Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 932 The first transaction

Chapter 932 The First Transaction

While some people were paying attention to Jinyi's June [-]st Gala, some people noticed that the official account of Deep Space Computer posted a new post.

The content of this post is very simple. PayPal, the electronic payment software agent of Deep Space Computer, has been officially opened for use. A link is attached at the end of this post. The end of the link is the first tribe of PayPal's official tribe account. , which describes what PayPal does and how to use it.

Zhou Youcan was the first group of people to see this tribe. When he saw this tribe, his first reaction was surprise.

He was surprised that the deep space company, which has always been strong in publicity, released their payment software so silently this time. According to the previous style, the deep space company should push the payment software to them immediately. In front of them, and this time, even the official tribe of the Deep Space Group did not make an announcement, only one Deep Space computer made an announcement.

But Zhou Youcan didn't think too much, but immediately learned about PayPal's electronic payment software.

The software download went smoothly, and the account registration was also very simple, but the way of using the payment software was different from what Zhou Youcan expected.

Zhou Youcan has learned about PayPal, another payment software under the Shenkong Group. In fact, when he saw the name PayPal, he felt that PayPal was probably the Chinese version of PayPal, but the payment method of PayPal is the same as that of PayPal. are different.

PayPal cannot directly deduct money from the bank card, but requires the user to use his own bank card to transfer money to the PayPal account, and then use PayPal to pay.

Now the PayPal software has only opened a payment channel in the BenQ store. Zhou Youcan first transferred a few dollars to the PayPal account, and then logged into the BenQ store and bought a few songs in the store. The whole payment process is relatively fast. .

But for Zhou Youcan, the payment this time alone is not more convenient than before.

BenQ Store already accepts bank transfer as a payment method, so even without PayPal, Zhou Youcan can still buy songs in BenQ Store, and now he needs one more step to buy songs in the store.

However, in the long run, using this payment method is still convenient.

Before buying songs on the BenQ store, it would always be very troublesome if you bought them one by one. After all, the whole process of bank transfer is relatively cumbersome. Sometimes Zhou Youcan also saves the songs because of the cumbersome payment process. , Wait until a certain amount has been accumulated and then purchase at one time, minimizing the number of payments you make.

But now with PayPal, the situation is a little different. Zhou Youcan can charge more money to his PayPal account at one time, charging tens of hundreds of dollars. Once he wants to buy a song, he can Pay directly from PayPal.

It is much more convenient to use PayPal to transfer money on the BenQ store than to use bank card transfer to purchase.

After using PayPal once, Zhou Youcan feels that PayPal is more suitable for use on the person-to-person e-commerce platform than on the BenQ store.

Zhou Youcan usually goes to e-commerce platforms, but rarely does shopping because payment is a hassle.

At present, on domestic e-commerce websites, when buying and selling and paying, either the buyer sends the money to the seller first, and then the seller delivers the goods, or the seller delivers the goods first, and the buyer pays after the goods arrive.

Regardless of whether it is cash on delivery or payment first and then delivery, each has its own problems. The former seller is afraid that the buyer will cheat his goods, and the latter buyer is afraid that the seller will take the money and run away.

Zhou Youcan saw PayPal's announcement that PayPal would withhold the money when the transaction was in progress, and PayPal would transfer the money to the seller's account only after the buyer confirmed that he had received the item.

And PayPal also shouted a very reassuring slogan-if you dare to pay, I will dare to pay.

This function is not very useful on the BenQ store, because users who use the BenQ store do not worry about paying for things and not getting things.

First of all, BenQ is a big company, backed by the Deep Space Group, and has a high reputation. People don't believe that it will cheat themselves of this little money.If it was cheated of money, a company as big as Deep Space would not be able to escape.

Furthermore, in the BenQ store, users buy virtual products such as electronic music, and the delivery is fast. Basically, after the money is transferred, users can get their own music.

But on ordinary e-commerce websites, this feature of PayPal payment is more important. Buyers can safely deposit their money into their PayPal account first, and PayPal will send the money after they get the goods. The money is transferred to the other party's account.

