Chapter 951 One Hundred Places
Yu Dong's last stop was the Roche Memorial Library, because this building is now used by Columbia University, which is equivalent to the government affairs building of their school.

When he arrived at the gate of the building, Schroeder turned his head to look at the students behind him, then smiled and said to them, "It's the first time I've seen the students in our school so enthusiastic, which shows how attractive you are."

Wang Xiaobo laughed, "They mainly came from the east, and have little to do with the rest of us."

Schroeder waved his hand, "No, no, although YU is indeed very popular in our school, the students are also very familiar with the rest of you, like Mr. Wang Xiaobo's "The Silent Majority", "Golden Age", Bi Fei Mr. Yu's "The Panicked Finger", Mr. Yu Hua's "To Live", "Xu Sanguan's Blood Selling Story", Mr. Fu Shui's "Alien Monkey", "Falling Mars", "The Long River of Life" and other works are very good. Loved by the students."

Hearing Schroeder talk about these works, Yu Dong couldn't help sighing that the president of Columbia University has something.

However, these works mentioned by Schroeder are indeed well-known in Europe and the United States, and several of them have been included in the recommended bibliographies of many colleges and universities.

Among the works listed by Rhodes, Hu Changqing's "Alien Monkey" is the most well-known to American audiences. This is Hu Changqing's first novel published in "Science Fiction World", and it can be regarded as his debut novel.

This novel and some other short stories were later used by Jimmy to make a series of unit dramas. This series of unit dramas are all light-hearted and funny sci-fi dramas, and "Alien Monkey" is more popular among them.

After "Alien Monkey" was broadcast, primary and middle school students liked it more, but now these students at Columbia University have watched this series of unit dramas when they were young.

The students of Columbia University also like to join in the fun. Ever since Yu Dong and the others entered the school, students have followed them. After they walked around, the students did not leave, but more and more students.

Yu Dong waved to the students, and then entered the building with Schroeder.

Schroeder's principal's office is not big enough to accommodate so many of them, so Schroeder arranged them in a lounge dedicated to entertaining guests.

After walking for more than an hour, both sides were a little tired, and now they finally sat down to rest, and everyone was relieved a lot.

The two sides chatted for a while with a relaxed mood, and Schroeder talked about business again, "After a short rest here, we may have to delay everyone's time. I need to communicate with you about some details of the afternoon exchange meeting."

Yu Dong nodded, "No problem, if there is anything that needs our cooperation, just tell the principal, we will definitely cooperate actively."

Schroeder smiled and said, "It's nothing, just to communicate with you about some common issues, such as process, time, seats, etc., which are also included in the process manual I sent you before, but I think it's better to communicate face to face to ensure nothing goes wrong. Although it's just An ordinary exchange meeting, everyone here may have experienced many more exchange meetings with larger scenes, but I still hope to do a good job, so that you can leave a perfect impression on the students of our school, and let our school be in your hearts Make a better impression."

Listening to Schroeder's words, Yu Hua, who was sitting behind Yu Dong, raised her eyebrows. Although Schroeder spoke English and Yu Hua couldn't understand, but seeing Schroeder's speaking posture, he looked like a Chinese.

"What did he say?" Yu Hua poked Bi Feiyu's arm.

"Look, it's a pity that you don't know a foreign language." Bi Feiyu teased Yu Hua, and then translated Schroeder's words to Yu Hua.

After listening to the translation, Yu Hua clicked her tongue, "The president of Columbia University speaks in a different way, he doesn't look like an American."

"You are stereotyped. Of course, Americans will come to trouble. Isn't Jimmy an example?"

Yu Hua retorted, "Jimmy is no longer an American, and now he has spent more time in China than in the United States."

"This is also..."

The two were mumbling and chatting, Schroeder suddenly smiled at the two of them, and the two smiled back.

Schroeder nodded again, then pointed to the window and said to Yu Dong, "In more than a year, if you look out from this window, you should be able to see the Deep Space Building."

Yu Dong looked in the direction of Schroeder's finger, and there were many buildings standing outside the window. The farther you looked, the more buildings you could see. Finally, these buildings were intertwined, like a somewhat blurred curtain. , to separate the distance.

