Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 941 What Does That Company Do?

Chapter 941 What Does That Company Do?
Before BenQ Mobile negotiated with Real Madrid, their official website was printed on the chest of Real Madrid.

Before, teka was printed on the chest of their jerseys. Teka had cooperated with Real Madrid for eight or nine years. After the contract expired last year, it was not renewed. There was a period of time in the middle of their jerseys. The chest was blank, but the high-level I thought it would be too wasteful to leave it empty, so I printed the official website of my home.

Originally everyone thought that after the beginning of the new century, Real Madrid would not plan to print advertisements on their chests, but they did not expect to be taken down by BenQ Mobile.

Yu Dong became concerned about the price, "What is the final negotiated price? It shouldn't be cheap, right?"

Jimmy nodded, "It's really not cheap. I signed for a total of ten years, and the average is close to 600 million pounds per year."

"Ten years? How did you sign for such a long time? Real Madrid actually agreed? Could it be that they asked Mingji to pay all the money for ten years at once?"

Under normal circumstances, it is almost three to five years for this type of advertisement to be signed, and the contract will be renewed after the contract expires.

Money is becoming less and less valuable. Everyone knows this. Of course, 600 million pounds is a sky-high price now, but it will be hard to say after ten years, so Yu Dong can only think of one possibility, that is, BenQ. Pay the sponsorship fee in advance.

Jimmy shook his head, "Real Madrid doesn't have such a requirement. They only require us to pay the full amount of the season before each season. To put it bluntly, the requirement is very simple, that is, the payment cannot be postponed. In fact, the reason is very clear. Real Madrid now wants to continue To carry out the superstar policy, you need money, although you won’t get ten years’ worth of money if you sign for ten years at once, but the money you get in the past few years is much more than for a short contract.”

Yu Dong nodded suddenly. Jimmy was right. If he only signed for three to five years, the average annual price would not be able to reach 600 million pounds, or even 1000 million pounds. £3000 million
In this way, Real Madrid is actually quite a deal.

"Also." Jimmy smiled and continued, "600 million pounds per year is the most expensive chest advertisement in the world. Of course Florentino wants this gimmick. From now on, they can replace Manchester United, the most expensive team in the world."

Manchester United’s current chest advertisement is more than 100 million pounds per year, ranking first in the world. After the cooperation between Real Madrid and BenQ is finalized, Real Madrid will surpass Manchester United and become the team with the highest price, and this price is very difficult in a short time A breakthrough, because the contract between Manchester United and Vodafone was only signed last year, and it is impossible for Vodafone to give Manchester United a few million extra pounds during the contract period.

"Does BenQ Mobile have so much money now? Sixteen million pounds is not a small amount."

When BenQ Mobile was established, it didn’t have much money, only a total of more than 1 million RMB. This money is barely enough if it is only used in China. Run out.

After more than 1 million RMB was used up, the company went through several rounds of capital adjustments. In total, BenQ Dentsu invested a total of 6000 million RMB in BenQ Mobile.

But the 6000 million RMB 1 million is just enough to maintain the operation of BenQ Mobile. Although the BenQ S[-] has been sold and sold well, the sales of this mobile phone and the sales of songs alone cannot make up for BenQ Mobile. operating costs.

That's why Yu Dong was worried that the pressure to spend 600 million pounds a year on BenQ Mobile was too great.

Jimmy said with a smile, "You don't have to worry about money. Although it was difficult in the early stage, it is getting better and better. Although the money earned by BenQ S1 can't fully cover the operating costs of BenQ Mobile, at least it can recover some blood." , and our production line has also been optimized recently, the cost has been reduced a lot, and the profit will definitely increase.”

"But doesn't the production line of the BenQ S2 also cost money?"

"Take it easy, if it doesn't work, borrow it. If it doesn't work, the higher-level company will bleed again. After the first three years, life will be much easier in the future. Compared with BenQ Mobile, I am more worried about our own money. Enough, now we have a lot of money invested in the stock market."