Sellers can also ship with confidence, because the money is already in the PayPal account.


On the morning of June [-], the official account of the Deep Space Group posted a new tribal message.

The content is also very simple. Yu Dong's new book "The Ninth District" will be released simultaneously in 44 countries around the world on July [-]th.

Compared with the low-key launch of PayPal's payment software, Deep Space's promotion of "District [-]" is much stronger.

Although the news of the new book release was not directly sent to everyone's account through Dongdong, most of the company accounts under the Deep Space Company forwarded this tribe.

In addition, artists and writers under Deep Space Company, whether they are from China or Europe and the United States, also spontaneously reposted this tribe, and the news of the new book's release also spread rapidly throughout the entire online world.

[Finally waiting for "The Ninth District". 】

[Haha, I am so happy to see the new book before the Galaxy Awards. 】

[Just checked, July [-]th is Friday, isn’t it always a Saturday when every book is released before, why is it Friday this time, what’s the point? 】

[July [-]th is the Galaxy Awards, maybe it is intended to be released before the Galaxy Awards, I think so. 】

[No, why not just put it on the same day as the Galaxy Awards, it will be more gimmick. 】

【Don’t you know? On July 2008th, the International Olympic Committee held a meeting in Moscow to vote on the host city of the [-] Olympic Games. Yanjing is one of the candidate cities, and Yu Dong is the ambassador for the Olympic bid. 】

[Oh, yes, I forgot about it, it seems that the release date of the new book is aimed at this day. 】

[If the Olympic bid is successful, won't you be twice as happy? 】

[There should be no problem with the success of the Olympic bid. Yanjing has done a good job in its bid for the Olympic Games in the past two years, and it was only a narrow defeat last time. With Yu Dong's participation this time, there must be no problem. 】

[We still can't be too optimistic, otherwise we will be very disappointed if we fail to bid for the Olympic Games. 】

[Wait, the results will come out in more than a month. 】

[Haha, if the Olympic bid is successful, there will be no books or signings at the conference. 】

[I think it's better to make an Olympic collector's edition, I'll be the first to buy it. 】


When Zhou Youcan saw that the whole Internet was discussing Yu Dong's new book the next day, he remembered the PayPal payment software that was quietly launched the night before. In comparison, PayPal was too neglected. I saw a few people talking about this software.

But if you think about it, there is a reason why the Deep Space Group did not promote this payment software with much fanfare.

The situation in China is different from that in foreign countries. There has never been a transparent and fair credit payment system. Domestic online payments have only slowly emerged in the past few years, and they are all done by major banks.

Many people are aware of the benefits of third-party payment platforms, but they also know that it is not easy to do.

If you want to be a third-party payment platform, you have to face three major obstacles.

First, there are legal risks. Private enterprises do not have a payment license. PayPal payment can be said to be in a gray area of ​​the law. There is no law that prohibits it, but there is no regulation that can be done.

Some people say that there is no prohibition by the law, but this is obviously radical and ideal, and it is still very risky to walk in a gray area.

The second is the technical problem. At present, all domestic banks have not provided standardized excuses to the outside world. If they want to support the transactions of various banks, they can only negotiate one by one, which is very troublesome.

The third is the cost issue. Most of the domestic e-commerce transactions are small transactions, sometimes only three to five yuan per transaction. The profit is too small, and the money earned may not be enough for the cost.

The reason why Deep Space did not promote PayPal with much fanfare is mainly because of the first reason.


However, Zhou Youcan obviously guessed wrong. The reason why Deep Space Company did not promote PayPal with great fanfare was not because it was concerned about legal issues, but because the timing did not come.

On the tenth day after "District [-]" was released, that is, on June [-]th, the Deep Space Group announced another big news. The group established a new website called Haibei. The new website will officially go live on July [-].

After the announcement of the upcoming launch of came out, the promotion of PayPal payment also followed.

On June [-]th, held a small-scale offline press conference in the Deep Space Park. The main content of this press release was to announce the first merchant on the website—Eslite Bookstore.

