Jimmy said that he would buy insurance for the judges of the audition. Although he said it jokingly, Yu Dong didn't think it was an exaggeration at all. In this kind of competition, the audition would hurt the judges' ears enormously.

"There are already so many people signing up in the UK, so there should be more people signing up in the US."

Jimmy said with a smile, "Registration in the United States has just started, and the specific situation is unknown, but the number of applicants will definitely not be small. But it doesn't matter, we have prepared a lot of judges, and no matter how many applicants, we can pass." Lose."

Yu Dong nodded: "It's a good thing that people are enthusiastic."

"Since the start of this game show, the Stings have been very motivated. A few days ago they made a show plan for me. I watched it and it was about football. It was roughly similar to "Pop Idol". It's just football," Jimmy said.

Yu Dong couldn't help laughing, the Stings were just fooling around, choosing a singer is completely different from choosing a football player.

Football youth training has an overall system. If football players are selected in the same way as singers are selected, the ones selected in the end may be crooked.

"If they can make the major youth training organizations willing to send their favorite students to the show, there is hope that some football stars will be selected from it."

Jimmy curled his lips: "It's not our turn to choose those football talents. Naturally, various football teams will grab it. However, Sting's thinking is not completely unacceptable. Although the selection of football players is not reliable, we can choose others. "Pop Idol" mainly shows the ability of the contestants to sing and dance, we can also start another program to show other abilities, but I can't think of what to show right now?"

Yu Dong pondered for a while, then said, "Since you can't think of what to show, why not limit what the players will show."

"It doesn't limit what the players will show, what do you mean?" Jimmy raised his eyebrows and said.

"It's not limited to the players. They can show whatever they want. As long as the players feel that a certain skill of theirs is special, they can show it on stage, whether it's singing, dancing, playing the piano, or even eating."

"Have a meal?"

"Well, if a person can eat a lot of food and eat more than others, it may not be considered a talent. Of course, I'm just giving you an example for your understanding."

"I know what you mean. As long as a person has a special talent, he can participate in the competition. But in this way, there is no uniform standard for the competition. After all, eating a lot and singing well are two talents that are very good together. It's hard to judge which is better."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "For this kind of competition, a little subjectivity is fine. Now there is a very popular word on the Internet called Daren. Everyone is talking about Daren. This show might as well be called Daren Show off."

"Talent Show... well, that's a good name."

The word "talent" actually came from Baodao, mainly directly translated from the neon language, which means someone who is outstanding in a certain aspect.

When Jimmy just mentioned that another program should be created to show the abilities of the contestants in other aspects, Yu Dong thought of the talent show.

Yu Dong doesn’t remember which country he watched the talent show first, but when he first saw the talent show, he was greatly shocked. In the talent show, he can watch any kind of talent show There is only what you can't think of, and there is nothing the players can't do.

The next morning after chatting with Yu Dong on the phone, Jimmy called several capable producers of the company to hold a small meeting.

During the meeting, Jimmy proposed the idea of ​​a talent show, and several producers thought it was very interesting, and put forward their own opinions. After one meeting, the process of the talent show has been preliminarily determined.

After the process was settled, Jimmy appointed a producer to make a proposal, and he hoped to see the show start before the end of summer.


"Recently, this "I Am a Great Detective" is very popular with American audiences. It is reported that although the first episode has just been broadcast, it has already gained millions of viewers who love him. This novel program method has attracted many people. The industry's attention..."

When Ono returned home, he happened to hear "I am a Great Detective" in the news. After he listened to the news host's introduction of the program content of "I am a Great Detective", his eyes widened. Does the script in Yuhua Reasoning Club kill the game?
But listening to the name "I am a great detective", the content should only be related to reasoning, but there are many types of scripts in the Yuhua Reasoning Club, and they are not limited to reasoning and detective cases. Yesterday Ohno Osamu played a relatively easy one. family emotional script.

Before the report on "I Am a Great Detective" on TV ended, Osamu Ohno called his good friend Hoshino Hashimoto.

"Are you watching TV?"

"No, I'm watching "Fatal Identity". The script I played yesterday was adapted from this book, so I bought it and read it."

"Haven't you actually watched "Fatal Identity"?"

