When the payment of Hu Weiping's order was completed, Haibei.com's background received the information, and then marked this order. As the first order of Haibei.com, this order has special significance for the website.

In addition to this first order, the sales volume of Eslite Bookstore is also very eye-catching.

Although it did not get the first order, the sales of Haibei Store of Eslite Bookstore increased rapidly on the day the website was launched.

On the first day alone, the sales volume of Eslite Bookstore reached 8000 yuan.

The sales volume of 8000 yuan does not sound very high, and the daily turnover of the physical stores of Eslite Bookstore is more than this amount.

But the website has just been launched after all, and not everyone has made preparations in advance like Hu Weiping and the others, and transactions can be carried out as soon as the website is launched.

Many netizens don't even have an account before logging in to Haibei. It takes a lot of time just to register an account. After the account registration is completed, they still need to understand the payment process and complete some payment procedures.

Under such circumstances, the sales volume of [-] on the day was also due to the pre-sale of "The Ninth District" and the activities of the Eslite Bookstore.

In order to cooperate with the launch of Haibei.com, Eslite Bookstore held a very strong activity. The content of the activity was one week before the opening of the online store. Buy four items and get the cheapest item for free.

What attracts customers the most is not the activity of buying three and getting one free, but that shopping in Eslite Bookstore can free shipping as long as the purchase is over 50 yuan and the delivery address is limited to a few provinces. The appeal is very strong, because the shipping cost is really not cheap.

On the second day, the sales of Eslite Bookstore increased again, reaching 1 yuan, and it seemed that the momentum was strong, and there was a possibility of continuing to rise.


The sales of Eslite Bookstore are increasing every day, and the number of merchants on Haibei.com is also increasing every day, but in fact, the number of users who actually use PayPal to complete the payment has not met expectations.

According to background data, the number of new users of the website grew rapidly within a week after Haibei went online, with an average of more than [-] new users per day, but most of these new users have never bought anything. Moreover, some people who bought things did not use PayPal to pay, but still used the traditional payment method, which shows that even with the endorsement of Deep Space Company, many people are skeptical of PayPal payment.

Some people have clearly put what they want into the shopping cart, and they go to the website every day to check, but they just can't make up their minds to register for a PayPal payment account to complete the payment.

Yu Yu also told Yu Dong about this matter, but Yu Dong couldn't come up with any solution. The people on PayPal and Haibei had also thought about the solutions he could think of.

In fact, after Haibei.com and PayPal Pay went online, Yu Dong couldn't give any detailed suggestions. He only knew the general trend and didn't know the specific business details at all.

Although the current PayPal payment came out two or three years earlier than Alipay in the previous life, the whole system is much more perfect than the Alipay that just came out in the previous life. The construction of the system and the virtual account has been done before.

It is not easy to achieve the current situation. In the early stage, Yu Yu and Jiang Jie personally negotiated with the Jinling branch of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, and asked the Jinling branch to provide an online payment interface for Haibei.com.

Originally ICBC’s transfer process was very complicated. When inter-bank transfers were involved, the transfer slip had to be printed on a paper page and checked manually.According to this process, when the volume of transactions on Haibei.com increases, the bank will simply not be able to bear the pressure caused by the transfer.

In order to solve this problem, Haibei.com, ICBC and Deep Space Computer have jointly developed a mobile account system, which breaks the solidified manual reconciliation mode and transfers directly in the system without manual verification.

This system has been developed since last year, and it is almost done now, and it should be able to go online after the order volume of Haibei.com comes up.

None of this is due to Yu Dong. He did not provide any technical guidance during the whole process, and the reason why he was able to do this is also because the current technical reserves of Deep Space Computer are far from comparable to Alipay in the previous life.

Now as long as the deep space computer is willing, PayPal payment can also realize many functions, which are completely more convenient and faster than now, but the key is that many functions cannot be determined by PayPal payment, but need the cooperation of the bank.

However, from the bank's point of view, some functions cannot be enabled for PayPal payment, such as quick payment.

The so-called fast payment is nothing more than the bank opening the withholding service for PayPal payment. PayPal members only need to confirm their identity through the 163 mailbox and then activate the withholding service.

