Chapter 950
Hearing what Chen Tao said so resolutely, Watanabe Chidori didn't know what to say for a while. He thought that the president of the Neon Branch, Mitarai Nanaya, was young after all, only in his early 20s. It is understandable to be naive, so he thought of a way I found the phone number of Chen Tao, the president of the head office, and wanted to talk to Chen Tao directly.

After all, Chen Tao is the president of the reasoning agency headquarters, so he must be more considerate of the overall situation, not like Mitarai Nanaya.

But what I didn't expect was that Chen Tao had the same attitude. He had no intention of cooperating with their public trust service at all, and hung up the phone without saying a word.

After pondering for a moment, Chidori Watanabe decided to fight for it again, and he said, "Mr. Chen Tao, we are very sincere in our services. You may wish to listen to our conditions before making a decision. I can guarantee that we will start The conditions offered will definitely satisfy you. It hasn’t been long since your script-killing game has just started, and it’s definitely not enough for you to promote it on your own. With our help, it will definitely be even more powerful.”

By this time, Chen Tao was already a little annoyed by Chidori Watanabe, who seemed to be unable to understand human speech, he had expressed his attitude over and over again, but the other party just ignored him.But after all, he is the president of Yuhua Reasoning Club, so he still restrained his temper and explained to Chidori Watanabe kindly, "Mr. That's it, all the business in Neon is in charge of the Neon branch, and the head office is only responsible for the business and overall planning of the China area. If it is the business of Neon, please go to Mitarai Nanaya, if you can't get in touch If you see him, I can also give you his contact information. Of course, if anyone in the Neon branch makes you dissatisfied, you can also send an email to our mailbox to complain. We will check it regularly. The mailbox is on our official website It has been announced on the website. If your complaints are true, we will also punish the relevant personnel.”

Having said all of this, Watanabe Chidori is naturally unwilling to put a hot face on a cold ass, and now his voice sank, "Mr. Chen Tao, there is an old saying in China that there are many friends and many roads. , Multiple enemies and multiple walls. We came here with sincerity, but you rejected us, but you must also be clear that you are not the only ones who can do script killing business, and you are not the only ones who can provide scripts.”

At this point in the conversation, Chen Tao was not in a hurry to go back and continue the game. He just sat down on the boss chair and said with a smile, "Mr. Watanabe, you seem to be threatening me?"

"Please don't get me wrong, this is definitely not a threat, but advice."

Chen Tao said with a smile, "Mr. Watanabe, thank you very much for your advice, but as you said, we are not the only ones who can do the business of killing scripts, and we are not the only ones who can provide scripts. If we can do it, you naturally can do it too." We can do it, and we have no other ideas except to welcome it, although we developed the script kill, but we never thought of monopolizing."

Watanabe Chidori squinted his eyes, he couldn't tell whether Chen Tao's words were true or false, but no matter what, now he used both soft and hard, and the cooperation with Yuhua Reasoning Agency would not be successful.

But they still have to deal with the script production business. As a subsidiary of the Recruit Group, they have some confidence in human resources, and all the playwrights of Neon have contacts with them.

They have also made a plan before, if the Yuhua Reasoning Agency is unwilling to cooperate with them, then they will find someone to write the script themselves.

"Okay, Mr. Chen Tao, thank you for answering, we will meet later."

"You're welcome. I hope to hear the news that you have entered the script killing market. I'll wait and see."

After hanging up the phone, Watanabe Chidori called his assistant again, "Qianlong, notify all playwrights or novel authors who are in contact with us, and invite them to write scripts and kill scripts."

"Okay, I'll inform you right away, but the reward... I haven't been in touch with this aspect, so I don't know the general market situation."

Chidori Watanabe thought about it and said, "Let's say it's between 500 and [-] million. The better the script, the higher the price."

"Ok, I see."

"Also—" Just when Qianlong was about to hang up the phone, Watanabe Chidori said hurriedly, "Tell us, not only the higher the quality of the script, the higher the remuneration, but the faster the speed, the higher the price will be." Higher, if the script can be written within one week, we will increase the remuneration by 30.00% on the original basis, and if it is written within two weeks, it will increase by 15.00%."

"Understood, I will definitely bring it."

After Qianlong hung up the phone, Chidori Watanabe stared at a script in his hand and began to meditate.

This script was bought by their people from the Yuhua Reasoning Agency. This script is a cheap ordinary copy, which can only be used for personal use and not for opening a store.

If you want to compete with Yuhua Reasoning Agency for business, the quality of the script must be better, but the most urgent thing is the quantity of the script.

Watanabe Chidori hopes to save more than one hundred scripts within two weeks, and then they can sell scripts like Yuhua Reasoning Agency.

If the script is released in a hurry, the quality of the script will definitely not be very good, but Watanabe Chidori is not worried. As long as there are enough scripts in the early stage, and then sell them cheaper, they can seize a part of the market.

Although the script of Yuhua Reasoning Agency is good, it is too expensive, and not every shopkeeper is willing to buy it.

And now this game is very popular, and many players have never played it before. Even if the script is almost bad, as long as the big frame is okay, it can still attract some players.

After taking part of the market at a low price in the early stage, they can also launch some good scripts one after another to snatch the market from Yuhua Reasoning Agency.


The script killing promotion at Neon is in full swing, and the delegation of writers from the Deep Space Organization has arrived at their first stop—Columbia University in the United States.

The reason why I chose Columbia University as the first stop of this trip is that Columbia University and Jinyi are sister schools, and Columbia University has a close relationship with China.

There is a Department of Sinology in Columbia University, and this Department of Sinology was established with the donation of a Chinese laborer named Ding Long.

