Chapter 960
Wentworth Miller looks very good, but he has a sense of mixed race, and his complexion is also dark. He does not belong to the traditional American handsome guy.

Moreover, there are many handsome men and beautiful women in Hollywood. If you want to break out there, you can't rely on your appearance alone.

Yu Dong smiled and asked Miller, "What works have you participated in before?"

"Participated in several TV series, such as "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", "Special Victims", "School Girls", and movies..."

Miller told Yu Dong all the works he had participated in in the past few years, and then added, "I started to attend the actor training class this spring, and it is not over yet. This time I am also on leave. of."

Yu Dong nodded, "No matter what age you are, you need to keep learning and improving. You are a non-professional. It is a good thing to participate in this kind of actor training class. Your English literature major will help you, but only if your acting skills You have to pass too."

Although Yu Dong was only three or four years older than Miller, he was regarded as the same age, but the conversation between the two was more like a senior and a junior, and no one thought it was inappropriate.

Miller reminded Yu Dong of "Prison Break", but he only briefly chatted with Miller and didn't say anything else.

Whether to shoot "Prison Break", and if so, whether to find Miller to play it, these are all uncertain things.

After all, today is their visiting group of writers coming to Princeton University to carry out activities, and other things have to be put aside.


On August [-]th, Yu Dong and the others ended all activities in the United States, and the last stop went to Los Angeles. The purpose of their trip was to attend the premiere ceremony of "Shrek".

On the same day, "Shrek" will be screened in several theaters in Los Angeles and New York, and in five days, the screen will be officially released in the United States.

Yu Dong took Hu Changqing to the premiere ceremony, and everyone else rested in the hotel. After this stop, they will go to Europe and spend time in Germany, Italy and France.

After the end of the European side, it is reasonable to say that the large part of the visiting group can return to China, but on August 31st, the Chinese team's second away game against Oman in the top ten Asian qualifiers of the World Cup, Yu Hua and the others all want to go and see, So after the European tour is over, they will stop by Oman, and then return to China with the national football team.

On the way to the ceremony site, Hu Changqing said very unhappily, "You said it would be great if you brought Yu Hua and the others, but why did you insist on taking me there? I'm an old man, and those reporters don't like to see me."

Yu Dongjing sat in the back seat, closed his eyes and meditated. Hu Changqing has been complaining all the way since they set off.

Hu Changqing doesn't care if Yu Dongli ignores him, he's right.

"I know, you must say that I am the only sci-fi writer besides you in this visiting group, but "Shrek" is not a sci-fi movie... Yes, it is a bit fantasy, but it is not the same as science fiction. There is no way to get on the side. And I am not good at English, and when the reporter asks me, I will not be able to answer."

"Also, when will the new Acer computer you said you want to give me be ready? If not, I can go to Acer's factory to pick it up."

"Yu Hua and the others must have already set up the card tables. Oh, it would be great to play cards with them in the hotel."

Yu Dong squinted his eyes and looked out the window. Seeing that he had arrived at the entrance of the Los Angeles Convention Center, he smiled and said, "Secretary Hu, we're here."

Hu Changqing also turned his head to look, and saw that he had arrived at the place, so he didn't say anything, just straightened his clothes and prepared to get out of the car.

After getting off the car, the two stepped on the red carpet. Hu Changqing tilted his head and whispered, "Walking the red carpet with you is quite stressful."

Yu Dong smiled, "Do you want to hold hands?"

Hu Changqing waved his hands again and again, "You are a man, what does it sound like if I hold your hand?"

"What do you mean, if I'm a woman, you can pull me back?"

Hu Changqing rolled his eyes, "Don't use this to trick me, if it reaches your sister-in-law's ears later, my treasures will be lost."

The red carpet of the premiere ceremony was completely different from the red carpet of the awards ceremony. The reporters were not blocked outside, so after Yu Dong and the others walked on the red carpet, they didn't have much time to chat with them. Surrounded up.

