Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 939 Speed ​​of Development

Chapter 939 Speed ​​of Development
Now that the direction of cooperation has completely changed, Yang Xiao and the others stopped talking, and the rest depends on how the Deep Space Company contacts the local government.

At this time, Yang Xiao and Tan Kai felt a lot more relaxed. They came with a mission before, and the purpose was to persuade Yu Dong to authorize the deep space science fiction themed pavilion to the Rongcheng government, because only then could they "Science Fiction World" Get a new office location.

But the situation is different now. Even if they follow Yu Dong's plan in the end, they can still get a new office space.

Now Yang Xiao and Tan Kai are thinking about how to help Shenkong Company obtain more preferential policies from the Rongcheng government. Only when this project is finally implemented can their wishes for the new office be realized, and the better the policies Shenkong obtains, the better they will be. The more office space their magazine can get, the more office space they can get.

Yu Dong is willing to reserve an office space for "Science Fiction World", of course, not only because of his friendship. In fact, it is good for the new park to make room for "Science Fiction World". The portions are still heavy.

Yang Xiao and the others stayed in the east room for a while, then got up and left. Tomorrow is the awards ceremony, and they still have a lot of work to do. In addition, Yang Xiao has to convey Yudong's thoughts to the Rongcheng government.

After the two of them left, Yu Dong didn't rest, but went to Liu Cixin's room. On the way to the hotel just now, he heard from Xiao Li that everyone was in Liu Cixin's room.

Before Yu Dong reached the door of Liu Cixin's room, he heard a burst of laughter coming from inside. This hearty and magical laughter came from Secretary Hu.

The door of Liu Cixin's room was not closed. When he got a little closer, the conversation inside the room could be heard clearly outside.

Hu Changqing laughed for a while, and said, "BenQ S1 is really a good phone, but the slider will definitely not be the final form of the mobile phone."

"Since the slider is not the final form of the mobile phone, then Secretary Hu, what do you think is the final form of the mobile phone?" Yang Peng asked.

"Sci-fi works have told us long ago that mobile phones will definitely develop towards tablets and touch screens. I predict that in just a dozen years, mobile phones will completely abandon buttons and all be touch screens, and in another 30 years, tablets will be No, everyone wears a ring or a watch, it’s a holographic projection directly, and there’s another possibility, directly implanting a chip into the eyeball and controlling it with the eyeball.”

"Then just implant it into the brain and control it with brain waves," Wang Jingkang said.

Hu Changqing said with a smile, "If brain waves can really be controlled, then there is no need to implant them in the brain. The machine can receive brain wave signals outside the brain."

Liu Cixin said: "At that time, there should be no concept of mobile phones. I think that in the era when mobile phones still exist, the final form of mobile phones should still be clamshell. Of course, there is no conflict between clamshell and full touch screen. In the future, the screen of mobile phones may A softer material will be used so that the screen can be folded. Compared with the candy bar, the flip phone has the advantage that the screen is protected and the possibility of breakage is reduced.”

"Well, Da Liu's angle is good, quite practical."

"Really good."

Yu Dong, who was standing at the door, could not help but raise the corners of his mouth when he heard them discussing the future development of mobile phones. These science fiction writers should be more sensitive to the future development of science and technology, and they spoke decently.

Full touch screen is a popular setting in science fiction works, so many electronic equipment manufacturers are also thinking about making full touch screen mobile phones.There have been touchable mobile phones before, but there are still many problems, such as cumbersome operation, insensitive and inaccurate touch, and it is not as easy to use as a button-pressed mobile phone.

Moreover, this mobile phone is expensive and the price/performance ratio is very low.

If you want a real touch-screen mobile phone to appear on the market, it must be that the operating experience of the touch-screen mobile phone exceeds that of buttons.

After listening to them chatting for a while, Yu Dong went to the door and knocked.

Everyone inside turned their heads to look this way, and then laughed.

"Say Cao Cao Cao Cao is here, this person can't read it, it will come as soon as he reads it." Hu Changqing said with a smile.

Wang Jingkang said: "Just now I was talking about when you will arrive, but I didn't expect you to have already arrived."

Yang Peng and He Hongwei booed and applauded, "Everyone welcomes the heroes back home."

