Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 91 The Original Hollywood Blockbuster

Chapter 91 The Original Hollywood Blockbuster

Yu Dong never thought of hiding the fact that the veteran had published an article in "Zhongshan", otherwise he would not have told the veteran that he had published a novel in "Science Fiction World".

He never thought to hide his identity, after all, he didn't think there was anything to hide about his identity.

Yu Dong told the veteran in his reply that "Mending the Sky" was indeed written by him.

In his reply to Tan Kai, Yu Dong answered the questions listed by Tan Kai one by one, and at the same time asked about the recent situation of the magazine.

The February issue of "Science Fiction World" has been delayed for several days. Usually, it can be purchased before the first of each month, but the February issue has been delayed for many days and has not been seen.

On the way to school today, Yu Dong went to a nearby newsstand to ask about the situation.

The boss also had a sad look on his face, saying that because the last issue of "Science Fiction World" sold well, he didn't buy enough in advance and made a lot of money. This time he was ambitious to buy a few more books, but the bookseller's side There was still no movement.

The boss also said that not only Dong has come to inquire about the magazine recently, but many others have also come to ask several times.

But the boss had no goods in his hand, so he could only stare blankly. At the same time, he also complained a few words about the "Science Fiction World" magazine, saying that the magazine delayed them from making money.


"Intentional, absolutely intentional!"

After Fang Tao and the others went to the bookstore and fluttered again, Zhu Fuxian couldn't help complaining.

Another classmate also echoed: "Yes, it must be intentional. The serialization of the last issue has just been released, and this issue has been delayed for more than ten days. It is obviously trying to whet our appetite."

"Yeah, it's so hard to take a vacation. I finally have the full time to read the novel, but the magazine is late. If it doesn't come out again, we have to start school again, and then the novel will have to be sneaky, which is not pleasant at all."

"You said that the magazine will not become bimonthly again." Zhu Fu first thought of a possibility and shouted that it was not good. He quickly looked at Fang Tao, "Brother Tao, what do you think, will this happen?"

Fang Tao shook his head, "Probably not. Even if it is going to become a bimonthly magazine, it is impossible to change it back after only one issue. It is impossible for the magazine to not be prepared before, even if it is to test the water, at least try it for three or five times period."

Listening to Fang Tao's words, the other people settled down a bit, but they were still puzzled: "Then why did you bounce the ticket this time?"

"I don't know." Fang Tao shook his head irritably again. Although he was not as noisy as the others, he had not seen February's "Science Fiction World" for a long time, and his mood inevitably became irritable.

"Come back tomorrow, it's still this time." Fang Tao waved his hand and walked away.

The others looked at each other, and they all dispersed.

Until the night of No.13 in February, Fang Tao was catching up with homework at home, and Lin Yuan, who was in the same class, ran over excitedly.

"Outside the number, outside the number, Brother Tao, guess what I saw?"

Fang Tao turned his head and glanced at the "Yangtze Evening News" in Lin Yuan's hand, and turned his head back again without interest: "Do you want to tell me that the "Yangtze Evening News" has been expanded from four to eight editions? Save your energy, it's all last month."

"No, I didn't want to say that." Lin Yuan was stunned, then pointed to the newspaper and said, "I meant to say that I saw the news of "Science Fiction World" in it."

"What about the sci-fi world..." Fang Tao suddenly reacted, "Sci-fi world?!"

He snatched the newspaper from Lin Yuan's hand and rummaged through it: "Where, where?"

"In the back of the sports page, the space is not small."

According to what Lin Yuan said, Fang Tao found the relevant news, and immediately raised his eyebrows. Lin Yuan was right, and the layout was really not small.

However, the "Yangtze Evening News" has been expanded since January this year, and the layout has become more abundant. The newspaper office is obviously more generous when giving the layout.

【From "Sci-Fi World" to the world's big production! 】

This is the headline of the news and it looks great.

Fang Tao was about to read the news, when Lin Yuan on the side said: "The news said that "One Day" was bought by a well-known Hollywood director for film and television adaptation rights, and the filming will start soon, with a budget close to 2000 million US dollars. And the author of "One Day" Yu Dong It also received a considerable amount of copyright fees, although no specific figures were given, but according to people familiar with the matter, it should be the highest copyright adaptation fee in China."

"Really?" Fang Tao was surprised when Lin Yuan finished speaking.

Lin Yuan said with a smile, "Really, it's written in the news."

Fang Tao quickly glanced at the news content and found the keywords. Lin Yuan was indeed right. The general content of the news was that "One Day" was going to be made into a movie by foreigners.

"That's a good thing."

Fang Tao stood up a little excitedly and walked around the room with the newspaper.

Seeing Fang Tao's excited look, Lin Yuan felt that he didn't run in vain this time.It's just that he thought about the "Sci-Fi World" magazine again, and his face suddenly fell, "This news is exciting, but this issue of "Sci-Fi World" hasn't come out yet."

Fang Tao laughed, "I finally know why this issue hasn't come out yet."

Lin Yuan puzzled: "Why?"

"For this." Fang Tao clapped the newspaper in his hand, "their magazine must know the news, so I guess they want to wait for the news to come out, and take advantage of the situation to publish this issue, so as to promote the book stand. The bosses go into their magazines more."

"Brother Tao, do you mean that the magazine will come out in the next two days?" Lin Yuan asked.

"Wait, can you get the answer in two days?"


Facts have proved that Fang Tao's guess was right.

On February 15th, they bought a new issue of "Science Fiction World" at the bookstall, and it was obvious that the boss bought a lot more magazines this time than in previous issues.

"Brother Tao, you are really amazing, you can count it all." Lin Yuan shouted admiringly from the side.

Fang Tao smiled and didn't speak. He looked at the new issue of "Science Fiction World" that he just bought, and said to his heart that as expected, the cover of this issue directly wrote the news of "One Day".

"New book by the author of the original Hollywood blockbuster novel "One Day"" is printed in the middle of the cover, and below are the names of the two works, "Second World" and "Closed Loop".

"Closed Loop?" Fang Tao raised his eyebrows, this "Closed Loop" should be Yu Dong's new work.

He originally came for the second part of "Second World", and he didn't expect to have a windfall.

However, the label of the magazine is too blatant. The movie has not been shot yet, and "One Day" has already been labeled as the original Hollywood blockbuster.

Of course, Fang Tao doesn't care about these details, he only cares about whether the novel is good or not.

Save the child, give me both the referral ticket and the monthly ticket
 Thanks for the 200 reward from the [Carving-Time] boss
  The college entrance examination season is coming, and so is the graduation season, let's sing a song "The Crossing of Phoenix Flowers" for everyone

  When the phoenix flowers bloom again

  Reminds me of an old friend I haven't seen in a long time


  to my dearest friend


  Okay, this song is finished, everyone applaud
(End of this chapter)

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