In fact, in the past two years, many companies around the world have jumped out and claimed that their company invented the USB flash drive. In addition to Netac in China, there are Msystem in Israel, trek in Singapore, and flash driver in Korea.

These companies announced that they invented the USB flash drive at about the same time, so they insisted that they invented it first.

In order to compete for "orthodoxy", several companies are now actively applying for patents and fighting lawsuits. They all know that if anyone confirms the orthodox status, the subsequent patent fees they can obtain will be very considerable.

As for who will win in the end, no one can say for sure, so the acquisition of Netac is a gamble for everyone.

If you win the bet, you can make a lot of money just by relying on the subsequent patent fees, but if you don't win the bet, the money invested will be wasted.In order to acquire Netac, Deep Space directly spent more than 6000 million RMB. With so much cash, how many companies in the country can afford to lose money?
Therefore, some people say that Deep Space is more like a gambling-style merger and acquisition, but Deep Space can afford to gamble, and others cannot.

Netac’s shareholders are willing to sell their shares to Deep Space Corporation because of this consideration. Of course, they can also hold on tight, but if Netac loses in this patent battle later, then Netac in their hands will The shares can only be rotten in their own hands, and they will have nothing at that time.

It would be better to take advantage of the appearance of the big guy, Deep Space Corporation, and sell all the shares to make a fortune.

Except for the possibility of obtaining the U disk patent, Netac actually has no other technical advantages, and the company's leaders have no ambitions in technology research and development.

Before the acquisition of Netac by Deep Space Corporation, their company basically did not do other business, and only focused on applying for patents and litigation.

There was a gossip before that Netac's leadership didn't care about research and development at all, and only wanted to engage in real estate after getting the patent fee, because in their view, the real estate business opportunities in Pengcheng are unlimited now.

From the perspective of making money, Netac's previous leaders had the right vision. According to their plan, after the company got the patent fee, they would build buildings in the Pengcheng enclosure. These buildings would become hens that lay eggs. It can make more money and be more stable than engaging in technology research and development.

However, after Deep Space took over the company, it invested a lot of research and development funds and began to develop faster, more convenient, larger capacity, and more stable U disks.

Just a few months after Deep Space Company took over, the price of the USB flash drive was knocked down.

Netac's 16MB USB flash drive last year was priced at more than 1000 RMB, which is not affordable by ordinary people at all.

But last month, Netac's new 64mb USB flash drive price has dropped to more than 560 yuan, and the memory has been increased to four times the original price, but the price is only half of the original price. There is only a year in between.

The rapid drop in the price of USB flash drives has something to do with the R&D investment of Deep Space Corporation, but the most important thing is the development trend of the industry. Apart from Netac's USB flash drives, other brands of USB flash drives are also reducing their prices.

After all, the time for Deep Space to take over is still a bit short. There is investment in technology research and development, but the effect cannot come out so quickly, so there is no gap between Netac and other brands in terms of technology, and everyone's technical level is basically the same.

Although there is no advantage in technology, Netac's USB flash drive market share has increased a lot after Deep Space Corporation took over Netac, because Netac's USB flash drive has an extra advantage over other brands of flash drives.

The new generation of Netac USB with a size of 64mb first paid attention to its appearance, abandoning Netac's previous silver design and adopting red and black colors, which looks more fashionable.

In addition to color, the new generation of USB flash drives are divided into two categories: listeners and big players.

There is no difference between these two models in terms of hardware and appearance. It can be said that they are exactly the same thing, but the difference is that these two USB flash drives have different "software" installed in them.

The listener's main music, each listener's USB flash drive comes with [-] songs randomly.

The big players installed a chat software "Dongdong" and two games, namely "Lianliankan" and "Xiaoxiaole".

For consumers, when the hardware is similar and the price is similar, the things that come with it are fatal to their attraction.

Yu Dong is also using the latest generation Netac USB, but there are only various manuscripts in his USB.

"Netac's technology is still very useful for BenQ Mobile, and the next generation of BenQ mobile phones will be able to put more songs."

Yu Dong said with a smile: "Quantity is second. To improve the quality of music, it is okay to sacrifice a little quantity."

"Well, let's develop in this direction. Well, you should be busy first, and we will talk about it after you finish returning to the hotel."

"Okay, see you later."


The two didn't meet until after nine o'clock in the evening.

During this period, Jimmy received calls from several people. They all had the same purpose of calling, and they all wanted to ask about Yu Dong's new script.

After meeting, Jimmy couldn't wait to reach out his hand, "Give me the USB drive."

Yu Dong found the USB flash drive from the bag and handed it to Jimmy, "In the first folder, there is only that one file."


Jimmy nodded, quickly inserted the USB drive into the computer, and began to read the script.

Yu Dong was a little tired after a day of activities, so he poured himself a cup of hot water and lay down on the sofa to rest.

"Are you considering waiting to watch it tomorrow?" Yu Dong suggested, "You have to watch this script for at least two hours, and it will be midnight by the time you finish it."

Jimmy said indifferently, "It's okay, I have nothing to do tomorrow morning, it's okay to sleep late tonight."

Yu Dong couldn't help but twitched his lips, "You're fine, but I'm fine. Don't forget, we have to get up early to go to Washington tomorrow morning. I don't want to meet people with two dark circles under my eyes."

"Isn't it just after seven o'clock? Besides, you can sleep on the way. Our bus is still very stable."

Yu Dong waved his hand helplessly, "Okay, okay, you can read it quickly, and we'll talk after we finish."

"Okay, I'll try to hurry up."


Jimmy said to hurry up, but it took him two and a half hours to finish reading the script of "Inception", and Yu Dong was already yawning profusely while lying on the sofa.

But Jimmy didn't care whether Yu Dong was sleepy or not, he went up and grabbed Yu Dong's shoulder: "Come on, let's talk about the script."