"What's so strange about this, I've only read the "Resident Evil" series of YU's books, why are you calling?"

"Oh, yes, turn on the TV and tune to channel eight."

Hashimoto Hoshino muttered, "Why?"

Onoji said eagerly, "Don't ask why, just turn on the TV first."

Hashimoto Hoshino on the other end of the phone curled his lips, put down the book, and turned on the TV to channel 8 as Ohno Osamu said.

After tuning to channel 8, Hashimoto Hoshino knew why he told him to watch TV without Osamu Ono's explanation. The TV program that was being reported on the TV, which was popular in the United States, turned out to be the script they played every day recently.

Halfway through watching TV, Hashimoto Hoshino's father, Hashimoto Nobita, came back from get off work and saw his son watching TV. He was a little surprised and said, "You came back so early today?"

Half of the high school students will leave school at [-]:[-] in the afternoon. After school, there will be club activities. Usually, Hashimoto Hoshino will not be home until seven or eight o'clock.

During this period of time, Hashimoto Hoshino seemed to go to the Amameiya bookstore to participate in some activities, and he returned home even later, after nine o'clock.

So seeing Hashimoto Hoshino coming back so early today, Hashimoto Nobita was a little surprised.

Hashimoto Hoshino said with a smile, "There are too many people at the reasoning agency today, so there is no appointment."

Nobita Hashimoto raised his eyebrows and said, "What kind of event do you need to make an appointment? And what is the reasoning agency? Isn't it going to the bookstore of the Yugong family?"

"It's not Yugong's bookstore, but the Yuhua Reasoning Club next to the bookstore. They just opened a new game called Script Kill."

"Is this game fun?"

"Of course." Hashimoto Hoshino nodded frantically, then pointed to the TV and said, "Look, the TV stations are reporting it. There is a program in the United States called "I am a Great Detective", and the content is exactly the same as the script of Killing Game. Now this The show is very popular in the United States. The first episode of this show has just been released, and millions of people have watched the premiere."

Nobita Hashimoto said unexpectedly, "The TV station reported it just after the first issue. Is the efficiency of the Neon TV station so high now?"

"Maybe it's because it's really hot."

Nobita Hashimoto nodded, and asked again, "Can we play this game?"

"Of course, there are no restrictions. But if you want to play, you must make an appointment in advance, and the club only accepts group reservations, and single people are not accepted."

"It's so difficult?"

Hashimoto Hoshino said with a smile, "Because it's really fun. If you really want to play, you can go with us tomorrow. We have made an appointment for tomorrow afternoon. You can go instead of me. Isn't tomorrow a Saturday? "

"Can I watch?"


"Then I'll go and watch tomorrow."


In the afternoon of the next day, Nobita Hashimoto went to the Yuhua Reasoning Club with his son. Originally, he was going to watch, but he couldn't stand the instigation of others, so he finally participated in the game.

What they played was a horror book with a bit of reasoning. During the game, various props and background music played together, which made Nobita Hashimoto's hairs stand on end.

When the game was over, Nobita Hashimoto's back was covered with sweat. Although the students who played with him were all pale with fright during the game, they became more excited after the game.

After resting for a while, the students were all discussing the game process just now, but Nobita Hashimoto went to find Nanaya Mitarai, the president of Yuhua Reasoning Club, alone.

"President Mitarai."

The agency has now recruited a lot of staff, so Mitarai usually doesn't have to be the host, and can concentrate on other things.

Seeing Nobita Hashimoto approaching, Mitarai Nanaya smiled and said, "Mr. Hashimoto, how is your gaming experience?"

Nobita Hashimoto wiped the sweat off his forehead and said with a smile, "This game is too immersive. I'm old and I can't help being scared. I haven't recovered yet."

"Haha, if you want to play next time, you can change to a lighter one. You usually work very hard. Playing some lighter instincts will give you a good rest."

"Okay, next time I'll try the lighter Ben." Nobita Hashimoto nodded, and then changed the topic, "I heard from Hoshino that there is only one store of yours in Tokyo?"

"It's not that there's only one in Tokyo, it's that there's only one in Neon."

Nobita Hashimoto made a surprised expression, "Why? Your game is so attractive, you should not worry about making money, why don't you open more branches in other places?"

