Chapter 931 New Academy

Ren Hongfei took Andy Rubin to the sci-fi themed pavilion first, and met the robot Wall-E.

After studying Wall-E for a while, Andy Rubin said with some disappointment, "This Wall-E is not very good in other aspects except for its similar appearance, especially the performance of joint motors, although I have not done it. After any calculation, I can still feel that the response time of its joint motor is too long. It can be seen that the shutdown motor you use is relatively backward and the volume is relatively large. In order to adapt to this large volume, you have made some changes to the wall-li. Change, this change can also be seen from the appearance."

Ren Hongfei nodded, "That's right, there are relatively few manufacturers of joint motors in China, and the technology is far inferior to that of Neon and the United States. Size is also a problem, which makes the appearance of Wall-E not perfect. In fact, joint motors have already been made. After one improvement, the previous volume will be even larger.”

Andy Rubin asked puzzledly, "If that's the case, why don't you use Neon or American motors?"

Ren Hongfei shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know about that, it's the motor chosen by the Wall-E laboratory."

Andy Rubin raised his eyebrows. Although Ren Hongfei didn't say it explicitly, he probably understood that the Deep Space Company was probably eyeing the business of joint motors.

In fact, Wall-E is a crawler robot, and its application in joint motors is relatively small. Joint motors are mainly used in biped bionic robots.

Compared with traditional wheeled robots and tracked robots, biped bionic robots have many outstanding advantages, such as good ground adaptability, low energy consumption, and large work space, and these characteristics have great influence on the mechanical structure of the robot and joint motors. high demands.

Neon Walk was relatively early in the research on joint motors. In the early 70s, Waseda University successfully developed the world's first three-person biped robot, and realized walking quietly.

A few years ago, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology took a different approach and proposed the concept of an elastic drive, which opened the prelude to the research on elastic drives.

It can be said that Neon and the United States are the two countries with the most mature joint motor technology, and they are far ahead of other countries. Deep Space wants to develop joint motors, and Andy Rubin thinks it is very difficult.

In addition to joint motors, the robot's operating system is also a top priority. Andy Rubin visited the artificial intelligence laboratory of Stanford University before. They have a new project called STAIR in the robot operating system. The displayed technology is very advanced. If the project is successful, it is likely to lead the technological development in the field of robotics.

Wall-E's operating system can't see anything for a short time, after all, Wall-E is just a mobile speaker for the time being.

It is very unlikely that the Deep Space Company will catch up with Neon and the United States in these two aspects. This thing needs to spend money, but it cannot be produced by spending money. It will take a long time to accumulate while spending money.


Andy Rubin stayed in Jinling for nearly two weeks and didn't leave until the end of May. The two sides had already negotiated about the new company. This new company was entirely funded by Dong himself and had no direct relationship with the Deep Space Group.

For Andy Rubin, he doesn't care about the company's shareholding structure, he only cares about how much project funds Yu Dong can arrange for him, and the contract signed between them only stipulates the project funds.

No matter how much money the company puts in, Andy Rubin's project needs to get at least $2000 million.

After the new company is established, a total of 3000 million US dollars will be divided into five times within a year and transferred to the company's account, with an average of 600 million each time. Andy Rubin has no objection to this at all. After all, it is impossible for him to transfer all All project funds have been spent.He was very pleasantly surprised to get all the project funds within one year.

After Andy Rubin went back, he hurriedly recruited some more people to form a new team on the basis of the original one.In order to repay Yudong's investment, they must produce a mobile operating system as soon as possible.


June [-]st, Friday, the weather was fine.

Festivals like Children's Day had nothing to do with college students, but the students of Jinling Art Institute organized a rather grand event for this festival.

Ever since Zhang Yimou held a very grand sports meeting opening ceremony in Jinyi, Jinyi has been particularly fond of holding such activities, and even holds evening parties for important festivals.

For festivals like May Day, a party is naturally indispensable.

