Chapter 949 Your Fairness
Of course, Nobita Hashimoto has considered what Mitarai Nanaya said, but he thinks that the host is not difficult, and he can also do it himself.

"If I open a store, I plan to be the host myself."

Mitarai Nanaya nodded, "Well, of course you can be the host yourself, which can save a lot of cost, but the host needs to be familiar with all the scripts in the store, no matter how strong the learning ability is, there is no way to do it in a short time. If you really want to open a store, I suggest you take some time to study in our store for a while."

Nobita Hashimoto asked very vigilantly, "Do you need to pay for studying here?"

Mitarai Nanaya smiled and shook her head, "No need, the training host is also a service we provide here, as long as you purchase more than [-] scripts, you can get a free training quota."

Hashimoto Nobita asked, "Is the training time limited? If our store wants to buy new scripts from you in the future, can we also learn new scripts in the store?"

"Yes, we hold regular training sessions here, if your host has time, you can come over."

"If we buy more than [-] scripts, will there be two free places?" Nobita Hashimoto asked again.

Mitarai Nanaya nodded, "That's right, you can get a free quota for every [-] movies, which can be stacked up infinitely. If you buy the exclusive book, our reasoning agency will even send a senior host to your store to help for a period of time, Help you promote this book.”

Nobita Hashimoto made a quick calculation in his heart, and then said with a smile, "It seems that you are expensive for a reason, and the after-sales service is pretty good. But I still have a question, your reasoning agency is in Tokyo, if you If there are other people who want to open stores in other cities in the future, they can’t go to Tokyo for training, right?”

"We infer that the society will open branches in other cities one after another. At that time, script shops in various cities can choose to participate in the training sessions in Tokyo, or they can choose local ones. In comparison, the level of training sessions in other cities may be higher than that in Tokyo. almost, the frequency will definitely be lower.”

For these questions raised by Nobita Hashimoto, Mitarai Nanaya patiently explained to him.

Mitarai Nanaya can see that Nobita Hashimoto is indeed very interested in opening a script killing shop, maybe Hashimoto Nobita will open the second script killing shop in the whole neon.

Before Nobita Hashimoto, several people came to ask how to open a script killing shop, but when they learned the cost of opening a shop, they still hesitated.

Although the store looks lively now, after all, they have never been in contact with this kind of business before, so they dare not make a decision lightly.

The reason why Hashimoto Nobita is so optimistic about the script killing store is not only related to his own vision, but also has something to do with "I am a great detective", which has just been broadcast in the United States.

Mitarai Nanaya did not see Channel 8's news report on "I Am a Great Detective" yesterday, but Ohno Osamu ran over early this morning and excitedly shared the news with him.

Hashimoto Nobita also decided to come over with his son Hashimoto Hoshino to experience the script killing game because he saw this news report.

After all, no matter how good the atmosphere in the store is, it is not as good as the TV report.

I believe that after Nobita Hashimoto, more people will ask about opening a script killing shop.


The two chatted in the reception room for nearly an hour, and finally Nobita Hashimoto said that he would go back and think about it.

After Hashimoto Nobita went back, Mitarai Nanaya thought he would think about it for a few days, but what Mitarai Nanaya didn't expect was that he came over early the next morning and said that he would buy [-] scripts.

He didn't pick it seriously either, he just picked the cheap ordinary ones to buy.

After picking [-] scripts, Nobita Hashimoto said with a smile, "Can I be trained now?"

"You don't choose the location of the store, but look at the storefront?" Mitarai Nanaya asked.

"I went back and thought about it seriously. If the host is not in place, everything else will be fussy. I can choose the store location after I study for a while."

Nobita Hashimoto's plan is very simple, that is, to spend a small amount of money to get a free training place and start training early.

Mitarai Nanaya nodded, "Alright, I'll start training today. It just so happens that two of the scripts you picked are going to be played today. I can show you the actual combat."


That night, Mitarai Nanaya hung a wooden sign outside the reasoning agency, which said to find games to play with for free.