"Is it this direction?" Yu Dong asked.

"That's right, it's in this direction. Walk southwest along the road next to our school and you'll reach the location of the Hearst Editorial Building."

The Deep Space Building will build a new building on the basis of the original Hearst Editing Building, which will be used as the office of the Deep Space Group. Two months ago, the Deep Space Building broke ground and is expected to be capped in two years, so Schroeder said The building will be visible in over a year.

But in fact, from the perspective of their current place, the Deep Space Building cannot be seen.

The Deep Space Building is planned to be more than 180 meters high and less than 200 meters high. Such a height is nothing in a place like Manhattan.

The newly completed Bank of Manhattan Building is two hundred and tens of meters high, not much different from the direction of the Deep Space Building, but the Bank of Manhattan Building is still not visible from this direction.

Of course, Schroeder also knew that it was impossible to see the Deep Space Tower from their position. He mentioned this just to turn the topic to Deep Space Corporation.

"There are many students in our school who went to the Deep Space Group after graduation, and now the Deep Space Group has been ranked among the top companies in the list of companies that Columbia University students most want to enter."

Yu Dong said with a smile, "It is an honor for Deep Space Corporation to attract students from your school, and I would also like to thank Columbia University graduates for their contributions to Deep Space Corporation. Before coming here, Jimmy told me that the company really There are a lot of graduates from Columbia, and they're all very good."

The conversation between the two sounds like a mutual favor of business, but it is also true.

Deep Space Corporation has a strong comprehensiveness, a wide range of businesses, a large scale, and requires many types of talents. It is also located in Manhattan, and there is a prerequisite for geographical connection with Columbia University.

Columbia University's relatively well-known business school, law school and journalism school can provide jobs for them, and there are many students in Columbia University whose first foreign language or second foreign language is Chinese, and the basic conditions are more in line with the recruitment of Deep Space Company standard of talent.

"Jimmy and I are very good friends, sometimes he will come to my office for tea."

Yu Dong nodded. He also heard Jimmy mention this matter. Jimmy and Schroeder have a very good relationship in private, and Yu Dong's understanding of Schroeder comes from Jimmy.

Schroeder himself graduated from Columbia University Law School. After graduating, he worked as a lawyer for several years, and then went to travel.

During the ten years of traveling abroad, he spent half of his time in Europe and the other half in Africa.

After returning to the United States, he came to his alma mater to teach, and eventually became the principal step by step.

Schroeder also has a Chinese name, Hua Qingyu. When Yu Dong heard this name, he thought he had heard it wrong.

Hua Qingyu sounds like the name of a character in an idol drama. In fact, it is indeed the name of the leading actor in "Flower and Grass Lover".

Jimmy explained that last fall, Schroeder suddenly asked him what the most famous name in China was.

But Jimmy didn't think much about it, and first said Yu Dong's name. Schroeder was not satisfied with the answer, and then asked, which is the most famous name besides Yu Dong.

At that time, "Flower and Grass Lover" was on the air, and the name Hua Qingyu was very famous, and Jimmy could hear it every day, so he said Hua Qingyu.

Schroeder was very interested in the name Hua Qingyu, and asked Jimmy to write it down for him, and then asked Jimmy to explain the three words Hua Qingyu to him.

It was only later that Jimmy found out that Schroeder was planning to start learning Chinese at that time, so he wanted to give himself a Chinese name.

At the beginning, whenever Schroeder had the opportunity to speak Chinese, he would tell others that his name was Hua Qingyu, but as he became more and more familiar with China and his Chinese became better and better, he seldom took the initiative Introduce your Chinese name to others.

Jimmy also persuaded him to change to a normal Chinese name, but the old man was quite stubborn, saying that the name was made by himself, and he couldn’t change it just because it didn’t sound good. This is not something a person with a firm will should do. .

Thinking of this, Yu Dong smiled and asked Schroeder, "Are you still learning Chinese recently?"

Schroeder nodded very seriously, "Of course, once I decide to learn a language, I will continue to learn it. But my spoken English is a bit poor, so I didn't communicate with you in Chinese today."

Yu Dong smiled, "Poor spoken English, but good hearing?"

