Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 934 Two Writers' Associations

After doing all this, Jiang Chenyu returned home and continued to chat with the seller on Beibeitong.

"Hello, can I buy this product now and try it out?"

The seller was very enthusiastic, and took several screenshots for Jiang Chenyu in a row, telling him where to place the order and where to pay.

The process is very detailed, and Jiang Chenyu just needs to follow the instructions. After one operation, Jiang Chenyu paid the penny he had just charged into his PayPal payment account, and placed an order to buy computer wallpaper.

After the payment was successful, the seller told Jiang Chenyu that he could check his mailbox. During the chat just now, the seller asked for Jiang Chenyu's mailbox to deliver the computer wallpaper.

According to the seller, Jiang Chenyu logged into his 163 mailbox again, and then saw a new email, clicked on it, and there was an attachment in it, which was a computer desktop.

Going back to, the personal center shows that the status of the product has changed from pending delivery to pending receipt.

Jiang Chenyu asked the seller again in Beibeitong: "Hello, I have received my computer desktop, should I order delivery now?"

According to Jiang Chenyu's thinking, now that he has received the goods, the next step is to click Receive to completely complete the transaction.

But what Jiang Chenyu didn't expect was that the seller actually replied to him: "You don't need to click to receive the goods, just click to refund."

Seeing the seller's reply, Jiang Chenyu's forehead was full of question marks, completely unaware of what the other party was trying to do.

Is there some mystery, what will happen if you order a refund?Is there some superb deception that he can't understand?

But Jiang Chenyu thought for a long time and couldn't figure out what could happen. The key point is that his PayPal payment account balance is now [-] cents, and the bank card for online payment is also [-] cents. It is impossible for the other party to cheat him. ah.

Could it be a cyber hacker, there is a virus in the wallpaper just now?But if there is a virus, he has been recruited now, and it has nothing to do with whether the refund is not refunded.

After thinking for a long time, Jiang Chenyu gritted his teeth and ordered a refund directly according to the seller's prompt.

After he finished ordering the refund, the system soon reminded him that the refund had arrived, and he hurried to the PayPal payment personal center to check. The money he had paid before came back, and there was 0.01 yuan in the balance.

Jiang Chenyu stared at the 0.01 yuan in the balance, and couldn't figure out what the merchant was trying to do. It seemed incredible to him that he only made a penny, but now the other party didn't even want to earn him a penny.

While he was in a daze, Beibeitong sent another new piece of news.

"This transaction is actually free of money. I just want to show you how to play Haibei. I wish you a happy shopping and come back next time if you have the opportunity."

Seeing this news, Jiang Chenyu had a vague feeling that this shop might have something to do with the government, but it didn't matter to him anymore, because he really knew how Haibei played because of this transaction, and because the refund experience just now was more serious. Understand the mechanics of PayPal payments.

After dispelling his doubts, Jiang Chenyu went to the bank again. This time he deposited the withdrawn money back, and deposited another 300 yuan into PayPal.

With the 300 yuan, Jiang Chenyu cleaned up his shopping cart, and then waited at home for his beloved teacup to arrive.


There are many people who have experienced the same experience as Jiang Chenyu. They all saw the product worth 0.01, then tried it out of curiosity, and finally made up their minds to use PayPal to pay.

Liu Liang didn't even need to look at the data to know that this method worked, because the team responsible for this activity has been increasing in number.

In fact, behind these merchants are temporarily deployed customer service personnel. There are more than 50 merchants in total. At the beginning, they are in the hands of five customer service personnel, and each customer service personnel has to deal with more than ten stores.

But not long after these stores went online, the leader of this temporary team went to Liu Liang's office to ask for more people to be transferred, and the five of them couldn't handle it at all.

On the same day, without even passing a day, their group increased from five to 15 people, but it was still very difficult to cope with it. If it weren't for fixed speaking skills and a fixed process, let alone 15 people, even if it was increased to fifty No one can handle it.

Fifteen people couldn't handle it, and Liu Liang couldn't help it, and it was impossible for him to send people from the customer service department to this group.

