Chapter 913 Three Years in a Row
Spielberg is one of the first celebrities to enter the Deep Space Tribe, and he also pays great attention to account marketing, so he has a lot of fans in the Deep Space Tribe.

In fact, even if Spielberg doesn't mention it, Jimmy will ask him to help promote BenQ's new mobile phone.

This is a win-win for them. Spielberg can also announce to netizens that he has obtained a mobile phone that has not yet been released in advance, which will naturally bring more fans to the account.

The two walked into the elevator chatting, and when they were about to close the elevator, Tom Hanks trotted over, "Wait a minute."

Yu Dong pressed the door open button of the elevator, and when Tom Hanks came in, he said with a smile, "You are too fast, have you been in the interview area for a minute?"

Tom Hanks laughed, "For more than 30 seconds, there is such an advantage in being with Leonardo. The reporters' attention is on him. I left them and they didn't do much to keep me." The reporter asked Did you tell them about the new movie, did you just tell them?"

Spielberg pointed at Yu Dong, "He revealed it."

"Reporters should still be asking Leonardo about the new movie, but some reporters asked if the movie we made was about the same sex." Tom Hanks rubbed his forehead, expressing helplessness.

"That's what journalists do."

The elevator went to the first floor, and the three of them walked side by side towards the cafeteria.

During the walk, Yu Dong asked Tom Hanks, "Are there any other film and television dramas to be filmed recently?"

Tom Hanks shook his head, "I have no other announcements except for "A Game of Cat and Mouse". I have been approached by many scripts, but none of them are satisfactory. I am also waiting for excellent scripts to approach me."

Yu Dong said with a smile, "Don't be in a hurry to take on other scripts. After "A Game of Cat and Mouse" is over, I hope you can act in another movie."

Tom Hanks was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Yu Dong to invite him directly.

Spielberg next to him asked with great interest, "What movie, is it your own work?"

Yu Dong shook his head, "It's not me, it's Jeff. He wrote me an outline of the script. I think it's very interesting. Let him improve the script."

Tom Hanks blinked, he didn't expect that YU would invite him to act before even writing the script.If someone else did this, he might feel a little unreliable, but now it is YU who invited him, not to mention only the outline of the script, even if there is nothing, he has no reason to refuse.

"You mean Jeff Nathanson?" Spielberg asked.

Yu Dong smiled, "Who else?"

Jeff Nathanson is the screenwriter of "A Game of Cat and Mouse". Some time ago, he and Spielberg met every day because of the script. They were still together before walking on the red carpet today. Tom Hanks and Leonardo Dicap had also met Jeff Nathanson.

"What's his script this time about?" Spielberg asked again.

Yu Dong smiled slyly, "Want to know? If you want to know, you can agree to direct this movie."

Spielberg rolled his eyes, "I don't even know what kind of story this is, how do you ask me to agree to direct you? I don't ask to see the whole script, at least I have to see the outline of the script."

"That's fine, wait until tomorrow morning, you guys go to my office together and talk about this script. I have already arranged the schedule for you. After filming "Minority Report", I will film "Cat and Mouse Game". After finishing "A Game of Cat and Mouse", shoot this script, and when this script is finished, you will definitely not be able to stop, and I have arranged other plans for you."

Spielberg scratched his head, "I feel like a hard worker, working non-stop, just to earn money for you, the factory owner."

Yu Dong snorted, "If you cut your salary by 90.00%, I will admit that your words are reasonable. In fact, we are working for you. After all, in addition to your fixed salary, you also have box office dividends. Whether the film is losing money or making money, you can make money."

Spielberg shrugged, "Filmmaking is technical work after all."

Yu Dong glanced at him, and then said to Tom Hanks, "If you are willing to accept this movie, then after this movie is finished, I still have a job for you to do."

"What live?"

"After this, my novel "The Da Vinci Code" will also be adapted and filmed. I would like to invite you to play the leading role."

Tom Hanks was startled for a moment, he suddenly remembered the Chinese proverb that Yu Yu taught him yesterday, "Fu Wushuang never comes singly, but misfortunes never come singly, but what happened to him today seemed to overthrow this proverb.

