"If a TV show has Matt Damon, Matthew McConaughey, and Christina Aquilina as guests, there's no reason it shouldn't be successful."

This sentence was said by Howard, the director of NBC's "Conan O'Brien Talk Show". It sounds a bit sour, as if to say that the success of "I am a detective" is not because of the wonderful show itself, but because of the famous guests. .

Why Howard said this is not just out of the jealousy of his peers. The show "Conan O'Brien Talk Show" he produced was originally supposed to be "David's Late Night Talk Show", but the host of "David's Late Night Talk Show" David Letterman switched to CBS with his own team in 1993.

In order to give the gap of "David's Late Night Talk Show" to the next one, NBC invited Conan O'Brien, who was still a newcomer at the time, to make a new show "Conan O'Brien's Talk Show".

Over the past few years, Conan O'Brien finally started the show slowly, but suddenly ran away again, and the new place Conan O'Brien switched to was the production team of "I Am a Great Detective".

This kind of poaching behavior naturally stimulated Howard, so after "I am a big detective" was broadcast, it is normal for him to say a few sour words in public.

However, Howard's words also illustrate a problem from the side, that is, the ratings of "I am a great detective" are indeed very good.

"I'm a Great Detective" was only on the first episode, and it attracted more than 300 million viewers to watch, making it into the top three of the programs that aired that day.

After the first episode of the program was broadcast, this novel format of the program was well received. If there is no accident, the ratings of the next week will definitely be even higher.

Seeing such a situation, ABC was both happy and regretful.

The high ratings of their own TV station's programs are naturally something to be happy about, but what they regret is that they did not directly buy out the program at the beginning, but instead signed a ladder sharing agreement similar to gambling with Yuhua Company, "I Am The higher the ratings of "Big Star", the higher the share they need to pay Yuhua Company. According to the current situation, the proportion they need to pay is already very high.

But then again, the VAM agreement is high-risk and high-return. They earn less now, but they also took a lot less risk in the early stage. Yuhua Company earns more now because it took all the risks before.

Of course, they can't be too optimistic now. Although NBC Howard's words are very sour, they are not unreasonable. Of the more than 300 million viewers, a large part of them must be aimed at Matthew McConaughey and the others. Guests are here.

But Matthew McConaughey and the others are not regular guests.

The staff plan for each episode of this program is six to eight. In addition to the five fixed guests, one to three floating guests will be invited, and the three of Matthew McConaughey and the others are floating guests.

Of the three, Matthew McConaughey stayed the shortest and will leave after the next episode, and Matt Damon will stay for one more episode, only as long as Christina Aguilera Longer and she'll stay until the end of issue six.

Therefore, after the end of the next episode of the show, they will face a test, whether anyone will give up the show because of Matthew McConaughey and the others.

Of course, after Matthew McConaughey and the others leave, other stars will make up for them, but they may not be as popular as Matthew McConaughey and the others.

Although Deep Space Company has the ability to invite more big-name stars to come over, they will not do so. One is that the cost is too high. Even artists signed by Deep Space itself cannot come to do charity. Less, two, if a program relies too much on big-name stars, it is not a good thing, they still hope to win by the content of the program.

The best case scenario is that this show not only does not need big-name stars to support the scene, but can also help create stars.

Deep Space Corporation's current method of making stars is still too simple. If it can expand a channel for star creation, it will undoubtedly be good news for Deep Space Corporation.


In fact, in addition to "I am a great detective" filmed by Yuhua Company, Deep Space Entertainment is also producing a program itself.

That is what happened at the end of February today. At that time, the Stings suddenly approached Jimmy, saying that they had come into contact with a variety show and were interested in investing, and asked Jimmy whether the show was valuable.

Since the Stings and Deep Space Corporation had a great success in the movie "Two Smoking Barrels", the Stings have often asked Jimmy about investment matters, sometimes simply asking, sometimes Hope to get some investment from Jimmy.

But the investment vision of the Stings is not very good. The projects they are looking for are basically the ones that no one cares about, because the investment in this kind of projects is small, and there is a possibility of making a big fortune with a small amount.

But Jimmy knows that investing in this kind of thing is not the norm for most people.Many projects are not said to be impossible to succeed, but the possibility of success is too low, there is no need to fight at all.

So when Sting and his wife found Jimmy, Jimmy didn't take it seriously. He thought Sting and the others might have found some worthless project again.

In fact, Sting's exposure to this project is also related to Deep Space Corporation. This project is what the British gold medal producer Simon Fowler wants to do, and Simon Fowler is the producer of Victoria in the Spice Girls.

Victoria's husband, David Beckham, is the star of the Premier League club Manchester United, which has just been acquired by Deep Space.

Sting and Simon Fowler knew each other before, and they had a relationship with deep space, so after Simon Fowler had an idea, he found Sting and wanted to use Sting to contact deep space.

Originally, Simon Fowler thought about finding Beckham as the middleman, but after much deliberation, it still felt inappropriate, so he finally chose Sting.

After reading the program plan, Jimmy fell silent.

What Sting and the others are looking at this time is a singing program. The content of the program is that several judges travel to various cities across the country to interview young children, and then select singing stars from them.

Among other things, at least the project Sting is looking for this time has something to do with his own major.

Sting believes that this project is still relatively gimmicky, but whether it succeeds or fails depends on whether it can find a real singing star. If not, the show will eventually be a farce.

But Jimmy's opinion is different from Sting's. He doesn't care whether he can find real stars. There are many capable young people in this world.

Taking a step back, even if they can't find real stars, they can still make stars.

