Chapter 962 Three Little Guys

When Spielberg returned, he was accompanied by "Shrek" director Andrew Adamson.

Andrew Adamson has long blond hair and a thin figure. If you look at him from behind, you can easily recognize him as a blonde beauty.

But if anyone has any special expectations of him because of his back view, he may be shocked when he sees his face. It's a bit fierce.

Andrew Adamson and Yu Dong were born in the same year, even with a later birthday than Yu Dong, but they seem to be much more mature than Yu Dong. Standing together, they even give people the feeling of two generations.

Seeing Yu Dong and the others, Andrew Adamson was very happy. He quickened his pace with a smile on his face. When he got to him, he said with a smile, "YU, HCQ, you are all welcome."

Jimmy next to him joked, "YU, hcq, these two names rhyme when read together."

Although Hu Changqing is not good at English, he can understand such a simple sentence, so he responded with a smile, "Hello, hello, long time no see, see you happy."

"Happy, happy, very happy."

Although Hu Changqing does not speak English with standard grammar, these sentences are often used in the United States, so it is not surprising that Andrew Adamson can understand them.

Hu Changqing chuckled, "Andrew, you're not bad."

Andrew Adamson looked at Yu Dong with a smile and said, "Is the visit of your writers group over?"

Yu Dong nodded, "The trip to America is over. After attending the premiere ceremony of "Shrek" today, we will go to Germany tomorrow."

Andrew Adamson regretted, "It was too hasty. When I was on the phone with Joe yesterday, he also said that he would meet with me at some time. He seemed to be very interested in your new script "Inception."

Jimmy smiled, "Well, he has already contacted me. He wants to invite you to be a lobbyist?"

"That's not the case. Judging from his tone, he doesn't seem to have much hope. And I'm all for the company, and I won't be a spy for him."

Andrew Adamson is not simply a cooperative relationship with Deep Space Corporation, he is still an employee of Deep Space Corporation.

Andrew joined the PDI special effects studio in 1991, during which he did special effects for films such as "Batman Forever", "Killing Time", "Batman and Robin".

And these three films are all directed by Joe Schumacher, Andrew can almost be said to be Joe Schumacher's queen special effects artist, and the relationship between the two is very good.

Later, in order to take over the production of "Shrek", Deep Space Company acquired the PDI special effects studio. As a member of the studio, Andrew also joined Deep Space Company along with the studio.

Jimmy had considered asking Andrew to participate in the special effects production of "The Lord of the Rings" before, because Andrew is also a New Zealander, but due to schedule reasons, he did not participate in the filming of "The Lord of the Rings" in the end.

Jimmy smiled, instead of talking about Joe Schumacher, he asked about Andrew's future plans, "Now that "Shrek" is about to be released, do you have any new plans?"

Andrew froze for a moment. He didn't expect that Jimmy would start asking him about his new plan before "Shrek" was officially released.

"Uh, I don't have any new plans for the time being, but if there are no accidents, my next step is to make "Shrek 2". Of course, it depends on the box office of the first film."

Yu Dong shook his head and smiled, "You don't need to look at the box office of the first movie. Just now a reporter outside asked me if I would make a sequel. "Shrek" is making a sequel. You don't have to worry about the box office of the first part, just start preparing the script for the second part. The release date of the first part has been postponed for various reasons, and I hope the second part can Make up for lost time."

Hearing Yu Dong's full support for their second film, Andrew was very happy, "I will definitely do my best."

Yu Dong smiled. In fact, he still had some things to say to Andrew. Just a week ago, Deep Space Company had won the film and television adaptation rights of "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe". He was going to wait for Andrew to finish filming " After Shrek 2, he handed over this new plan to Andrew.


Several people chatted for a while, and the premiere ceremony officially began.

Because "Shrek" is an animation, the director is the protagonist of today's premiere ceremony. As a special guest, Yu Dong just went up for a cutscene and did not participate in the speech.

Naturally, there was no surprise in the premiere of the movie. This cartoon received unanimous praise from those present, and many professional film critics said that they would recommend this movie to ordinary audiences.

After the premiere ceremony, Yu Dong didn't stay any longer, and took Hu Changqing back to the hotel directly.

After returning to the hotel, Hu Changqing said that he couldn't bear it any longer and went back to his room to sleep, while Yu Dong went to Yu Hua's room for a tour first.

Yu Hua and the others were naturally playing cards. Yu Dong stood by the table and watched for a while, then went back to his room.

About half an hour later, Jimmy also came back.

When Jimmy came, he was holding a few boxes containing CDs, "Show me the outline of the jailbreak. This CD contains the videos of those young potential players. You can watch it."

Yu Dong nodded, took the CD in Jimmy's hand, and asked, "Are there no paper materials?"

"No." Jimmy shook his head, and took out a USB flash drive from his pocket. "These children's materials are all in the USB flash drive. In addition to the written materials, there are also some photos. You can take a look."

