Chapter 940 Advertising
Yu Dong said that Hu Changqing's home is like an Internet cafe, and everyone in the room laughed, and Wang Jingkang nodded repeatedly, "This point Yu Dong is right, Lao Hu, your home is really like an Internet cafe, if you have to say What's the difference, that is, the equipment at your home is better than the Internet cafe."

"It's not that exaggerated. There are only a few computers in my house."

Hu Changqing defended himself, but his voice became smaller and smaller as he knew how weak his defense was.

These days, how many computers does a normal person use at home? Besides, the "several" in Hu Changqing's mouth is more than five. If Yu Dong remembers correctly, there should be seven or eight computers in his house. There are three.

In addition to computers, his family has a variety of other electronic products, mobile phones, game consoles, cameras...

Yu Dong once thought that Hu Changqing simply had a collection habit and wanted to buy any electronic product he saw, but in fact Hu Changqing was not just buying, basically he would seriously study everything he bought.

Once any electronic product at home is out of date, he will take it apart and study it, and sometimes even DIY something by himself.

Of course, Lao Hu is not a master of technology after all, he can make some simple radios by patchwork, and the alarm clock is not easy, and he is still far away from inventing and creating.

Of course, Lao Hu also knows that he has no hope of inventing and creating in this life, but he just likes to do these things, taking things apart, putting them back together, and occasionally making a gadget that can be used can give him a sense of accomplishment .

Deep Space Corporation has cooperated with Jinling University to establish a Deep Space Electronics Association. There are many experts in this field in the association, and Lao Hu often goes to communicate with people.

Although Lao Hu is relatively good, he is famous, and members of the association are willing to take him to play. He has learned a lot from the students of the association.

The full name of this Electronics Association is Jinling University Deep Space Electronics Association. Although it is called an association, it is completely different from ordinary school associations. The association is not under the management of Wailian, but under the jurisdiction of the School of Electrical Engineering.

Most of the people who can enter the Deep Space Electronics Association are graduate students, and some professors are also in it, and only a small number of members are undergraduates.

This model has nothing to do with the student association, but more like a laboratory, but compared to the laboratory, the electronic association is still more open to ordinary students.

Although the Electronics Association has only been established for two years, it is already very famous. Every year after the start of school, the Electronics Association will hold an exam to select new members.

This exam is divided into an interview and a written exam. All students in the school can take part, and students majoring in electronics will basically sign up.

Jinling University was able to cooperate with Shenkong Company, on the one hand, because Jinling University itself is strong, and on the other hand, it is because of the relationship between Yu Dong’s father-in-law, Cheng Liye. Otherwise, Shenkong University may not choose Jinling University.

Although Jinling University is superior to Southeast University in comprehensive strength, Southeast University still has a little advantage over Jinling University when it comes to electronic engineering majors.In addition to their two schools, although Jinling Post and Telecommunications' electronic engineering major is a little less competitive, it also has its own characteristics.

In fact, after Deep Space Corporation cooperated with Jinling University to establish the Electronics Association, the leaders of Southeast University called Yu Dong. Although they didn't say it directly, their intentions were obvious. They also wanted to cooperate with Deep Space Corporation.

The reason why you want to cooperate with Shenkong is very simple, because Shenkong has money. In this world, money is king.The same is true for the development of colleges and universities. If you have money, you may not be able to develop well, but if you don't have money, it will definitely not work.

In addition to being rich, there are many other influences, such as employment choice. The operation of the Deep Space Electronics Association must have a deep connection with the Deep Space Company. After the students in the association graduate, they are likely to be directly recruited by the Deep Space Company. Gave it away.

This kind of school-enterprise cooperation is like this, and both parties get what they need.

The reason why Jinling Academy of Art develops so well is not because of the backing of Deep Space Corporation.Jinyi now has a lot of professional students, and after graduation, they can directly export to the deep space company.

There are many companies under the Shenkong Group, and there are all walks of life. If you study art in school, you can directly enter the visual design studio. If you develop well, you can stay directly after graduation.

