When Yu Dong said that 3000 million would be all right, Andy Rubin did not show a surprised expression on his face, but revealed a faint worry.

Deep Space Corporation has indeed developed very well in recent years and has sufficient cash, which is obvious to all, but it is still unbelievable that $3000 million is given to a small project casually.

Of course Andy Rubin is confident in his own research, but he has also been in contact with some other investors before, and he knows the general situation of market investment. There has never been a manager as casual and generous as Yu Dong.

That's right, in Andy Rubin's opinion, Yu Dong's performance was a little casual.

After all, the two of them haven't known each other for a long time, and they used to chat through social software before, and because of the time difference and different majors, even online, they didn't chat for a long time in total.

Today was the first time they met. After meeting for a few minutes, Yu Dong said that he could invest 3000 million US dollars. Of course Andy Rubin was worried that Yu Dong was fooling him.Moreover, Andy Rubin believes that Yu Dong may only be the big boss of Deep Space China, but he does not have as many shares in the entire Deep Space Group as Jimmy, and he may not be able to make a decision on an investment of 3000 million US dollars.

Andy Rubin weighed his words and said, "YU, do you want to talk to James about this again? What does he think of our products?"

As soon as he said this, Yu Dong knew what he was thinking, and he was just worried that what he said would not count.

Yu Dong can also understand Andy Rubin's worries. After all, 3000 million US dollars is not a small amount. He said with a smile, "No, the money to invest in you this time does not need to come from the company. I will do it myself." Don't leave in a hurry these two days, I'll ask someone to draw up a rough contract first, you have a look, if there is no problem, we will finalize the matter. After you go back, set up a company first, and when the time comes The money will come through."

After Andy Rubin was slightly shocked, he realized again that he forgot that YU in front of him was not only a partner of the Deep Space Group, but also the author with the highest royalties on the planet. To him personally, $3000 million might be just Royalty income from a book.

YU's best-selling book "Old Books" should have sold more than 7000 million copies. Even if YU only earns 0.5 US dollars for a copy, the royalties for this book alone will be worth 500 million US dollars.

It seems that there was a news before that one of YU's scripts was sold for a sky-high price, several million dollars.

When he came back to his senses, Andy Rubin smiled, "Actually, I have established a company before, called danger, and I am preparing to establish a second company recently, but I am still considering whether the company name should be Android or Walle." .”

Yu Dong asked in surprise, "What do you want your company to be called?"

Andy Rubin showed an embarrassed expression, "Walle is a character you created. I like it very much. If you really want to use this name, you may need your authorization."

Yu Dong waved his hand, "I'm not talking about Walle, I'm talking about Android."

Andy Rubin laughed, "Because I like robots very much, the reason why my current company is called Danger is also because I like a space fantasy TV series "Lost in Space", in which there is a robot who often There will be a warning of danger. Similarly, the name Walle is also because I like the character. I also considered eve before, but the name eve is too many people use."

Yu Dong was surprised. He didn't know if it was a coincidence, or if the Android system was created by Andy Rubin in front of him.

Thinking about it now, the possibility of Andy Rubin creating Android is relatively high. After all, Yu Dong also knew about Andy Rubin because of Larry Page.

In the last life, Android was also owned by Google.Maybe it was the chat at the annual meeting that made me cut off Larry Page.

Thinking of this, Yu Dong secretly thought that he was lucky to be able to pick up such a great god.

If the Android system can be made earlier, then the $3000 million is worth it.The value of the Android system is immeasurable. In the last life, Google relied on the Android system to make a lot of money in the European and American markets. If Google hadn't withdrawn from the Chinese market, the "Google gift package" would not be able to enter domestic mobile phones, and the domestic market would definitely be shut down. harvested.

The profit margin of the key system is still high. It is said that the profit margin of the Android system can reach 70.00%, and it can have billions of dollars in net profit every year.It can be said that as long as there is such a system and the user market is cultivated well, the next step is to pick up money.

Looking at Andy Rubin again, Yu Dong's eyes were different. What kind of bald middle-aged man is this? He's just a shining cash cow.

"I think the name Android is very good. If you really like Wall-E, I can authorize the image of Wall-E to the company in the future and use it as the company's logo."

Andy Rubin thought for a while and smiled, "I haven't thought about the logo. It's perfect to use Android as the company name and Walle's image as the logo."

Android means robot, and WALL-E is also a robot, so this logo fits well with the company name.

Yu Dong also laughed, "Do you usually like to read science fiction?"

Andy Rubin shook his head, "I rarely read sci-fi, but I like sci-fi very much, so I usually watch some sci-fi movies or TV series. The role of Walle is also because I have watched the promotional film before, and then I will go to the I have read the novel, and I am very much looking forward to the day when the movie is made, I will definitely go to the cinema to watch it as soon as possible.”

"When the movie is made, I will invite you to the premiere ceremony."

"My pleasure."

Speaking of Wall-E, Yu Dong remembered another thing, "After you came here today, have you visited the sci-fi themed museum?"

"No, I came to see you immediately after I arrived in Jinling. I haven't had time to go to the sci-fi themed pavilion yet. I'm very interested in the sci-fi themed pavilion in the Deep Space Park, and I've already decided to take a good look around before I came here."

Yu Dong looked at his watch, and before ten o'clock, he picked up the phone and called the secretary department, and then said into the phone, "Let Ren Hongfei, the team leader of the game business department, come to my office. The cafeteria arranges a table for about five people in the No. 11 box, and it will be over at 30:[-]."

After hanging up the phone, Yu Dong said to Andy Rubin, "It's still a while before lunch, I'll find someone to take you around the park, I still have some things to do here, maybe I don't have time to accompany you gone."

Andy Rubin smiled and waved his hands, "It's okay, it's okay, in fact, I just go down and take a stroll by myself."

