Chapter 936 A Little Problem
Although Nora did not directly say that she would vote for Yanjing, the meaning in her words was already very obvious. She was willing to vote for Yanjing in exchange for Yu Dong going to Liechtenstein to hold an event this summer. Signing session.

He Zhenliang, Wei Jizhong and others on the side were a little excited, especially He Zhenliang. He had met Princess Nora more than once these days, and every time he tried his best to persuade Princess Nora to put her ticket in the first round. It was time to vote for Yanjing, but there has been no promise from Princess Nora.

But now that Yu Dong had only chatted with her for a few words, she had already expressed her attitude, which was great news for Yan Jing.

There are only 120 members of the International Olympic Committee, and members of the country where the candidate city is located will not be able to vote when voting tomorrow, so the number of valid votes for tomorrow will probably be just over a hundred.

This time, after He Zhenliang and the others lobbied many ways, they were 30% sure that there were more than [-] committee members who voted for Yanjing in the first round.

According to the rules of the International Olympic Committee, the voting is done round by round. In each round, a city with the fewest votes is eliminated, and other cities enter the next round and vote again.

There are a total of five bidding cities. If you can get more than 30 tickets in the first round, you will definitely be able to enter the next round, and you can even guarantee that you will definitely be able to enter the final round.

But in the last round, there are only two countries left, and they must get more than 50 votes to ensure that they can win. Therefore, the current situation in Yanjing is very hopeful, but it is not very stable, and there are still variables.

He Zhenliang and the others spared no effort to lobby in order to erase this variable.

But now that they got the ticket of Princess Nora, the chances of winning will be much higher. Although they only have one ticket on the surface, but if they get one more ticket, the opponent will get one less ticket. One time is equal to two tickets.

In addition, Princess Nora has a wide network of contacts in the International Olympic Committee. If she can come forward, she may be able to win a few tickets for Yanjing. For example, Grand Duke Henry of Luxembourg is Princess Nora's brother-in-law.

He Zhenliang clenched his fists secretly. He knew that Yu Dong was so easy to use, so he shouldn't have thought so much about not arranging lobbying tasks for him.

Princess Nora left after chatting with Yu Dong and the others for a while. After all, Yu Dong and the others had only eaten half of their meal.

The reason why she values ​​Yu Dong so much is of course not only because of Yu Dong's status as a writer, but also because of Yu Dong's net worth. The outside world says that their Liechtenstein royal family is very rich, but their combined assets may not be as good as Yu Dong's. Dong's personal assets.

There are a lot of news about Yu Dong’s assets, and there have been various figures. The least said that his assets were only [-] million US dollars, and the most said that his assets were over [-] billion US dollars. The gap between the highest and the lowest is very large .

However, as a member of the aristocracy, Nora has a little more information than ordinary people. She knows that Yu Dong's net worth is at least 30 billion US dollars.A rich man worth more than 30 billion US dollars will be popular no matter where he is.

After Nora left, He Zhenliang was very happy. He smiled and said to Dong, "If I didn't have business to do tomorrow, I would definitely have a drink with you now. You just chatted with Princess Nora for a while, which is very important to Yanjing." It's so important."

Wei Jizhong also smiled, "If we get two more tickets, we might be able to imagine resolving the battle in the third round."

In addition to eliminating one person in each round of voting rules, if a city gets more than 50.00% of the total votes in a certain round, it can win directly, and there is no need to vote later.

Theoretically speaking, it is possible to solve the battle in the first round, but this is relatively difficult, so everyone's expectation is to solve the battle before the fourth round.

"Although there is no wine, let's have tea instead of wine."

He Zhenliang raised his water glass to dry a glass of water, and then said, "Maybe Xiao Deng can bring us good news tonight."


The next morning, when the delegation gathered in the restaurant for breakfast, He Zhenliang looked at Deng Yaping's tired face and asked with some concern, "Xiao Deng, what's wrong with you, you didn't sleep well last night?"

Deng Yaping nodded, "I went to bed too late last night. I fell asleep at one or two o'clock. I woke up too early in the morning. I didn't sleep for a long time."

