Chapter 956
Hearing what Jimmy said, Spielberg didn't bother him anymore, and asked directly, "What's the matter with YU's new script, can you show me?"

Jimmy curled his lips, sure enough, this guy also came for Yu Dongxin's script, he couldn't help but wonder, are these people so free right now, to see the news so soon.

"You also happened to see the news when you were visiting the deep space tribe?"

"No, no, a friend told me, Kevin, one of the assistant directors of "The Martian", do you have any impression?"

Jimmy thought for a moment and said, "Well, sort of, a young man with brown hair?"

"Brown hair is dyed, recently dyed green."

Jimmy smiled, "Green, has something happened to this young man recently?"

Spielberg didn't understand what Jimmy meant, and asked in confusion, "What do you mean?"

Jimmy laughed, "It's nothing, you just heard him tell you that Yu Dong has a new script?"

"Well, he usually likes to visit the Deep Space Tribe. He saw this news just now, and then came to ask me. I don't know what's going on, so why didn't I come to ask you?"

"I want to tell you, I don't know what the script is about, do you believe it?"

Jimmy was telling the truth, but Spielberg didn't believe it at all, "Do you think I believe it? Just tell me if you can show me the script."

"I'll ask YU later, it depends on what he means. But even if I show it to you, do you still want to shoot? You are too busy with the plans at hand right now, can you worry about other things?"

"I'm just curious, I just want to see it. Besides, even if I don't become a director, I can participate in other ways. Your company is spending money everywhere now, isn't there any financial pressure? I happen to have some money on hand. Let's We can cooperate."

Regarding the lack of money, Jimmy did not deny it. Although they earn a lot now, they also spend more, and there is indeed a lot of financial pressure.

The earning power of Deep Space Corporation has always been very famous in the industry. Not to mention other industries, the profits they have obtained in the film market alone are beyond the reach of most listed companies.

Last year, "The Martian" swept all major ticket warehouses around the world. Although it was not as popular as the previous "Titanic", it was second only to "Titanic".

This movie alone will bring in hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue for Deep Space.

And this is not the only movie that Deep Space Company made money from. The movies that come out of their hands basically don't lose money, they only make less money and make more money.

In addition to movies, the TV series produced by Deep Space Company are also making more money than the last one. "Lie to Me" is almost in its third season. the first one.

There is also a TV series related to vampires, "The Vampire Handbook". The name seems to be a horror TV series, but in fact this TV series is actually a youth drama that focuses on campus love. The first season has ended, and the male lead He and the heroine are still in high school.

The ratings of "The Vampire Handbook" are lower than those of "Don't Lie to Me", but they are also very good. It usually enters the top ten in the ratings list. The main audience is also young audiences under the age of 25, and most of them are women. Because there is only one heroine in this show, but there are several male characters who are very handsome and love the heroine very much. It can be said that they understand the female market.

Of course, Deep Space has not always achieved commercial success. They occasionally make mistakes. For example, the anti-criminal and anti-drug TV series "Fire Wire", which was just released in April, received a mediocre response, and its ratings directly set a record for TV series produced by Deep Space. lowest ratings.

However, the TV series "The Wire" has received a lot of praise from critics, and some film critics even think that this TV series surpassed "The Sopranos" broadcast the year before last.

The reason why this kind of applause is not popular is because the plot of the TV series is too complicated, and the jargon used by many gangs in it is not well understood by ordinary audiences.Now Deep Space doesn't have any hope for the ratings of this TV series, they only hope that the later CDs will sell better.

"The Wire" and "The Vampire Handbook" can be said to be two extremes. One is well-received but not popular, and the other is not well-received. Although "The Vampire Handbook" has a high ratings, the audience's evaluation of this TV series is polarized. Like it The viewers who watched it liked it very much, but most viewers thought that this TV series was not nutritious, and they talked about love and love every day in the cloak of a vampire.

Of course, there is also a TV series released in the deep space during this period that is as popular and popular as "Don't Lie to Me", and that is the TV series "Six Feet Under" that aired in April.

