Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 917 It's Too Difficult to Spend Money

Chapter 917 It's Too Difficult to Spend Money

After chatting about "The End of Happiness", Yu Dong casually asked Tom Hanks, "You and Leonardo were the first to come. Have you guys gone out for a stroll during this time?"

Tom Hanks said with a smile, "I have gone out a few times and wandered around the hotel and the park, but Leonardo didn't. He either stayed in the hotel or walked around the park. Now Jinling is everywhere. They are all reporters, if he goes out, he may be discovered at any time, and sometimes, being too beautiful is also a kind of trouble."

Yu Dong nodded, he also had this trouble recently.

"Did Leonardo make any other films besides "A Game of Cat and Mouse" recently?"

Spielberg said, "He is very busy. In addition to "Cat and Mouse Game", there is also Martin's "Gangs of New York". If nothing else, "The Departed" will also invite him to participate."

"Then he's really busy."

Spielberg asked with great interest, "Do you have any movies you want to ask him to make?"

Yu Dong smiled and waved his hands, "No, I just asked casually."


Chatted with Spielberg and the others all morning, took them to the cafeteria for a simple meal at noon, and they left.

In the afternoon, Yu Dong met Han Shanping again in the office.

After the meeting, Han Shanping told Yu Dong about the blueprint of his plan.

In Han Shanping’s plan, there are three steps in total. The first step is to set up a new company as a joint venture. When the new company is formally established, they need to sign contracts with at least 25 movie theaters. Han Shanping probably said that he has already negotiated. cinema.

After completing the first step, they need to complete and improve the company's management system, and strive to reach [-] movie theaters within five years.

The last step is to become the number one movie theater in China within ten years, with 350 movie theaters signed, and the total annual box office of the theater chain reaching one billion yuan.

After talking about his plan, Han Shanping probably lacked a little confidence, and said to Yu Dong with a smile, "The annual box office of one billion is the goal I set for this new company, although I know this goal is a bit high, But only with goals can we continue to move forward.”

In fact, it is no wonder that Han Shanping has no confidence, because the domestic film market is indeed not very good.

In the past two years, although affected by VCDs, audiences were not very motivated to enter the theaters, but due to the introduction of blockbuster films and the booming domestic films, the domestic box office revenue still increased.

In the past year of 2000, the total box office revenue of the film market in Mainland China was 4000 billion RMB, nearly [-] million RMB more than last year.

Just imagine, the total box office revenue of the movie market in the mainland is only [-] billion yuan a year. No matter what Ren Han Shanping thinks, he doesn't dare to think too high.

The theater chain is not a monopoly industry, and China Film itself has several preparations. While they are cooperating with Deep Space to develop the theater chain, they are also discussing cooperation with other companies, such as the newly established Star Media Co., Ltd.

Han Shanping's vision for the total box office revenue in the Mainland in ten years is to exceed RMB 60 billion, and their theater chains will account for about [-] million of the total box office.

From Yu Dong's point of view, it is obviously a very high goal for a theater chain to account for the total box office in the Mainland. If it can reach this figure, then this theater chain will definitely be able to sit on the number one throne.

However, the annual box office of one billion yuan in theaters is obviously a bit conservative, mainly because Han Shanping's prediction of the box office in the mainland is somewhat conservative.

Yu Dong doesn't remember exactly how much the box office revenue was in a year when China's box office exploded, but he knows that the box office of a movie after that is billions, and there are more than one movie a year.

For a certain period of time, if the box office of a movie does not exceed one billion, it is not considered a bestseller.

Moreover, in this life, because of the existence of the Deep Space Company, the domestic film market developed earlier, and the total box office revenue in the Mainland will definitely exceed 60 billion yuan in ten years.

However, Yu Dong didn't ask Han Shanping to improve their plan, because he knew that in a few years, Han Shanping would adjust his plan after the domestic box office revenue increased.

Jimmy and Yu Dong have talked about the Chinese ticket warehouse many times, so Jimmy also thinks that Han Shanping's goal is too conservative, but like Yu Dong, he didn't mention it, just said with a smile, "I want to attract the audience. When entering a movie theater, the key is to show more excellent movies in the movie theater, regarding this point, please rest assured Mr. Han, our company will definitely do our best."

