Yu Dong chatted with Jimmy about the Android company for a while, when there was a knock on the door outside, and then they heard Liu Cixin shouting outside the door, "Teacher Yu, it's time for dinner."

Jimmy smiled and stood up first, "Let's eat first, and we'll talk about other things tonight."


Liu Cixin came to call Yu Dong for dinner, and the others had already gone to the restaurant first.

When the three of them arrived at the restaurant, the restaurant was already very lively. This year's Galaxy Awards ceremony was even more lively than previous years.

People from the film and television industry have participated in the Galaxy Awards Ceremony since 92, and later set up awards in the field of film and television. Among the guests this year, the proportion of people from the film and television industry is a bit larger than in previous years.

Several sci-fi movies released in North America last year basically sent representatives. Of course, "The Martian" needless to say, in addition to the director Spielberg, several main actors have arrived on the scene.

Another Mars-related movie "Mission to Mars" also sent two people, but they should know that they won't win any awards, so they only came with a director assistant and a staff member of the distribution company.

The crew of "Transparent Man" is really strong. There are seven or eight people from the director to the lead actor. This movie is losing money at the box office. Their production cost is close to 8000 million US dollars, which is higher than the production cost of "The Martian" Some, but in the end the North American box office was only less than [-] million US dollars.

Since they are not successful at the box office, they want to win more prizes. As long as they can win more prizes, the videotapes and CDs will also sell better, which can bring back some blood for them.Before coming to Rongcheng, they had just won the Best Costume Award at the Saturn Awards, so they naturally hoped to win an award when they came here.

It is worth mentioning that "The Martian" was a big hit at the Saturn Awards, winning six awards for Best Science Fiction Film, Best Actor, Best Director, Best Special Effects and Best Soundtrack.

Because the Saturn Award did not award the best screenplay award to "The Martian", it also caused dissatisfaction among many Yudong readers. These readers believed that "The Martian" deserved a best screenplay award.

Although "Black Hole Frequency" is also good, the script is still somewhat different from "The Martian".

The Saturn Award jury also gave a response to this. They affirmed the script of "The Martian", and then said that the script of "The Martian" is not much different from the original novel of "The Martian", and the originality is not enough, so they cannot give Award for Best Screenplay.

After the response from the Saturn Award came out, some people joked that if this was the case, YU would never want to win the Saturn Award for Best Screenplay in his entire life, because his scripts are all based on his own novels.

There are also conspiracy theories that the Saturn Awards are targeting YU by doing this.

This has actually happened more than once, but this time the reader's reaction was stronger.After the previous film adaptation of "Closed Loop", although the box office was average, it also won several awards at the Saturn Awards, including Best Science Fiction Film, Best Actor, and Best Costume, but there was no award for Best Screenplay.

It’s okay that there was no Best Screenplay Award that year, after all, there was a "Seven Deadly Sins" that year, and no readers dared to say that the script of "Closed Loop" must be better than "Seven Deadly Sins".

But this year is different. This year, "Black Hole Frequency" should not beat "The Martian" to win the best screenplay award.

If "Black Hole Frequency" can win the Best Screenplay Award, then "Butterfly Effect" should have won the Best Screenplay Award before, but "Butterfly Effect" did not win the Best Screenplay Award that year.Besides, the jury also said that they didn't award the award because they considered that the script of "The Martian" was not much different from the original. On the other hand, they also thought that the script of "The Martian" was better.

With these circumstances, and this year’s Hugo Awards and Nebula Awards not giving Yu Dongfa an award, readers themselves are more sensitive. Some people think that this is a kind of resistance or rejection of foreign language science fiction in the American science fiction circle.

Yang Xiao and the others are also quite sensitive. Seeing this happening, they invited many Hollywood guests before the awards ceremony.

In addition to the main creators of films that have been released last year, there are also representatives of films that have not yet been released, such as "Source Code".

The lineup of "Source Code" is also quite complete. Director Christopher Nolan, actor Gu Tianle and heroine Aniston all came to the scene.

When Yu Dong and the others arrived, the crew members of "Source Code" were chatting with the crew members of "The Martian".

Jimmy walked over with a smile, and greeted them with a smile, "When did you all arrive?"

Christopher Nolan said with a smile, "Jennifer and I arrived this afternoon, and Kulai is earlier."

Gu Tianle took over the conversation, "I've been in Rongcheng for a few days, and it happened to be relatively free during this time, so I just ran around around Rongcheng to have a look."

Jimmy looked at Aniston and asked, "Jennifer, is this your first time in Rongcheng?"

Aniston nodded and said with a smile, "I have only been to Yanjing and Jinling before, and this is the first time I have come to Rongcheng. My impression of Rongcheng is that there are the cutest giant pandas in the world."

"In addition to pandas, there are many interesting things in Rongcheng. If you are not in a hurry, you can go shopping around after the awards ceremony. I believe you will not be disappointed." Yu Dong said.

Aniston said regretfully, "It's a pity that I will go to Yanjing the day after the awards ceremony."

Jimmy laughed, "She and Gu Tianlei are going to Yanjing to promote the new movie, and the time is really tight."

Yu Dong nodded. It could be seen that Aniston was very concerned about the movie "Source Code". Basically, she would actively participate in all promotional activities of the movie.

For Aniston, "Source Code" is very important, and she wants to use this movie to change the public's idea that she can't go to the big screen.

In addition, Aniston also wants to act in other films of Deep Space Company, preferably with a script written by YU, so she should work harder to promote the film.