"YU, "Shrek" is your company's first animated film, will you release more animated films in the future?"

"Now the audience is very concerned about your new script "Inception". May I ask if you have any plans to shoot it recently?"

"Can you tell me about the theme of "Inception"?"

"Mr. hcq, have you read YU's new script "Inception"?"

"Apart from the two of you, is there anyone else from the writers' delegation this time?"

"What's your outlook for Shrek at the box office?"

Hu Changqing was not good at English, so he only heard a group of people chattering, but he didn't understand what they said.

Yu Dong took the initiative to act as an interpreter, and said to Hu Changqing with a smile, "Secretary Hu, they are very concerned about your new works. They are asking when your new books will come out, especially novels."

Hu Changqing said unexpectedly: "Really? I thought they were all asking you."

"Some people also asked me, but I accept interviews every day, and they are tired of asking. You don't come out very often. Of course, they must catch you and ask more questions, otherwise you won't find opportunities in the future."

"That's true." Hu Changqing nodded, "Then tell them for me that I'm writing a novel recently, and I expect to meet you next spring, so please look forward to it."

Yu Dong nodded and said to the reporters, "The only members of the visiting group that came to the scene today are me and hcq. "Shrek" is our attempt, and I believe this attempt will be successful. As for "Inception" "Space" has been preparing for it recently, as for when everyone will see it, I can't say, it depends on the preparation situation, HCQ has not read this script."

"Deep Space Corporation will release a lot of movies this year. Have you ever worried about internal competition?"

"Will Deep Space Corporation make a sequel to "Shrek", and will the box office of this one affect your decision?"

Hearing their questions, Yu Dong said to Hu Changqing, "They asked if you could talk about your new work in detail."

"No problem, tell them that my new book is about cloning. The topic of cloning has been very hot in recent years, and readers are also very concerned about this topic. I have also done some research and research, so I have some ideas .”

Yu Dong turned his head and said to the reporters, "We will definitely make a sequel to "Shrek", and there must be more than one. The box office of the first movie will not affect the follow-up plan. We will definitely make the next few movies. We Deep Space Company makes movies, and the box office of movies has never been the first. As long as we think this story is worthy of being made, we will make it."

Many reporters showed smiles. It was a bit strange for YU to say this, because Deep Space basically didn't have any films that performed poorly at the box office.

Although everyone knew that Yu Dong was telling the truth, the reality still made them feel strange.

"A lot of people are concerned that the follow-up "Shrek" will be released in China. Will you participate in the dubbing of the Mandarin version?"

Yu Dong said to Hu Changqing again, "They all said that they are looking forward to your novel very much, and hope to read it as soon as possible, so that you can write it as soon as possible."

Hu Changqing said happily: "Reassure them, I will speed up the pace when I go back."

Yu Dong nodded and said to the reporters, "I don't participate in the dubbing of the Mandarin version, but my wife does."

After finishing speaking, Yu Dong took a step forward, "If you have any questions, you can ask them later when the press conference starts. Let us enter the infield first. The ceremony will start later, and we will be late."

Most of the outside reporters couldn't enter the infield, so they didn't want to let Yu Dong and the others go, but they couldn't help it. Several security personnel guarded Yu Dong and Hu Changqing and escorted them to the infield.

After entering the infield, the world suddenly became clear. Although there were still many reporters, the reporters were all sitting in their seats and would not take the initiative to surround them.

Jimmy was chatting with Spielberg next to the rostrum. When he saw Yu Dong and Hu Changqing coming in, Spielberg waved happily to them.

When Yu Dong and the others walked up to him, Spielberg said with a smile, "Why are you two here? How about Yu Hua and the others? Didn't you come along to join in the fun?"

Hu Changqing curled his lips, "Comrade Lao Si, when will you learn Chinese? Every time I chat with you, I struggle."

Spielberg can't speak Chinese well, but he can understand a little bit, and combined with Hu Changqing's expression, he can hear his meaning in a strange way.

