Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 944 You can also play with Zhang Family

After calling Amamiya Aiko to the store, Mitarai Nanaya summoned her younger sister Mitarai Mia.

As soon as Mitarai Mia heard the call, she hurried over without asking what she was going to do. When she got there, she saw Amamiya Aiko and Onoji and asked curiously: "Brother, did you call me?" What are you here for?"

Mitarai Nanaya did not answer Mitarai Meiya, but took them to a back room, and said to them very seriously, "This game is very long, can you make sure that there are no other players in the next four or five hours?" things to do?"

"Four to five hours?" Amamiya Aiko looked surprised, "Is this game so long?"

Osamu Ohno also yelled, "It will be nine o'clock in four or five hours, and we haven't even eaten, so can't the game time be shorter?"

Mitarai Nanaya shook her head, "In order to ensure that you can have a good game experience, such a long time is necessary. Of course, if any of you can't guarantee to stay here for the next four or five hours, you can leave now, don't wait until the game is in progress Let’s talk about it halfway, it will affect the experience of other people’s games.”

Several people looked at each other, the two people brought by Onoji obviously didn't want to stay here, four or five hours was too long for them, but under the threat of Onoji's eyes, the two of them could only stay here. Can keep silent.

Aiko Amamiya shrugged. Someone is watching over the bookstore now, so she doesn't need to be in the store.And she can stay with Mitarai Nanaya for as long as she wants.

Mitarai Mia had no objections, she wished to play games as long as possible, staying at home is really boring, there are not many opportunities to play openly and aboveboard.

After making sure that everyone was okay, Mitarai Nanaya took out a stack of scripts from the cabinet and distributed one to each of the five people.

Mitarai Nanaya divided the scripts for them and said, "Here is your role script, which contains a detailed introduction of the roles you play. In the next four or five hours, you need to play your own roles seriously. "

Ono Osamu looked at Mitarai Nanaya and asked, "Aren't you playing a role?"

"I am the host of this game. Next, I will guide you how to play this game. First, let me describe the background of this story. The story happened in a small village about 30 years ago. A young After graduating from a college student, he came to a remote village as a mathematics teacher. His name was Takahashi Shinichi, but one morning three months later, Takahashi Shinichi’s body was found in a forest. Takahashi Shinichi died A week before, she was accused by student Mieko Ito of molesting her. During this time, Takahashi Shinichi was suspended from the school and under investigation. Therefore, people suspect that Takahashi Shinichi couldn't bear the condemnation of conscience and people's comments. So I chose suicide."

Mitarai Mia raised her hand and said, "I'm playing Mieko Ito."

"After my introduction, you all have to read your own script carefully. This is a reasoning script. The math teacher Shinichi Takahashi may have committed suicide, or he may have been killed. You need to figure out this through reasoning. If the math teacher was killed, you have to find out who the murderer is."

"The murderer must be one of us? Could it be someone else?" Aiko Amamiya asked.

Mitarai Nanaya shrugged, "You guys need to discover this by yourself, the script will give you enough clues."

"Does the murderer know that he is a murderer?" asked the girl who was captured by Ohno Osamu.

Mitarai Nanaya shook her head, "Not necessarily, you have to find the answer in the process of the game. Well, let's continue to tell the background of the story. The day before Takahashi Shinichi's body was found, Mieko Ito's good friend , Hanari Taro went to the teacher's dormitory to find him, and threatened to kill the teacher himself."

"I'm Hanari Taro." Ohno Osamu raised his hand and said.

Mitarai Nanaya nodded and continued, "Takahashi Shinichi himself has a girlfriend, and his girlfriend is also a teacher in the school. Her name is Nozawa Koka. Because of the obscenity incident, the two are arguing recently. Nozawa Xiaoxiang wants to break up with Takahashi Shinichi, but Takahashi Shinichi is not willing to break up, and someone has seen them argue more than once..."

The background of the story is very long, and the script everyone got is also very long, but under the guidance of Mitarai Nanaya, several people are very patient, mainly because the story itself is quite attractive, and they have never experienced this type of script before. game.

Especially Mitarai Miya, this girl showed a grievance after learning that her role was Mieko Ito, as if she had really been molested, and she was very deeply involved in the play.

After Mitarai Nanaya introduced the background, she said, "In the next period of time, please read your script carefully, and we will start the game after reading it. In addition, I want to remind you that everyone can lie, no matter what you are based on. For what purpose, this game does not stipulate that players must tell the truth."

Everyone nodded, and then looked at the script in their hands seriously.

When they read the script, they finally understood why the game took so long. Among other things, it took a long time to get familiar with the script.

Moreover, they can only see their own scripts now, and they don't know what is written in other people's scripts. This has to be understood slowly through other people's words while playing games.

Although none of them had played script killing before, the people involved in the game were very sensitive. They were careful when reading the script, for fear that others would see their own script.

Mitarai couldn't help but smile when he saw several people wary of each other. A good reasoning script begins with mutual suspicion.Although Aiko and the others have never played Scenario Killer, nor are they fans of mystery novels, they take the game very seriously.

You don't need how good you are to play script killing, the key lies in your attitude. Only with a serious attitude can you have a good game experience.Since it is a script, it must be fake, but if you can believe that everything in the script is true, then the game experience will be very good.

After they finished reading their script, Mitarai Nanaya led them to officially start the game.


Osamu Ohno got the role of Hanari Taro, who admired Mieko Ito, so he thought from the beginning that he might be the murderer of Shinichi Takahashi.

From Hanataro's point of view, Takahashi Shinichi is a villain who ruined his goddess, and his motive for killing is well established.

