Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 935 The Princess's Invitation

Chapter 935 The Princess's Invitation

Yu Dong and his group found a table in the restaurant and sat down. Wei Jizhong looked around and said with a smile, "It's quite lively to hold a conference and gather the delegation in one hotel."

Deng Yaping, who was at the same table, said with a smile, "It doesn't matter if they are all in the same hotel, it will be more convenient for us to find those committee members."

Hearing Deng Yaping's words, everyone at the same table smiled tacitly.

Of course, the main battleground for the Olympic bid is not the voting meeting tomorrow night. The real battleground is outside the venue. Whoever wins over more IOC members will have the last laugh.

Before Yu Dong arrived at the hotel, Deng Yaping and the others were still lobbying various committee members to agree to vote for Yanjing.

Unlike Zhang Yimou who stayed in the hotel every day, people like Deng Yaping and He Zhenliang hardly had any rest these days.

The delegation came to Moscow on July [-]th, and five days have passed so far. During these five days, He Zhenliang and the others mainly did two things.

First, practice statements.

After the start of the general meeting tomorrow, there will be the most important and time-consuming link, that is, the presentation representatives of the bidding cities will come to the stage to make presentations on the Olympic bid.

The so-called statement is the final canvassing link. There is no uniform form. You can choose a simple speech or some eye-catching programs. The strategy on the Chinese side is relatively conservative, and the nine statements represent all selected speeches.

In order to ensure that there will be no problems in the presentation session tomorrow, narrators such as He Zhenliang and Deng Yaping have been rehearsing very carefully.

They practiced repeatedly in order to time the speech accurately to the second.

In the past few days, they have conducted presentation drills every day, and even set up cameras according to the placement of several IOC members at the scene. And other characters, trying to be perfect in the camera by simulating the real scene.

Yu Dong is also one of the presenters. Although he did not come to Moscow with the delegation, he has been practicing the presentation session in Jinling for the past few days, mainly to practice controlling the duration and ensure that he completes his speech within the specified time.

In fact, the difficulty of this speech is not very high, because the time is very short, the speech will naturally not be long, and it will not be too difficult to control the time.

It's just that everyone pays more attention to this speech, so a lot of contacts will be made.

This is also the first time that Yu Dong has prepared so much for a speech. In the past, when he participated in an event and needed him to speak, he often didn't have a draft to play at will. Even if he had a draft, he only had a rough idea.This time was different. He wrote the manuscript in advance, and then sent it for review. After the review, he began to memorize his own manuscript to ensure that he could write a good word during the speech.

He Zhenliang and Deng Yaping have been here for the past few days. In addition to practicing presentations, they also did an important thing, which is to lobby the IOC members who have voting rights.

Everyone's task assignments are very clear, and whoever comes to the Raiders has made clear arrangements. Plan A and Plan B have already been prepared.The main players in the lobbying are He Zhenliang and Deng Yaping, because they are also members of the International Olympic Committee, and they have known other members before, and it is easy to get in touch with them.

He Zhenliang and the others actually wanted to arrange tasks for Yu Dong before, but in the end they did not arrange lobbying tasks for him due to various reasons.

Yu Dong was not scheduled to attend today's daytime press conference.

Although Deng Yaping, who has been running for a few days, has encountered many obstacles, she is still full of energy, and she is still talking about her plans for the evening while eating.

"After dinner in a while, I will go to O'Neill and fight for it. After chatting for a few days, I feel that her attitude is a little better than before. Maybe if I work harder tonight, I can win her that one ticket."

The O'Neal that Deng Yaping mentioned was of course not Shaquille O'Neal who played in the NBA, but her colleague at the International Olympic Committee, the famous Australian swimmer Suzy O'Neal.

She has approached Susie O'Neill many times. Although the attitude of the other party is better than the resistance at the beginning, she still does not agree to leave the ticket to China.

Wei Jizhong also knew that Deng Yaping had approached Susie O'Neill many times, so he asked, "Have you talked to her so many times, have you figured out why she doesn't let go? Have other cities already talked to her? "

Deng Yaping shook her head, "She doesn't have a certain city to vote for."

Wei Jizhong frowned. Since the other party didn't have a city they had to vote for, but they were unwilling to vote for Yanjing, it was probably because she had opinions about Yanjing and even China.

