Chapter 945

"What's the price for that person and the group?" Osamu Ohno asked.

Mitarai smiled and took out a price list from the drawer, "The prices of different scripts are different, and there is still a big difference between them. The script you are playing today is called "Chaos", and the price is quite cheap. Six hundred and six hundred yuan per person, and 6000 yuan for a group. Some scripts take a long time, need to be changed, and use a lot of props, so the cost must be very expensive. For example, our most expensive one The script, called "Blind", has complex scenes and many costumes, and it takes more than ten hours to play a game. Because this script needs to arrange the scenes in advance, it only accepts group reservations, and the fee for a game costs 3 to [-] yuan."

Hearing the price of 3 to [-] yuan, Osamu Ohno couldn't help but say, "Twenty to [-] yuan, this is too expensive."

For middle school students like Ohno, 3 to [-] yuan is indeed a bit expensive. Ohno’s monthly pocket money is only a few thousand yuan, and it takes several months to save enough to play once.

"This kind of script usually has a lot of people, and it's not that expensive to spread it out." Mitarai Nanaya explained.

Osamu Ohno nodded, and then asked, "Then can you play such a relatively large script during the free period?"

"Of course, any script in the store can be played within the first two weeks, but if you want to play, you need to make an appointment in advance, at least one day in advance, because it is quite troublesome to prepare the scene. In addition, similar The script of "Blindness" takes a long time to play, and you must allow enough time, at least twelve hours, from [-]:[-] am to [-]:[-] pm. Of course, the most important thing is that you have enough people. Group bookings only accepted."


Onoji wanted to continue asking, and Aiko Amamiya next to him said, "It's getting late, everyone should go home, otherwise parents will definitely be worried. If you have any questions, you can wait until after school tomorrow." Come again."

Mitarai Nanaya also said: "Aiko is right, you should go back, come back later when you have time."


At around three o'clock in the afternoon the next day, Onoji came again, and this time he brought more than a dozen people.

Seeing the menacing Onoji and the others, Mitarai showed a surprised expression, "Who are you?"

Osamu Ohno said with a smile, "Of course I'm here to play games, these are my good friends."

Mitarai Nanaya roughly counted, and there were thirteen or four people who came.

"You should remember that I told you that big scripts need to be booked in advance."

Osamu Ohno waved his hand and said with a smile, "We don't play big scripts, we just play the small scripts we played last night. We don't want to play until tomorrow morning."

Mitarai Nanaya thought about it for a while, and said, "In this case, you can be divided into two groups, but now I am the only one in the store, and one of you can only play small scripts without a host..."

Ohno Osamu said with a smile, "No, I played the script yesterday, so I can be the host."

Mitarai looked at Osamu Ohno suspiciously, "Are you sure you can do it? Being a host is not as easy as you think, there are many details that need attention."

Osamu Ohno patted his chest and said, "There is no problem at all, and doesn't the host also have a script? I just read the script and come. Besides, isn't it a free experience now, and they won't have any objections."

Mitarai pondered for a while, and finally nodded, "Okay, no problem, I'll call Aiko over later and ask her to help you."

Hearing that Amamiya Aiko was coming, Onoji said excitedly, "No problem."

Then Mitarai arranged for them to be divided into groups. After the division into groups, he asked for their opinions and selected a script for them.

After the script was selected, Mitarai brought the two groups into two rooms.

While they were reading the script, Mitarai chatted with Osamu Ohno for a while outside the room, and then realized that Osamu Ohno and the others had preached to the students how fun the script killing game was after they went to school today, which attracted the attention of the students. Come and see.

Of course, Mitarai was also very happy to have so many customers in the store, so he generously gave Ohno Osamu and others a chance to experience the group. This free experience opportunity is outside the free period, which means that it can still be used after two weeks. of.

Just when Mitarai thought that they were the only guests today, his sister Mitarai Mina brought a few more people over.