This matter was initiated by Eslite Bookstore. Wu Qingyou, the former owner of Eslite Bookstore, came to Jinling to inspect their branch in Jinling. He stopped by Yu Dong and heard about during the conversation.

Wu Qingyou's business sense is still very keen, and he immediately proposed to be the first merchant to sign a contract with the website.

At that time, the website was being built, and the merchants had not been discussed yet. Before that, Yu Dong wanted the official flagship store of BenQ Mobile to be the first store on, but since Wu Qingyou took the initiative to propose this suggestion, Yu Dong also took it seriously. Considered.

The key is that Wu Qingyou is very sincere about this cooperation, and is willing to hold a very powerful promotional activity to attract customers to the website when the website is launched.

In addition, it happened that Yu Dong's new book "The Ninth District" was released this time, making Eslite Bookstore the first merchant to settle in, which also helped the sales of "The Ninth District".

Although's first store is definitely Eslite Bookstore, in fact, it is not these big companies and big brands that the website wants to attract in the short term, because big companies and big brands will settle in sooner or later, and the website now most wants to attract Most of them are individual merchants and self-employed individuals. Only when a large number of individual merchants and self-employed individuals settle in, can Haibei grow rapidly.


When Hu Weiping saw the news from, the first thing that came to his mind was the Nikon digital camera he had put up for sale online.

He bought that camera when he was studying abroad. After using it for a while, he bought a better one, and the original one was naturally put on hold.

He thought it would be a waste to store things, so he happened to see someone posting second-hand transactions on the Deep Space Forum, so he tried to hang them up, but the things never sold.

The reason why it was not sold was not because the product was bad. In fact, after the camera was hung up, many people asked about the price, and two of them were quite satisfied with the price.

It's just that these two "intended customers" are either in Yanjing or Yangcheng, and they are far away from Luzhou where Hu Weiping is located, so there is no way to do face-to-face transactions.

Since the transaction cannot be done face-to-face, there is a problem, whether to pay first and then deliver, or to deliver first and then pay, Hu Weiping does not trust others, and others do not trust him either. After all, it is a transaction with a transaction amount of up to 800 yuan. Don't dare to trust each other.

The second-hand trading posts on the Deep Space Forum are basically cheap things, and many of them are face-to-face transactions in the same city.

Hu Weiping also tried to post things on other websites, but either the procedures were complicated and the things could not be posted, or there was a problem with the Deep Space Forum.

However,, which will be launched soon, has launched a secured transaction service in order to solve the trust problem in transactions.

This guaranteed transaction service is realized by PayPal payment. During the transaction, the buyer first transfers the money to PayPal payment and is in a state of waiting for deduction. After the goods arrive and confirm that there is no problem, they will be debited to the seller's account. among.

After carefully reading the details of the guaranteed transaction service several times, Hu Weiping boarded his own Dongdong, and then contacted the netizen who was interested in buying his camera before, telling the other party that the transaction can be realized on The two hit it off and decided to wait until Haibei After the online launch, the transaction is carried out on the website.


In order to sell the camera as soon as possible, Hu Weiping and the other party had already made preparations. When Haibei officially launched at nine o'clock on July [-]st, the two entered the website immediately.

Because both of them had registered PayPal payment accounts before, they could directly log in to with PayPal payment accounts. Hu Weiping then activated the sales function according to the website manual, and soon hung up the camera.

After he hung it up, the other party was able to search for the product quickly, and then quickly made the payment.

Hu Weiping confirmed the order in the background, and then took the camera to find a courier to deliver the goods.

After sending the goods, Hu Weiping let out a long sigh of relief, because the two had made sufficient preparations before, and this transaction went very smoothly, without any changes in the middle, and the whole transaction process was very in line with their expectations.

What Hu Weiping didn't expect was that because the two were so eager to complete the deal, their deal became the first deal on, and even the first deal from Eslite Bookstore hadn't been paid yet. .

(End of this chapter)

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