Chapter 961

The Yunchi brand has only been established for a few years, and it has quickly occupied the domestic market, surpassing Li Ning and becoming the No. 1 domestic sports brand.

The development of domestic sports brands was late. Before 98, most of the factories that made sports shoes made a living by exporting OEM products and did not create their own brands at all.

In 98, due to the impact of the Asian financial crisis, export orders fell, and the business of OEM export was difficult. Many factories began to find another way out, entered the stage of developing their own brands, and transformed from OEM export to domestic sales.

However, most sports brands at this stage still did not abandon the identity of the processing factory, and took the path of both branding and processing.

At this time, Yunchi developed rapidly, found a large number of sports stars to endorse, skipped the intermediate process, and built its own brand.

Several other emerging brands have also followed suit and found some sports stars to endorse.

But the problem is, there are only a few well-known sports stars, and they are basically poached by Deep Space Corporation. Even if they want to grab them, they can't afford the money.

Of course, with such a big market in China, Yunchi is in the "high-end" market. Chi only took a part, leaving the rest to their other brands.

And Yunchi did not limit their attention to the domestic market. They have continuously sponsored European teams of all levels in the past two years and made crazy publicity, which can be regarded as somewhat effective. At least now some people in Europe can recognize the Yunchi logo.

Yunchi not only went to Europe to sponsor the team, but also found many potential stars to sponsor. Many young stars of the national football team also accepted Yunchi's sponsorship. Yunchi will also send these young players to Europe to study abroad.

Yu Dong said long ago that only by sending players abroad to train can their level be improved.Only when the level of each individual is raised can the overall level be raised.

In foreign countries, Yunchi will also sponsor some young players with more potential, providing them with football equipment and part of the training expenses for free.

Yunchi started to make football shoes last year. The technology is not particularly mature, and there are only low-end sneakers for the time being. However, for those young players who are not rich, Yunchi's sneakers are quite enough.

In fact, Yunchi’s research and development of football shoes has encountered a lot of objections. Yunchi has always performed very well in terms of appearance design because of its cooperation with the Deep Space Visual Design Studio, but because it started late, the research and development of materials involved is difficult Development is relatively slow.

The technical research and development of football is relatively difficult, and the application scenarios of football shoes are relatively narrow. Ordinary people will not buy football shoes at all.

And in China, not to mention those who don’t play football, even those who often play football rarely buy a pair of “leather feet”. , most people are reluctant to buy, and the second is that domestic football fields are not suitable for wearing leather feet. Many primary and secondary school fields are cinder fields.

Not many people in China can afford the football shoes that Yunchi is selling now, and no one is willing to buy them abroad, so they are in an embarrassing situation.This embarrassment may not only affect the brand image, but may also cause inventory pressure on the company.

When spending money on the research and development of football shoes, the input is not directly proportional to the output.

There is a ready-made example in China. Just after Yunchi announced the development of football shoes, Li Ning also announced that it would develop its own football shoes, but this year Li Ning has no voice.

It is said that Li Ning has spent more than 1000 million yuan on the research and development of football shoes for more than a year, but the final football shoes are only at the level of Mizuno 90 [-]s football shoes.

The situation on Yunchi's side is similar. It cost 2000 million, and the shoes made are not much better than Li Ning's.

Of course, things like technology cannot be done in a day or two.

However, unlike Li Ning, although the research and development results are not satisfactory, Yunchi has not given up and is still investing more in the research and development of football shoes.

Of course, Yunchi also knows that the application scenarios of football shoes are narrow, basically they can only be worn on the football field, unlike other sports shoes that can be worn in daily life, but they still resolutely invested in the research and development of football shoes.

Because Yunchi knows that football shoes are an important part of opening up the foreign sporting goods market.

Yunchi is now focusing on the football market and sponsoring low-level teams everywhere. In the end, their brand can't even make a pair of decent football shoes. Isn't that a joke?

Let’s talk about their plan to subsidize young players. Now that these young players are not yet famous, they are naturally willing to wear mid-to-low-end football shoes produced by Yunchi, but when they grow up and gradually show their talents, they will still be willing to wear Yunchi. Chi football boots?

Can't Yunchi sponsor the stars and let the stars wear other brands of shoes?

Not to mention that the technology of sneakers can reach the level of Adidas and Nike, at least not too much, so that it is possible to compete with these brands for stars.

In this era, Nike and Adidas are not as dominant in the football world as they were 20 years later. Apart from these two brands, many other brands can still be seen on the field.

However, as time went by, the scene of a hundred flowers blooming ceased, and only a few brands remained in the end.

In this case, Yunchi must be under a lot of pressure, but at the same time, he may also get opportunities. As long as he can get out of it, the future will be bright.

And Yunchi's confidence is naturally the Deep Space Company. The Deep Space Company is not only rich, but also holds a super giant like Manchester United.

Speaking of Yunchi, Jimmy smiled and said, "Last time, Hu Hao showed me some videos of young stars, and some of them performed well, especially the boys from Spain and Portugal, who have great potential and have time to look back." Let's take a look together, and you will also check it out."

Yu Dong nodded with a smile, "Okay, I'll come back and see what kind of potential stocks Hu Hao has found."

Jimmy said with a smile, "Looking for potential stocks in the football world is no different from scratching the lottery. Although it is a bit technical, luck has a lot to do with it. Many stars performed very well when they were young, but when they grow up, their performance is mediocre. Yong's situation often occurs in the football circle. There are too many factors that affect a player's career, not just talent. Of course, there are also some who performed mediocrely when they were young and eventually bloomed late, but the situation is very rare."