He quickly said, "Of course, I am willing to try it, it is my honor."

When the opportunity came before him, Tom Hanks didn't allow it to slip away, so he agreed very simply. He even secretly decided in his heart that no matter what the unwritten script was, even if it was a bit bad, he would accept it. It's worth it just to be able to participate in "The Da Vinci Code".

Yu Dong didn't expect Tom Hanks to agree to him so soon, he reminded him, "Tom, the novel "The Da Vinci Code" is opposed by some people, do you know that?"

Tom Hanks nodded without hesitation, "Of course, I know very well."

He knew what Yu Dong meant by "the novel was opposed by some people". The novel "The Da Vinci Code" involved sensitive religious themes and had been strongly opposed by organizations such as the Catholic League since its publication.

If he participates in "The Da Vinci Code", it will definitely be affected.

In fact, when Yu Dong proposed to invite him to participate in "The Da Vinci Code" just now, he had already considered this issue in his mind, but he quickly made a decision that he should not miss a good movie because of these things.

Seeing him nodding, Yu Dong also nodded, "Well, I'm just asking for your wishes now. The adaptation script of this novel has not yet come out, and the filming of the movie is still early, so you can finish filming "Tom and Jerry" first. , let’s talk about other things. Of course, if you have already made up your mind, you can also ponder over the novel "The Da Vinci Code" to prepare for the later filming."

Tom Hanks nodded with a smile, "Okay, I understand."

Spielberg smiled next to him and said, "Do you like to arrange everyone clearly? Tom, don't listen to him, let's wait until the filming of "Cat and Mouse Game" is finished. Otherwise, it is likely to affect the filming of "A Game of Cat and Mouse"."

Tom Hanks said quickly, "Director, please rest assured, I will definitely weigh it well."


When Yu Dong and the others arrived in the cafeteria, there were already many people. When they saw Yu Dong and the others coming in, they greeted them one after another.

Yu Dong also greeted them in a circle, just in time to see Yang Xiao and the others gathered with a group of science fiction writers, so he walked over with a smile.

"It's you who slipped away fast."

Seeing Yu Dong approaching, Yang Xiao and the others all smiled and waved to him. Yang Xiao said, "There are so many big names on the scene, and the reporters are not very interested in us. They just slipped away if they wanted to, that is, Liu Cixin was stopped, except for you. In addition, his novels are the most filmed, and the media attention is second only to you."

Yu Dong smiled and shook his head, "It's not that the reporters don't pay attention to you, it's that you don't give them a chance. Some reporters have complained to me before, saying that some of our Chinese science fiction writers look up and don't treat them as media workers. Back to the matter, interviewing you is more difficult than going to heaven."

He Hongwei pursed his lips and said, "What is it? Those reporters' interviewing skills are too poor. I don't even want to answer the questions they ask."

Yu Dong said with a smile: "Look, isn't your arrogance coming up?"

He Hongwei scratched his forehead, unable to refute, he could only change the subject and said, "Brother Dong, when will your new book be released? I'm still waiting to see it."

"Soon, I'm also waiting for news from the book editorial department. I've finished the book, and the follow-up work doesn't have much to do with me. I can't control when it will be published."

Yu Dong is the boss, of course he can decide when the novel will be released, but he basically won't bother with such matters because it's too time-consuming.

He Hongwei nodded to express his understanding, and Yang Peng on the side smiled and said, "Actually, besides this new book, I am also looking forward to the novel of the same name as "Source Code". Brother Dong, when will "Source Code" be arranged? Is it earlier than the new book?"

Yu Dong shook his head, "It's really not certain, because "Source Code" will be released together with the movie, and the movie should be released at the end of the year, and "District [-]" probably won't be until the end of the year."

Hearing that "Source Code" will not be released until the movie is released, Yang Peng said with some disappointment, "Can't it be released in advance? First, cultivate some readers and promote the movie."