Not to mention acting majors, many students started to act in deep space film and television dramas in the second and third grades. In the acting major of Jinyi, there are many opportunities to practice, although not everyone can be like Liu Ye, Chen Hao and the others. I played the leading role right from the start, but basically I was able to get filming before the third grade.

Anyone who wants to be an actor knows that there are more acting opportunities in Jinyi Academy, so they are naturally more willing to take the Jinyi exam. The more people go for the Jinyi exam, the better the students will be. The higher the quality of the students, the higher the possibility of becoming famous The higher it is...Because of the existence of the Deep Space Company, Jinyi has quickly entered a virtuous circle. It has developed better and better in the past few years, and it has already threatened Yanjing Film Academy and Chinese opera schools.

When the Jinyi Theater Department was first established, many industry leaders scoffed at it, thinking that Jinyi had a weak foundation and no famous teachers, let alone its own performance teaching system.

But after a few years passed, people discovered that the background, the famous teachers, and the performance system were all floating clouds, and they were all defeated one by one. Now that Jinyi has everything, even the foundation has someone to help trace it.


After teasing Hu Changqing, Yu Dong put away his smile, "Since none of you want to participate, that's fine. Let's draw lots tonight, and whoever catches it will go."

Hu Changqing quickly said, "You have a bad style as a patriarch. Now is a free and democratic society, so we still have to respect individual wishes."

Yu Dong smiled, and suddenly asked, "Is Acer going to release a new computer soon?"

Although Yu Dong's topic changed a bit strangely, when talking about the new computer, Hu Changqing raised his eyebrows, "Indeed, Acer is going to release a new computer, but this computer has relatively high configuration, and the sales volume is relatively small. Ordinary people can’t buy it. I even went to the Computer City to ask about it. Ordinary stores can’t get it. I wanted to get one for fun, but unfortunately I didn’t get it. I’ve been thinking about it recently. Over there…”

Yu Dong frowned and said, "I heard it's quite difficult to deal with, but Acer sent us a batch, and I'm considering whether to send a few to the members of the writers group..."

Before Yu Dong finished speaking, Hu Changqing continued, "Since everyone doesn't want to go, I'm older after all, so I should stand up bravely and contribute to Chinese science fiction."

"You are so old, it's not good to go abroad and run around, don't run around and break your body."

Hu Changqing clenched his fists, "Although I am old, I am still in good health. I usually go to the playground to run, and ordinary students can't outrun me at all."

"It's a pity that your Xiaohao is coming back, and you have no time to accompany him."

Hu Changqing waved his hand, "The summer vacation is so long, he only stays for three or five days every time he comes, and then he is dragged back by his mother. Let him come back at the end of the month without delay."


Hu Changqing nodded again and again, "I'm sure, I'm completely sure, whoever repents is a puppy."

Yu Dong clapped his hands and said with a smile, "Since that's the case, I'll tell Feiyu later that he is the head of the delegation."

"No problem, please sign up for me." Hu Changqing responded with a smile, and then asked, "Is this new computer released before going abroad or after going abroad?"


Yu Dong stayed in Liu Cixin's office for more than an hour, made an appointment to have dinner with them in the evening, and went back to his room.

After returning, he lay down on the bed and took a nap for a while, the journey was quite tiring.

Originally I thought about squinting for ten to twenty minutes, but I couldn't control my eyes once I closed them.

He was woken up by a knock on the door. After Yoyo woke up, he didn't rush to open the door. He looked outside first. It was still dark, and then he looked at the quartz clock hanging on the wall. It was already 06:30.

Hearing the knock on the door getting more and more irritable, Yu Dong got up and opened the door.

The door opened and Jimmy stood outside.

Seeing Jimmy, Yu Dong was not surprised at all. The knock on the door just now couldn't be anyone else except Jimmy. No one else had the guts to knock on his door like this.

"You just arrived?"

Yu Dong yawned and walked back. Jimmy said with a smile behind him, "It's been a while, and it's the first time I came to ring your doorbell. It may be too gentle, and it didn't wake you up. I have no choice but to hammer the door."

There was no sign of apology on Jimmy's face for waking someone up. Yu Dong said angrily, "Since you know I'm sleeping, then wait for me for a while. It's very immoral to disturb someone's dream."