"I'm also working hard to learn Chinese, but you also need to learn English."

Hu Changqing tilted his head and asked Yu Dong, "What did he say?"

"He told you to learn English too."

"I'm learning ass."

Spielberg said with a smile, "Are you swearing again?"

You don't need to understand this sentence at all, you can tell it's a swear word just by looking at the expression.

Yu Dong said with a smile, "Yu Hua and the others are very tired from running around, let them rest in the hotel, and I will organize them to go to the cinema to watch a movie later."

Jimmy said beside him, "When you didn't come just now, I told Steven that you must be entangled by the reporters outside. You came very late, and I didn't expect to come in so soon."

"It's also forced to squeeze in. Next time there is a ceremony, it's better to separate the reporters from the red carpet with tape. The brothers on duty today were all nervous just now. I'm afraid that something will happen to me in the crowd."

Jimmy smiled and said, "It's not a big problem, the surrounding security measures are well done, if there is any suspicious person, he would have been subdued long ago..."

As he was talking, a staff member came over and said to Spielberg, "Mr. Spielberg, the host invites you to come over."

Spielberg nodded, and said to Yu Dong and the others, "I'm sorry, there should be some procedures to discuss with me."

"Go ahead and leave us alone."

After Spielberg left, Hu Changqing said boredly, "Who else will come later, not all of whom I don't know, William Stark?"

Jimmy shook his head, "Stark is not in good health recently, and he is not suitable for running such a long distance."

Hu Changqing said that William Stark is the author of the original book "Shrek". Stark is 94 years old this year and is not suitable for long-distance running.

Hu Changqing met William Stark once in New York before, and the chat was quite speculative, and he was considered an acquaintance.

Hu Changqing nodded, "Well, I didn't have time to visit this old man in New York before. Let's wait until next time. I will go next time when I have time. This old man is quite interesting."

Jimmy pursed his lips and didn't say anything, but he knew that at Stark's age, he might leave at any time. Hu Changqing didn't see him in New York this time, and it is very likely that he will never see him again in this life. .

"I heard that after your trip to Europe, you plan to go to Oman to watch the match between China and Oman?"

Yu Dong nodded with a smile, "Yu Hua and the others coaxed and said they want to see it. I thought it would be good to go and see it. Anyway, I don't need to detour too much."

Jimmy smiled and analyzed, "The Chinese team is the strongest among the five teams in this group. Needless to say, Oman has basically won steadily. The remaining three countries, the United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, and Qatar, are all at the same level. I predict that you should be able to advance to the finals at least one round early."

"Well, the Chinese team is indeed in good shape now."

Since the end of the UK tour, the Chinese team has been in surprisingly good condition and their morale is very high.The main reason is that their mentality has changed. After all, even strong teams like Manchester United and Arsenal have competed. Although they didn't win, they at least played their own things and learned from others.

If you meet an opponent in the future, you can't be stronger than Manchester United and Arsenal, so when you meet a strong team, even if you can't win, your mentality will not collapse easily.

"The Chinese team is in such a good state, what do you expect from their performance in the finals/"

Yu Dong shook his head slightly, "Let's go through the top ten first, then I will go to the finals. My goal is very simple, which is to score goals as much as possible and concede as few goals as possible. If I go further, I hope to get points, even one point." .”

Jimmy said unexpectedly, "It's not so unconfident, is it? This group of players is still good, and several of them have gone abroad to prove their strength."

"After all, I have no experience in competitions before, so it's enough to be stable. This kind of thing should be done slowly, and rushing to achieve results will be counterproductive."

Jimmy nodded in agreement, "That's true, you have a long-term development mentality. But as a sponsor, I still hope that the Chinese team can perform in the finals."

Yu Dong laughed, "You are serious about making money."

The jersey sponsor of the Chinese team used to be Adidas, but now it has been replaced by Yunchi. From Jimmy’s point of view, the farther the Chinese team goes in the world, the better the advertising effect of Yunchi will be.

(End of this chapter)

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