Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 946 Who is the Murderer?

Chapter 946 Who is the Murderer?

After Vardy came home from a long day of work, his wife Aisha was lying on the sofa watching a recent soap opera.

"There are sandwiches and fruit in the refrigerator, I have already eaten."

Vardy pouted, "Is the new TV series good?"

"It's not good." Aisha shook her head, "The recent TV series are getting worse and worse, and they can't be compared with the previous ones."

When she said this, Aisha's eyes were still staring at the TV, which made Valdy doubt her words. Since it is not good-looking, why is she still watching it so fascinated?

Vardy would prefer to watch sports or other non-parental TV series, but he knows that he can't win his wife for the remote control.

After a simple dinner, Vardy sat next to Aisha, watched the TV series with her for a while, and then said, "Let's go to eat Chinese food tomorrow night. Edward said that there is a Chinese restaurant that tastes very good. I want to try it." taste."

"Of course there is no problem with eating Chinese food, but Edward's taste makes me suspicious. The Chinese food he likes is probably General Tso's chicken."

Vardy shrugged, Aisha was right, the Chinese restaurant recommended by Edward is most famous for General Tso's Chicken and Orange Juice Chicken.

"If you really want to eat Chinese food, I know there is a Sichuan restaurant with very authentic taste." Aisha said again.

"No problem, I can do it."

Vardy actually has no concept of Sichuan restaurants. In his eyes, Chinese restaurants are actually similar.

Watching TV with his wife for a while, Vardy got up and walked towards the study, ready to read the newspaper for a while and then take a shower and sleep, but Aisha said, "ABC has a new program airing tonight, it seems to be produced by Deep Space Corporation , Let's take a look together."

"A new show?"

Vardy sat down again, as long as it is not a short soap opera in the parents, he is fine.

Aisha nodded, "It seems to be related to detective reasoning. I heard from Jessica. You know, she likes YU very much. Because she likes YU, she also likes everything from Deep Space Corporation. This file She has been following the show for a long time."

"I know that she has a full set of Chinese poetry cards from Amazon at home."

Jessica is Aisha’s good friend. Vardy followed Aisha to Jessica’s house once before. That time Jessica showed them her collection, including YU’s full set of signed novels, and a full set of Chinese poems from Amazon. Cards, TV series and movie CDs adapted from all novels by YU.

Jessica is no longer satisfied with just collecting things related to YU, as long as it is related to the deep space company, she will also collect things, such as Jay Chou, Shakira and other singers' signed records, Depp, Matthew McConnell Signed posters of these actors.

During the annual meeting of Deep Space Company last year, Jessica also went to Jinling, and was accidentally photographed, and appeared in the live broadcast for a few seconds. The most amazing thing is that she was right behind YU in the screen. She is considered to be in the same frame as YU.Now as long as a friend goes to Jessica's house, she will show the few seconds of the picture to the friend, which is the highlight moment in her life.

Jessica's love for YU is more than simply collecting things related to YU. She has also studied Chinese seriously. Last year, she went to Jinling without hiring a tour guide or translator, and walked down the whole process in unproficient Chinese.

Of course, she has also studied Chinese food. Valdi and the others only know about General Tso's chicken and orange skin chicken, but she can figure out the eight major cuisines in China, and she has eaten in all the Chinese restaurants around their home.

Say Jessica is a China hand, no one will have an opinion.

Aisha was also influenced by Jessica, and now she has a good impression of YU and Chinese culture. She just bought a BenQ S1 phone last week because she likes Jay Chou's songs.

The mobile phone gave her a very good experience. Although it was mainly for downloading Jay Chou's songs at the beginning, after buying it back, as long as she wants to listen to any song, she can just buy it directly on the BenQ Store, which is very convenient.

"Jessica is looking forward to this show, and I want to watch it too."

Vardy nodded. He was also quite curious to hear what Aisha said. What kind of program was it, and it had something to do with detective reasoning.