Yu Dong asked from the side, "Has Susie O'Neill been to China before?"

Deng Yaping thought for a while and said, "I heard she mentioned that I went to China a long time ago, and it seems to be participating in some kind of competition."

Hearing this, Yu Dong sensed the elements. If Suzy O'Neill really has any prejudice against China, it is very likely because of the previous trip to China.

With the development of the economy, China's sports construction, especially the construction of sports facilities in Yanjing, has been greatly improved in recent years, while the previous sports infrastructure can be said to be terrible.

Perhaps Suzy O'Neill went to China to see the sports infrastructure there and thought it was too poor to meet the standards for hosting the Olympic Games.

After pondering for a while, Yu Dong said to Deng Yaping, "Yaping, don't go there empty-handed tonight..."

Before Yu Dong finished speaking, Wei Jizhong, who was sitting next to him, was taken aback, and quickly stopped him in a low voice, "Be careful, there are many people in this hall, and there are a lot of foreigners who can understand Chinese. How can you say this outside?" can say."

Seeing the expressions of the people at the table, Yu Dong smiled and waved his hands, "Hey, where are you thinking, I told Yaping not to bring a gift to O'Neill with empty hands, but I asked her to take a laptop from me. There are a lot of videos stored in the laptop, all of which are materials shot by Deep Space Corporation, and there are videos of various gymnasiums in it. If Susie O’Neill is really biased against China because of sports facilities, maybe show her The video is better, she must trust her eyes more than others' mouths."

Hearing Yu Dong's explanation, everyone present was relieved, Deng Yaping smiled and said, "Okay, I will go with them to get the computer from you later, but I guess I will have to wait a long time to finish tonight, and the computer will be given to you tomorrow." Don't rush to use it."

Yu Dong waved his hand: "Don't give it to me, just leave it to Suzy O'Neill. I brought more than one computer, and I didn't put anything else in it. They are all videos related to China."

Zhang Yimou teased, "Waiters are still outsiders, and they are extravagant."

"Haha, I'm not the one who is rich. These computers are all sponsored by Acer. They are their latest models. It can be regarded as their contribution to the Olympic bid."

When they heard that the computer was sponsored by Acer, everyone here understood what it meant.

Acer seems to be negotiating sponsorship with the Olympic bid committee recently, and the middleman is Deep Space Corporation.

The Olympic Bidding Committee is actually very interested in this matter, but now the Olympic Games have not been bid, and it is too early to talk about this matter. What they mean is that after the application for the right to host the Olympic Games is approved, their Olympic Bidding Committee will become the Olympic Games After the organizing committee, let's talk about this matter.

Although the cooperation negotiations have been temporarily put down, the contact between the two parties has always been there. This time Acer contributed a batch of computers, which naturally has this meaning.

People at the scene of the sponsorship didn't talk much about it, but Wei Jizhong was more interested in the title "Yuanwai". He smiled and asked Zhang Yimou, "Director Zhang, why do you call Yu Dong Yuanwai?"

Zhao Zhongxiang, who was next to him, helped to answer, "I know this. I read an essay written by Yu Hua before. Because Mr. Yu's family is relatively rich, everyone calls him Yuanwai."

"Oh, is that so?" Wei Jizhong looked at Yu Dong in surprise.

Yu Dong nodded, confirming Zhao Zhongxiang's statement, "It's true, Yu Hua and the others like to give people nicknames."

Deng Yaping said with a smile, "I didn't expect Teacher Yu Hua to be so humorous in private. I have read several of his novels, and they are all quite tragic. The first time I saw "To Live" was in English. I felt very close to the novels by domestic writers, so I bought a copy.”

The corner of Yu Dong's mouth couldn't help twitching, the filter of great writers is really strong, like giving people nicknames, if it's not a disadvantage, it can't be considered an advantage for ordinary people, but for Yu Hua, it's not. became humorous.

When the meal was halfway through, Deng Yaping left in a hurry.

"I have to find Susie O'Neill quickly, and I must convince her tonight."

Seeing that she was full of energy, Yu Dong called and asked the accompanying assistant to bring her a computer.

Not long after Deng Yaping left, He Zhenliang suddenly whispered, "Princess Nora is here."