"Six Feet Under" is a more idiosyncratic TV series, centering on a family that runs an undertaker's business, and the main topic is death.

The ratings of this TV series are not much different from "The Vampire Handbook", and the ratings are almost the same as that of "The Wire", which can be called a double harvest.

In the past few years, the number of TV series broadcast by Deep Space in Europe and the United States is not too many. Apart from these few, there is nothing else. Their TV series are mainly developed in Asia.

Now in Asia, Chinese TV dramas have basically passed the customs, and the TV dramas produced by Deep Space Company have gone out of China and swept Asia. Now other companies will also release some TV dramas that are popular in other countries.

In addition to movies and TV dramas, Deep Space Corporation also has a lot of revenue in music. The new generations like Jay Chou and Shakira alone have made Deep Space Music earn a lot of money.

But even though Deep Space Corporation is so profitable, it can no longer keep up with the speed of their spending.

One of the biggest tricks is to acquire the stocks of major technology companies. Although they are leveraged, they can’t afford to buy too much. They have to pay a lot of money themselves, and this part of the investment is continuous and has never stopped, and it seems that there is no demand There are no signs of stopping, and the stocks of various technology companies pinched by Deep Space Corporation have already surpassed those before the Internet bubble burst.

Spielberg works closely with Deep Space Corporation. Of course, he knows the current situation of Deep Space Corporation. Deep Space Corporation is now a water pipe with the same thickness at both ends, with water entering at one end and water exiting at the other. May be in debt.

Jimmy smiled and said, "If you have money, you can lend us some. Don't ask me for the interest. I will send you a few catties of good tea later."

"No need to borrow money, but after "Shrek" is released, you can give me the dividends later."

"Your dividend ratio for "Shrek" is not high, how about this, all the movies we cooperate with in the future, whether it is dividends or remuneration, will be postponed to you for one year."

"That can't be done." Spielberg refused straight away. His income from working with deep space is not a small number.

Jimmy said with a smile, "It's still not grand enough, how about this, after I read the script of "The Beginning", I will decide whether to cooperate with you. If the script is particularly good, I will give you more investment shares to take you to earn together Money, if the script is mediocre, then let you invest less, so you won’t be allowed to take this risk.”

"Why do I feel that you should listen to this sentence in reverse?" Spielberg teased, and then said, "But you say that, which means you really didn't see the script? It seems that the Columbia University tribe didn't lie To be honest, when I heard the news, I thought it was designed by you, isn't this your usual trick?"

"This is indeed my usual tactic, but now I will not use this tactic on YU, it has no effect, and it may backfire."

Spielberg agreed: "That's true."

Jimmy looked at his watch, "YU's exchange meeting is coming to an end now, I'll give him a call later."

"Well, then I'll wait for your news."

After hanging up on Spielberg, Jimmy smiled at Sylvie, "There is an idiom in China called 'spread like wildfire', which means that you can run without calves, which means that things can go fast without promotion." spread."

"Chinese idioms are indeed very interesting. This idiom is very vivid and easy to understand, but there are also some idioms that are not easy to understand."

Basically, there are no employees of Deep Space Company who do not learn Chinese. Although the company has not made regulations on this matter, living in an environment where most people can speak Chinese will naturally be affected.

So is Sylvie. She is Jimmy's third assistant. She has been in the company for half a year and has been learning Chinese for three months.

"Which idioms do you think are more difficult?" Jimmy asked.

Sylvie thought for a while and said, "Two days ago, Wang Mo taught me an idiom called disapproval. He told me that this idiom means to describe an article that is particularly good. I can't add a word, but I always feel that the meaning is the opposite. Yes, doesn't praise mean praise?"

Jimmy smiled and shook his head, "If you learn this kind of idioms now, you are making trouble for yourself. You should learn some common ones in the future. Just now, Steven mentioned "Shrek", how is the premiere arrangement of the movie going?" ?”