Now Yuhua Reasoning Club's script-killing game may not be able to be reserved even if it costs money. Seeing that it can be played for free, naturally there is a lot of response, and a bunch of people come to apply for the job the next day.

Mitarai Nanaya picked a few of them who looked clever, and then set up a game for them, and asked Hashimoto Nobita to be the host.

Because only Nobita Hashimoto is being trained now, he still needs to find a companion to play with. When more and more hosts need to be trained in the future, there is no need to recruit companions from outside, and let the hosts directly It is enough to study and communicate in a small group.

The reason why Yuhua Reasoning Club provides training services is naturally to speed up the opening of script killing shops. Only when the number of script killing shops increases, can they sell more scripts.

And as the business gets better and better, more and more people will be interested in it. Yuhua Reasoning Agency must seize the market at this time.

In fact, at the very beginning, Chen Tao and the others thought about franchising. They asked the store owner to pay the franchise fee and script fee, and then helped them open a store. In addition to personnel training, store location selection, and store decoration, they also arranged for them. .

Of course, this way of franchising is more profitable, but Chen Tao and the others still want to make the business of Yuhua Reasoning Agency simpler, and simply provide scripts to these script killing shops.

Although franchising is more profitable and may develop faster, the pressure on operations will be greater and the risks will also increase.


"Never before has a foreign program been known to the public so quickly in Neon."

After the second episode of "I Am a Great Detective" was broadcast, Neon TV station bought the copyright of the neon version of this show, and was already looking for suitable guests and hosts.

The reason why they are so eager to buy the copyright is naturally the speed of the spread of this program in Neon China. The above sentence is the original words of the chairman of Neon TV.

The reason for this situation is naturally inseparable from the Deep Space Corporation.

In order to promote the script killing shop in Neon as soon as possible, after the broadcast of "I am the Great Detective", Deep Space Company launched a key promotion on Neon's side. hand.

After Channel 8's report, many channels have reported "I am a great detective".

And it is precisely because of the promotion of various TV channels that the promotion of Yuhua Reasoning Agency's script killing plan is also very smooth. At first, only people from nearby came to ask, and later people from farther away from Tokyo came to ask. Now "I After the second episode of "The Great Detective" was broadcast, people from outside Tokyo have already asked.

Seeing more and more people come to ask how to open a script killing shop, Nobita Hashimoto who came at the beginning also became anxious. At first he came to train every day, and then he came every other day, and he went on the day he didn’t come Walk around to see if there is no good location to open a store.

In addition to self-employed individuals who want to open small shops, there are also big customers who come here.

That is, after the third episode of "I Am a Great Detective" was broadcast, the Neon Branch of Yuhua Reasoning Agency ushered in a big client.

"Hi, I'm Chidori Watanabe from the public trust service."

Mitarai Nanaya took the business card, and looked at the middle-aged man in front of her quietly.

Chidori Watanabe was dressed like an elite, her hair was combed meticulously, and she spoke with a touch of unquestionable meaning.

On the other hand, Mitarai Nanaya, with messy hair and casual clothes, looks like a college student who hasn't graduated from school.

"Sorry, Mr. Watanabe, I don't have a business card for you."

"It's okay." Chidori Watanabe waved his hand, "Mr. Mitarai, the business card is just a way to convey information."

Mitarai Nanaya nodded, and then looked at Chidori Watanabe's business card, "I'm sorry, I want to ask what your public trust services mainly do, and what can you do for me?"

"Please let me take a moment to introduce our company. You must have heard of the Recruit Group. The Recruit Group was established 40 years ago and mainly provides human resources services. Our company, ZhongTuo Service, is a subsidiary of the Group and mainly deals in entertainment. And tourism business. I came here this time because we have noticed the script-killing game launched by your agency."

"Do you also want to open a script killing shop?"

Chidori Watanabe nodded, "Yes, our company does have such an idea, but unlike others, we want to open a chain store, so we hope to have a deeper cooperation with you."

Mitarai Nanaya raised her eyebrows and asked, "Mr. Watanabe, what do you mean by deeper cooperation? Besides providing scripts and free training, what else do you want?"