He Zhenliang frowned, "How can this be done? Today you are going to make a statement on stage. If this state of affairs comes on stage, it will be very bad for us. Didn't you go to Susie O'Neill last night? Didn't you go to see him later? Why didn't you go to bed until one or two o'clock after leaving the others? By the way, how is Susie's attitude, has it changed?"

Speaking of this, a smile appeared on Deng Yaping's tired face, "Fortunately, last night's hard work was worth it. Susie told me that she would at least vote for us in the second round."

"This is good news." He Zhenliang raised his eyebrows and said happily, "Her vote in the first round is not very important to us, we will definitely be able to enter the second round, as long as she is in the second round It's a good thing for us to be able to vote for us after the round."

"She promised me that I know her well. Since she can guarantee it, there will be no problem." Deng Yaping laughed.

He Zhenliang wondered again, "Why did her attitude change so much? Is it because of Yu Dong's laptop?"

Deng Yaping sighed slightly, and said, "Don't mention it, it's because of the laptop that I only got to sleep at one or two o'clock. Teacher Yu said that there are videos in the computer. But when I watched it with Suzie, I realized that there are so many videos. There are several hours of videos of sports facilities alone, and there are many clips of sports games. Not finished."

He Zhenliang was surprised: "Is this video so good? Can you let her follow you to see the middle of the night?"

Deng Yaping nodded, and said with great emotion, "Those videos are really well shot, and I have never seen many of the gymnasium videos in them. They are all new gymnasiums. Susie is mainly interested in two aspects of videos. On the one hand, It’s a video of a swimming pool, and on the other hand, it’s an interview video of passers-by, which is quite interesting.”

Hearing what Deng Yaping said, He Zhenliang became very interested in the videos on the computer.

"I'll ask Yu Dong for another video to watch later, to see what kind of charm the video that got us a ticket has."

Deng Yaping smiled, looked around again, and asked, "By the way, where is Mr. Yu, why didn't you come out for breakfast?"

He Zhenliang said with a smile: "I brought someone to deliver books to Princess Nora and the others. Isn't his new book "The Ninth District" just released today?"

Deng Yaping left early yesterday and came back late. She didn't know what happened to Princess Nora. Now that she heard that Yu Dong sent books to Princess Nora, she asked curiously, "How do you send books to Princess Nora?"

"It's like this. Didn't you leave first yesterday? Not long after you walked..."

He Zhenliang briefly recounted what happened yesterday, and Deng Yaping said with emotion, "It's really unusual for Mr. Yu to make a move, but Russia can only buy books in Russian, and Princess Nora can't understand it."

"Hey, Xiao Deng, you are still too naive. Yu Dong has already prepared it, and he has brought books in various languages."

Deng Yaping was stunned for a moment, and then regretfully said, "Teacher Yu should have come earlier. If he had come earlier, maybe we would have won the first round."

He Zhenliang smiled and waved his hands, "Don't think about those possible things, today is the last battle, we have to persevere. Fortunately, we are presenting in the afternoon, before the meeting starts in the afternoon, you take some time to rest and get back in shape. Drop the chain when presenting."


Before breakfast was over, Yu Dong returned to the restaurant.

He hadn't eaten breakfast yet, and he was going to eat two boiled eggs to deal with the matter, but He Zhenliang pushed a nutritious meal in front of him, "There is no time at noon, and you may not be able to eat anything good, so I'd better take advantage of it." Eat well in the morning, today's meeting is very long, so physical strength is very important for us."

Yu Dong knew that what He Zhenliang said was reasonable, so he didn't refuse, and started to eat breakfast peacefully.

He Zhenliang watched from the side, and waited until Yu Dong finished eating before asking, "You have been there for a long time, how is the situation? Have you seen other committee members?"

Yu Dong smiled. He knew that He Zhenliang wanted to ask this when he first came here, but he kept holding back.

"There is good news that the Swiss commissioner Faisal agreed to vote for us."

He Zhenliang raised his eyebrows and said, "You voted for us in the first round?"