Matt Damon, who just won the Saturn Award for Best Actor, seemed in a good mood, and said with a smile, "It's okay, you have a ticket at three o'clock in the afternoon, and you can play for at least half a day. We will take you to see it then." Giant panda, drink Gaiwancha, and watch Changing Face if you have time."

Matt Damon stayed in China for a long time because of the filming of "The Martian". Although he spent most of his time in Mangya, he would occasionally travel to other places, and besides filming, he also spent a lot of time in China. I often go to China, so I am quite familiar with China.

"I'm definitely going to see giant pandas." Aniston smiled.

"Before you go to see the giant pandas, you need to learn a few words of Sichuan dialect. The giant pandas here can only understand Sichuan dialect." Christopher Nolan said to Dong after making a joke, "YU, your I have read the new novel "The Ninth District", the story is very exciting, are you considering making it into a movie now?"

Compared with giant pandas and Gaiwancha, Christopher is obviously more interested in Dong's new novel "The Ninth District".

If it was before, he certainly wouldn't have asked Yu Dong if he had considered adapting it into a movie so early on, but Yu Dong had just published "Gravity" a while ago, and he had already started to make a film adaptation before the novel was serialized.

In view of this, Christopher believes that "The Ninth District" can be considered for film and television adaptation.

Yu Dong said with a smile, "Film and TV adaptation is definitely going to be done, but I haven't seriously considered this matter yet, do you have any ideas?"

"Haha, I'm just asking casually. Of course, it doesn't rule out that I will take the initiative to apply to make this movie in the future. If you really consider making it a movie, you can give me some consideration." Christopher Nolan said.

Next to him, Gu Tianle also climbed up the pole, and said with a smile, "I think I can also play a role in the movie."

Aniston blinked her eyes twice. She really wanted to introduce herself, but the problem was that she searched in her mind for a long time, but she couldn't find an impressive female character in "The Ninth District".

The human female character with the most roles in "The Ninth District" is the actor's wife, but this role does not leave a deep impression on people.

In fact, although there are many characters in the novel "District Ninth", including human beings and aliens, the whole story is more like a one-man show of the male protagonist. On the hero's body.

Some people say that "The Ninth District" is like Kafka's "Metamorphosis", at least in this respect, in "Metamorphosis", although there are many characters besides the protagonist, the protagonist's family also has some Tenants, but the other characters are also unimpressive.

Aniston didn't really want to play the only wife role in "The Ninth District", so she didn't speak.

When Yu Dong heard what Christopher and Gu Tianle said, he also responded with a smile, "I will definitely consider you at that time, but before that, let's finish the "Source Code" project."

"Of course, everything is ready now, just wait for the result, I believe the result will be good." Christopher Nolan said.

While the few people were talking, there were more and more people in the restaurant, and more and more people surrounded them, and the topic of everyone's conversation was dispersed.

The banquet that night was very simple, because there was still business to do tomorrow, so most of the people did not drink, only Hu Changqing and the others drank a sip, but they were relatively restrained and did not drink too much.

The next afternoon, the Galaxy Awards ceremony officially began. "The Martian" took the lead and won many awards including the best science fiction film. Yu Dong also took the stage to receive the best screenplay award.

The main creators of "Transparent Man" traveled all the way and did not work in vain. They won three awards for best make-up and best supporting actor and actress. Although they are not big awards, they are already very satisfied.

There are so many Galaxy Awards now, including film and television, comics and animation, and then novels.

According to Shunxun, the film and television categories will be awarded first, then comics and animations, and finally novels.

In the fiction category of this year's Galaxy Prize, the competition for the novella and short story prizes is fierce.

There are three winners for the Novella Award and the Short Story Award, for a total of six places, but authors from all over the world are required to compete.

Just when people thought that this year's short story award would still be dominated by Chinese writers, the result surprised them.

There are a total of six awards, and three of them are foreign writers.

One award for a medium story and two awards for a short story.

The winner of the Novella Award was a young writer from the United States named Russell Jackson. He was only 25 years old and had only made his mark in the past two years.

Russell Jackson started writing science fiction at the age of 22 and published it at the age of 23.

His first science fiction story was not published in any serious science fiction magazine, but in a local Ohio side magazine.

That marginal magazine called "One Hand" usually publishes some strange and colorful anecdotes, and I don't know what Russell Jackson thinks, and he actually submitted his novel to it, let alone What did the editor of this magazine think, and actually used this manuscript.

After all, it was a marginal magazine, and what readers wanted to read after buying it was of course the colorful content, not science fiction, so Russell's short story did not arouse much response.

However, an agent of Deep Space Company saw this novel and thought that Russell Jackson had great potential, so he found Russell Jackson through the magazine and signed him.

After signing the contract, under the arrangement of his agent, Russell Jackson began to submit articles to some magazines related to science fiction in the United States. Several novels by Russell Jackson were introduced.

And this time Russell Jackson won the award for his novel "Cloud Ring" published in "Science Fiction World" last year.

After all, you may not be able to write a novel in a few years, but short and medium stories are different. Whether you are a veteran or a novice, you can write short and medium stories for fun.

Especially novices, they don't have the ability to write long novels yet, and they don't have the opportunity to write long novels, and they can only write short stories, which leads to a huge number of short stories every year.

Even though there are three awards for both the novella and the short story, the competition is still great.

This time, half of the short and medium story awards were taken away by foreign writers, which also sounded the alarm for Chinese science fiction authors.

As for the best novel award, basically there is no suspense.

Last year, Yu Dong published a novel "Wall-E" after a long time. This year, this novel deservedly won the Best Novel Award.

And if nothing else happens, next year's best novel award will still go to Yu Dong, and the gold content of "District [-]" is even stronger than that of "WALL-E".

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