Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 955 The telegram is here

Chapter 955 The call is coming
Columbia University selected a total of three questions from netizens from their latest tribal comments. In addition to the question of recommending works, there are two other questions, namely "how do you think of American literature" and "the first foreign works you see ".

The writers are also very sophisticated. When they are guests in the United States, they are full of boast when talking about American literature.As for the foreign works I saw for the first time, everyone couldn't remember them, and then made them up on the spot.

After all these three questions were asked, it was time for the on-site interaction.

A good-looking blond girl was selected by the host. She stood up and said, "Just now, when everyone recommended novels, they were basically recommended to students who have completed middle school. Don't you think that most literary works are not suitable for reading? Do middle school students read it? Do you have any suggestions for children to read books? How should students who have not yet entered middle school choose reading materials?"

The host did not expect that the first questioner selected would bring the topic back to the recommended works. He said with a smile, "It seems that everyone still hopes that writers can recommend more excellent works to us. How about this? How about asking YU to answer the question? As we all know, YU's works cover a wide range of ages, no matter what age readers are, they can find something suitable for them in his works."

Listening to the host throwing the question to himself, Yu Dong picked up the microphone with a smile, "This question is very good. In fact, I really thought about this question some time ago. I have a daughter myself, and she will be born this fall." Two years old, she can't speak clearly now, and she can't understand when I tell her stories. But even so, some time ago I thought about what kind of books I should read to her in the future. I tried to recall by myself , When I was young, what books did I read, and the first book I can recall should be "Gulliver's Travels" with illustrations that I read when I was nine or ten years old. This is also the third book just now. The answer to this question. I may have read other books before this, but I don’t have any deep impression.”

"However, after "Gulliver's Travels", I suddenly read more books. Before graduating from elementary school, I had read a lot of martial arts novels and strange novels, although I didn't know many words in these novels. But it doesn’t prevent me from being fascinated by reading. Thinking about it now, from not reading to reading is not a gradual process, but a sudden change. Once I can read a book alone, I will quickly enter the The world of reading. When I was young, there were few children’s literature books specially prepared for us, so we had to read books, and we could only pick up books for adults. These books involve many things that are considered unsuitable for children by the public , such as death, war, suffering and even sex, many things I don’t fully understand, but I try to understand.”

"I gave my own example, not to express the idea that children need to read the same works as adults, but to tell everyone that even children's literature can involve many themes, and children have their own way of understanding."

The girl who asked the question asked again, "YU, can it be understood that you support children's earlier exposure to more social things from literary works? But some people think that children are exposed to these literary works too early. It will affect their mental development and character development."

Yu Dong said with a smile, "Sometimes people underestimate the power of literature, but sometimes they overestimate the power of literature. If you want to change a person with a book, I don't think even the Bible can do it. There are some things that adults always feel that children should not know, but in fact, even if you don’t take the initiative to tell them today, they will learn about it in various ways tomorrow. Instead of letting other people influence you in a possibly violent way When it comes to children, it’s better to tell them in advance in a literary way. Therefore, I think, children’s literature authors should consider how to use an appropriate way to tell them what they need to know sooner or later, instead of just thinking about giving Children create a dream world."

"Is it like your own novel "Perfect World"?" The girl said with a smile.

When a girl mentioned "Perfect World", Yu Dong knew that she should be his loyal reader, because this novel was the least famous among Yu Dong's many novels.

At that time, in order to increase the traffic of Deep Space Tribe and launch the feature of long articles, the novel "Perfect World" was mainly serialized on Deep Space Tribe in the form of long articles.

"Perfect World" is a horror fairy tale novel adapted by Yu Dong based on the novel "Caroline". Compared with the themes of Dong's other works, this kind of subject has a small audience.

After "Perfect World" came out, some people have criticized it, saying that Yu Dong's novel is not for children at all, and children can't accept it at all.

At this time, the girl who asked the question mentioned this novel, which is quite appropriate.

Yu Dong smiled, shrugged and said, "Maybe."

The host also spoke at the right time, "Thank you very much for YU's answer, let's choose the second student who asked the question. Alright, this male student in the yellow T-shirt, do you have any questions to ask..."


"The registration situation of "American Idol" is very good. Although there is still a period of time before the deadline, the number of registrations has already exceeded 15. According to this trend, there is no problem in eventually exceeding 15. If we hadn't controlled the number of registration cities In terms of quantity, the number of 30 can be doubled, and there is no problem if it exceeds [-].”

In Jimmy's office, assistant Sylvie reported to him the registration status of "American Idol".

Although the program "American Idol" is open to registration from all over the United States, the production team considered the pressure of auditions, so they only selected ten relatively large cities across the country to hold auditions. Contestants can register online, and then the nearest Choose an audition city to participate in the audition.

In this way, some people who are unwilling to pay the travel expenses will not participate. This can not only reduce the pressure of the audition, but also screen out some poor foundations, so that the eyes and ears of the judges will feel better.

Jimmy was very satisfied with the registration situation. He nodded with a smile, "It seems that there are indeed many Americans who want to become idols. After the audition is over, send me a copy of the information of the selected players. Also, I will go to I told you last time, after the audition, those contestants with more stories will be picked out."

Sylvie said with a smile, "Okay, actually we have already done it when we signed up. Players need to fill in their reasons for participating in the registration form. This item is not mandatory, but there are still many players Filled out."

