Chapter 92
Fang Tao doesn't care about the label on the cover, but that doesn't mean other people don't care.

When many people go to the book stand to buy a book, they will be attracted by the word "Hollywood" on the cover, and then pick up a book unconsciously.

Nowadays, there are not too many contacts at home and abroad, but many people have heard of Hollywood.

The three words Hollywood are more like a symbol, a symbol that represents American culture.Many Chinese people don't even know what Hollywood is, but when they hear these three words, they always come to their minds, and they put all the crazy money they can imagine on it.

There are also some people who have some knowledge of Hollywood, but they only know that it has something to do with movies, and it is a place where blockbusters are produced.

Now that I see the three words Hollywood associated with a certain novel in China, I am naturally interested.

Liang Yongsheng of Gyeongju was attracted by the word Hollywood.

Liang Yongsheng was born and raised in Gyeongju, and he taught at a local elementary school after studying in a teacher's college. He got married a few years ago, and his daughter-in-law gave birth to a son for him, and he lived a happy life.

His daily life is very simple. When he is not on vacation, he usually teaches at school during the day, goes home at night to accompany his wife and children, and then watches TV and reads newspapers.

Hollywood is what he saw on TV and in the newspapers.

"Boss, this magazine has never been sold before." Liang Yongsheng picked up a copy of "Science Fiction World" and asked the boss.

He came to this book stand almost every day, but he had never seen "Science Fiction World".

The boss said with a smile, "I bought it once a few years ago, and no one bought it, so I never went in again. We can't sell this kind of magazines in this small place."

"Then why are you entering now?"

"I heard from the wholesaler that this magazine has been selling very well recently. If you don't buy it, you won't be able to restock it later. And you look at the cover, it is said that the copyright of a novel published by their magazine was sold to Yankee. , sold for several million. Tsk tsk, I have never seen so much money in my life, writing novels is so profitable?" The boss shook his head and said.

"Millions." Liang Yongsheng couldn't help but stunned, so many generations of his family would save it for a lifetime, no, it should be said that he would not be able to save it for a few lifetimes.

Is domestic science fiction so popular?

Liang Yongsheng doesn't know much about science fiction, but he has only vaguely heard that science fiction has been criticized a few years ago. For him, science fiction has only a vague concept. Maybe Shu Qingchun's "Cat City" is a science fiction?
"Boss, add a copy of this "Sci-Fi World"."

"Okay, five and twenty cents in total."

Liang Yongsheng counted five yuan and two to the boss, and then left with the magazines and newspapers he bought.

But after a long time, Liang Yongsheng ran back again. He took "Science Fiction World" and asked the boss, "Did you enter the last issue of this magazine?"

"No, didn't I tell you this morning? I've read a few books a few years ago, but I haven't gotten any in the past few years. What's wrong?"

Hearing it, Liang Yongsheng was disappointed: "There are serialized novels in it, and the previous content is still in the last issue. And the "One Day" written on the cover is still in the last issue of the magazine."

Liang Yongsheng knew this and thanked the editors of the magazine for being so considerate. They specially marked "One Day" in the magazine as published in the December issue.

"This fool, isn't it deceiving readers?" The boss couldn't help cursing.

Liang Yongsheng scratched his head and said, "It's not deceiving readers. The content is very rich. In addition to the serialized novels, there are also many interesting novels. Especially the "Closed Loop", which is very good-looking, too It was written by the author of "One Day". It is precisely because it is beautiful that I am interested in "One Day" and this "Second World"."

"Then what should I do, I really didn't get in, and I didn't know it was serialized." The boss said distressedly.

"Boss, do you know there are other places?" Liang Yongsheng asked.

The boss shook his head, "I don't know, but I advise you not to hope for other places, at least you probably won't be able to find it in our Qingzhou prefecture. As you know, our place is very closed, where books and newspapers are sold. It would have been less."

"Then why don't you ask the bookseller to see if there is still stock, and ask him to bring me a copy next time, and I can give you the money first."

Said that Liang Yongsheng was about to pay, but was stopped by the boss, "You're talking about it, you're a regular customer, it's just a magazine, I'll go back and ask you, if there's any news, I'll tell you ."

"Thank you, thank you."


Tan Kai did not expect that the word Hollywood would be so useful. After hearing the news of Hollywood, the booksellers bought at least [-]% more magazines than before.

And after the magazines went on sale, the mailboxes of their magazines were filled up within a few days, and even the postman who often sent letters complained half-jokingly that they would have to set up three rounds of pack letters for their magazines next time.

Most of these letters were asking about the film and television adaptation of "One Day", and through these letters, Tan Kai also learned one thing, that is, the copyright fee for the film and television adaptation rights of "One Day" was sold more and more. Outrageous.

Some say hundreds of thousands, some say millions, and some even say tens of millions.

In addition to the increasing number of letters from readers, the editorial department has also received more manuscripts in a short period of time. He has recently been busy reviewing manuscripts with his colleagues in the editorial department.

Most of them are short stories, and I haven't seen any reliable ones for the time being. Many of them are imitating "One Day" and "Closed Loop".

However, Tan Kai believes that as long as the quantity increases, the quality will certainly follow in a short time. Now people outside believe that writing science fiction can make a lot of money.

Sure enough, it is still rich and silk that moves people's hearts, any ideals and persistence are bullshit.

Anyway, everything is going in the right direction.


Not only Tan Kai and the others are busy, but Jimmy James is also busy with his plans.

While collecting reports from major newspapers on "One Day", he used the camera he brought to make interview videos on the street.

Jimmy will be waiting at the bookstore, and once he sees someone buying "Science Fiction World", he will come up to them and interview them.

The main reason is to bring the topic to Yu Dong. If he can make passers-by praise Yu Dong, he will keep the material. If people have a general reaction to Dong, he will delete the material.

After squatting for several days in a row, I finally accumulated a large wave of materials.

He was going to show these text reports and video materials to Harold after he returned to the United States. After Harold saw it, he would no longer doubt that "Yu Dong is very popular in China".He also thought about it, he was busy, and the screenwriter asked Harold to give him some more.

Of course, he did not forget to write a letter to Yu Dong, in which he tried his best to exaggerate how he did his best to promote Yu Dong's works.

He did this in order to follow Yu Dong to ask for credit, and the reason why he asked for credit was not to ask Yu Dong for money, but as a businessman's instinct, he hoped that what he did would maximize the benefits.

Since he has done a good deed, let Yu Dong know that there will be opportunities for cooperation in the future. When Yu Dong thinks of his own good, it will be easier to negotiate.

In Chinese, it means to have a good relationship.

 Thank you [囩 Taohua] for the 1658 reward
  Thank you for the 500 reward of [May the years be quiet and good people long]
(End of this chapter)

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