As long as the candidates gradually change from ordinary people to big stars in the show, they can attract the audience.

Therefore, Jimmy believes that whether this show is good or not depends not on whether it can find a real star, but on the programming of the show.

Arrangement, arrangement, both arrangement and arrangement.

The purpose of choreography is to arouse the emotions of the audience, which is also Jimmy's forte.

When Yu Dong first entered the United States, Jimmy helped Yu Dong make up many stories. The most classic one is the story of Yu Dong being embarrassed by the visa officer and finally "slapped in the face". Version.

Sometimes when Yu Dong and the others were watching TV, they could still see some people telling the story as if it were true.

It's not just Yu Dong, whether it's writers, actors or singers in the deep space department, basically there are some anecdotes about them, and the more famous they are, the more they are.

Of course, these stories are not completely false, and some stories are still true.

Making up stories is Jimmy's usual way of flattering people, so when he saw the planning of this singing competition show, the first thing in his mind was not to find out who could sing, but to find out who had a selling point.

Just to give a ready-made example, Jay Chou, the current ace of their deep space music, of course his music is good, but is it just his music that is so popular all over the world?of course not.

Although Jay Chou's first album has gained a lot of fans in Europe and America, it is not considered a big hit. In the eyes of most people, he is just a pretty good rookie singer.

But when Deep Space Company began to make efforts to dig out the stories behind him for publicity, especially after the copywriting of "YU and his wife discovered the talented musician Jay Chou in a restaurant", he really gained a lot of fans.

Jay Chou's personal story has elements of fiction, but his own personality and experience are more distinctive, so it is also very easy to publicize.

Jimmy also took Sting's plan to chat with Yu Dong. When Yu Dong learned of Jimmy's plan, he didn't give any advice, but smiled meaningfully and let Jimmy let it go.

After chatting with Yu Dong, Jimmy met with Sting and Simon Fowler, and then finalized the matter.

Originally, in Simon Fowler's plan, the show would only be shown in the UK. After all, he was not particularly confident about the success of the show.

But after Jimmy finalized the cooperation, he directly adopted a two-pronged approach. After the British program started to act, the American program also began to be planned.

Now the "Pop Idol" in the UK is already auditioning, and the US side has also initiated registration.

The registration situation in the UK is very hot. Before the deadline, more than 11 people have submitted applications for registration. However, Jimmy and the others know that there must be a lot of scammers among the 300 people.

Regardless of whether it is the United Kingdom or the United States, the selection mechanism of both sides in the early stage is based on the WCG held by Deep Space Corporation. First, the selection of each city is carried out, and five to ten people are selected for each city. After the selection of all cities, these people will be selected. Gather together for selection, and finally promote dozens of people to enter the finals.

The so-called finals circle is the stage when they start to appear on TV, and the audience can see this part of the selection process.

Of course, the competition mechanism in the final round is different from that of WCG. After all, WCG is a competitive competition, and the final result is determined entirely by score, but "Pop Idol" is different. In order to make the audience feel more involved, the promotion of the contestants will also vote with the audience It does matter, players who get more votes from the audience will have an advantage in advancing.

And in order to increase the suspense, the game also added a resurrection mechanism. After each round of the competition, the eliminated players will have a chance to be resurrected. As long as they get the most votes from the audience, they will get a resurrection ticket.

Theoretically, as long as a certain player's audience popularity is strong enough, even if his artistic ability is poor, although he can't win the championship, he can still enter the finals. After entering the finals, he can at least get a No.4.

But the theory is just a theory. If it is not for the votes, it is impossible to have a good popularity with the audience if the entertainment is too poor.


After the first episode of "I Am a Detective" ended, Jimmy was in a very good mood. He was very satisfied with his decisive decision to enter variety shows.

With "I Am a Great Detective" off to a good start, I believe that "Pop Idol" will not be too bad.

Less than a day has passed today, and a British company wants to buy the copyright of "I am a detective". They want to make a variety show like "I am a detective".

After getting the cleaning data, Jimmy called Yu Dong immediately.

Yu Dong had just woken up when he received Jimmy's call. As soon as he heard that it was Jimmy, he knew it was because of "I Am a Great Detective".

"Is the program ratings good?"

"That's right, Chen Tao already told you?"

"No, but I browsed the Deep Space Tribe for a while last night. There were quite a lot of discussions about "I Am a Great Detective". The ratings should be no problem."

"More than 300 million viewers, it's a very good start, and the audience's evaluation is very high, and the follow-up ratings will be even higher. That kid Chen Tao is probably happy now."

"This kid has a big heart. Maybe he hasn't woken up yet. I don't know how the data is. I'll give him a call later. By the way, didn't you say that Sting and the others had a show last time? Now Where did it go?"

Jimmy said with a smile, "I'm going to tell you about this, the British side has already started the audition, and the US side has just opened the registration."

"How is the registration situation in the UK?"

"The popularity exceeded expectations, with a total of more than 11 people signing up."

Hearing the number of 11, Yu Dong couldn't help raising his eyebrows. Good guy, the UK just had a census and the resident population is less than 6000 million.

The key is that there is a limit to the registration of "Pop Idol", which is marked as under 30 years old and over 16 years old.

Over 16 years old and 30 years old may be less than 1000 million, which means that less than ten people in this age group have signed up.

Yu Dong smiled lightly: "It seems that the literary and artistic atmosphere in Britain is still very good."

Jimmy laughed, "I'm considering whether to purchase ear-related insurance for the audition judges, and their ears will definitely be tortured in various ways."

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