Chapter 925
Yu Dong had watched Chen Tao's variety show plan, and he was quite optimistic about the variety show plan alone.

But the problem is that it doesn't mean that if you have a good plan, you will be able to produce a good program. Chen Tao and his Yuhua reasoning agency mainly do game activities before, and they have nothing to do with variety show production.

"Let them young people explore, it's useless if we help too much." Yu Dong said.

Jimmy nodded, "I didn't help much either. Fang Tao did most of the work himself, including the invitation of David Trainor to be the program director this time, which was also decided by Fang Tao."

"Well, Fang Tao is a very capable young man. The development of the Yuhua Reasoning Society over the years is inseparable from his efforts."

"Jin Yang and Chen Tao also contributed a lot. I didn't take it seriously when I found out that the two little kids were starting a club. I didn't expect to sit so well in the back. Especially Jin Yang, his performance made me very happy. Surprised, the ranking system of our werewolf killing game also learned from what he did."

"Indeed, Jin Yang is a genius."

Jimmy smiled. There are not many people who can be called geniuses by Yu Dong, and Jin Yang is one of them, and he is indeed worthy of this title.

Jimmy has also seen many people who are called "geniuses". Some can memorize the last [-] digits of pi, some can recite thousands of poems at the age of seven or eight, and some can do middle school Olympiads in elementary school.

But in Jimmy's opinion, those people are not as good as Jin Yang.

Jin Yang can't memorize pi, nor can he memorize ancient poems, and he doesn't usually do Olympiads, but he was able to figure out a game ranking system when he was 16 or [-] years old, and he was able to write a game when he was [-] years old. A financial analysis article with unique insights. I didn't deliberately learn the language, but I can communicate with people in four or five languages.

The most important thing is that Jin Yang always knows what he wants and will not be swayed by the evaluation of outsiders. When others praise him, he will not be inflated and arrogant, and when others belittle him, he will not feel inferior because of it. , self-deprecating.

He studies languages, but he knows that he will not become a linguist in the future, so he picks up practical learning, the purpose is to be able to communicate with others, as long as a language is learned and can communicate with others, he will basically not waste it More time on it.

Although Jin Yang has not yet graduated, he has already signed a contract with Shenkong Company, and he can get a considerable amount of "salary" from Shenkong Company every year.

Originally, the deep space company gave Jin Yang the money in the name of "bursary" or "scholarship", but Jin Yang felt that he was already working for the deep space company, so the money should be a salary instead of a bursary or scholarship .

After receiving the money, Jin Yang set up a studio by himself. As for what he researches in the studio every day, the Deep Space Company does not know, and he has no obligation to report to the Deep Space Company.

I only know that his laboratory is very expensive, and the salary given to him by Deep Space Company is not enough for him, and he usually earns some money from other places.

Speaking of Jin Yang, Yu Dong casually asked about his laboratory, "What exactly is Jin Yang's laboratory working on? Has it produced any results?"

"I only heard Chen Tao say that he wants to get a watch that can connect to the Internet, and then this watch can also talk."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows and asked, "Then how is his research on this watch going?"

"I heard it's already half the battle."

"Half success?"

"Well, the functions have been realized. The watch can make calls and make sounds."

Yu Dong curled his lips, "He probably changed a mobile phone into a watch."

Jimmy smiled and said, "Haha, yes, he changed a mobile phone into a watch style, I heard it's quite big, and it's very tiring to wear on the wrist, and he removed 90.00% of the keyboard, and kept a small battery, So this watch is very difficult to operate, it takes half a day to input a word, and the battery life is short, and it will run out of power after a while. When Chen Tao described it, he looked down on Jinyang's research."

"Since the keyboard has been removed by 90.00%, how is the text input?"

"It seems that three keys were reserved, and then he compiled a set of input programs by himself. He can input text with these three keys and use a large number of key combinations, and in different modes, the function of each key is different. For example For example, in the text input mode, press 123 to combine and a list of cursive characters will appear, and then find the word you want in this list. After entering this step, press a group of numbers to filter out part of the text. Narrow down the scope and make it easier to search.”

