Chapter 926 BenQ Store
After playing "Dao Ma Dan", Li Kunyao said with a smile, "In addition to its advanced performance in communication technology, the BenQ S1 is also a music phone. Our engineers have spent countless days and nights. The design with the best music playback effect, when we have an s1, we can turn on the mobile phone to enjoy beautiful music anytime and anywhere. In addition, in addition to the internal memory of the machine, the S1 is also equipped with a large-capacity memory card. Fifty songs will be pre-loaded in it."

"These fifty songs are not fixed, but randomly selected from a library of more than 4000 songs. Of course, if you want to choose your own songs, you can also go to our retail store to customize. The song that is playing "Dao Ma Dan" is in the music library."

Li Kunyao introduced the concept of music mobile phone in this way, whether it is on the scene or in front of the TV, it is difficult to get to the end, but Li Kunyao had expected it, he turned around with a smile, "In order to let everyone know more about the performance of S1, next Please watch a video."

The large screen that had been displaying static text on the stage moved, followed by a 5-minute video.

This is a BenQ S1 commercial, starring Jay Chou and Shakira.

At the beginning of the commercial, a red and white BenQ S1 mobile phone was placed on a square table. The camera gave a close-up of the mobile phone for five seconds, and then the mobile phone rang, and the ringtone was the song "William Castle". Pick up the phone.

The owner of the hand was Jay Chou. After he connected the phone, he spoke a few words in Chinese to the other party. The other party probably meant that he saw a song by an unknown singer in the BenQ store and recommended Jay Chou to listen to it.

After hanging up the phone, Jay Chou turned on the computer, logged into a software called BenQ Store, found the English song "whenever" from it, and downloaded it.

Afterwards, he connected the BenQ S1 mobile phone to the computer, and then imported the newly downloaded song into the mobile phone. At this time, the singing of "whenever" sounded in the video.

After reading this paragraph, the guests below couldn't help discussing in a low voice.

"What is that software that appeared on the computer just now?"

"It seems to be called a BenQ store."

"Is this a bit like Apple's iTunes?"

"It's a bit similar, but it seems that theirs is not the same as Apple's. They can directly import music into the phone."

"I just saw that there is a charging option. Does this mean that you can buy songs directly on this platform in the future?"

"I guess so."

"Sell songs directly on the Internet? This BenQ Mobile is really bold."

"It's better to say that Deep Space Corporation is bold than that Base Mobile is bold."

"Well, yes, if this trick works, it will have a great impact on deep space music."

"What is the impact on deep space music? If this trick works, it will revolutionize Internet music."

It has only been a few years since MP3 came out. Everyone’s impression of MP3 is that it is a more portable player that can record more songs. For example, BenQ Mobile regards the MP3 function as the main advantage of a mobile phone, and binds the MP3 function to Internet music. Together, this is the first time everyone has heard of it.

Domestic audiences have little feeling for this thing, but foreign audiences are very concerned about this thing.

After MP3 came out, disputes over music copyrights in Europe and the United States have never stopped. In recent years, some copyright companies have also filed lawsuits with MP3 manufacturers, but the situation has become more obvious, and the problem of piracy still needs to be solved.

In this case, if the BenQ mobile phone can be directly connected to the computer, and then import electronic music into the mobile phone, it can solve the needs of many people.

So before the advertisement was finished, many European and American viewers were paying attention to the price.

[I want to know how much it costs to download a piece of music?Is it within the range I can bear? 】

[Is there a monthly subscription? 】

[May I ask if there are any songs on this software? 】

[I searched just now, but I didn't find this software. Is there really such a software? 】

[I want to know, can the songs downloaded by this software be imported to all BenQ phones? 】

[How is this possible, it must be a limited account, if every mobile phone can be imported, then how much money do they make? 】

[If there is such a software, it would be great. Recently, I am worried about not having a good channel to listen to songs. Now mp3 downloading songs is also very limited. 】

[No way, the issue of copyright, the rights and interests of creators also need to be protected. 】

[I hope the price is not too expensive, otherwise I can only give up music. 】

[Uh, have you ever thought about a question, that is, will the BenQ S1 be released in other countries besides China? 】

[It should be on sale, even the press conference is broadcast live globally, if it doesn’t sell to us, why show us the press conference? 】

[Maybe they just want the ratings? 】

[What are you thinking, this software is useless in China, it must be pushed to Europe and the United States just now. 】

【Oh, that's true. 】

[I don't know the price of this phone, it shouldn't be too cheap, after all, fifty songs will be given away. 】

[Seeing the operation of jay chou, it seems very convenient. I usually spend a lot of effort to put music into the mp3. 】


The commercial here is still playing. After listening to "Whenever", Jay Chou thought it sounded very good, and then wanted to find this female singer, but there was no information about this female singer on the software.

After searching for a while but not finding it, Jay Chou also gave up and simply set "whenever" as the ringtone of his mobile phone.

This section also caught the attention of the audience.

Editing ringtones by yourself is not a rare thing. Mobile phones launched this function a few years ago, but in this era where it takes a lot of trouble to put music into the phone, editing ringtones for mobile phones by yourself is not an easy task. things.

However, BenQ S1 simplifies this step. Users only need to purchase music on the BenQ store to edit the music directly at the software vendor, and then set it as a mobile phone alarm or ringtone, which is simple and convenient.

At the end of the commercial, Jay Chou was walking on the street, someone called him, the ring rang, and then a girl looked over with a surprised face, and that girl was Shakira.

The ad ends here.

There is nothing complicated about the whole ad, the content is very simple, but what I want to express is expressed.