When he said this, Yu Dong deliberately turned his head to look at Bi Feiyu and the others.

Schroeder smiled and nodded, "My hearing is not bad. I can still understand what Mr. Bi Feiyu and Mr. Yu Hua said."

Bi Feiyu also heard this, he looked at Schroeder in a daze, then at Yu Dong, and then smiled embarrassedly, the two of them were talking about Schroeder just now, did not Thinking that Schroeder could understand Chinese.

Yu Hua couldn't understand English, but he could understand the embarrassment on Bi Feiyu's face, so he poked Bi Feiyu again, "What did Lao Shi say again?"

After saying this, Bi Feiyu became even more embarrassed. Instead of answering Yu Hua, he asked Schroeder directly in Chinese, "Principal Schroeder, how long have you been studying Chinese?"

Schroeder thought for a while, and replied in English, "I started learning it last fall, and it will be a full year in one month."

Bi Feiyu praised, "With such a busy job, you can learn listening to this level in one year. Your language learning ability is very strong."

"Although Chinese is special, all languages ​​have something in common. I have learned many languages, and I have some experience..."

Bi Feiyu spoke in Chinese, Schroeder spoke in English, and the two chatted back and forth like this.

Yu Hua looked at the two of them chatting, she was stupefied, since those people he and Bi Feiyu were talking about just now heard it, no wonder she smiled at them before.

Seeing Yu Hua's surprised expression, Yu Dong stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder, "A gentleman should be careful in his words and deeds."

Yu Hua twitched the corners of her mouth, but didn't respond. She just raised her head and looked around to cover up her embarrassment.

Schroeder chatted with Bi Feiyu for a while, and then looked at Yu Dong, "YU, I, Jimmy, said, do you have any ideas about developing battery and motor technology recently?"

Yu Dong nodded, "Well, I have this idea, principal, do you have any suggestions?"

"No suggestion, I just want to introduce the advantages of our school in engineering and applied science, as well as environmental science and policy. Deep Space Corporation may consider cooperating with our school."

Yu Dong stared at Schroeder and asked curiously, "Have you ever told Jimmy about this?"

"Having said that, he responded to me very perfunctorily."

Hearing Schroeder's words, Yu Dong was a little surprised.

There are two reasons for the accident. The first is Jimmy’s reaction. After all, Columbia University is one of the top universities in the United States, and it has offered to cooperate with Deep Space. Jimmy should be very active, not perfunctory; second. One is Schroeder's reaction. He didn't achieve his goal with Jimmy, so he ran to himself. Does he know the relationship between himself and Jimmy?

"Do you come to me because you think I can make a decision on this matter?" Yu Dong asked.

Schroeder shook his head, "I just think this is a way, Jimmy will always consider your words."

Yu Dong didn't express his position directly, but asked, "Can you tell me how you want to cooperate?"

"Of course it's no problem, it's like this, Deep Space Corporation can start a new company, specializing in batteries and motors..."

Yu Dong interrupted, "The motor we want to develop is applied to robots, and these two businesses need to be separated."

"Well, that is to start two companies. Both companies can sign a strategic cooperation agreement with our school to establish a joint laboratory for technical cooperation..."

Schroeder quickly stated his thoughts. Although he spoke very fast, he still spoke for a long time, because his set was quite long.

But it is also very simple to sum up, that is, I hope that the deep space company can provide funds to establish a joint laboratory with Columbia University, and Columbia University will provide excellent talents for the laboratory, and the technology developed by this laboratory will be shared by both parties.

After hearing Schroeder's plan, Yu Dong also understood, no wonder Jimmy is not active, it turns out that this cooperation model is not attractive to deep space.

Yu Dong frowned and asked, "Can the joint laboratory help our company train talents on a regular basis?"

"Of course, Deep Space can send two or three staff members to the laboratory for training every year."

Yu Dong shook his head, "Two or three places are really too few."

Schroeder pursed his lips and asked, "Then how much do you think is appropriate?"

"A laboratory will send ten students every year, and then your school will provide another one hundred places to Deep Space Corporation every year. Among the one hundred places, there must be forty masters."

Schroeder was taken aback, "One hundred, that's too many!"

(End of this chapter)

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