Hearing Cheng Yanqiu's proficient ordering process, the proprietress who was clearing the table turned her head and stared at Cheng Yanqiu seriously, but Cheng Yanqiu's scarf surrounded most of her face, and the proprietress couldn't see anything .

Cheng Yanqiu asked with a smile, "Sister, what's the matter?"

Although they used to order like this before, Cheng Yanqiu knew something was wrong when he saw the expression of the proprietress.

The proprietress smiled and said, "You must be old customers, haven't you been here for a long time?"

Cheng Yanqiu nodded in surprise, "Well, that's right, how did you know, eldest sister?"

The proprietress pointed to the sign on the wall, and said with a smile, "Our family will not sell pies for two or three years. If you order pies as soon as you come here, it means that you have not been here for at least two or three years."

Cheng Yanqiu asked strangely, "Why don't you sell pies? Pies are so easy to sell."

"It's too troublesome. There are only me and the old man in our shop, and we can't handle it at all. If we still buy pies, the duck blood vermicelli can't be made, so we simply removed the pies." Explained , the proprietress said with a smile, "Actually, I have impressions of the regular customers in the store. You look familiar, but you can't recognize them."

The main reason is that Cheng Yanqiu covered half of his face with a scarf so that it was difficult to recognize, but the boss was also embarrassed to ask Cheng Yanqiu to take off the scarf so that she could take a good look.

Yu Dong nodded, looked at the menu again, and then replaced the pie with shortbread: "Then serve us three shortbread."

"There are shortbread, please sit down, I'll be here in a while." The proprietress replied, and then went to the back kitchen.

After the couple sat down, Cheng Yanqiu still had some regrets, "His pies are so delicious, it's a pity not to make them now. I remember that when most people came to eat duck blood fans, they would order pies."

Yu Dong also nodded. The stuffed pie is not the standard dish of the duck blood vermicelli shop, but it is definitely the standard dish of this restaurant. It used to be very popular with diners. Most of the diners who come here, except the duck blood fans, will order a portion of stuffing cake.

The reason given by the proprietress for no longer making pies in the store is that the craftsmanship of pies is too troublesome, and there are only two people in the store, she and the boss, and there is simply no way for two people to do it.

When a normal person hears this reason, the first reaction is why not hire someone anymore?Don't you want to make money if you have money?The price of the pie is not cheap, and there is definitely a profit.

According to what the proprietress said, their problem is easy to solve, as long as one or two people are hired, the supply of pies can be guaranteed.

But in this world, there are people who are busy fighting for life every day and are always in a state of hunger and thirst. Naturally, there are also people who are optimistic about their fate and don't want to make too much money. The boss wife and the others may be the latter .

If Jimmy were here today and heard what the proprietress said, he would definitely be heartbroken and condemn their reckless behavior, and then persuade them to increase manpower or optimize the process. It is best to open another pie shop next to the duck blood vermicelli shop. The single product of pie has become bigger and stronger.

It is very easy to make this single product well, because the market has proven that everyone is willing to buy it, and the rest is just to improve productivity.

After a while, the proprietress came over to serve the meal, she stared at Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu again, and said with a smile, "It looks familiar."

The two smiled and didn't speak.

The two of them didn't fight each other, and Boss Nian went to the back kitchen again, but he couldn't help but look back when he reached the door of the back kitchen. After all, Yu Dong and the others couldn't keep their scarves around their faces all the time, because if they want to eat, they only need to eat. When they eat, the proprietress can see their faces.

When she turned her head, she happened to see Cheng Yanqiu taking off the scarf.

"Hey, you are..."

Cheng Yanqiu was taken aback by the landlady's cry, and hurriedly put the scarf back on.

But the proprietress didn't call out her name, but came over and said with a smile on her face, "You little girl hasn't been here for a long time, I remember a long time ago, you came here to eat every day, most of the time alone, sometimes... ..."

The proprietress wanted to say that Cheng Yanqiu was with a man sometimes, but when she saw Yu Dong next to her, she hurriedly shut her mouth, because she was not sure if Yu Dong was the man who came to eat with Cheng Yanqiu back then.

If Cheng Yanqiu was with the man in front of him back then, it would be fine. If not, she would probably cause trouble if she said so.