Not long after, the time for the show came, but the show didn't start, and a movie started playing instead.

This may be a horror movie. At the beginning, the picture was shot with a wide-angle lens in the gloomy corridor. The narrow space in the corridor is distorted, which makes people feel very depressing.

Vardy twitched the corners of his mouth and couldn't help asking, "Aisha, are you sure you remember the time correctly?"

Aisha also looked puzzled, "Jessica said, it's this time, and I read the program list, this time should be "I am the Great Detective", or I will call Jessica to ask ask?"

Vardy shook his head, "Forget it, let's take a look first."

He felt that even if he couldn't watch the variety show, it would be good to watch a movie. The scenes of this movie were quite to his liking.

The scene in the corridor ended, and there was a scream outside the scene, and then the camera moved quickly. In a hotel room, a man stared at the ground in horror, and there was a woman lying on the ground in a pool of blood.

When the camera showed a close-up of the man's face, Aisha covered her mouth and said in surprise, "Matthew McConaughey, has he released a new movie?"

Before Vardy could respond, another man rushed into the hotel and asked in panic, "What happened?"

"Matt Damon." Elsa exclaimed again.

Since the broadcast of "The Martian", Matt Damon's popularity has greatly increased. Before that, he had several good works, but except for "Saving Private Ryan", the commerciality of other works was almost inferior. And he's not the main character in Saving Private Ryan yet.

But "The Martian" is different. Although the final global box office of "The Martian" has not yet come out, it can already be confirmed that the box office has surpassed the original No.2 "Second World" and ranked No.2 in the global historical box office rankings.

Playing the absolute leading role in such a movie directly filled Matt Damon's commercial performance.

Although Matt Damon is not a handsome guy who can surprise people at a glance like Leonardo, his appearance is still passable, and he is also very popular with female audiences, so Elsa is so excited.

After seeing Matt Damon appear, Vardy was even more confused.

When did Matt Damon make a movie with Matthew McConaughey?Is it really a new movie?But if it's a new movie, why haven't I heard it before.

It stands to reason not, not to mention Matt Damon, but with Matthew McConaughey's reputation now, if he has any new movies, the cinema will definitely promote them. He and Aisha go to the cinema twice a month on average , If the cinema pushes any new movie, they will know it for sure.

If Vardy was puzzled by the appearance of Matt Damon and Matthew McConaughey, he was completely confused by the next person who appeared.

The third "living person" to appear is a woman, but she is not an actress, but a young female singer who has become popular recently, Christina Aguilera.

Is Aguilera going to enter the film industry?And the starting point is so high, the two big names, Matt Damon and Matthew McConaughey, are partners from the beginning.I heard that she signed with Deep Space Company before, and it really is the platform that is important. Ordinary singers want to make movies, how can they have such a high starting point.

However, Aguilera's next performance surprised Vardy and Aisha. She covered her mouth exaggeratedly and made a very sharp cry, and then said in a super trembling voice, "What's going on, what happened , who is this? What happened to her?"

As soon as she opened her mouth, the tense and tense feeling of terror dissipated immediately.

This acting is too bad.

At this time, Vardy and Aisha had only one idea in their minds. What is the situation?
Just when both of them were puzzled, a few more people entered the room. Some of the people in the back looked familiar but couldn't name them, and some of them had no impression at all, but everyone's behavior was similar to that of Akui. Lila was about the same, not at all like a professional actress.

After there were seven living people in the room, the camera suddenly pulled back, and the whole picture became brighter, and then Vardy and Aisha noticed that this was not a hotel room at all, but more like a stage , but a few walls were built on it, and when the camera was only zoomed in for a close shot just now, it made people feel like they were in a hotel.

And beside the set, you can see a row of words, which read: I am a great detective.

At this time, a middle-aged man in a suit, a top hat, and a pipe dangling from his mouth walked in from the side, and said in a deep voice, "Don't move, everyone present is all suspects. Next, I will find the murderer among you."