Li Kunyao said with a smile, "At the end of the video, I believe everyone has various questions in their hearts. Next, I will explain some of the content in the video to you. First of all, I would like to introduce to you the This is a software that our company launched for the S1, users can purchase songs through this software, as for how to purchase services and the pricing of songs, you will be able to see it after the software goes online on April [-].”

"Just like what you have just seen, users can not only download songs from the software and import them into their phones, but also make ringtones..."

The rest of the press conference was nothing special. Li Kunyao demonstrated some main functions of the mobile phone to the audience, and then announced the release time of the mobile phone in various countries and regions and the price in China.

The phone will go on sale in China on April 690, priced at [-] yuan.

This price is actually similar to the tone of public psychology, or even lower.

The prices of mobile phones on the market now vary greatly. There are low-priced ones of more than 1000 yuan, and high-priced ones are out of the question. There are tens of thousands of high-selling mobile phones. The price of several high-selling mobile phones is also between [-] and [-]. , Below [-] is the kind of model that is on the verge of being eliminated for a long time, and more than [-] can be regarded as a high-end model.

The various parameters of BenQ S1 are better than ordinary models, plus there are gimmicks, the price must not be low, but this is the first mobile phone of BenQ after all, the brand effect is not enough, so the price will definitely not be too high .

The price in the United States is slightly higher, at $699 for one.

This price is relatively close to the people for users in the United States.

It’s not about how expensive mobile phones in the United States are, but the BenQ store function is very useful to the public. Even though the BenQ S1 is not a mobile phone, but an MP3 player, it is so convenient to listen to music, and the price is [-] US dollars. There are also a lot of people who are willing to pay the bill.

Moreover, if you buy an S1 mobile phone, you can get [-] songs as a gift, and these [-] songs are all money. If you don’t give them away, the user really has to spend their own money to buy them.


On April [-], the BenQ store software was officially launched.

Although the BenQ S1 was released in China first, the software was launched globally simultaneously. At this time, everyone also saw the software's pricing for songs.

In the BenQ store, each song is priced at $0.99, but different songs have different discounts.

Like some popular new songs that have just come out, basically there is no discount, and the original price of 0.99 US dollars is maintained, but some old songs with a long history will have a certain discount, and the lowest discounted song will sell for 0.29 US dollars.

In addition to buying singles, there will also be some songs sold in packages in the store. There are several types of songs sold in packages. One is that the songs themselves are not very popular. The other is a package of songs by a certain singer. For example, Jay Chou’s more than 40 songs cost more than 40 US dollars if purchased individually, but if packaged, it only costs 29.9 US dollars, which can save more than a dozen US dollars.

In addition to single song sales and package sales, there is also a monthly subscription service. As long as users purchase the monthly subscription service, they can import music unlimitedly in the current month without restriction. This service is more suitable for users who usually listen to more songs.

Some people listen to hundreds of songs a month, and it is impossible to afford to buy music without purchasing a monthly subscription service.

The BenQ store currently only has 100 songs for users to download, and most of the copyrights of these [-] songs are also in the hands of the Deep Space Group.However, BenQ Mobile is also actively negotiating with other copyrights, striving to increase the number of songs in the store to at least [-] million this year.


On the same day, the BenQ S1 officially went on sale. On the first day of the sale, there was a long queue at the door of the first BenQ retail store in Hexi, Jinling. From [-]:[-] am to [-]:[-] pm, there were no people in line stopped.

Of course, this situation is also in Jinling. Even if the BenQ S1 sells well in other cities, there is no queue.

In Jinling, because of the existence of retail stores, everyone is reluctant to buy from other mobile phone stores. They always feel that it is safer to buy in retail stores.

In addition, not all customers who come to the retail store are customers who want to buy mobile phones. Many of them are just to join in the fun. They queue up to enter the store to see what the BenQ S1 looks like.The most important thing is that the service of the retail store is very good, and the explanation is good. Even if you don't buy a mobile phone, you can experience it.


Yu Dong still saw the picture of the queue at the BenQ retail store from the news, and Jimmy was there when he watched the news.

Looking at the hot screen on the TV, Jimmy couldn't help feeling, "It's a pity that most of these people would not take a mobile phone away from the retail store, otherwise the sales of this store alone would be huge." That's enough."

Yu Dong said with a smile, "If there are so many people queuing up to buy mobile phones, the only thing to worry about now is the production capacity."

"Don't worry about BenQ's production capacity." Jimmy shook his head and said, "Actually, I pay more attention to the sales of electronic music on the BenQ store than the sales of mobile phones. After all, no one has done this before. Would you like it?" The bill is not sure yet.”

"Has the data of the BenQ store in China come out?"

"No, I didn't pay attention to it either. The data here is not of any reference."

Yu Dong nodded. Jimmy was right. The data in China is really useless, because the music player of the BenQ S1 does not impose any restrictions on the source of songs, which means that users can download music from anywhere to the phone. Playing does not have to be imported from the BenQ Store.

In this case, not many users in China will choose to spend money to buy songs in the BenQ store. Even if a song in China is less than one yuan, they are more willing to find free songs from the website. Download, or even go buy a pirated CD and copy the music to your phone.

In fact, even if the S1 player restricts the source of songs, it is impossible for Chinese users to spend money. Change, so Jimmy doesn't care about the data on China's side at all.

They are mainly focusing on the United States now, because the next step will be the United States, and then they can see whether it is feasible to sell music on the Internet.

Of course, even if the situation is bad, it will not have a fatal impact on BenQ Mobile, because the cost of BenQ stores is not high.

(End of this chapter)

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