Everyone looked towards the door, and a middle-aged woman in a black dress was walking towards their table with a smile.

He Zhenliang stood up first, and greeted Nora, "Princess Nora, good evening."

The one who came was the princess of the Principality of Liechtenstein. This princess is in her early 50s this year, and she is well maintained. She looks about 40 years old.

Among the members of the Olympic Committee, it is very common to see members of the royal family. Among the existing 120 members, only more than 30 have participated in the Olympic Games, and many of the rest are nobles, including members of the royal family.

Liechtenstein is a small country with a population of just over 3. Some villages in China have larger populations than this.

However, Liechtenstein's economy is very good, with a gdp of more than 20 billion US dollars, which is very impressive for a country with a population of only 3. On a per capita basis, Liechtenstein surpasses most countries.

Liechtenstein's main economy comes from industry and service industries, but many people know this country because of their stamps.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, Liechtenstein began to issue stamps to the outside world, trying to activate the country's economy through stamps. This idea seems strange to many people, but it really made them do it. Now Liechtenstein's stamps It is loved by many philatelists, and the revenue brought by the stamp industry also accounts for [-]% of the country's fiscal revenue.

Yu Dong is not a philatelist, and the geography knowledge he learned in school did not mention this country. The first time he heard about this country was because Liechtenstein rented out their country.

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for a remote and small country like Liechtenstein to have any contact with China, but in the Olympic bid, the vote in the hands of Princess Nora is very important to China.

He Zhenliang had contacted Princess Nora before, but the other party did not give any positive answer.

This time Princess Nora took the initiative to come over, and everyone could tell that her goal was Yu Dong. When she walked over, she kept her eyes on Yu Dong.

When they arrived at the table, Nora greeted He Zhenliang and the others first, and then said with a smile, "YU, I thought you wouldn't come this time. I feel sorry for this, such a grand event without you Participating will definitely lose a lot of color.”

He Zhenliang helped to explain, "YU still has some work to do in China, so he came two days late."

Nora showed a sly smile, "So there is still a job in China, I thought you were hiding from the two writers associations in Russia."

Yu Dong smiled helplessly. It seemed that the fact that the two writers' associations had sent people to block him at the airport was not only known to the Chinese delegation, but also reached the ears of these committee members.

"I am very willing to communicate more with Russian writers. In my eyes, no matter which association they belong to, they are all my study objects. It's just a pity that the time for this meeting is relatively tight, and there is no way to communicate with them."

Of course Nora didn't believe in such polite words, but she didn't continue this topic, but chatted about Yu Dong's new book, "Tomorrow your new book "The Ninth District" will be officially released, and I am your loyal reader. I will definitely go to the bookstore to buy a copy, and I hope you can sign it for me."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "No, if you want, I'll send some copies over tomorrow morning, and I'll sign them for you."

"Thank you very much. I do have a lot of your loyal readers around me. In fact, we have a lot of your readers in Liechtenstein. Although we only have more than 3 people there, I can guarantee that you can have a game there. For the signing event, readers will line up from morning to night."

Everyone present can understand, Princess Nora, this is already a very obvious invitation.

Yu Dong was not interested in the country of Liechtenstein, but he was interested in the ticket held by Princess Nora, so facing Nora's invitation, he nodded and said, "Go to your country for a signing Yes, it seems to be a very good suggestion. I should have time this summer. If the time is right, I can indeed arrange a book signing in your country. In addition, some writers from our international writing center may not mind going to Liechtenstein Such a beautiful country to visit."

If Yu Hua and the others were here, they would definitely yell at you, and it's fine if you "prostitute yourself" Yu Dong yourself, but you still have to bring us with you.

Princess Nora's eyes lit up. He was very interested in Dong's proposal. If some of Yu Dong's writers could really visit Liechtenstein and hold a book signing there, it would definitely help them increase their popularity.

Liechtenstein has been racking their brains to develop tourism, but their country is too small, and it takes half a day to ride a bicycle, so there is nothing to see, so they want to create something more distinctive.

It happened to be an opportunity for Yu Dong and the others to go over.

Of course, Nora is not an innocent little girl, she naturally knows what Yu Dong wants, she said meaningfully, "I believe you will be in a good mood this summer."

(End of this chapter)

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