Seeing this, Vardy and Aisha naturally understood that this is not a movie at all, but the opening of "I am a big detective", but they did not expect the opening of a TV show to be so good, just like a movie , and also invited Matt Damon and Matthew McConaughey.

The man in the top hat looked familiar, as if he was a well-known host.

"It's interesting." Aisha said with a smile, "At least this beginning attracted me."

Vardy nodded. This beginning also attracted him. Now he really wants to know how the show will develop and how this "detective" will solve the case.

After the "detective" started to investigate the case, the show used various methods to let Vardy and Aisha figure out the previous situation of the story.

The place where they are located is a resort hotel called "Love Like Fire". This hotel used to be brilliant, with an endless stream of guests, but now because of the poor performance of the nearby scenic spots, the business of their hotel is also very poor. Sometimes there are still some guests, and there are not many people to entertain every day in the off-season.

The dead girl and Matt Damon came with a private tour guide. There were only five people in the whole group, including the detective.

There are four other people in the hotel, namely chef, cleaning, lobby manager and waiter.

The girl who died was a writer, and she came here this time to pick up stories, and she was not familiar with other tourists.

Matthew McConaughey plays the photographer. He has been here several times before, but he has not taken the photos he wants. He has a good relationship with the tour guide played by Matt Damon.

Aguilera is a student of the Conservatory of Music. This time, she came here for a graduation tour. Another boy in the tour group is her companion...

After figuring out the relationship between the characters, Vardy and Aisha also discussed the case.

"Matthew must be the murderer. Since he has been here several times before, why did he report to the tour group? He can come here by himself. And the photographer needs free time to take pictures, and the tour group will restrict him." Aisha said .

Vardy shook his head, not quite agreeing with Aisha's reasoning, "Matthew may just be saving travel expenses and accommodation expenses. Didn't you listen to what Matt said? His group is very cheap, whether it is travel expenses or accommodation expenses, it is cheaper than others. Cheap."

"How do you explain that Matthew appeared in the dead man's room at night? The two of them are unfamiliar. Matthew himself explained that he wanted to ask the deceased to borrow a computer. When he came, he saw the door was ajar and pushed the door open. Dead in a pool of blood, this explanation is not convincing."

"I think that cleaning is more likely to commit the crime. He was insulted by the deceased during the day, so he has the motive to commit the crime. Moreover, he is the cleaning, and he probably has the key to the customer's room, so he has the ability to commit the crime. Another point is that after Matthew found the body, he died. Shouted, and then other people arrived soon, but cleaning was the last one to show up, he explained that he was cleaning on the second floor, but all the guests lived on the third floor, there was no need for him to go to the second floor to clean up... "

"It's not enough to kill someone just because he was scolded a few times, right?"

"Who says it's impossible, there are a lot of perverts in this world."

"Is it possible for Aguilera? Several people said that she had a bad relationship with the deceased, and that the lobby manager had entered the room of the deceased before seeing her."


"Let me just say, there must be something wrong with this Matthew. He knew the deceased before, so he must be the murderer."

"That's a lot to say. Just because he knew the deceased before, it doesn't mean that he is the murderer. There is no direct relationship between the two."

"Then why is he hiding this?"

"There may be other reasons for concealment."


Vardy and Aisha were not the only ones discussing the case. During the broadcast of the program, the Deep Space Tribe had already quarreled.

There are also some people who created a Dongdong group just to exchange the content of the program. After the program started, some people started arguing in the group. Zhang San thought Matthew looked like a murderer, and Li Si thought Matt looked like a murderer. Opinions differ, and each has its own reasons.

Everyone has never seen this type of program before, so the participation is very active. There is a feeling of immersive detective work, which is more exciting than watching detective TV directly.

The most interesting thing is that the guests are very real. When facing the clues of the case, they are no different from ordinary people, and some people are even worse than ordinary people.

(End of this chapter)

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