After the launch of, although the sales volume was not very exaggerated, there were a lot of inquiries, so the task of the customer service department was also very heavy. Fifteen people were recruited from them and the limit was reached. The customer service department even complained to Liu Liang long time.

Computers are still new to most Chinese people, so not many people know how to operate computers.

The key is that most people who can operate computers proficiently are unwilling to work in the customer service department, so it is difficult to find people to do even simple customer service work.

These employees in the customer service department of were trained by Haibei in advance. The training method is also very simple, that is, the society recruits some junior high school and high school graduates, and then gives them intensive training. The training skills are also very simple, that is, operation and computer typing.

For these junior high school and high school students, the job in the customer service department of is quite popular. Compared with ordinary factories, has better benefits and a better working environment. Come on, working in the customer service department is at least a skill.

In this era, proficient use of computer typing is indeed a skill. If you can use some office software, you will basically not have to worry about finding a job.


On July 110th, Yu Dong arrived in Moscow on an ordinary flight. He came here this time to attend the 2008th Second General Assembly of the International Olympic Committee and witness the announcement of the results of the [-] Olympic host city.

The rest of the Chinese delegation had come earlier, and he was the latest one.

The reason why Yu Dong didn't come with the rest of the Chinese delegation was because he got a message a few days ago that two Russian writers' associations were going to organize personnel to meet him at the airport.

At first glance, this sounds like a good thing, which proves that Yu Dong is now famous internationally and is highly valued by the local Writers Association, but anyone who knows the situation in the Russian literary circle knows that this is not a good thing.

Since the reform of the Soviet Union, two independent factions have gradually formed in the Soviet literary circle, one is the liberal faction and the other is the traditional faction.

The camps of these two factions are quite strong, with Bykov, Bakolanov, Granin and others on the liberal side, and Bondarev, Belov, Voronin and others on the traditional side.

In addition to personnel, the two factions also have their own mouthpiece publications. The liberals have mastered "New World", "October", "National Friendship", etc., while the traditional factions have mastered "Our Contemporaries", "Moscow " and "Young Guard".

Over the years, the two factions have continued to fight, and the Writers Association has slowly split.

After the August [-]th incident, at the enlarged meeting of the Secretariat of the Council of the Soviet Union Writers Association, there was a fierce conflict between the traditionalists and the liberals, so that the meeting could not continue. Those who attended the next meeting elected the Writers' Association Council composed of fifteen liberal members.

Because the traditional faction had all left, the number of people present at the meeting was much less than the quorum, and the resolutions of the meeting greatly exceeded the authority, so the decisions made at the meeting were not recognized by the Federation of Russian Writers.Afterwards, Yevtushenko and others sued the Russian Federation Writers' Association to the mayor of Moscow and asked the government to close down the Russian Federation Writers Association.

Although the seizure did not come to fruition in the end, the matter caused quite a stir. It not only caused a sensation in the Russian literary circle, but also spread to the literary circles of other countries.

The liberals originally wanted to bring down the Russian Federation Writers Association by sealing up the organization, but they failed.

However, they did not give up. If the seizure was unsuccessful, they tried to split the Russian Federation Writers Association from within, and drew more than 700 members from it, and established a Russian Writers Association.

Since then, Russia has had two writers' associations, one is the original Russian Federation Writers' Association, which represents the traditional faction, and the other is the Russian Writers' Association, which represents the liberal faction.

Over the years, there have been attempts to reconcile the contradictions between the two associations, but they have not been successful, and each time there has been a little success, it has ended in failure due to various circumstances.

This time Yu Dong came to participate in the IOC General Assembly, this is something that people all over the world know, and both associations think that they are the most orthodox associations in Russia, so they both sent people to welcome Yu Dong.

In their view, as long as Yu Dong can be taken over by one of their associations, he can overwhelm the other party.

Under such circumstances, of course Yu Dong couldn't go into this muddy water. When the time came, the personnel from the two associations would be crowded in front of him. It wouldn't be good for him to choose who to go with. It would be better to postpone it.