Yu Dong rubbed his eyes, "What do you want to talk about?"

"Do you have an idea for the director?" Jimmy didn't talk about his opinion on the script at all, but asked Yu Dong directly about his thoughts on the director.

"Not yet." Yu Dong shook his head.

In fact, Yu Dong has an idea in choosing the director. He still hopes to let Christopher Nolan direct, but it's too early to talk about this, and he also wants to hear Jimmy's thoughts.

Jimmy nodded, "Let's not talk about the director, what about the protagonist?"

Yu Dong smiled, "If you ask this way, don't you already assume that you will make this script?"

"Then assume we're going to shoot."

"Assuming we are going to shoot now, I don't have any ideas about the actors, but the character settings must not be modified."

"I know what you mean, you mean that the role of architect must use Chinese actors, right?" Jimmy laughed.

In the script of "Inception" written by Yu Dong, the character setting is basically the same as the original version. The only major change is the "dream builder". He changed the dream builder to a Chinese girl studying in Paris. International students.

This is the biggest change. In addition, Yu Dong also added a lot of Chinese elements to the script. For example, the years when the hero and his wife lived in dreams were spent in the mountains and rivers of China.

With such a setting, the next movie will definitely be filmed in China.

"What do you think about actors?" Yu Dong asked.

Jimmy thought for a while and said, "As for the actor, Matthew McConaughey is a good choice, but we can't always use him. We need to let more actors appear in our movies. Tom Cruise... …It’s too young, and the temperament doesn’t match, and Brad Pitt’s temperament doesn’t seem to match either…Nicolas Cage, forget it, now I think, suddenly I can’t think of a suitable actor.”

Yu Dong said with a smile, "Actually, I think, whether it is Matthew McConaughey or Tom Cruise, you can try it, and Tom Hanks and Depp, if you really want to shoot, let them They all come to audition, and only after the audition will you know if they are suitable for you."

"What about the role of Dream Builder? Since you deliberately wrote this role as a Chinese, did you already have an idea in your mind when you wrote it? Who are the young actors in our company now, are you going to use those students of Jinyi ?” Jimmy asked.

Yu Dong shook his head and said, "When I wrote it, I didn't think about who would play it. Let's hold an audition later, let all the actresses in our company try it, and whoever is suitable will be cast."

Jimmy smiled, "Now we can talk about making this movie. I think the timing is all found by myself. After "The Martian", the rest of our big plans, whether it is "Lord of the Rings" or "The Lord of the Rings" Harry Potter, or the later "Transformers", these are all series, but there is a lack of a film like "Inception". Now start planning, raise funds, find directors, find actors, and it will take until next year It can only be filmed, at least it will not be released until the next year."

"Does this mean that you are going to cooperate with Steven?"

Jimmy nodded, "Well, let him and Lucas do it together. The two of them don't need much, and they are familiar with their cooperation. This time I plan to release 40.00% of the investment share. As for the 40.00% How to divide the % in their hands depends on how they negotiate. The remaining 60.00% will be taken out and 20.00% will be given to other cooperative companies.”

Yu Dong said with a smile, "It seems that our company is really short of funds now, otherwise you would not be willing to take out 60.00% of the investment share."

Jimmy shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "No way, money can never be earned, and my main goal of making movies now is not at the box office. With the help of others, I can quickly get more copyrights in my hands." It’s a matter of fact. Now many people say that we are a big copyright holder in Deep Space, but we are not comparable to the real copyright holders like Sony, Universal, and Warner. But I believe that one day, sooner or later, we will surpass them.”

"I understand what you mean, but Universal and Warner will not be our opponents, Sony may be."

Now Deep Space Corporation is working hard to secure all kinds of copyrights in its hands, and it is also preparing for the development of a video playback platform later.

To be a video playback platform, you must fight for technology, traffic, and finally copyright. Whoever holds more copyrights can have more customers.

Yu Dong discussed with Jimmy that after they slowly cleaned up the stocks in the Internet industry, they would focus on the development of video websites.

Jimmy smiled and waved his hands, "These are all for later, now we will talk about your script. Are you going to write the script into a novel this time? Like "Source Code" and "Pounding Heart"?"

Yu Dong shook his head, "I don't really think about it, I don't feel much. It would be good to present this story in scripts and movies."

"Well, if you have no objections, I will meet with Steven tomorrow and show him your script. I believe he will definitely be willing to invest a lot of money in this movie."

"I have no objection. You can decide these matters. During this period of time, I'll do a good job with the visiting group. I don't want to ask about anything else."

Jimmy made an ok gesture, "No problem, leave this matter to me, and I'll tell you the result after I talk to Steven and the others."

Yu Dong rubbed his hair, got up from the sofa, walked to the bed, and then fell down on the bed, "I'll talk about other things later, I'm going to bed, remember to close the door for me when you leave."

Jimmy smiled and shook his head, he pulled out the USB drive, "Then I will take your USB drive away."

"Don't lose it."

"Don't worry."

Jimmy turned off the computer and got up to go out. Before he could reach the door, he heard Yu Dong's snoring.


The next morning, Jimmy called Spielberg.

Spielberg was very happy when he received Jimmy's call, "Is there any news about "Inception?"

"Well, originally YU didn't want to shoot, but I persuaded him in the middle of the night and told him that you want to cooperate with us, so he let go and agreed to talk."

Spielberg said with a smile, "Jimmy, don't say such things to me, tell us about your conditions."

"I haven't even read the script yet, so it's too early to talk about conditions. How about this, do you have time today? If you have time, come and read the script. The script hasn't been registered yet, so I won't pass it on to you."

Spielberg nodded, expressing his understanding, "No problem, I'll go find you this afternoon."

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