This year's May Day activities were already prepared, but due to the delay in the emergency maintenance of the school's small auditorium, it was not completed.

If we didn’t make achievements, we couldn’t make it. Anyway, there are many school activities, so there is no shortage of this time, but the students didn’t want to, so they booed and said that they would have one on Children’s Day.

Seeing the high enthusiasm of the students, the principal Wu Changxin was also very reasonable. He specially approved the whole school to take a day off on Children's Day, and made up for the May [-]st Labor Day party that had not been completed before.

In this way, in the first year across the millennium, Jinyi held the first official Children's Day Gala in the history of the school.

Jinyi’s gala has always been very good, and this June [-]st gala is a complement to the previous May [-]st Labor Day gala, so the momentum is even bigger, and many other schools in Jinling have guests.

For example, Cheng Liye, the vice president of Jinling University and Yu Dong's father-in-law, also came to the party. He sat in the first row with Yu Dong.

Cheng Liye looked around the stage, smiled and said to Wu Changxin next to him, "I didn't expect that I would be able to participate in the June [-]st Gala even though I have such a bone. In comparison, you Jin Yi has a youthful atmosphere."

Wu Changxin replied with a smile, "Students in our school are playful, and they can't do anything else. It's a bit of an advantage to engage in these activities. I also like to be lively, and I am happy to accompany them."

Cheng Liye said with emotion, "It's more than just a little advantage. Your school is now developing in all directions and has cultivated many talents for the literary and art circles. Art, music, and drama are all left behind. Besides, your school's activities have developed to other fields. It's school, when I came here just now, I met two students from our school, both of whom came to watch the party."

"Of course we also hope to have more exchanges with our sister schools."

In fact, the management at the entrance of Jinyi School is very strict. Outsiders need to register to enter the school. Generally, they cannot enter without being accompanied by someone.

But even so, some students from other schools would often come to Jinyi, and even if they couldn't enter the school gate, they would guard the gate.

There are too many celebrities in Jinyi, and a lot of top-level writers and top-level actors have gathered here.

There are relatively few people chasing writers, and most of those who stay at the door are fans of those actors. For Jin Yi’s students, they are already used to the situation of a group of people waiting at the door every day. It appeared after becoming famous, but it has become more obvious in recent years.

Jinyi now has a fixed meeting time for the media from [-]:[-] p.m. to [-]:[-] p.m. every Thursday. Media reporters can make an appointment with Jinyi’s External News Department at least one week in advance. meeting.

The time of the meeting is fixed, but the people attending each time are different, so it depends on the luck of the reporter to make an appointment to attend the meeting. If you are lucky, you may even meet Yu Dong. Got to meet some new actors who just showed up.

Jin Yi's current foreign news department is very mature. In addition to the regular weekly meetings, sometimes the foreign news department will also help the teachers and students of the school to arrange interviews, and will also share part of the school's publicity work.

For example, the operation of Internet accounts is also managed by this department.

Jinyi is the first school in the country to establish an official Internet account, and it is also the school with the best account operation. Compared with other schools, Jinyi has too many advantages.

There are too many celebrities in the school, and they usually only need to post the daily life of these celebrities to attract a large number of fans.

The person who runs the account also knows what fans like to watch, and they basically post news related to school celebrities, such as "Liu Ye won the school basketball cup championship", "Deng Wei won the dubbing competition championship", etc. All right, some more pictures.

Like today's June [-]st gala, it is natural to post news, and the performers on stage are basically stars. Except for the poor venue, the others are not inferior to those gala shows on satellite TV.

Wu Changxin chatted with Cheng Liye for a few words, then stretched his neck to look at Yu Dong on the other side, and said with a smile, "When we move to the new campus and change to a new venue, the on-site effect will be better."

Yu Dong nodded, "Well, in the future, it will be large-scale, and the party can be broadcast live to the outside world."