In the mid-eighteenth century, when China was facing internal and external troubles, many Chinese had to flee overseas to make a living, or were trafficked abroad as laborers.

Ding Long was the latter, but his luck was not bad. He was sold to the family of a general in the United States, and this general was the famous Carpentier.

Carpentier used to be a lawyer. Later, a gold mine was discovered in California. He also joined the gold rush and got the first pot of gold. Later, he founded a bank in California and became the president of the bank.

He also built a new city in a new land, named Oakland, and served as mayor himself.He owned a large amount of stock in the Central Pacific Railroad, was president of the California Shoppes Company and the Overland Telegraph Company, which built the first telegraph line linking the east and west coasts of the United States, and served on the boards of directors of several railroad companies.

And the reason why he is called a general is not because he really served as a general in the army, but because he served in the California National Guard.

At that time, in order to further develop the western region, the United States built a major railway line in California, and Chinese laborers became the main force in the construction of the Pacific Railway.

Because of this, Carpentier came into contact with a large number of Chinese laborers. Although Carpentier had never been to China, he saw the excellent qualities of Chinese culture from Chinese laborers.

Therefore, Carpentier also hired a group of Chinese laborers, and Ding Long was one of these Chinese laborers. He was mainly responsible for cooking for Carpentier and taking care of daily affairs.

Carpentier has a bad temper. Once after drinking, Carpentier beat all the servants away, scolded Ding Long and fired him.But after waking up the next day, Carpentier found that the other servants had left, but Ding Long did not.Even though Ding Long was fired, he still never left Carpentier.

Ding Long was very loyal to Carpentier. Once Carpentier asked Ding Long what he wanted in return for his loyal service for so many years. Unexpectedly, Ding Long said that he hoped to establish a Sinology Department at Columbia University so that Americans Can learn more about China and Chinese civilization.

The reason why Ding Long can say Columbia University is because Carpentier graduated from this school. In his mind, Columbia University should be the best university in the United States.

It is certainly not an easy task to establish a Sinology Department at Columbia University, and it requires a lot of money.

Although Carpentier had a hot temper, he was more affectionate. He was also moved by Ding Long's patriotism. In June 1901, he donated US$[-] to his alma mater, Columbia University.

Of the $[-], $[-] was Ding Long's life savings, and the other $[-] was drawn out by Carpentier himself.

In 1901, $[-] was definitely a huge amount of money. Even if Carpentier was quite rich, the $[-] was basically all the cash he could come up with.

After completing the donation, Carpentier proposed to the school that the only condition was not to mention his name. The school did this and established the "Ding Long Chair Professor of Sinology" under Ding Long's name.

The Department of Sinology has a cooperative relationship with Jinyi’s International Writing Center, and their department has organized some personnel to go to Jinyi before.

Columbia University covers an area of ​​more than 1000 acres. This area is not small, but it is still a bit compact for such a world-famous university novel.

After the writers' group arrived, the principal Schroeder personally led a group of teachers to welcome them, and then personally led Yu Dong and the others to visit the school.

After walking in the school for a while, Bi Feiyu said with a smile, "Your school is actually surrounded by walls."

Schroeder nodded with a smile, "Well, our school has walls."

The school has a wall. This is not news in China, because Chinese universities basically have walls, but the United States is different. The general universities in the United States do not have walls, so Columbia University has walls. Something special.

The reason why Bi Feiyu said "again" was because when they went to Princeton University to meet Oates, they saw that Princeton University also has walls. Princeton University not only has walls, but also has a gate.

Wang Xiaobo had been to Columbia University before, so he naturally knew that Columbia University had walls. He smiled and asked Schroeder, "President Schroeder, do you think whether there are walls in the school has anything to do with academic freedom?"

"Of course not. If the school's wall is really related to academic freedom, then I will tear down the wall tomorrow. The reason why our school has a wall is to make the school more compact and safer A little." After answering Wang Xiaobo's question, Schroeder became curious, "Wang, why do you ask that? Does China think the wall is related to freedom?"

Wang Xiaobo nodded, "In recent years, some people in China have indeed put forward such a statement. They believe that a school with a wall means that it is not free, and that a school without a wall means freedom."

"Then there are no walls in Chinese schools?"

Yu Dong next to him said with a smile, "The fact is just the opposite. All universities in China have walls."

Schroeder was surprised, "Then why..."

Wang Xiaobo shrugged his shoulders, "They may prefer the layout of American universities."

Schroeder said with a smile, "Whether a university has walls has nothing to do with freedom. Our school has walls, but it does not prevent our school from being a free school. In fact, I think that in some periods, schools without walls are even less free."

Yu Dong and the others all smiled, and did not continue this topic any further.

Schroeder didn't make it clear, but Yu Dong and the others knew what Schroeder meant. In the notorious McCarthy era in the United States, American universities at that time had no walls, but the universities were full of various surveillance, searches and persecutions. Students and teachers are insecure and suspicious of each other.

At that time, Columbia was better. After all, the school had walls, and it was easier to control, so Schroeder said that in "certain periods" the school had no walls, but it was even less free.

Schroeder took Yu Dong and the others for a stroll around the school again. After walking around, everyone was more impressed with Columbia University because their school had a lot of libraries.

The school covers an area of ​​only one thousand acres, but there are more than 20 libraries.

But what is interesting is that there are many libraries in their school, but the iconic Roche Memorial Library does not put books.

After Schroeder explained to Yu Dong and the others, they realized that the Roche Memorial Library did not consider the load-bearing problem when it was built, so it could not be used as a library.

(End of this chapter)

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