The situation is similar to Ono Osamu and others. Mitarai Mia strongly recommended the plot killing game to her classmates after school today. The students were very interested, so they made an appointment to come to the store to experience it after school.

Another group of guests came, and Mitarai Nanaya was too busy, of course, so they could only let Mitarai Mia and the others play the script they played yesterday. Mitarai Mia played this game before and could be the host.


"Now Script Killing has become famous near Mitarai Nanaya's house. There are a total of six game areas in their store, and they are already full during the evening rush hour."

In the deep space park, in Yu Dong's office, Chen Tao is reporting to Yu Dong the development of the script Killing in Neon.

Neon is the first stop for Yuhua Reasoning Agency to promote script killing. After Neon develops well, it will develop in Europe and the United States.As for the domestic situation, because the situation is more complicated, there is no rush for the time being.

Yu Dong was reading the monthly report submitted by the Android company, and when he heard Chen Tao's words, he raised his head and asked, "What kind of customers are the current customers in Mitarai Nanaya's store?"

"The most are high school students, followed by the surrounding office workers." Chen Tao replied, and then added, "The main ones are high school students. Office workers don't have much time to play this game after get off work, so they can only come over on weekends."

"Is the free period coming to an end?" Yu Dong asked.

"Well, it's almost over, and the fee will start the day after tomorrow."

Yu Dong nodded, "You can only know people's enthusiasm for this game after you start charging. Everyone likes free things."

"Indeed, most of the key customers are high school students, and their spending power is limited. I told Mitarai Nanaya that we should pay more attention to the group of office workers. We recommend small budgets during the week and large budgets on weekends."

"The student party also has an advantage, that is, the news spreads quickly. I think many schools in Tokyo should have heard of the script killing game."

"It's true that the students are good at sharing."

In fact, whether a script killing shop can make a profit, and how much profit it can make, is not what Yu Dong cares about at all. After all, such a small shop can't make much money even if it is in the sky.

The reason why Yu Dong is so concerned is because whether the store can make money will affect their follow-up plans.

The Yuhua Reasoning Agency is engaged in script killing, and of course the Deep Space Group is behind it. Otherwise, why would they come up with so many scripts in such a short period of time?

It is not an easy task to write a script with high quality and quantity, and it takes a long time to finish writing a script. Without teamwork, there is no way to collect so many scripts so quickly.

Yu Dong's plan is to set up a pilot store in Tokyo. As long as this store makes money, there will naturally be smart people who will play this game.

As long as someone wants to open a script killing shop, then things will be easy to handle.

If you want to open a script killing shop, it is impossible to write the script slowly by yourself, right?Not to mention whether or not he has this ability, after the script is written, he doesn't know that the year of the monkey will be over.If there is no script, or if there are few scripts, then customers will not buy it.

At this time, Yuhua Reasoning Agency will be very kind to provide them with scripts and help them open their stores.

Of course, if you want to open a store, you can use the script of Yuhua Reasoning Club, but you have to pay, and there are many kinds of scripts, there are ordinary editions, city-limited editions, and exclusive editions.

Ordinary scripts can be purchased in any store without any restrictions. This type of script is basically relatively simple, requiring fewer players, short game time, and low requirements for the host. It is more suitable for novice players.

There are only a few copies in each city, and if you want to play, you have to go to a specific store to play.This type of script has a lot of tricks, and it may also involve changing clothes and setting.

An exclusive copy means that there is only one copy for each city. If you want to play, you have to go to a specific one to play. This type of script must have costume changes and sets, and the game time is very long, and the sense of immersion will be very strong.

To put it bluntly, Yuhua Reasoning Agency never thought of making money by opening scripts and killing shops, but wanted to make money by selling scripts.They earn the player's money, not the shop owner's money.

What is Deep Space Corporation's greatest strength?Of course it is content output. The company has signed a bunch of authors and screenwriters, and of course they can also write scripts and kill scripts.