"The person has been arranged, and he will come in a while."

After about 2 minutes, Ren Hongfei rushed to the office.

"Boss, are you looking for me?"

Yu Dong stood up with a smile, and said to Andy Rubin first, "This is Ren Hongfei, the team leader of our company's game business department. He also likes robots more. You may have a lot of common topics."

Then he said to Ren Hongfei, "This is Andy Rubin, a master of robotics engineering. He came here from the United States this time. Take him around the park, and take him to the cafeteria at 11:30 Room [-], let's have a meal together."

Ren Hongfei came over and shook hands with Andy Rubin, "Hi, Mr. Rubin, welcome to China."

"Hello, hello." Andy Rubin also responded with a smile.


After Ren Hongfei took Andy Rubin out of Yudong Office, he asked Andy Rubin, "Mr. Rubin, where do you want to start? Or in order?"

Andy Rubin smiled, "I heard that there is a walle robot in your park, I would like to see it very much."

Ren Hongfei laughed and said, "Then let's go directly to the sci-fi theme pavilion. There are actually more than one Walle robot, and there are six of them in the park alone, but usually there are at most two that appear in front of people."

"What about the other four?" Andy Rubin asked.

"The other four are usually resting."

The rest that Ren Hongfei talked about was actually repairing... It is not appropriate to say repairing, it should be said that it is making improvements.

Since the walle robot was made, it has been iterating seamlessly. The improved robot will be used in the park, and if there is a problem in the middle, it will be "returned to the factory" for renovation.

If there is no problem, then several other robots will also be modified synchronously.Now that Walle talks to people, there are still real people behind him. Deep Space Company wants to make a robot that can talk to people by itself.

Although there are only six walls in the park, these few walls will cost Deep Space Corporation tens of millions of RMB a year, with an average of more than 100 million per month.

Although Ren Hongfei didn't explain it, Andy Rubin can probably guess the reason, after all, he is a professional.

"In addition to the park, are there other places?"

"Well, there are, such as the Mars camp."

"I've also heard that, does your company only have a robot called Walle?"

"For the time being, there is only this one. Robots are not our main business, or they are not considered a business. Walle is just a mascot now. Someone proposed to buy one back, but we did not agree."

Andy Rubin smiled. "But he can't always be a mascot."

Ren Hongfei shook his head, "I'm not sure about that. In fact, our company has a lot of weird laboratories, and the laboratory that develops Walle is one of the larger ones."

Andy Rubin nodded, "It must be a pleasure to work in a company like Deep Space. When I came here today, I could feel that the employees here are in good condition. I think it must be because the company is full of freedom and innovation. breath."

Ren Hongfei agreed, "Well, everyone is very happy to work in deep space."

In fact, Ren Hongfei only agrees with Andy Rubin's conclusion, but does not agree with the reason he deduced from this conclusion.Ren Hongfei believes that the reason why the employees in this building are in good condition is not because it is full of freedom and innovation, but the most fundamental reason is that the salary and benefits of working in the deep space company are good, and the welfare guarantee is not to be chosen.

Take Ren Hongfei himself as an example. He had a girlfriend in the company a few years ago. Like him, his girlfriend was also a fresh graduate who just graduated last year.

The company's rule is that you are eligible to buy a house in Deep Space Apartment after working for three years. He and his girlfriend are still two years away, but the two of them are already planning to buy a house in the apartment when they both have three years.

The monthly wages of the two add up to five or six thousand now, and it will definitely increase in the future. They usually stay in the company for food and lodging, and they can’t spend much money. They can save a lot every month. In this way, they can save for two or three years. , plus the subsidy given to them by the Deep Space Company, they can buy a small apartment in the Deep Space Apartment.

Even if they can't afford a house for the time being, the two of them can still rent a large apartment in the Deep Space Apartment, which is very comfortable to live in.

Later, when the two of them got married, they could apply for a group wedding in the cafeteria.

After the application is approved, the company will arrange several couples to hold a wedding in the cafeteria as appropriate. At that time, the company will sponsor the drinks and give them the lowest discount on the meals. The price is much better than that held in hotels outside.

Moreover, the canteen hall in the deep space is very large, which is enough for a banquet.

Last month, there were five couples having a group wedding in the cafeteria, and one of them belonged to Ren Hongfei's department.

The cafeteria is decorated in a very grand style, even better than ordinary hotels. As long as the company does not shy away from holding a wedding together, they are basically willing to apply for a group wedding.

After they are married and have children later, the kindergarten can go to the kindergarten affiliated to Shenkong Company. The school has good teaching conditions and low fees.

After graduating from kindergarten, children can go to Shenkong Primary School, and then Shenkong Junior High School. It can be said that parents do not need to worry about children's schooling before the age of 15.

With such welfare conditions, who would not want to work at Deep Space Corporation?

Before those college students in Jinling graduated, their first choice was to go abroad, followed by Yanjing, Shanghai, and Yangcheng. Few stayed in the local area, but the situation is different now. As long as they have the opportunity to enter the deep space company, basically Will not go anywhere else.

If you go abroad, the salary is indeed higher than that of Deep Space, but the gap is not as big as before, not to mention the benefits, and the more important thing is that the salary of Deep Space is rising every year. Many people think that sooner or later, it will rise to At the same level as the United States.

Even if you can't get into the Deep Space Company, it's good to go to other companies in Jinling. Now Jinling has come to many excellent companies, leaving a lot of talents for Jinling.

For example, BenQ Mobile, which has just been established, has been recruiting frantically since it moved to Jinling. Now it has recruited two to three hundred people. Their goal is to recruit more than [-] employees within two years.

Now Jinling can not only retain students from local colleges and universities, but also siphon talents from surrounding cities.

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