Hearing this, Han Shanping smiled. There are many factors to attract more audiences into the cinema.

First, control piracy. It cannot be said that everyone can buy pirated CDs just after the movie is released or even before it is released.

Second, improve the viewing experience. The viewing experience includes two aspects. One is the quality of the movie itself, and the other is the facilities of the cinema.

Third, ordinary people still have to have money in their hands.

In Han Shanping's view, the third point is the most important. Many movie theaters like "The Martian" sell for more than 40 yuan a ticket, but ordinary workers earn less than 1000 yuan a month. Money, if it is a couple going to the cinema to watch "The Martian" together, it will cost 90 yuan, which is too extravagant for many people.

If the salary of most people can reach two to three thousand now, and movie tickets are still only forty or fifty, then the number of people watching movies will definitely increase.

Of course, Han Shanping also knew that Jimmy said this to highlight the importance of Deep Space Corporation in this cooperation, so he also followed Jimmy's words and said, "Of course I am very much looking forward to Deep Space Corporation can bring more and more to the audience. The more excellent film and television works."


Han Shanping didn't stay in the park for dinner, and left by car before four o'clock in the afternoon. It was almost Chinese New Year, and there were a lot of things that China Film had to deal with. He was at the helm of the company, so naturally he couldn't be absent for too long.

After Han Shanping left, Yu Dong looked at the time and said to Jimmy with a smile, "Go in again? Have some tea?"

Jimmy waved his hand quickly, "I don't want to drink anymore. I drank a lot of water just now. It happened to be over early, so I went back too."

Yu Dong joked with a smile, "Since you and Britney have been together, we have less time to drink tea together."

Jimmy twitched his lips, "When you were with Mr. Cheng, you didn't say you would play with me."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows, "That's true."

"Okay, let's go, see you on New Year's Eve." Jimmy waved his hand.

"Well, see you on New Year's Eve."

This year they made an appointment to spend the New Year in Luoyuan and bring Britney with them.

After Jimmy left, Yu Dong sat on the sofa and pondered for a while, then asked the driver to take him back to Luoyuan.

When he returned to Luoyuan, Yu Yi was practicing walking in the corridor. She was able to walk on the ground when she just turned one year old, but she was not solid enough. It was so cold during this time, and she was wearing thick clothes, so walking was very tiring .

After walking a few steps, she looked up and saw Yu Dong, his face was like a flower blooming, and he stretched out his arms to run towards Yu Dong, "Dad."

Seeing that she was about to run, Yu Dong hurried over and hugged her.

Hugging Yu Yi, Yu Dong teased her with a smile, "Short legs, I want to run away."

Yu Yi also couldn't understand what he said, just kept calling "Dad".

Cheng Yanqiu also stood up, "Why did you come back so early, don't you want to meet Mr. Han of China Film Group this afternoon?"

"He has already gone back. There are still some things in Yanjing." Yu Dong turned his head and looked around, "Where are Chang Di and the others?"

"Haiguo took their little ones to set off firecrackers outside, and they wanted to bring Yu Yi with them, but I didn't."

Yu Dong nodded, Yu Yi is too young, it's not safe to go out with them.

Yu Haiguo and the others often ran out of the garden to play. Although the garden is big, there are always times when they get tired of playing, and it is not suitable to set off firecrackers in the garden. There is no bomb fetish like cow dung, and it lacks the fun of playing firecrackers.

Every winter, when Yu Haiguo and the others are here, it is difficult to find a pile of intact cow dung for several miles around Luoyuan.

If there are many cows raised this year and the cow dung market is good, there is usually only one pit on the cow dung. If the cow dung market is not good this year, there may be two, Three or more pits.

"Where are their parents?" Yu Dong asked again.

"A few are playing cards, some are reading, some are watching movies, and some are busy in the kitchen."

Without Cheng Yanqiu's elaboration, Yu Dong knew who was playing cards and who was busy.

After thinking about it, Yu Dong said, "We won't eat at home tonight, let's go buy new year's goods."

Cheng Yanqiu was taken aback, "You really want to go."

"Go, of course, tell my parents, we won't eat at home tonight, we will eat outside, do you remember the duck blood vermicelli?"