These words have reached Wu Changxin's heart. He attaches great importance to publicity in this area. If the school's party can be broadcast live to the outside world, the publicity effect must be very good.

However, Wu Changxin is also quite rational. He knows that live broadcasting is not easy, and it is unrealistic to live broadcast every evening.

"At that time, let's choose a party in a year to do a live broadcast. I think the June [-]st one is very good, and it can be put together with the graduation party."

Yu Dong smiled and responded, "I think it's pretty good."

Sitting in the middle, Cheng Liye said with a smile, "It is true that it is going to be broadcast live. It would be a pity that such a good event should not be seen by the public. Yu Dong, you are the deputy director of the drama department. You should share more with President Wu." .”

"Haha, Principal Cheng, soon it will not be the Department of Drama, but the Academy of Television and Film. At that time, Yu Dong will not be the deputy director, but the deputy dean."

"Oh? I haven't heard Yu Dong say anything about it yet."

"It hasn't been announced yet. It's not that you don't know Yu Dong's character. He won't say anything until the matter is finalized."

Cheng Liye smiled and said, "It's like your soldiers, President Wu, you are also a person who can pretend things."

"Hey, I don't count. Didn't I tell you all about it?"

"Haha, I don't know you yet. You can tell me about this, which means that there is more news that you haven't told me."

"No, no, you are all speculation, speculation."

"Whether it is speculation or not, we will know after a while."


Yu Dong heard the conversation between the two, and a smile appeared on his face. His old Taishan knew Principal Wu quite well.

President Wu only talked about the establishment of the School of Television and Film, but did not mention the establishment of the School of Humanities.

Last year, the school opened a new major called Art Management. This major is now placed in the Department of Drama, which is obviously inappropriate, but there is no other suitable college for the time being, so the school has been planning to open a new college. , including art management.

The art management major is a big major. Although it is a major, there are three major directions: music, fine arts, and cultural and museum research. The school also set up a brokerage performance company and two teaching bases for this major.

This year, the school will open a new major called cultural relics appreciation and restoration. The reason why this major is opened is because Jinling Academy of Art has a lot of cultural relics resources.

After the establishment of this major, Jinyi plans to combine the art management major with this major to form a new college, the Humanities College.

After the establishment of the Faculty of Humanities, Bi Feiyu, who is currently the dean of the Drama Department, will be transferred to the new college as the dean, while Yu Dong will be promoted from the deputy dean of the School of Television and Film to the dean.

If nothing else, it will happen next year.

Although Yu Dong has not been very concerned about administrative promotion, his position and title have been promoted very quickly. He has just turned 33 this year and is already a professor, and his administrative level is at the director level.

Regardless of his professional title or administrative level, Yu Dong's rise was very fast, but he didn't do anything, so he was promoted naturally.

Yu Dong himself has no desires, but Wu Changxin has always wanted to help him up.

In Wu Changxin's vision, he himself can't always be the principal of Jinyi. No matter whether he is transferred or retires in the future, there must be another person to take his place. In his opinion, the best candidate to take his place It was Yu Dong.

It doesn't matter how Yu Dong's management ability is, as long as Yu Dong stays at school for a day, Deep Space Company will always help Jin Yi, and Jin Yi's attraction to students and teachers will always exist.

In addition, if Yu Dong is here, writers like Yu Hua will also be there.

Jinyi did not spend much money to support these writers, but the reputation these writers brought to the school is immeasurable. Although Jinyi is an art school, when it comes to literature in China, the first school that everyone thinks of Definitely Kim Yi.

Besides, Yu Dong's prestige in Jinyi is also very high. He has worked in Jinyi after graduation and has been in Jinyi for ten years. When he becomes the principal, the school will obey him from top to bottom. The policies that have been set will definitely be implemented.

In Wu Changxin's plan for Yu Dong, let him be the dean of the Academy of Television and Film for a few years, and then promote him to the position of vice-principal before the age of 40.

(End of this chapter)

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