Jimmy shook his index finger and said, "No, no, I was afraid that you would sleep too much during the day and wouldn't be able to sleep at night, so I woke you up before it got dark."

Yu Dong poured himself a glass of water, Gulu Gulu drank it down, feeling a little more awake, then he turned his head to look at Jimmy: "What can I do for you?"

"Go to dinner." Jimmy chuckled, and then continued before Yudong got angry, "By the way, I'll tell you something serious."

"What's the matter?"

"There's two good news and one not so good news."

"Let's start with the bad news."

"No, no, no, I didn't let you choose. I want to tell you the good news first. The good news is that "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" and "Lord of the Rings 1" have been finalized. One is in early November and the other is in October. End of February."

"Another piece of good news?"

"Two movies are finalized, so it's two pieces of good news."

Yu Dong sighed slightly, "Let's talk about the bad news."

"The bad news is that the sponsorship cooperation between Yunchi and Real Madrid has not been negotiated."

Yu Dong shrugged indifferently, "This is not bad news. It is something that has been expected for a long time. Yunchi is still too young. It is impossible to snatch Real Madrid from Adidas. Before that, I I told Hu Hao to let him focus on some small clubs. If the top leagues are not enough, then go to those low-level leagues. You can find a few more potential stocks in the low-level leagues to discuss cooperation. If you win the lottery, even if you can’t win the lottery, spreading the net everywhere can increase brand awareness. It’s not impossible to watch top league teams, but you can also look for mid-range teams that have no money, such as Chelsea.”

Jimmy curled his lips, "Although Chelsea have ranked well in the league in recent years and even won the third place, they are now heavily in debt, and it is hard to say whether they will be able to enter the top six next season."

Because of the acquisition of Manchester United, Jimmy pays more attention to the situation in the Premier League. He has also paid attention to Chelsea. Although the ranking of this team has improved over the years, it has entered the top six for several consecutive years from the original top ten. It is indeed quite good.

But the team is now heavily in debt and has no commercial value, so it can't support the follow-up development at all. In Jimmy's view, Chelsea will return to the top ten in at most two years.

Yu Dong mentioned Chelsea, just as an example. Although Chelsea became stronger and stronger because of Abramovich in the last life, he is not sure if it will not be like this in this life. Maybe it will be like Jimmy said. In [-] Chelsea fell into a trough due to debt, and then fell into a slump.

"I mean, he shouldn't be looking for a team like Real Madrid, there is no possibility."

"Do you think Hu Hao really wants to cooperate with Real Madrid? He is actually helping Real Madrid raise the price. Recently, Real Madrid is negotiating with Adidas about the renewal of the contract. Of course Real Madrid is happy when there is a Yunchi. Otherwise, just rely on Yunchi. Basically, Real Madrid won't talk to them. Of course, Yunchi can have some scandals with Real Madrid, which is also good for them, and many people know about Yunchi because of this."

Yu Dong nodded, "That's true, it's a free advertisement."

"In addition to these three news, I also have a good news for you."

Hearing this, Yu Dong didn't seem surprised at all. He knew that it was impossible for Jimmy to come over to say these three news, and there must be other news.

Not surprised to see Yu Dong, Jimmy pouted, "It's really boring, can't you pretend to be surprised?"

"Then can't you lie to yourself that my expression is just surprise?"

"Forget it, let me tell you the news directly. Although Yunchi didn't negotiate a cooperation with Real Madrid, there is no way out. BenQ Mobile won Real Madrid's chest advertisement."

Yu Dong raised his brows. This is indeed good news. Chest advertisements are amazing, especially Real Madrid's chest advertisements.

If Yu Dong remembers correctly, in the previous generation, BenQ got Real Madrid’s chest ad because of the acquisition of Siemens Mobile. Although the ad did not last long, even so, the ad for the jersey is quite impressive Profound.

Although many fans don't know what BenQ is, they all know the letters BenQ.

Unexpectedly, in the turn of time and space, BenQ Mobile actually got Real Madrid's chest advertisements in advance. The key is that Real Madrid has no sponsorship advertisements on their chests since the beginning of the new century.

(End of this chapter)

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