Hearing Yu Dong talk about duck blood fans, Cheng Yanqiu's eyes flashed a light, and the picture of them going to Xuanwu Lake to take a duck boat and eating duck blood fans at the Drum Tower suddenly appeared in her mind. That should be their first date .

"Then I'll get my hat and scarf, do you want it too?"

"Let's go, let's go together."


When Yu Dong and the others arrived at Xinjiekou, it was already past six o'clock, but the two of them didn't rush to eat, but ran into the mall first.

But after entering the shopping mall, the two were a little confused, and Yu Dong asked, "What new year's goods are missing at home?"

Cheng Yanqiu shook his head, "I don't know, there seems to be nothing missing, why some clothes for Zhenzhen?"

"Uh, isn't she wearing too much clothes?"

Yu Yi has too many clothes. Usually, grandparents and grandparents want to buy clothes for her, and some relatives and friends always give her clothes.

Even if Yu Yi wears one set in the morning and one set in the afternoon, it is impossible to wear all those clothes again.

Yu Dong told them several times not to buy her too many clothes, but it was completely useless and could not be stopped at all.

Cheng Yanqiu thought of Yu Yi's wardrobe, and nodded, "Well, I really can't buy any more, so what should I buy? Tobacco and alcohol? There are a lot of tobacco and alcohol at home, and they haven't decreased every year, and they are still increasing. Tea leaves There are too many tea leaves. The tea leaves they sent were divided between Sister Hong and Sister Jing, and they haven’t finished yet... Home appliances? There is no shortage of these at home, and the home appliances bought here also match the decoration of the home Can't get up."

The couple thought for a long time, and finally came to a conclusion that it was difficult for them to spend money in this mall.

Yu Dong couldn't help but lamented, "What a pity, we can neither feel the joy of making money nor the joy of spending money now."

Cheng Yanqiu smiled, "It's not difficult to spend money, those antiques, calligraphy and paintings are worth more than each one."

"It's just that good things are too hard to find."

Giving up the idea of ​​buying new year's goods in the mall, the couple casually strolled around the mall with Yu Yi in their arms, but soon they still spent a fortune in the mall.

It was a portable lantern, and Yu Dong bought it without letting go of it once he caught it.

The lantern only costs ten yuan, and it still has batteries. When the switch is turned on, it sings and lights up. Holding the lantern, Yu Yi laughs as soon as the lantern starts singing, and can't stop laughing.

Yu Dong thought that Yu Yi would let them buy more things, but this girl just loved that lantern, and after getting the lantern, she lost interest in other toys in the mall.

They wandered around the mall for more than an hour, and when they left the mall, they only had one more lantern in their hands, which cost ten yuan in total.

But the good news is that this time their disguise was very successful and no one recognized them.

After shopping around the mall, Yu Dong and the others walked towards the previous duck blood vermicelli shop. The distance was not too close, but the couple decided to walk there. This decision made the accompanying security personnel very nervous. As soon as they left the mall, The security personnel set up back and forth.

When approaching the Yaxue Vermicelli Store, Cheng Yanqiu became worried, "Tell me, is that store still there? We haven't been there for a long time."

Yu Dong didn't know either. He guessed, "It should still be there. This area hasn't been demolished in the past few years, and their business is very good. There is no reason to give up such a good business."

"After all, the owner is not young."

Yu Dong smiled, "Let's go, go and have a look and you'll find out, you eat a duck blood fan, how come you feel closer to the nostalgia and more timid after eating it."

The two walked forward, turned a corner, and were relieved to see that the duck blood vermicelli shop was still open.

The store is still the same store, and the owner has not changed, but the store has been redecorated, the area is larger than before, and the door has also been changed.

It's already eight o'clock at this moment, which is already past the peak meal time, but there are still many customers in the small shop.

The lady boss greeted them while cleaning the table, "Sit down, what to eat, you can see it on the sign."

"Two servings of duck blood vermicelli, one big and one small, and then add a marinated egg and a pork cake. I want a vegetarian cake." Cheng Yanqiu didn't look at the sign, and ordered a set directly. This is what she and Yu Dong said. I used to eat it often.

(End of this chapter)

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