ability to earn more box office. With the development of China's economy, the update of theater equipment, and the increase of people's pursuit of film and television culture, China's box office must also become more and more If it is big, the box office record will be higher and higher. I still say that China is a box office that film investors cannot ignore, and the results of "The Martian" are a testament to my words."

"Mr. Spielberg, may I ask if you have decided on the movie you are going to shoot next?"

"It hasn't been decided yet, but it will be finalized soon. I will announce the news on my personal blog next month. Remember to pay attention to my personal blog." Spielberg said with a smile.

"YU, can I ask the approximate price of BenQ's first mobile phone?"

"It's not convenient to disclose."

"It's good to tell me the approximate range."

"Please pay attention to the new product launch conference on March 24."

"Where is the location of the new product launch?"

"It's in this hall where we're meeting today."

"YU, can you tell us what's special about the new phone and what are its main functions? What is BenQ's sales forecast for this phone?"

Yu Dong shook his head again and again, "I'm sorry, it's inconvenient to disclose these things to you. The only thing I can tell you is that this new mobile phone of BenQ Mobile has an in-depth cooperation with a company under our group."

The reporters looked at each other and shook their heads slightly. Yu Dong's reminder was meaningless at all.

With so many companies under the Deep Space Group, it is normal for BenQ Mobile to cooperate with these companies. Whether it is Deep Space Computer or Visual Studio, it is very likely to cooperate deeply with BenQ Mobile.

Seeing that Yu Dong was unwilling to disclose anything, the reporters could only give up asking about BenQ's mobile phone, and asked about the new book instead.

"YU, may I ask if the new book "District [-]" you mentioned at the conference is the science fiction novel related to expressionism that you mentioned in the ABC interview?"

Yu Dong nodded, "Well, that's right, this is the book."

"Does the name "Area Ninth" have any meaning? Why do you choose such a name? This name reminds me of the Area 51 that people have been talking about. Is there any connection between this title and the Area 51 in the United States?"

"The two are somewhat related. The Ninth District in the novel is actually the place where aliens live. Using this name is actually a bit of a reference to Area 51."

The reporter asked excitedly, "Does this mean that the new novel has something to do with aliens?"

"Of course it has something to do with it, but it's a bit different from ordinary alien novels, and the place in District [-] may also be different from what you imagined."

"What's the difference, can you tell me more about it?"

"I can't say it specifically, otherwise it would be a spoiler." Yu Dong shook his head, then looked at Spielberg next to him, and said with a smile, "I suggest you ask Steven why Leonardo Di Karp and Tom Hanks will appear at Jinling Airport together."

Hearing Yu Dong's words, the eyes of the reporters at the scene began to light up.

A few days ago, the appearance of Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hanks at Jinling Airport attracted the attention of the public, but everyone didn't think much about it, thinking that they were simply here to attend the annual meeting of the Deep Space Corporation Yes, after all, it is not surprising who the Deep Space Corporation invites to the annual meeting.

But according to Yu Dong, it seems that these two people appearing in Jinling have something to do with Spielberg.

The alert reporter hurriedly asked, "Mr. Spielberg, are the two of them here to look for you, and will they participate in your new movie?"

Spielberg glanced at Yu Dong, curled his lips and said, "There is indeed such a thing, they will star in the movie I directed together."

"Can you tell us a little more about the new movie? Why did you think of inviting these two to participate? Who is the protagonist?"

"They are both protagonists, but the roles are different. The reason why I invited the two of them must be because the roles are very suitable for them. After the movie is shot, you will know why I said that."

"It seems that you are very satisfied with this casting."

"Since you are talking about the new movie in Jinling, does that mean that Deep Space Company is involved in the new movie, or even leading it?" a reporter asked.

"That's right, the script was given by Deep Space Corporation."

A reporter quickly asked, "Did YU write it?"

"That's not true. It was written by a scriptwriter from the Deep Space Company's scriptwriting department."

The reporters were a little disappointed to hear that the script was not written by Yu Dong, and they did not continue to ask who the editor was.

After the reporters asked a few more routine questions, Yu Dong and Spielberg left the interview area.

After walking out of the interview area, Spielberg complained, "You just know how to direct the fire on me."

"I'm promoting your new movie, you should thank me."

Spielberg said disdainfully: "Well, then I thank you. By the way, what is the situation of BenQ's new mobile phone and what are its main functions? I heard that Xoceco mainly focuses on signal technology. Is BenQ's new mobile phone the main function?" Is the signal good?"

Yu Dong said unexpectedly, "You usually pay attention to this."

"As long as it makes money, I will pay attention."

"That's true. You are a money fan. I can't tell you what the main function is now. I will give you a new mobile phone when March NO.20."

"Then I got the new phone in advance, can I announce it on the tribe?"

Yu Dong shrugged: "Of course there is no problem."

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