Yu Dong pulled the corners of his mouth and smiled, "It's not easy to design and write this input method, but the threshold for his input method is too high, and most people can't learn it at all, and only people like him can use it once." used."

"Well, but I think his idea is very interesting. I probably know his idea. It should be something like a robot pet. If you need anything, just say to the watch, and the watch will do it for you. , such as asking it to make a phone call for you, check something online, and buy something.”

Although what Jin Yang is doing now is very rough, even at first glance it seems a bit funny, but Jimmy still affirmed that Jin Yang's thinking is correct, as long as he moves in one direction, even if he fails to achieve what he wants in the end Make it, and you can make other useful things too.

Yu Dong also thought it was good, but he felt that it was not good for Jin Yang to build a car behind closed doors.

"Jin Yang still has a lot to learn. Find a time to ask him later, what kind of knowledge does he need? Let's help him. The software technology of Deep Space Computer is not bad, but it is not comprehensive enough. , hardware is our weakness, if he wants to learn, we can find him a teacher from other places."

Jimmy smiled and said: "You don't need to say it at all. This kid is very thieves. If there is anything he wants, he has never been embarrassed to reach out to us. Before he wanted to go to MIT to attend a lecture, he went straight to tell Yu Yu about himself. Going on a business trip, let the company reimburse him for travel expenses, board and lodging, and understand him well, so I agreed."

In fact, Jin Yang didn't need to find any excuses at all. He just said that he wanted to go to MIT to attend lectures. In a position of equality with the company.

Yu Dong knew this kid's characteristics, so he took it easy.


The next night, BenQ Mobile's new product launch conference was officially held in the auditorium of the Deep Space Park.

There is only one product in this new product launch conference, and that is BenQ Mobile's first mobile phone, the BenQ S1.

Although there is only one new product, the press conference still attracted a lot of media.

BenQ S1 is not only the first mobile phone of BenQ Mobile, but also the first step for Deep Space Company to enter the mobile communication industry.

Since its inception, Deep Space has dabbled in many industries and has made achievements. This time, it first took over BenQ Dentsu from Acer Group, and then took BenQ Dentsu from Lenovo to snatch Prima With the mobile phone license in the electronic hands, people are of course very concerned about how their first mobile phone is going to be.

Although it is a new product release conference, after the conference started, today's keynote speaker Li Kunyao first briefly introduced some products of BenQ Dentsu, and then briefly introduced the development history of BenQ Mobile.

The reason why I want to introduce these is also to demonstrate the strong strength of BenQ Mobile. BenQ Mobile is backed by BenQ Dentsu and Guangzhou No. [-] Institute, and is escorted by Deep Space Company.

After these "foreplays" were over, Li Kunyao said with a smile: "Next, let's not talk nonsense, let's invite today's protagonist, BenQ Mobile's first mobile phone, the BenQ S1, to the stage."

As Li Kunyao finished speaking, two girls in blue and white cheongsams walked onto the stage holding a box each.

Everyone stared at the box in their hands, looking forward to seeing the true appearance of BenQ S1.

Taking the box from one of the girls with a smile, Li Kunyao showed the box to the audience, "BenQ S1 has two colors, and the one I have now has the same color as this box. Red and white, I dare say, you will be amazed by its appearance, when I saw this phone for the first time, I thought, so the phone can be made like this..."

Li Kunyao started to open the box while talking.

Everyone in the audience stretched their heads and necks to look. Soon, a small mobile phone with only a few buttons appeared in front of everyone, and close-up pictures of the mobile phone also appeared on the large screens on both sides of the auditorium.

Many people have doubts on their faces: Is there only a few buttons on this phone?The color scheme is pretty nice.

Not only the people at the scene were puzzled, but also the people who were watching the live broadcast were very puzzled.