The bank believes that only one email address is used for identity verification, which is too low in security, and helping PayPal to verify the cardholder's information is also a leak of privacy, so naturally there is no way to agree.

Furthermore, the rapid development of PayPal payment will also harm the interests of banks.

Yu Yu reported the situation of PayPal Payment and Haibei.com to Yu Dong, naturally hoping to get a good solution to the problem from the boss, but the result could only disappoint him.

However, although Yu Dong didn't give a solution to the problem, he recommended a candidate to Yu Yu.

"You can talk to Jin Yang about this issue. This kid has a lot of ideas. I also talked about the payment system with him before. He is quite interested in this area."

Yu Yue nodded: "Okay, when he comes over these two days, I'll talk to him."

Although Jin Yang has not graduated, he is only half of the employee of Shen Kong Company, and he will come here every two or three days.

In fact, Yu Yu didn't think that Jin Yang could solve the problem. Although this kid was smart, he was still young, and his experience and ability hadn't really grown.

In Yu Liang's mind, Jin Yang's business sensitivity is definitely not as good as Mr. Ji's and Yu Dong's. Yu Dong can't think of any way, so it's probably useless to find Jin Yang.


The next morning, Jin Yang came to the company to find Yuyu to approve new models for his laboratory, and Yuyu asked him about the PayPal payment by the way.

"The user conversion rate of Haibei.com is not enough, and there are too few people who use PayPal to pay. Many people seem to hold a wait-and-see attitude. Even if we put forward the slogan that you dare to pay, I dare to pay, the effect is not particularly obvious."

Jin Yang asked with a smile, "Is this problem related to the approval? I can't make any suggestions. Will your model not be approved?"

Yu Yu smiled with the corners of his mouth, and then signed his name on the approval note, "No hook, I will approve this model for you, and you can go to the finance department to get the money later. The main reason is that the boss said that you might figure it out." What idea, so I asked, but now it seems that there is nothing you can do."

Jin Yang took the note and said with a smile, "Mr. Yu, aren't you trying to provoke me?"

Yu Yu shrugged his shoulders, "I'm just telling the truth."

Jin Yang rolled his eyes and asked again, "Then if I think of some way, can you give me a little more approval for this month's laboratory budget?"

Yu Liang looked up at Jin Yang, curled his lips and said, "Look at the way you look at money, look at your good brother Chen Tao, who has always been selfless to the company and never mentioned money."

Jin Yang smiled and said, "He is not short of money, unlike me, the laboratory burns money faster than lighting it directly with a lighter. If it wasn't for me saving food and money, it would not be able to operate long ago. Or else Mr. Yu, please do me a favor and approve a little more money for my laboratory, I don’t ask for more, just [-]% more every month.”

Yu Yu waved his hands again and again and said, "Okay, okay, don't cry poorly like me, if you can come up with any good suggestions, I'll make the decision and double your laboratory budget for this month."

Jin Yang laughed, "That's good, I'll write another note, Brother Liang, sign it for me."

"You tell me the idea first, and I'll see if it works."

Jin Yang sat down directly, took out another approval form, and said while filling it out, "Actually, I don't have much research on electronic payment, so it's unrealistic for you to remind me of any particularly strategic method. My method is a bit heretical, but it is definitely useful."

"What method, what kind of heresy method, tell me."

Without raising his head, Jin Yang continued to fill in the form, "Listen to what you said just now, these new users are all on the sidelines about PayPal payment, what's the reason?"

"Because there is not enough trust."

"Why not enough trust?" Jin Yang asked again.

"Because PayPal Payment and Haibei just came out, they have never used it, and people will naturally be suspicious of things that have never been used."

"Well, I'm worried because I haven't used it before. This is the crux of the problem. As long as they have used it once, won't the problem be solved?"

Yu Yu rolled his eyes, "The problem we have to solve now is how to get them to pay with PayPal. If they have used PayPal once, is this still a problem?"

"My method is to let some people on the sidelines try to use PayPal payment. You can open a store with PayPal payment, and then the store sells electronic products. It doesn't matter what you sell, but the price is a penny."