But Yu Dong was quite curious when he heard what the proprietress said, and asked Cheng Yanqiu, "You used to come here to eat alone."

"This little girl comes here at least three or four days a week. It's not an exaggeration." The proprietress seemed very happy. Didn't come?"

"I moved, and it's far away, so it's inconvenient to come here." Cheng Yanqiu explained with a smile.

The proprietress nodded, "That's no wonder, I still have a lot of regular customers who have moved away and can't come here often, but there are also quite a few who come here from time to time. There is another customer this afternoon, who moved far away. I came from Luzhou, and moved to Luzhou for four or five years, and I only thought about this place in our shop. This time I have something to do in Jinling, so I made a detour to our shop to have a bite."

When talking about this, the proprietress seemed very proud. For a shop owner, having such diners is naturally the highest compliment to their shop.

Just as they were talking, another pair of guests came in, and the proprietress could only say to Cheng Yanqiu and the others, "You guys are eating, I'm going to greet the guests."

Cheng Yanqiu nodded with a smile, "Well, you are busy, elder sister."

After the proprietress left, Yu Dong said with a smile, "I didn't know that you used to come here to eat alone. I thought you would come here only when you were with me."

Cheng Yanqiu felt a little embarrassed, "I don't come here every day. It's not as exaggerated as the proprietress said. I only come one or two days a week. I didn't expect the proprietress to have such a good memory and remember me. She called me little girl, I feel It's kind of weird, no one has called me that for a long time, but when I heard her call just now, I thought she recognized me."

Yu Dong knew that the "recognition" in Cheng Yanqiu's mouth was different from the recognition at this time. The proprietress only knew that Cheng Yanqiu was the diner who often came to eat duck blood fans back then. She didn't know that she was the famous musician Cheng Yanqiu, let alone He is Yu Dong's wife Cheng Yanqiu, or, she doesn't know who Yu Dong is at all.

In fact, it's normal. Even in Jinling, not everyone knows Yu Dong, let alone Cheng Yanqiu, especially the owner of this shop. People of their age are doing business, so they rarely know each other. I will pay attention to the news related to Yu Dong.

Yu Dong looked at the duck blood vermicelli on the table, and said with a smile, "Hurry up, it's getting cold."

Cheng Yanqiu nodded, took off the scarf again, and drank some soup first, feeling warm all over his body.

The reason why the two of them chose to walk here just now is also for this reason. Winter is the best time to eat hot soup like duck blood vermicelli.

It is best to blow the cold wind outside for a while, and then come in for a sip of hot soup, which can sweep away all the cold on your body.

"It's still the same taste."

Yu Dong nodded, and he also took a sip, and it was indeed the taste in his memory.

He had two memories of the taste of this duck blood vermicelli shop, one was after he was reborn, and the other was today, both times after a long absence.

This duck blood vermicelli is not only delicious, but also affordable, but for a grown man like Dong, this amount is not a big deal, and he can show off a bowl of duck blood vermicelli in a short while with shortbread.

As soon as he finished showing off a bowl of duck blood vermicelli, the proprietress came over and brought a plate of dried dumplings at the same time.

Bringing the dried dumplings in front of Yu Dong and the others, the proprietress said with a smile, "You don't have pies if you want to eat them. Here are meat dumplings made by ourselves. I'll give you a taste."

Yu Dong laughed, "I'm so embarrassed..."

The proprietress waved her hands again and again, and said with a smile, "What's so embarrassing, I'm happy to see the little girl, a plate of dumplings is nothing, you guys are eating, if you need anything, tell me."

After the proprietress left, Yu Dong picked up the chopsticks again and said to Cheng Yanqiu, "It's hard to turn down the big sister's kindness, so I'll accept it with shame. This dumpling still looks pretty good."

But at this moment, two little girls at the next table were staring at the family of three.

Just now, when the proprietress came to deliver the dumplings, it caught the attention of the two little girls. The boss brought out all the dumplings he ate to serve, which shows that the guests at this table are special, and the two little girls also wanted to see what kind of guests there were nothing special.

After seeing it, they first felt that Cheng Yanqiu looked very familiar, as if they had seen it somewhere before, and then they saw Yu Dong, and the two of them were stunned.