"How much money did we invest in it?"

"From last year to now, our own money has accumulated more than 6 million U.S. dollars. My goal is to increase this number to one billion before this year's annual meeting. Oh, yes, your personal money has also invested one [-] million U.S. dollars are included, and more than [-] million U.S. dollars can be invested before this year’s annual meeting.”

Yu Dong smiled, "It can be doubled to [-] million U.S. dollars."

Jimmy couldn't help but twitched his lips, "You are really courageous. Even if you believe that the Internet industry will recover, you shouldn't take such risks. Moreover, your capital allocation ratio is high, and the possibility of liquidation is relatively high. In my case It seems that it is already close to gambling."

"If you don't want to bet, just bet. It's okay to lose anyway."

Jimmy rolled his eyes, not wanting to talk for a moment.

That's [-] million U.S. dollars. Yu Dong actually said that it's okay to lose. Even if Bill Gates came here, he couldn't say so easily.

Yu Dong is rich now, and no one in the world knows how rich Yu Dong is than Jimmy, including Yu Dong himself.

It is certain that it is not as good as Bill Gates, but if this wave of Internet gambling succeeds, the situation will be difficult to say.

Jimmy himself is also very rich. Over the years, the salary he received from Deep Space Corporation alone has reached hundreds of millions of dollars, not to mention the annual fixed dividends. He can afford [-] million dollars. He will lose After spending [-] million, it would be a pain in the ass.

"I think you might as well invest all your money in the stock market. It doesn't matter to you if you lose all of it anyway."

"That's not the case. We still have to be rational when investing. I still feel a little bit pained if I lose everything. And I have spent a lot of money recently, so I must just save some money on hand."

Speaking of spending money, Jimmy remembered one thing, "How is the situation of the Android company you invested in before? I was busy before, so I didn't ask."

Yu Dong shook his head, "Don't worry, it's very difficult for the Android company to produce something within one or two years, and it will take at least two or three years to have a clue."

Jimmy gave a thumbs up, "Then you are really good. You just threw in tens of millions of dollars, and you usually don't care about it, so you're not afraid that the money will go in vain? But based on what I know about you, they study This project must be very powerful.”

Yu Dong said with a smile, "It's also possible that I have misjudged my eyes, and it's not that I have misjudged things."

"You do have things that go wrong, but they are basically small things. You have invested tens of millions of dollars like this, and you haven't missed a single shot." Having said that, Jimmy waved his hand again, "I wanted to investigate and find out Yes, but if you think about it, forget it. Now I am too busy with the stall in the deep space, so I don’t want to find work for myself. You can figure out this Android company yourself, and I will quietly wait for them to come out. results."

Yu Dong tilted his head, looked at Jimmy with a smile on his face, and after looking at it for a while, he said, "Is it because I didn't tell you about this in advance, do you have an opinion?"

Jimmy didn't hide it, nodded and said, "Well, I had a little opinion at the beginning. After all, we discussed and dealt with things before, but after thinking about it, we thought about it. It's not a big deal in itself. So later , I’m more curious about what is it about this Android company that attracts you and makes you willing to throw tens of millions of dollars into it.”

"Actually, they are making a mobile phone operating system. You can learn about this system when you have time, because when this mobile phone system comes out, I plan to merge it into the deep space family. After all, it will be the world of mobile terminals in the future. An operating system can bring us a lot of things."

"In this case, why didn't you invest directly from the company before?"

"The main reason is convenience, and I have money on hand, so I just give it to them. In addition, I'm not sure whether they can make what I want. If they don't do it right, then my money will be lost." The investment risk of this kind of technology research and development is still very large.”

Jimmy nodded, agreeing that there are too many uncertainties in the investment in this type of technology research and development.