"It has been arranged. The promotion of the movie will enter the C stage the day after tomorrow. The movie ticket reservations on the box office website are fully open, and all the screenings are sold out."

"Well, it's not bad. Finally, it will be released in the middle of the year. If it is postponed until the end of the year, several of our own films will all be mixed together and killed. There will be too much internal friction."

The project of "Shrek" was taken over from DreamWorks. Because the handover process took some time, the original completion time was postponed, so the film's release time was also postponed.

Originally, if it had gone according to plan, the movie could have been released in April and May, but it was delayed until August.

According to the plan of Deep Space Company, it can only be delayed until August and September. If there is no way to fix the file in August and September, then Deep Space Company should consider postponing the film's release until next spring to avoid the "Harry Wave" movie. "Special" and "Lord of the Rings", otherwise it will definitely become cannon fodder.

"Harry Potter" and "Lord of the Rings" are released very close to each other. One is at the beginning of November and the other is at the end of December. The difference between them is less than two months, which means that That is, the movies among them will be strangled by them, set around them, and if the distance is not long enough, they will also be affected.

In fact, Jimmy doesn't think that "Shrek" will be much weaker when compared with the other two movies, but even if they can kill those two movies, it may cause three losers.


About 40 minutes later, Jimmy called Yu Dong.

On the other end of the phone, Yu Dong had just finished the literary exchange meeting, and when he got off the stage, Holland, his temporary assistant in the United States, handed the phone to him, "Mr. James' phone number."

Yu Dong nodded, and answered the phone, "You're really good at timing, your call came just after I finished here."

Jimmy said with a smile: "This is called a tacit understanding."

"What's the matter with calling me?"

"Ask about your script."

Yu Dong was surprised, "You know it so soon?"

"Not only did I know about it, just for a while, Joe and Steven called me one after another to ask about the script, and they were all interested in your script."

"Steven is so busy now, is he still thinking about other scripts?"

"Didn't he see that we have no money on hand now, so he wants to give us warmth. Tell me, what's the matter with the script, and he doesn't think about shooting it for the time being?"

"It depends on the timing. If the timing is really right, it's not impossible to shoot."

"What kind of timing?"

"The right director, the right technology, the right actors..."

"Do you have a script in the computer you brought?"

"It's not in the computer, but it is in the USB flash drive."

"That's good. I'll go to your room to have a look when you go back to the hotel. I have to say that the USB flash drive is really easy to use, and it's getting easier to carry. Your eyesight is still good."

Yu Dong smiled, "It's not a good vision. Netac has already received investment before us. If we talk about vision, their vision is good."

"Their speculative vision may be good, but it is not long-lasting, otherwise they would not sell all the shares to us so quickly."

"We gave a good price, and they have nothing to worry about. There is no need to take risks with Netac. This is their way of investing."

"You're right. If Netac wins the patent battle, then we will make money. But if Netac loses the patent battle, all our money will be wasted."

Yu Dong smiled, "Fortunately, not many."

Jimmy twitched the corners of his mouth. The investment of tens of millions of RMB was not much in Dongkou, but it was impossible to refute what Yu Dong said.

The acquisition of Netac had nothing to do with Yu Dong at first, it was an ordinary operation of the M&A and Investment Department of Deep Space Corporation.

The investment department was very optimistic about Netac and decided to spend 500 million yuan to acquire this company, but it failed.

If you fail, you will fail. The operation of the Deep Space Investment Department is fast and accurate. Like the merger and acquisition of a small company like Netac, if you miss the first arrow, you will basically not shoot the second arrow, and you will never waste time.

Projects exceeding 1000 million have to be reported to Yu Dong according to the process, so Yu Dong saw this matter. He had no impression of Netac at first, but he became interested after seeing this company claiming to have invented the USB flash drive. .

It was Yu Dong who decided to ask the M&A investment department to shoot a second arrow at Netac, but the second arrow missed. Afterwards, he shot several arrows in a row, and the price doubled several times, and finally Netac was shot down.

(End of this chapter)

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