[Is this phone too small?And there are only four keys...]

[It's not four keys, I read it, it should be eight keys. 】

[Eight keys are not enough, how to type? 】

[This shape is so strange, I wonder if there is a color screen. 】


Of course Li Kunyao didn't know the audience's evaluation at this time, he carefully took the phone out of the box.

At this moment, Li Kunyao lost his grip, and the phone and its case fell to the ground.

This scene shocked the audience, and many people exclaimed.

Li Kunyao was also "shocked", and quickly bent down to pick up the phone. After he picked up the phone, he let out a long sigh of relief and said with a smile, "It's intact."

The people in the audience also breathed a sigh of relief, but many people were also thinking, at least it shows that the quality of the BenQ S1 phone is good and it is quite resistant to falling.

[Ouch, I was startled, I thought the phone was going to break. 】

[It seems that the quality of the mobile phone is good, and it is worth buying. 】

[The quality is good, but resistance to falling is not the criterion for a good mobile phone, it depends on the performance. 】

[I still don't understand how to use this phone, what about the keyboard. 】


Of course, Li Kunyao couldn't be so careless. Jimmy helped him design this paragraph. On the one hand, it was to mobilize the emotions of the audience and let everyone remember the press conference. On the other hand, he wanted to tell everyone that their mobile phones are of high quality. No problem, drop resistant.

Judging from the reactions of the guests at the scene, the effect of this section has been achieved.

Smiling, Li Kunyao continued to show the phone, "Perhaps when many people see the BenQ S1, they will have doubts. Why does this phone have only a few keys, and what about the other keys? I will tell you the answer now. The keypad of the phone is hidden in the..."

Li Kunyao slid the phone lightly, revealing the keyboard below.

Seeing this design, everyone's performance is different. Some people have never seen Motorola's slider phone before, and now they suddenly see this slider phone from BenQ, and they are all surprised. They don't know the phone can still do this.

Some people have seen the Motorola slider phone before, and they are a little surprised. After all, the slider phone is short-lived and has not performed well. I don’t understand why BenQ adopts this design.

After showing the slider design to the audience, Li Kunyao returned the mobile phone to the hostess, "Okay, you two can go down first."

The two girls nodded and walked off the stage with their mobile phones. This scene made the people below wonder, why did they take their mobile phones down? Is this the end?

Li Kunyao took out another BenQ S1 from his pocket with a smile, "I almost forgot just now, but I actually have an S1 in my pocket, and I use it to... oh, I seem to have more than one."

Immediately afterwards, Li Kunyao took out a BenQ S1 from another pocket.

Then there were two butt pockets, one outer pocket of the jacket, and two inner pockets. Up and down, he took out a total of seven BenQ S1s.

There are a total of two colors, in addition to red and white, there is also silver and black.

Seeing that Li Kunyao suddenly pulled out seven mobile phones from his body like a magic trick, everyone was very surprised, because Li Kunyao didn't look like he had seven mobile phones on his body just now.

What does this mean? It means that the BenQ S1 takes up little space when it is put away.

[This slider design takes up so little space. 】

[What's special about this, doesn't the flip cover take up less space? 】

[I think the sliding cover design is more advantageous, because the sliding cover can directly see the screen, and the flip cover needs to be released every time. If the flip cover is turned too much, it is easy to break. 】

[The upper layer of the slider seems to have a button for answering the phone, which means that you don’t need a slider to answer the phone, which is definitely more convenient than flipping the cover. 】

At this time, Li Kunyao also began to demonstrate how to use the mobile phone.

"In many scenarios, you don't actually need to use the keyboard below, such as answering the phone, dialing the address book, adjusting the volume, checking the time... These operations can be completed without sliding the cover. Of course, the most important thing is, You can also play music without sliding."

Immediately afterwards, Li Kunyao operated the navigation key in the middle to enter the music playback page, and then selected the song "Dao Ma Dan" to play.

(End of this chapter)

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