Chidori Watanabe didn't go around the bush, and said directly, "We want to be exclusive. All your exclusive scripts are only for us, and there is no limit. All of our stores can use them."

"Mr. Watanabe." Mitarai Nanaya smiled, "It seems that you have learned about our Yuhua Reasoning Agency in advance."

"Understanding the situation of the partner, this is the most basic."

"It's just that you don't know enough."

Chidori Watanabe wondered, "How do you say that?"

"If you know us enough, you will naturally know that we will not easily change the rules we have set. If you want to buy an exclusive copy, we welcome it very much. As long as there are still places for the exclusive copy, you can buy it. We will make it clear The price tag. But the exclusive book can only be played in one store in a city, this is our rule, and the rule cannot be broken.”

Watanabe Chidori smiled, "I think the rules are set to be broken. I understand that your company's exclusive book that can only be played in one store in one city is for regional protection and to increase the price of the script. But according to my With the cooperation method just mentioned, you can definitely earn more, we are willing to pay more money to buy exclusive copies, as long as we allow all stores in the same city to use it.”

"But it's not fair to other stores."

"There is no absolute fairness in this world. In my opinion, we pay more and get more. This is fairness. To get fairness, they have to pay as much as we do."

Mitarai Nanaya still shook her head, "Our Yuhua Reasoning Club is a place to provide services. We provide the same services to everyone. This is our fairness. And what you think is fair is contrary to our fairness, so Our cooperation can’t be reached. I still say the same thing, if you want to open a store, you are welcome to buy scripts, and we will help you as much as possible within a limited scope, if it is for other reasons, it will be waived.”

These words were very firm, Watanabe Chidori stared at Mitarai Nanaya for a while, and finally said with a smile, "Okay, Mr. Mitarai, your principles are admirable, but I still believe that we will cooperate successfully."

After finishing speaking, Watanabe Chidori bowed slightly to Mitarai Nanaya politely, and then left.


Chen Tao was trying out the new script killing with the members in the Yuhua Reasoning Club headquarters in the deep space park, when suddenly his assistant Xiao Qiu ran over to him and said, "President, the phone in your office is ringing, and there is a Neon man on the opposite side. The Chinese is broken, I just understand and I want to find you."

"Neon Man?"

Chen Tao scratched his head, and the first thing he thought of when he mentioned Neon Man was Mitarai Nanaya, but Mitarai Nanaya's Chinese is not bad now, and he and Xiaoqiu still know each other.

"Wait for me for a while, I'll answer the phone and I'll be back." After telling the others, Chen Tao went to his office.

After he left, the others hurriedly called another person over, with no intention of waiting for him at all.

"Don't take the president with you in the future, I'm very busy every day, and I have to leave after playing for a while."

"Isn't it? It was the same last time. It took me a long time to come back."


Chen Tao was thinking about the game, so he quickly ran to the phone, picked up the phone, and said in a neon language, "Hi, I'm Chen Tao, who are you, and what do you want from me?"

Chidori Watanabe on the other end of the phone was taken aback when he heard Chen Tao's voice. He didn't expect Chen Tao to be so fluent in neon language.

"Uh, Mr. Chen Tao, I'm Chidori Watanabe from Neon Zhongtou Service Company. I'm taking the liberty to call this time because I hope to have in-depth cooperation with your company on the script killing project."

When he heard that he came here for the script, Chen Tao laughed, "I'm sorry, Mr. Watanabe, the business of the Neon branch is separate from the head office. If you want to cooperate with us, please contact our branch in Neon. They The address is..."

"Mr. Chen Tao, I have actually been to the Neon branch, but the conversation with Mr. Mitarai has not been smooth. He seems to be a little resistant to making more money. We..."

Watanabe Chidori was about to express his thoughts, but Chen Tao said, "I'm sorry, we have handed over the business of Neon to the Neon branch. If your company wants to open a store in China, you can contact us. I'll talk."

(End of this chapter)

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