But after thinking about it carefully, I felt that my motives were too obvious. If I was really the murderer, then this game might be a little too easy.

The script he got didn't indicate that he was the murderer, so after the game started, he carefully observed the expressions and movements of several other people.

Osamu Ohno has watched the TV series "Don't Lie to Me" produced by Deep Space Company, and he knows that he can judge the other person's psychology through the micro-expressions of people. If anyone gets the script of the murderer, there will definitely be something strange.

But what disappointed Osamu Ohno was that everyone behaved normally, and they were looking at other people just like him.

In this case, either the person who got the script of the murderer is very good at hiding, or the murderer does not know that he is the murderer.

Both of these situations are more troublesome. After all, this game is for them to find the murderer. If the murderer is really good at hiding, it will be more difficult for them to find the murderer.

If it is the latter, and the murderer does not know that he is the murderer, it may be more troublesome, because it means that Ohno Ji himself may also be the murderer.

As Osamu Ono began to think carefully about the relationship, motives, and ability of committing crimes among the people, he also slowly substituted himself into the game. For a moment, he even felt that he was Hanari Taro.


The plot of the game is slowly advancing, and when everyone's suspicions gradually focus on Mieko Ito's mother, the story is reversed.

Mieko Ito was not molested by Takahashi Shinichi at all, she really had an affair with another teacher at the school, Hirayo Noma.

When the two were getting along in private, they were bumped into by Takahashi Shinichi. They were afraid that the matter would be exposed, so they first poured dirty water on Takahashi Shinichi.

But Takahashi Shinichi is a bad guy, for the face of his colleagues and girls, so he communicated with Noma Hirao in private, hoping that Mieko Ito can withdraw the accusation against him, and he will not make their affairs public.

Noma Hirayo ignored Takahashi Shinichi's request at all, insisting that Takahashi Shinichi had molested Ito Mieko, until Takahashi Shinichi said that he had evidence that Ito Mieko had an affair with him, he did not Finally panicked.

After questioning, Hirayo Noma found out that the evidence in Takahashi Shinichi's hand was the letters between him and Mieko Ito, which contained their mutual love stories.

In order to destroy the evidence, Hirayo Noma and Shinichi Takahashi conspired against each other, apparently agreeing that Mieko Ito would withdraw the complaint against Shinichi Takahashi, but secretly they were planning how to kill Shinichi Takahashi.

In the end, Noma Hirayo's plan succeeded. He and Mieko Ito killed Takahashi Shinichi in the woods, and was disguised as a suicide.

After the whole game was over, several people who participated in the game breathed a sigh of relief. Their spirits have been tense for the past few hours, as if they were really conducting a reasoning game.

Amamiya Aiko said with a smile, "This is definitely a very exhausting game, I'm already hungry."

Mitarai Meimei said with a smile, "I came here after eating at home, but I also felt very hungry. This game really consumes energy. When the game was about to end, I realized that I was one of the murderers, and my heart was pounding." It's so fast, it hasn't slowed down yet."

Ohno Osamu said regretfully, "Oh, I should have realized something was wrong with your and Noma Hirayo's testimony long ago. Now it seems that your alibi is completely false."

"That's right, looking back now, it's true, but Hanari Taro, your performance is too bad, and you trust Mieko Ito too much." Aiko Amamiya said.

Osamu Ohno patted his head and was very annoyed. He really believed in Mieko Ito played by Mie Mitarai during the game. On the one hand, Mie Mitarai is indeed harmless to humans and animals, very cute, which makes people believe She, and Mieko Ito is a very thin girl, it is very difficult to kill Takahashi Shinichi.

"If I come again next time, I will definitely not believe it easily." Ohno Osamu assured, patted his chest.

The girl captured by Oji Ohno curled her lips and said, "This game can only be played once, and we all know the ending of the story."

"That's right, this game can only be played once, and it's not fun after you know the result."

Mitarai said with a smile, "The script killing game is indeed the most exciting to play for the first time, but you don't have to worry, we have a lot of scripts to choose from here."

With that said, Mitarai pointed to the cabinets, "These cabinets are full of scripts, of various genres, detective reasoning, horror suspense, love life. Today's script is a bit simple, and some more complex scripts will match the scene setting With costumes and props, in addition to live sound effects, light and shadow."

"Does it mean we have to change clothes for some scripts?"

"That's right." Mitarai Nanaya nodded, "In order to increase the sense of substitution, some scripts will be equipped with special costumes. Many scripts in our store require costumes, but the costumes haven't arrived yet."

Ji Ohno rolled his eyes and asked, "How do you charge for this game?"

"All trial games are free for the first two weeks, and fees will start after two weeks. There are also different situations, some for groups, and some for individuals. At this stage, our Yuhua Reasoning Club only accepts group guests. Guests gather a certain amount people, and then put forward script requirements, I will try my best to provide scripts that meet the requirements.”

"How many people have scripts?"

"Normally, there are four to ten players. If there are more or less, the game experience will not be very good."

"Can't you play this game at home? It doesn't have to come to you."

Mitarai Nanaya nodded, "Of course you can play at home. For example, the script you played today is priced at 6999 neon yuan, but after you buy it back, you can only play it yourself, and you cannot do any commercial use."

Aiko Amamiya nodded and said, "It's not too expensive at more than 6000 yuan, but it's just a few bowls of ramen."

Ohnoji and the others couldn't help curling their lips. 6999 is not more than 6000, but [-]. Why is ramen so expensive that [-] can only buy a few bowls?
Of course, although the price of 6999 feels quite expensive, it is not too outrageous. After all, the price of books in Neon is expensive. This set of scripts is quite thick, there are many copies, and it can sell a lot just by selling books. money.

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