Could this person be Yu Dong?
Shouldn't it?
They first denied it in their hearts, because the possibility of Yu Dong appearing in this kind of street shop was too small, but the person in front of them looked too much like Yu Dong.

And after seeing Yu Dong, they went to see Cheng Yanqiu again, and they also remembered that this beautiful woman was like Yu Dong's wife, the famous musician.

It is also possible that a portrait is a coincidence, and the possibility of both husband and wife looking alike is too small.

One of the girls was more courageous, and couldn't help but lean over here, and asked, "Hi, are you Teacher Yu Dong and Teacher Cheng?"

Cheng Yanqiu was startled, and subconsciously wanted to deny it, but Yu Dong had already admitted it generously, "Yes, it's us, how are you?"

Hearing Yu Dong's confession, the two little girls jumped up and down excitedly.

"It's really you guys. I just couldn't believe it when I saw it just now. I went to the park to watch the annual meeting yesterday, and I saw you on the red carpet. I didn't expect to see real people this year."

"Yes, yes, I didn't expect you, Teacher Yu, to eat too."

Yu Dong joked, "We not only eat by ourselves, but also dress ourselves and drink water by ourselves."

"No, no, I mean, I didn't expect you to come out to eat."

Yu Dong said with a smile, "Usually I seldom go out to eat. Isn't it the Chinese New Year, come out for a walk, do you usually come here to eat?"

"Yes, yes, we come here often."

"The duck blood vermicelli here tastes very good."

"Yes, this is an old shop, and his house is the best around. We usually eat at his house."


The movement of the two tables here quickly attracted the attention of customers at other tables.

At the moment, there are five tables of customers in the store. Among the other three tables, two tables know Yu Dong. Celebrities, too, quickly joined the chat.

"Mr. Yu, do you often come to this restaurant to eat?"

Yu Dong smiled and said, "I used to come here often. After Mr. Cheng and I got the certificate, the first meal we ate was duck blood vermicelli, and it was here."

Cheng Yanqiu quickly kicked Yu Dong, feeling embarrassed.

However, the power of this kick was too weak, and Yu Dong didn't respond. He hugged Yu Yi who kept climbing on his shoulders, and continued, "Speaking of it, it's been quite a few years, and the neighborhood has changed a lot. We came here before." At that time, there were many small shops next to it."

"Mr. Yu, when will your "Ninth District" be available in the bookstore? We have been looking forward to it."

Yu Dong laughed, "Hurry up, hurry up."

"Mr. Cheng, do you have any new songs this year? Last year's "Summer Wind" is really nice. I like this song the most in "Flower and Grass Lover."

Cheng Yanqiu replied with a smile, "It depends on the situation. I have no plans to release a new song for the time being."

"Mr. Cheng, you sing so well, it's a pity that you don't have more songs."

"I'm also working hard to produce songs, but this kind of thing still depends on fate."

"Haha, if you don't have time to write songs yourself, ask Jay to write a few more songs for you, and you can just sing. He writes so many songs every year, it's okay to give a few to his teacher, right?"

"I mainly want to choose the one that suits me to sing."


Although it was recognized by others, there were only a few tables of customers in the small shop, and there were few new customers at this time. The guests present were also very restrained, and the atmosphere was quite good.

At first, Cheng Yanqiu was a little worried that everyone would see Yu Yi, but after chatting for a while, she was not so nervous anymore.

The conversation in the store was heated. After hearing it in the back kitchen, the proprietress ran out and asked strangely, "What's the matter, do you know each other?"

The two little girls who recognized Yudong just now said with a smile, "Auntie, you don't even know Teacher Yu and Teacher Cheng."

The proprietress looked confused, "Teacher Yu, Teacher Cheng?"

"The light of our Jinling lies in the east."

Hearing the words Jinling Zhiguang, Yu Dong quickly waved his hands and said, "Don't, don't, this title is too big, I can't bear it."

Several passers-by booed and said, "You can afford it, you can afford it, let alone the glory of Jinling, it is the glory of China, you can afford it, Teacher Yu."

The proprietress was still in a daze. In fact, she had vaguely heard the name "Yu Dong", but she didn't react when the diners mentioned it.

The boss who hadn't shown up suddenly ran out, "Who is Yu Dong?"

Two diners pointed at Yu Dong with a smile and said, "Brother, Teacher Yu is here."

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