Many people compare technology research and development to building a house, but most technology research and development are completely different from building a house. To build a house, as long as you follow the drawings and standards step by step, you will be able to build the house without making any mistakes.

But technology research and development is not like this. Some people who study technology even compare research and development to throwing dice. If you are lucky, you can succeed once, but if you are unlucky, you will never be able to throw the points you want.

Whether it is building a house or throwing dice, it is actually a bit extreme, but there are indeed many problems that cannot be solved by hard work and step-by-step in the research and development process. Compared with hard work, direction is more important.

And sometimes even if the direction is right, the result will eventually come out, but it may be a step behind, and eventually fall short.

As far as the operating system is concerned, who doesn't know that smartphones are good now, and which manufacturer is not researching smartphones?And there are already relatively mature operating systems on the market.

In this situation, to develop an operating system, maybe there is no result here, and other companies have already made better things.

The reason why the fighting of technology companies is so bloody is because the situation of one success is too serious.

Yu Dong has experienced the success of Android, but even so, he can't guarantee that Android can be successful in this world.

First of all, can Android be developed again without cooperation with Google?Even if Android doesn't lose the chain, who can guarantee that other companies haven't developed similar things first?
Yu Dongneng can clearly feel that the development of the Internet and mobile communications in the past few years has been faster than in the same period of the previous life, not only in China, but also in the whole world.

The existence of Deep Space Corporation has already had some impetus to the development of the times.

Jimmy smiled and said, "Hearing what you said, I am even more curious about what Android researches. In fact, when I first heard about this, I thought Android mainly researched robots. On the one hand, in addition, our company is indeed doing research in this area, and you are also more interested in this area. Since it is a mobile phone system, should we speed up the research on smart phones, before the mobile phone system is released? , but BenQ Mobile still can’t make smartphones.”

Yu Dong smiled, and said indifferently, "This system made by Android, I don't plan to supply it to BenQ Mobile."

"Then you want to?"

"I want all mobile phones to use this operating system. Only in this way can we provide services to more mobile customers through it."

Jimmy raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect Yu Dong's idea to be like this. He thought that Yu Dong's operating system should be used by BenQ Mobile to enhance the advantages of BenQ Mobile.

"Sell the system to them and charge a fee..." At this point, Jimmy himself denied his speculation, "Impossible, charging is impossible to quickly increase the customer base, it must be free. But now The question is, how can we compete with Symbian, and what advantages does this new Android company have over Symbian?"

When Jimmy asked about the advantages of Android over Symbian, Yu Dong was at a loss for words. It wasn't that he couldn't tell the advantages of Android, but that he didn't regard the two systems as the same thing at all.

"The Android system and Symbian are two completely different things. Let's put it this way, if Android is finally made, then the functions on the mobile phones I told you before can basically be realized."

Hearing this, Jimmy narrowed his eyes, and only then did he realize what Yu Dong was doing.

If, as Yu Dong said, Android can realize what he said before, and then provide it to other mobile phone manufacturers for free, it may become the Microsoft of the mobile phone industry.

Every computer uses the Microsoft operating system, and every mobile phone uses the Android system.

Thinking of this, Jimmy couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Before, he thought that Jimmy wanted to use the operating system to help BenQ move, which was really too conservative. Yu Dong dared to think and do it.

If that happens, the Android company could be making money.

However, as Yu Dong said, the situation of technology research and development is too unstable. No matter how well you think about it now, it may be nothing in the end.

"I suggest you pay more attention to this matter. If there is really hope, it is also possible to invest more. In addition, I also pay attention to the trend of Android at all times. If there is nothing to do, I will urge BenQ Mobile. It is best to be able to BenQ Mobile made smartphones before the Android system was developed, and the two sides can cooperate at that time. I think that after the Android system is made, there must be a mobile phone to use it.”

Yu Dong nodded, "That's true. If BenQ Mobile can be the first to use the Android system, that would of course be the best."

(End of this chapter)

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