"I didn't ask too much about the company's strategy. It's probably because they think that publishing novels and movies together can increase sales. There are a lot of people in the company who are more professional than me when it comes to data and marketing. Go pointing fingers."

Yang Xiao nodded and agreed very much, "Professional things need to be done by professionals, and Yu Dong is doing the right thing. However, I still want to say something, when can I contribute another manuscript to our magazine?" , even if there is no full-length novel, a short novelette is fine, readers of "Science Fiction World" miss you very much."

Yu Dong responded with a smile, "If there is a chance, I will definitely offer it."

The domestic sci-fi market has been activated, and even without him, "Science Fiction World" has still sold well in recent years.

Of course, although he hasn't published a novel in "Science Fiction World" for a long time, readers will send letters to the magazine in every issue, strongly requesting that his novels be serialized in Dongfang.

Yu Dong's response was not perfunctory to Yang Xiao, he did consider Yang Xiao's proposal, and if he had time to write a short novel next time, he could indeed send it to "Science Fiction World".

But Yang Xiao himself didn't take it seriously, he knew that Yu Dong was busy now, not to mention their "Science Fiction World", even magazines such as "Harvest", "Zhong Shan" and "People's Literature" wanted to find Yu Dong to invite an article Manuscripts are very difficult.

This morning, Yang Xiao met Li Xiaolin from "Harvest" in the restaurant of the hotel. Li Xiaolin complained to Yang Xiao that he and Yu Dong had invited several manuscripts but had not been invited. There are many, and I don’t use them for magazines, and I don’t write short and medium stories. I just write a little "Cucumber Garden Essays" occasionally, but this series is monopolized by "Zhong Shan".

Even "Harvest" was treated like this, so Yang Xiao naturally didn't dare to ask for anything extravagantly.

Yang Xiao didn't go deep into this issue, but instead said to Yang Peng and the others, "Next year's Galaxy Awards will be fully open to selection, and works by authors from other countries will also participate in the competition, and your pressure will increase."

Hearing this, all the science fiction writers were very relaxed. Yang Peng said with a smile, "I think it's good. It doesn't matter whether we win the award or not. It's a good thing to make the award more international. Besides, don't we still have big awards?" Brother Liu and Dong, with the two of them, can the grand prize go to the side? Besides them, Mr. Wang and Mr. Hu are still young, so we don’t have to rush to the front line.”

Yang Xiao rolled her eyes, "When Yu Dong was your age, he was already standing in the whole country... No, it should be the pinnacle of science fiction in the world."

He Hongwei stretched his head and said, "Miss Xiao, are you mistaken? Brother Dong is only three or four years older than us. When he was our age, he was almost thirty. At that time, he was not very good. Write science fiction."

Hearing this, Yang Xiao's expression froze. She had forgotten that Yu Dong and Yang Peng were not much different in age. They always felt that they belonged to two generations. .

Yu Dong smiled and waved his hands, "What is the peak and not the peak? Everyone works hard to maintain the current good situation. The potential of science fiction is not limited to this. This road will definitely lead to a better future. For three consecutive years of college entrance examinations, there are The topic is related to science fiction, which shows the popularity of science fiction in China and the importance attached to science fiction in the education sector."

When it came to the college entrance examination, everyone smiled.

Since 1998, there have been questions related to science fiction in the college entrance examination for three consecutive years.

The 1998 college entrance examination was a physics topic, and a mechanics topic mentioned a novel in "Science Fiction World".

The 1999 college entrance examination was a Chinese topic, and last year's Chinese composition topic was "If Memory Can Be Transplanted".

The college entrance examination in 2000 was a biological question. The subject took the human cloning mentioned in "Second World" as an example, and tested the test points of cell proliferation and single cell cloning.

A few days ago, some people predicted that next year's college entrance examination may have something related to science fiction, and it is very likely to be related to "The Martian". After all, "The Martian" is too popular this year.

However, it is difficult to guess what questions will be tested. It seems that any subject is possible. "The Martian" involves physics, chemistry, biology, Chinese, mathematics, geography and politics.

(End of this chapter)

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