In the United States, under normal circumstances, if a certain part of an application form is not required to be filled, then most people will not fill it out, and everyone will think it is a waste of time.

But this time, many people filled in this non-required blank. In fact, the reason is very simple, because there are few places to fill in the basic information in the application form of "American Idol", and they are relatively small. However, there was a lot of space left in the reason area, accounting for almost half of the registration form.

Many people always feel bad when they see such a large blank area left unfilled on the form, and they will write something on it more or less.

Jimmy nodded affirmatively, "Yes, keep it up, we must dig out the stories of the contestants, of course, we can't ignore the talents of the contestants, only the combination of stories and talents will be a nirvana. The story, without talent, cannot win the sympathy of the audience. In addition..."

Just when Jimmy was about to say something more, the mobile phone on the table rang.

Jimmy raised his hand to signal to the assistant, and then connected the phone, "Hey, Joe, why did you remember to call me now? You should be busy filming "Temporary Agent" recently, right?"

It was Joe Schumacher who called. This call surprised Jimmy, because Joe Schumacher hadn't actively contacted him since the movie "Sniper Booth" was released.

And recently Joe Schumacher should be busy with his new movie "Temporary Agent", I don't know why he has time to call himself.

Joe Schumacher on the other end of the phone said with a smile, "The filming of "Temporary Agent" has been completed. Isn't this when you are idle at home and visiting the deep space tribe, and suddenly saw YU's new script, so I thought I will call you to ask if there is any possibility of cooperation."

"New script?" Jimmy looked puzzled, "Could it be "Gravity" you're talking about? If it's "Gravity", then I'm really sorry, the director of this movie has already been confirmed."

"I know this, isn't it just for Alfonso Cuaron? You have already issued an announcement. And how long has it been since "Gravity" came out? What kind of new script is it?"

"Oh, I thought you didn't know. But what new script are you talking about? YU doesn't have a new script recently either?"

Joe Schumacher laughed and teased, "Jimmy, you and I should stop pretending, and YU himself has already announced it. The English name of the script is "The Beginning", and the literal translation of the Chinese name is "Inception".

Jimmy couldn't help raising his eyebrows. He hadn't heard of "The Beginning" or "Inception" at all, but Joe Schumacher said it in a decent way, and he didn't seem to be lying to him.

He looked at his watch and frowned again. At this time, Yu Dong should still be attending a literature exchange meeting in the auditorium of Columbia University. Why did he announce his new script?
From this point of view, it should be that Yu Dong said something at the exchange meeting, and then it was sent to the Deep Space Tribe and was seen by Joe Schumacher.

Jimmy covered the microphone and said to Sylvie, "Now look at what the official Colombian tribe has posted, and see if Yu Dong's new script has been mentioned."

Sylvie nodded, quickly ran to her office computer, and opened the Deep Space Tribal Network.

Here Jimmy let go of the microphone, smiled and said to Joe Schumacher, "To tell you the truth, YU has so many scripts that I can hardly remember them myself. He likes to surprise readers and fans occasionally. As for the cooperation For this matter, I have to ask YU for his own opinion, he is still participating in the exchange meeting, and I will help you ask after his side is over."

"Okay, thank you very much." Joe Schumacher smiled, "After filming "The Temporary Agent", I have no other work for the time being. If I can film the script of YU, it must be a happy thing. After his exchange meeting is over, you must tell him about this matter, if possible, I want to talk to him face to face, and I haven't seen him for a long time."

"That's no problem. I've planned to invite everyone to have a meal together in a while. A friend of mine has opened a new Chinese restaurant. Let's go and try it together."

Joe Schumacher smiled meaningfully, "The friend you are talking about is not yourself, is it? You want to trick us, and then get some group photos to hang on the wall to attract guests."

Jimmy smiled and nodded, "Well, you really know me very well, it seems like I did it, but I really didn't open this Chinese restaurant, and I'm too busy with the affairs of several companies under me, so I don't have time to care about it Food Industry."

"Well, that's true. You really don't like the catering industry. Well, I'll wait for your call later. Let's talk about anything in person. You must tell YU about the script."

"Sure, sure." Jimmy said again and again.


When Jimmy hung up on Joe Schumacher's phone call, Sylvie had already found out the ins and outs of the matter.

"Ms. Yu Hua broke the news on the spot. The script has already been written. The boss said at the scene that he has no plans to make this movie. Columbia University can't wait. Any news will be posted on the tribe as soon as possible. Now that the boss has written a new script, it has slowly spread on the Internet."

I see……

Jimmy muttered in a low voice, no wonder he didn't know the script, it turned out that Yu Dong didn't plan to make this movie for the time being. .

There are some unpublished scripts in Yu Dong’s place. Jimmy knows this. Sometimes when Jimmy goes to Yu Dong’s house, he can also see some half-written unfinished drafts and some creative drafts. These are all kept in his own hands by Yu Dong. Do not put it out of your hand.

Jimmy chatted with his assistant Sylvie, and suddenly the phone on the desk in the office rang again. He could only stop talking again and pick up the phone.

"Steven, why are you calling me at this time?"

It was Spielberg who called. He heard Jimmy ask this, and asked back: "Then when should I call you? It's working hours now, so I still use my work phone to call you."

Jimmy curled his lips and said, "Steven, stop talking around with me, tell me your purpose quickly, and you said it too. Call me during working hours, it must be for work."

(End of this chapter)

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