Now the scripts in Mitarai Nanaya's store are all written by the contracted writers and screenwriters of Deep Space Company. The script that Ohno Osamu and the others played for the first time was written by Zhao Yan.

Zhao Yan thought of a similar story after watching Yu Dong's "Chaos Diary" before, but he didn't write it out. This time the company invited them to write a script to kill the script, so he wrote this story.

In fact, well-known authors like Zhao Yan don’t pay too much attention to script killing, because they can make money by writing novels, but script killing has brought a new way for many writers who are not famous and can’t find a way out. the way.

Yu Dong remembered the variety show that Chen Tao and the others planned before, and asked, "What happened to that variety show you did before? Did you film it well? How is the cooperation with ABC going?"

Chen Tao said with a smile, "My brother, you just remembered to ask this matter now, the first episode of "I am a great detective" will be aired this Thursday night, and you are still asking if it has been filmed well, If I don't tell you, you probably won't know about it after the show is over."

Yu Dong glanced at Chen Tao and said, "It's a good thing that I don't know the situation. This means that there is nothing wrong with you. Otherwise, even if you don't look for me, someone else will report the situation to me. This matter is originally an exchange. It’s for you and Fang Tao, it’s up to you whether it’s good or bad, Deep Space is just helping you to advance the funds, no matter whether you lose or make money in the end, as long as you replace the money advanced by Deep Space Entertainment.”

Chen Tao said confidently, "Brother-in-law, don't worry, you won't lose money. If this show doesn't make any money, then I won't be in Yuhua Club anymore."

Hearing this, Yu Dong rolled his eyes and said angrily, "Don't say such things casually when you are young. It is a good thing to have self-confidence, but even if things don't work out in the end, you should treat them with a normal heart. It is a small episode in your life, and you will encounter more problems in the future."

Chen Tao is used to being taught by his brother-in-law, he nodded with a smile, "Hey, I want you to have more confidence in me."

"Confidence is not something you say... The program is mainly broadcast in the United States, and you can't see or understand it on Neon, so after the show is broadcast, you do some publicity on Neon, try to let Neon people know, The game is also very popular in Europe and America."

"Don't worry about this. I've already told you that I asked the public relations company to help me make a publicity plan. It should have been done, and the effect will definitely be great."

Yu Dong twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "Yu Yu is the general manager of Deep Space China. He is already busy with the affairs of the company. If you have nothing to do, don't bother him. Also, the public relations company will help you with the publicity plan." It's not for nothing, and I will pay the fee to the public relations company according to the market price in the future, and in the future, I will directly contact the public relations company if there is a need in this area, and carry out normal business transactions, don't always think about taking advantage of others."

Chen Tao scratched his head, "We are all brother units, so let's have a better price."

Yu Dong joked, "Since it's a brother company, you have to let them make money. Anyway, your variety shows will definitely make money, and you can also make money by selling scripts later. Be generous, just Stop haggling with the PR firm."

Chen Tao said embarrassingly, "I'm just starting out, of course I need the support of my brothers..."

In fact, Yu Dong was not completely joking with Chen Tao. Everyone in the company knew that Chen Tao was Yu Dong's brother-in-law, so they gave him preferential treatment. Before Yuhua Reasoning Agency asked entertainment companies and public relations companies for help, they didn't take any money. , help for free.

It was okay before, after all, the former Yuhua Reasoning Club was a not-for-profit organization, and most of its members were students.

But it’s different now. Yuhua Reasoning Club has started to commercialize. I don’t know if variety shows can make money, but the sale of script killing scripts will definitely help their agency make money, and it won’t be a small amount.

Since their company already has the ability to make money, the money that should be given naturally cannot be waived for them.

Although Chen Tao had a playful smile on his face, he had already listened to what Yu Dong said, and soon their Yuhua Club would be able to make money, and it was trivial to pay for public relations fees.

(End of this chapter)

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