Yu Dong rolled his eyes at the two of them, and then said with a smile, "I heard you talking about your cell phone outside just now?"

Wang Jingkang pushed the glasses, "Well, I just bought a BenQ S1 phone, and I'm not very good at using it, so I asked Lao Hu how to use it, and then he shared with us his experience in using the BenQ S1 recently. Now that I’m on the BenQ mobile phone, it’s inevitable that I’ll talk about you.”

Hu Changqing pouted and said, "I'm not just talking good things. This BenQ S1 still has some shortcomings. Among the many shortcomings, the lack of a color screen is the most unbearable for me. After all, the last mobile phone I used was a color screen. , do you know how uncomfortable it is to switch from a color screen back to this blue screen?"

Yu Dong can understand Hu Changqing's complaints, and he is not a special case. Since the launch of the BenQ S1, the screen has been criticized.

Not using color screens is only one aspect. After all, most consumers have not used color screens like Hu Changqing.The most criticized by everyone is that the screen is too small and the brightness is too low.

Especially when the music playlist is set on the page, the information of many songs is not displayed completely, which affects the experience.

But precisely because of the small screen and low brightness, the BenQ S1 mobile phone consumes less power and has a larger battery capacity.

Yu Dong and the others know that it is impossible to make a mobile phone that takes into account all aspects, so they simply give up some things and specialize in a certain aspect.

What they chose to give up on the S1 phone is naturally the screen.

However, they are also improving. The next mobile phone of the S series will use a color screen, and the screen will be larger. The battery life may be less, but it should not be much different from the S1.

Yu Dong smiled and asked Wang Jingkang, "Mr. Wang, why did you choose the BenQ S1?"

"Hey, it doesn't matter what kind of phone I use, the main reason is that my wife insists on buying it, and when she buys it, she buys two, one for her and one for me. The reason why she chooses a BenQ phone is very simple, it looks good and is suitable for listening to music. But I have to say, this BenQ S1 is better than other mobile phones for listening to music. The key is that downloading songs is easy, just buy it directly from the BenQ store, and it’s nothing more than spending a little money. Also, she also made comments, complaining about the color of the earphones Too little, just one kind of white, if there are more kinds, such as red and black, it would be great, she still prefers red."

Yu Dong smiled, "I will definitely feed my sister-in-law's opinion to the R&D department of BenQ Mobile. As for the screen problem that Secretary Hu mentioned, the next model that will be released next year will be improved."

Hu Changqing became interested, "Then I'll wait and see, changing my phone every year, this frequency is just right for me."

Wang Jingkang said, "I won't buy any mobile phone next year. This time my wife bought two mobile phones. I have been in pain for a long time. I have made up my mind. This mobile phone won't last for ten or eight years. I definitely won't buy it." Will change."

"It's impossible in ten or eight years. Now mobile phones are iterating very fast. It's not bad if they can be used for five years. After five years, the appearance of mobile phones will definitely change drastically."

Hearing this, even Hu Changqing, an electronics enthusiast, raised his eyebrows and asked in surprise, "How much change can there be in five years?"

"Didn't you just talk about touch-screen mobile phones? Maybe in five or six years, touch-screen mobile phones will really come to us."

Although Liu Cixin and the others believe that touch-screen mobile phones are the development direction of mobile phones, this statement made them feel unbelievable in five or six years. In their view, it will definitely be more than ten years before everyone can really use touch-screen mobile phones.

After all, touch-screen mobile phones appeared six or seven years ago, but in the past few years, there has been no development.

But no one raised any rebuttals. After all, Yu Dong is one of the behind-the-scenes bosses of BenQ Mobile. He must have more information than everyone else present, and his predictions must be more accurate.

Hu Changqing asked with a smile, "Isn't BenQ Mobile already developing a full-touch screen phone? Is there any inside information for us?"

Looking at Hu Changqing's expectant eyes, Yu Dong smiled and shook his head, "No, this is just my personal guess."

Hu Changqing curled his lips and said, "We know, it's a commercial secret."

Yu Dong smiled. Of course, this is not a commercial secret. In fact, many mobile phone manufacturers are researching touch-screen mobile phones, but it is just a question of how much they invest.