"If it's that simple, then what are the scouts busy with? But I've been lucky, maybe I can pick a few good seedlings."

Jimmy waved his hand, "I don't think you are lucky. Sometimes I wonder if you have mastered Bole's equestrian skills. Otherwise, how can you always select talents?"

Yu Dong shook his head, "There are also those who missed, such as Xu Zheng before."

Jimmy smiled and said, "Xu Zheng still has abilities, but he is a little impatient and unstable. If he can be steady and stay in Deep Space Company with peace of mind, his future development will be limitless."

"Everyone has his own aspirations. What he wants is money, and our company really makes them less money. Now the temptation is great outside. I heard that now if any brand finds an actor of Xu Zheng's level to endorse, the endorsement fee can reach One or two million. You don’t need to be busy filming, just endorse a few more brands. These endorsement fees, you can’t earn much when you’re in deep space.”

Deep Space Company's endorsement fee for celebrities is not much, which is at the industry average level, but it will restrict celebrities from being brand endorsements. Like Xu Zheng, he is allowed to endorse one or two brands at most.

Moreover, the most important thing for Deep Space to choose a brand is not the endorsement fee, but the brand itself. When encountering some good brands, they would rather spend less money and get the endorsement.

Of course Xu Zheng and the others knew that the deep space strategy would make them last longer, but the immediate benefits were too tempting to resist.

A brand costs 200 million, and if you endorse a few brands, it may reach tens of millions.

Now it is 2001, the impact of tens of millions of RMB is too strong, if Xu Zheng and the others don't endorse and just film, I don't know how long it will take to earn tens of millions.

"Xu Zheng's leaving still has some influence on us. A few people followed him, and some people wanted to leave but were afraid to leave."

Yu Dong said indifferently, "If you want to leave, don't stop it. It's normal to come and go when the waves wash the sand."

"I believe they will regret it."

"Whether they regret it or not, I don't care." Speaking of this, Yu Dong suddenly remembered something, "By the way, when I was in Princeton a few days ago, I suddenly had an inspiration for a TV series. I wrote the outline, and I will show it to you after the premiere ceremony is over."

Jimmy's eyes lit up, "It's a surprise, what's the theme of your TV series?"

"It's a story about jailbreak." Yu Dong replied.

Hearing that it was related to jailbreak, Jimmy said with a smile, "It's a story about escape again. Is your jailbreak similar to "Prison Break" or "Shawshank Redemption"?"

"It's different. In my story, the protagonist's brother was wrongly imprisoned. In order to save his brother, the protagonist put himself in prison."

"This sounds interesting at the beginning. How did you come up with the idea of ​​writing a TV series about prison break? Are there any famous prisons in Princeton?"

"When I was at Princeton University, I heard about a project called PTI. The full name of this project is Prison Teaching Measures. In 1994, the US government changed the grant policy. Since then, criminals in prisons can no longer apply for college grants. This is This means that university courses in prisons will be completely stopped."

Jimmy shrugged, "I don't feel sorry."

Yu Dong didn’t feel any regrets, but that’s not the point. He continued, “However, several professors in Princeton feel regretful, so they hope to set up a public welfare project. People are going to classes. But the program is being held up, the prisons are not letting them in."

Jimmy nodded, "It's understandable, after all, it's a hassle to put them in, and organizing prisoners to attend classes will increase the workload of the prison guards. I think this project is still meaningful. Of course, I don't care about the prisoners. Whether it can benefit, but whether the professors and students can sum up some educational experience when teaching prisoners. Many people show a tendency to commit crimes at a very young age, and whether they can be changed through educational means They, I think the answer may be found in these prisoners."

Yu Dong smiled, "I didn't think about it that much. After hearing about this plan, I only thought about jailbreaking."

"Well, the subject of jailbreak is still attractive. I've heard a set of data. I don't know if it's true or not. White men in the United States have a one-seventeenth probability of going to prison in their lifetime, while black men have a 30.00% probability of going to prison. .So in the United States, going to prison is not a thing that is particularly far away from life. Of course, the number of prisons is not completely bad. From a certain point of view, at least it makes the outside a little more least for a short time. .”

Jimmy adds the last sentence, proving that he doesn't quite agree with the idea of ​​keeping society safe by putting people in jail.In fact, prisons in the United States are pretty much a business anymore.

Some prisons in the United States are privately contracted. In order to make more money, the contractors will persuade the government to implement stricter laws and longer sentences, so as to increase the occupancy rate of prisons and boost their business.

Even those state-managed prisons are full of businesses. For example, telephone companies monopolize the telephone business in prisons and charge inmates high telephone bills.

In addition, prisons cost a lot.

When I was in Princeton, a professor told Yu Dong that New Jersey spent almost the same amount of money per prisoner per year as students at Princeton University.This statistic surprised Yu Dong. He had no idea that prisoners would need to invest so much money.

The prison problem has become a big problem in American society, so Jimmy said that this subject will definitely be welcomed by the audience.

"Are you going to write all the scripts yourself?"

Yu Dong shook his head, "No, it's still the same as before. I'll write an outline and let others write it. After all, the story is set in the United States, and it takes a lot of effort for me to write it."

"Well, that's fine. It's not a good thing for you to waste too much time on TV dramas. Just write an outline and be a screenwriter and chief director. I'll go and see your TV dramas tonight. Outline of the story, tomorrow I will contact people from the screenwriting department to form a group, called the Prison Break Team, what do you think?"

"I think it's pretty good. The name of the next TV series should be "Prison Break"."

(End of this chapter)

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