Yu Yu squinted, "You want to attract people to pay with PayPal with super cheap things? Then I'll just send money."

When Yu Yu was discussing this issue with other colleagues, a more accepted solution was to send money directly.

Many people think that PayPal payment is the Chinese version of PayPal, and PayPal has sent money to expand customers before, and the effect is also obvious.

PayPal payment can also learn from others. For example, users can get cash rewards when they use PayPal payment for the first time to buy things on Haibei. In this way, some users who wait and see will try to use PayPal because they want to get cash rewards. PayPal payment.

But this solution is more expensive after all, and of course they don't want to use the surplus lightly.

Now Jinyang said that he wanted to list a product with a price of one penny, and the balance was that he wanted to use ultra-low-priced items to attract people to pay with PayPal, which is essentially the same as sending money directly.

Jin Yang had already filled out the form at this time, and then handed it to Yu Yu, "Of course not, didn't I say, it doesn't matter what kind of product, this penny is not selling this product, but a shopping service. "

"A shopping service?"

"Well, you can mark PayPal experience and Haibei experience on the product, take customers to visit Haibei for a penny, and use PayPal."

Yu Yue frowned, "Are you sure this method will work? Users don't know how to go shopping by themselves, do they need someone to take them with them?"

"Anyway, the cost is not high and the difficulty is not too great. You might as well try it. By the way, remember to ask customers to refund after they buy the product, so that they can experience the two processes of shopping and refund at one time. "

After finishing speaking, Jin Yang pointed to the approval slip in Yu Yu's hand, "Leave this slip with you first, and sign it after you try this method and it works. I'm going to the financial office now."


After Jin Yang left, Yu Yu pondered for a while, then called Liu Liang, the general manager of Haibei Network Technology Co., Ltd., and told Liu Liang the method Jin Yang said.

Liu Liang majored in business administration. He had worked in Jiang Jie’s team for several years, and he has a good understanding of business operations and computer networks. When he heard Jin Yang’s method, his reaction was completely different from that of an editor. , he thought that Jin Yang's method might have a miraculous effect.

After the phone call, Liu Liang arranged for someone to launch a product on the website, and more than 50 accounts were used to launch this shopping product at the same time.


Since the launch of Haibei.com, Jiang Chenyu has checked the website every day. He doesn’t look at anything else on the website, he just looks at cups, all kinds of cups. He has a special obsession with cups, but ordinary stores It's hard to see a good-looking, special cup inside.

Haibei.com has feasted his eyes. All kinds of self-employed people are online, and he can find all kinds of cups.

But things like cups are heavy and fragile, and the shipping costs are high. It can be said that the goods are dead when they arrive. What if the goods are found to be wrong after the time comes?
Jiang Chenyu also bought cups on the Internet once before, but it was done face-to-face at a relatively close distance, and he never paid online once. He often visits forums and often sees various online transaction disputes. There are countless pit situations.

On this day, Jiang Chenyu was still looking for all kinds of cups. Even if he put them in the shopping cart and didn’t buy them, it was still pleasing to look at. After looking for them, he found a product.

"Acer computer desktop pictures, experience PayPal, experience Haibei"

Jiang Chenyu's computer is not owned by Acer, but the product price of 0.01 yuan still attracted his attention.

What is experience PayPal, experience Haibei?
After thinking about it again and again, Jiang Chenyu opened the seller's Beibeitong.

Beibeitong is the internal chat tool of Haibei.com, which allows buyers to communicate with sellers.

"Hello, how does this baby really work?"

The seller quickly replied, "I don't send physical goods, and you pay a penny for Haibei's process experience, which is equivalent to asking you to shop on Taobao."

Jiang Chenyu looked at the seller's reply, then looked at his shopping cart, finally gritted his teeth, ran to the bank to activate the online transfer function, and then bound PayPal to transfer a penny into it.

That's right, it's just a penny, not a penny more, and Jiang Chenyu also took out all the other money in the bank card, thinking that even if he encounters a scammer, he can only cheat him for a penny.

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