Since ibm released the Simon mobile phone in 94, mobile phone manufacturers such as Motorola, Sony, and Samsung are also working hard to find a touch screen solution that is really suitable for mobile phones.

BenQ Mobile is also doing this, but their manpower and material resources are so small that they can basically be ignored. At this stage, the main task of BenQ Mobile is to start the name of "music phone" and stabilize the S series phones.

As for the research and development of the touch screen solution, in their plan, they have to wait two or three years before really investing energy.

After talking about the BenQ mobile phone, Yu Dong looked at Liu Cixin and asked, "How is your new book? It's about the three-body problem."

Liu Cixin replied with a smile, "I have some clues, but it's still too early to start writing, and it may take some time."

Yu Dong was not surprised by this at all, but He Hongwei next to him said strangely, "You have been preparing this new book for half a year, and you haven't written it yet. When will you be preparing for it?"

Liu Cixin shook his head, "It's hard to say. Anyway, this year will definitely not work, and next year will probably be too bad. Last time Yang Peng's lungfish talk gave me some inspiration, otherwise the progress would be even slower now."

After only one question, Yu Dong didn't ask any more about the new book. He looked around the room again, and then asked, "August Writers Visiting Group, which one of you signed up?"

Hearing Yu Dong talk about the writers' visiting group, Hu Changqing said in surprise, "Ah, isn't the registration deadline yet? I only know that the event has been postponed, but I didn't expect that the registration deadline has also been postponed."

Yu Dong rolled his eyes, "There is no deadline for registration. You can register anytime before the event starts. You should know that this quota is rare, and many people don't even want it."

The people in the room looked at each other without making a sound.

Seeing their reactions, Yu Dong sighed again.

Organizing a visiting group of writers to come over for literary exchanges was planned last year. It was originally scheduled for May, but due to various circumstances it was finally postponed to August.

The event adopts a self-registration system, as long as the writers who have signed a contract with Deep Space Company can sign up.But you can't go just by participating, you need to go through screening.

After the registration started, the enthusiasm of the writers was quite high, with hundreds of writers signing up.

But among the hundreds of writers, apart from Yu Dong himself, there is not even a science fiction writer.

In fact, it is easy to understand. First of all, most science fiction writers have their own jobs, such as Wang Jingkang and Liu Cixin are engineers, and it is impossible to take too long to go abroad to engage in activities.

Secondly, in everyone's opinion, this kind of activity must be the participation of traditional writers, and has nothing to do with their science fiction writers.

So there was this situation where not a single science fiction writer signed up.

Of course, Yu Dong hoped that there would be at least one science fiction writer in the writers group, so as to ensure that the members of the writers group would be rich and they would have more things to communicate with.

Moreover, the purpose of this trip is to promote Chinese literature, and bringing science fiction writers to the past can also reflect its advantages.

After Yu Dong sighed, he first looked at the faces of Liu Cixin and Wang Jingkang, and then ruled them out. They both work in the unit and it is not suitable for them to take too long leave.

Then Yu Dong looked at Yang Peng and He Hongwei, "You two have nothing else to do at home every day, can't you go out for a walk with us?"

He Hongwei quickly said, "Brother Dong, you know me. I am airsick and motion sick. I will suffer old crimes if I go to Jinling. Isn't it fatal to go abroad? If you don't want me as a little brother, then let me go , as long as Brother Dong gives an order, I am willing to give up my life."

Yu Dong looked at Yang Peng again, and the latter raised his hands and said, "Senior brother, I just talked to someone, and I need to strike while the iron is hot. At the critical moment, don't lose Jingzhou carelessly."

"Yeah, lifelong events are more important."

After asking around, Yu Dong finally looked at Hu Changqing, "Secretary Hu, you said you couldn't let go of school affairs before the time was set in May, but now it's changed to August. Is the school okay?"

"The school is fine, but there is something at home. I am different from you. I am a grandfather. I will accompany my grandson when he comes home from summer vacation."

Yu Dong raised the corner of his mouth, "Jing nonsense, you are willing to accompany, but Xiaohao's parents may not be willing to let you accompany."

Secretary Hu touched his nose, blushed a little, then stretched his neck and said, "At least my Xiaohao likes me."

Yu Dong teased, "Doesn't that like you? Your house looks like an Internet cafe."

(End of this chapter)

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