Yu Dong nodded, "Every round, he will support us to the end."

After receiving an affirmative answer, He Zhenliang looked at Yu Dong with bright eyes.

He had contacted the Swiss committee member Faisal before, and they met in the restaurant this morning. Faisal said that he was willing to vote for Yanjing, but he would have to wait until Paris was eliminated.There are many cases like Fasal's. Many committee members told He Zhenliang that if the cities they support are eliminated, they will vote for them. This is good news, but it is not stable. This kind of vote is the easiest to jump.

But Yu Dong made a trip and was able to get Fasal's firm vote.

He Zhenliang suddenly thought of what Deng Yaping said before, if Yu Dong could come to Moscow earlier, maybe they could have settled the battle in the first round.

Thinking of this, He Zhenliang smiled and shook his head. It was good for him to persuade Deng Yaping before, but he couldn't help but think the same way.

He looked at his watch, "It's getting late, let's go, the plenary session starts at 45:[-]."


Until [-]:[-], the bidding city presentation session began.

The first one to take the stage is Osaka. Their main theme is Sports Paradise, and the theme is heart-to-heart conversation.

The second is Paris, they advocate the embodiment of freedom, equality and fraternity in sports.

The third is Toronto, which focuses on multiculturalism.

The presentation in the morning ended, and the Chinese delegation returned to the hotel. On the way back, He Zhenliang kept frowning. After arriving at the hotel, he said, "Now we have a problem. Today's big screen is red, and our The clothes are also red."

The others also frowned. What He Zhenliang said was indeed a problem.

Their clothes are too close to the color of the big screen, standing in front of the screen is not conspicuous, and they are not energetic, no one dares to ignore this problem.

Wei Jizhong said, "The clothes must be changed, but there are more than 200 people in our delegation, and it is too late for everyone to change. I suggest that the nine people who presented on stage today should change into suits of other colors. I will make a count later. , What kind of suits did we all bring over here, and see if we can get nine sets of suits of the same color for the nine people who made the presentation to wear them."

He Zhenliang nodded and said, "That's the only way. I brought a black suit and a light gray suit. Let's count the clothes of these two colors. You each have a look at your figure and see if there is one that is similar to the declarant's figure." ..."

At this moment, Yu Dong suddenly said, "Chairman Wei, Commissioner He, there's no need to count. I've already asked someone to settle the matter of the clothes. If there is no accident, the clothes will be delivered in a while."

Hearing Yu Dong's words, everyone looked at Yu Dong in surprise.

Facing everyone's surprised gazes, Yu Dong explained with a smile, "I noticed when I went to the venue in the morning that the color of our clothes was too close to the color of the big screen at the scene, so I sent someone to search for clothes in Moscow. There are three colors in total, black, blue, and light gray. After the clothes arrive, everyone will try on the three kinds of clothes before deciding which color to wear uniformly."

"Does it belong to the nine of us, or to everyone?" Wei Jizhong asked.

Yu Dong replied, "For all of us, more than 200 sets."

Now, everyone was silenced, because it seemed too incredible to them.

More than 200 suits, a total of three colors, that is, six or seven hundred sets, and they were improvised. Is this something that can be done in one morning?

In fact, after Wei Jizhong and He Zhenliang went to the venue in the morning, they also realized the problem of the color of the clothes and the big screen very early, but they couldn't send people to collect clothes in Moscow like Yu Dong did. This matter cannot be done by a few people.

It is true that a lot of people came to their delegation this time, but everyone was on the scene, and no one could be spared to do this job, and even if they could be spared, they were not familiar with where they lived in Moscow, so where would they go? Can you find two hundred suits of the same color?

Even if you ask the embassy, ​​this problem cannot be solved.

Wei Jizhong wondered, "Is there a problem with the size of the clothes? Each of us has a different size."

Yu Dong waved his hand and said, "No, I have sent someone to ask for the size information of all of your clothes. It's not difficult. When you ordered the clothes, you measured the size. We took it directly and used it this time."

(End of this chapter)

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