Even in order to prevent them from knowing their itinerary in advance, Yu Dong didn't even take his company's business jet, but took an ordinary flight.

The situation was as Yu Dong expected. Two days after the Chinese delegation arrived in Moscow, they met two people sent by the Writers Association to pick up Yu Dong. People on both sides stood on tiptoes and stretched their necks to search for the Chinese delegation for a long time. The person who found Yu Dong, and then caught someone else and asked them, and they left very disappointed when they finally learned that Yu Dong hadn't come.

After Yu Dong arrived at the hotel, Zhang Yimou and the others told Yu Dong about it as a joke.

"Fortunately, you didn't come here with us. You almost rolled up your sleeves to fight on both sides. If you were here, I can't imagine what they could do. I really don't know that Russian writers are like this Wild." Zhang Yimou sighed.

Zhao Zhongxiang said with a smile on the side, "Isn't that right, when I just got off the plane, I saw a few big men from a distance, their aura was unusual, and after listening to the translator, I realized that they were all writers. Not to mention anything else, just talking about this physique, it is definitely not comparable to us Chinese writers, Mr. Yu and you at the International Writing Center may not be able to beat others."

Yu Dong waved his hands and said, "Not necessarily, Feiyu can still fight. Although Xiaobo has a hollow face, he is 1.9 meters tall and can bluff people."

"Haha, writers are not better than anyone else. They haven't seen you last time, and they probably won't give up in the future. They might come to you again in the next two days. Do you have other activities here?"

Yu Dong nodded, "There is an event. After the conference is over, I will have two book signings here. Isn't this the new book that will be released tomorrow? I just happened to be here, so I will hold two book signings by the way."

"That's right. I almost forgot that your new book will be released tomorrow. I'll go to the bookstore tomorrow morning to buy a copy to support your overseas sales."

"Have you figured out the situation here these two days?" Yu Dong asked.

Zhang Yimou and the others looked at each other and shook their heads.

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows and said, "Then what have you been doing these two days? Have you been sleeping in the hotel all this time?"

"Indeed, I stayed in the hotel most of the time and met some delegations from other countries. However, the language barrier required an interpreter for the chat. Oh, yes, we met Chairman Samaranch the afternoon before yesterday. He also asked I can see that he is very interested in you." Zhang Yimou said,
Feng Gong said with a smile: "Look at what Director Zhang said, Mr. Yu is the biggest international player in our delegation, who is not interested in him? Not only Chairman Sa is interested, but people from other delegations came to ask the first question It’s YU, or it’s Jackie Chan or Gong Li.”

Zhang Yimou said with a smile, "I hear this sourly."


Several people were chatting when Wei Jizhong, special assistant to the chairman of Yanjing Olympic Committee, came.

Seeing that Zhang Yimou and the others were all in the east room, Wei Jizhong smiled and said, "I thought I was the first to find Yu Dong, but I didn't expect you to have better news than me."

Yu Dong explained with a smile, "It's a coincidence. When I came up just now, I happened to meet a few of them going to the restaurant, so we came together. Has Chairman Wei eaten?"

"No, didn't I ask you to eat together? How about it? Have things been settled?"

"Nothing, everything has been put away."

"Since everything is put away, let's go to the restaurant together."

Then everyone went to the restaurant together.

It's time to eat, and the restaurant in the hotel is crowded.

This hotel is arranged by the International Olympic Committee, and the delegations of all the candidate cities live in it. At the moment, representatives from various countries are eating in the restaurant.

As soon as Yu Dong and the others entered the hotel, they attracted the attention of most people in the restaurant, because there were so many people coming, they were quite eye-catching.

In addition, Yu Dong's name is too big, many people saw that the Chinese delegation was coming, and they all looked for Yu Dong's figure in the crowd.

Deep Space Company is not only famous in the Internet industry these days, but also in the sports world, because they have just completed the acquisition of Manchester United.

This acquisition is like an earthquake in the sports world, attracting the attention of all parties. The key is that Manchester United has just completed the three consecutive league titles under Ferguson's coaching.

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