Mitarai Nanaya explained, "In fact, opening scripts to kill stores is just a sideline of our reasoning agency. Compared with opening stores, our agency is more keen on researching new scripts and new ways of playing."

"Oh, so that's the case. Does "I Am a Detective" broadcast in the United States have anything to do with you?"

"Of course, "I Am a Great Detective" was produced by our head office."

Nobita Hashimoto's eyes widened, "Is it actually made by your company?"

To be honest, Nobita Hashimoto really didn't think much of Yuhua Reasoning Club just now, after all, this place was originally a toy store, the area is not too big, and the decoration of the lobby is also very ordinary.

"It was made by the head office, and our side is the branch office."

"The head office and branches are the same...Since you are not going to open a branch, can someone else open a branch if they want?"

"Anyone can open a script killing shop."

"Then can you hang the name of your reasoning agency?"

"No." Mitarai Nanaya shook her head.

Nobita Hashimoto was a little disappointed when he heard the words "No" and said, "Then I don't have the name of the reasoning agency, so can I use your script?"

"The script is available, but it's not free."

Nobita Hashimoto smiled, as long as he could use the script of the reasoning agency, he never thought about free things.

"How do you calculate the cost of using the script?"

Mitarai Nanaya asked back, "Mr. Hashimoto, do you want to open a script killing shop?"

Nobita Hashimoto nodded, "I have such an idea. I am very optimistic about this business. If the cost is not too high, I can give it a try. Please rest assured, the president. If I open a store, it will definitely be far away, and it will not affect this business. Side business."

Mitarai Nanaya shrugged indifferently, "It's okay, as long as you don't care, you can open the store next to us."

Nobita Hashimoto also realized that, indeed, the reasoning agency does not rely on this to make money at all. In the future, it will organize activities for free for people to play from time to time. If it opens a store next to it, it will definitely lose money.

"If I want to open a store, can you sell me all the scripts in your agency?"

Mitarai Nanaya did not answer in a hurry, but invited Nobita Hashimoto to the lounge, and then gave him a booklet.

"This is all the existing scripts of our agency. The scripts are divided into three categories, ordinary, city-limited, and exclusive. The prices are in order from low to high, and the prices of all scripts are included."

Nobita Hashimoto opened the booklet and looked at the densely packed script names, showing a surprised expression. He only heard that there were many scripts, but he didn't expect there to be so many.

Among other things, how long does it take to write these scripts.

Moreover, Yuhua Reasoning Club prepared the booklet in advance, so they must have thought about selling scripts to others to open a shop.

"President Mitarai, can I understand that the exclusive book means that if my store buys it, only our store can play it?"

Mitarai Nanaya nodded and said, "Exclusive book means that the city is exclusive. If you buy it, it means that this city can only be played in your home. The reason why the exclusive book can become an exclusive book is because the script is of very high quality. It will Improve the competitiveness of a store in the same city."

"Then before me, did anyone ask about opening a store?"

"Yes, but it hasn't been finalized yet. You can choose any script here."

No one has bought the script before, which is good news for Nobita Hashimoto, because he can get a head start on the exclusive script.

But when he saw the price of the exclusive book, Nobita Hashimoto couldn't help being speechless. An exclusive book actually costs 10,000+ neon yuan.

The city-limited book is not cheap, and the price is between 1 neon yuan and [-] neon yuan. The ordinary book is cheaper, but it costs more than [-] neon yuan.

If he opens a store and buys more than 20 regular books, five limited editions, and two exclusive editions, then the cost of the script alone will need to be close to 100 million neon yuan.

Then there are stores, personnel, and the total investment of everything will cost at least two or three million neon yuan, which is still a bit of pressure for Nobita Hashimoto.

But Nobita Hashimoto couldn't bear to give up such an opportunity. Although the initial investment was high, the follow-up operating costs were relatively low. Basically, only staff salaries and rent were needed, and there were no other costs. The gross profit was very high.

Mitarai Nanaya saw Nobita Hashimoto's concerns, and said with a smile, "In fact, opening a script killing shop depends on the level of the host besides the script. If you want to open a script killing shop, the first thing you need to consider is Can you find a qualified host."

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