Yu Dong first took out the outline of "Prison Break" from the bag and gave it to Jimmy, then plugged the USB flash drive into the computer, and began to browse the information about potential stocks that Yunchi was looking for.

There was a roster in the USB flash drive, Yu Dong opened a glance, and then his eyes widened.

There were quite a few names on the roster, at least fifty or sixty, but Yu Dong glanced casually and saw three familiar names.

One is Antoine Griezmann, one is Karim Benzema and the other is Harry Kane.

After seeing these three names, Yu Dong didn't look at the other names carefully, and went directly to the serial number to find their information. He wanted to confirm whether these three people were the three people he knew.

After reading the information, Dong is basically sure that these three people are the three stars of later generations.

Among the three, Karim Benzema is the oldest, almost 14 years old, and is now in the youth training team of Lyon Football Club in France.His performance in the youth training team was very, very good, and he had the highest score among the three, with a score of [-], which belongs to the category of high talent.

The other two are younger. Harry Kane is the youngest, who just turned eight last month.

The reason why Yunchi saw Harry Kane was also because this kid is currently in the youth training camp of the Arsenal Football Club. His performance in the youth training camp was quite satisfactory and could only be regarded as ordinary, so the score was only [-] points.

Another Antoine Griezmann is ten years old this year. Because of his short stature, he was rejected by the youth training camps of many professional clubs. Too short, good skills, clear thinking about playing football, still has some potential, the score is [-] points.

Whether it is Harry Kane's [-] points or Griezmann's [-] points, it seems that they have just passed, and it seems that they are not very good, but this is already considered a pretty good score. Be lower.

Yun Chi's way of looking for players is actually different from that of ordinary scouts.

They seldom look for small players who are too dazzling, because such players have long been watched by other scouts, and it takes too much to sponsor them, and they may also face great competition.

In addition, the appearance of the players is also under consideration. The small players on the list, no matter which country they are from, have good looks, at least not ugly.

The reason why Griezmann can pass the total score is also because this kid looks good, he is a handsome boy. In the sports world, good looks represent higher commercial value.

After reading the information of these three people, Yu Dong looked at the information of other people, but couldn't find any familiar names.

Yu Dong still watches a lot of football. Since he has never heard of the names, it means that these people should not appear in the five major leagues in the future.

As the number one sport in the world, football has a large number of participants, but very few people can finally come out.

Those who can finally become professional players are very few, let alone enter the five major leagues.

In fact, the list that Jimmy sent over has exceeded Yu Dong's expectations. In terms of star level, these three children will be first-line stars in the future, and they belong to the top of the pyramid.

In a roster of five or 60 players, there are only three stars of this level, which is not easy.

Over there, Jimmy quickly read the outline of the story. After all, it was only the outline of the story, and there were not many words in it.

After reading the outline, Jimmy smiled and asked Yu Dong, "How is your reading?"

"I have read the information almost, but I haven't watched the video much."

"Would you like to watch the video first, and we'll talk after watching it?"

Yu Dong shook his head, "No, tell me first, I'll watch their video later, it's time-consuming."

"Well, just pick and choose. Some videos are meaningless." Jimmy took a picture of the synopsis of "Prison Break".

"Well, as long as you think it's good, then find someone to write the script. As for the protagonist, I'll recommend one to you later, and you can see if it works."

"Don't let me see if it works. After the director is found, let the director choose. I don't have the skills. I will throw your outline to the screenwriters later, and I won't care about the rest."

Yu Dong smiled, pointed at the screen and said, "This list is all from the UK and France. Why are there no other countries? Isn't the youth training from Spain, the Netherlands, and Portugal all pretty good?"

"Of course, this is just a part of the list. In addition to Europe, some places in South America have also been searched."

Yu Dong nodded, "Then show me the other lists later."

"No problem, it's rare that you are so caring. Tomorrow I will send someone to send over other materials. When you are free, study and study. Maybe you are better than those scouts."

"Okay, it's getting late now, go back if you have nothing to do, I'll watch the videos of these young players myself."

"okay, see you tomorrow."


The next day, Yu Dong got up early in the morning. As soon as he went out, he saw Yu Hua walking in the corridor with his head down. He smiled and said, "It's weird that you can wake up so early."

Hearing Yu Dong's voice, Yu Hua raised her head, startling Yu Dong, "Hey, you were hammered, your eye circles are so dark."

Yu Hua rubbed her eyes, "Dark? Well, I'm getting old, I can't stay up late."

"Don't tell me you didn't just wake up, but you didn't sleep at all."

Yu Hua nodded, "Played cards all night."

Yu Dong couldn't help but shook his head, "You guys are really good enough. When I arrived at the hotel yesterday, one or two said they were tired, and they didn't go to sleep when they were tired. Instead, they set up a table. Just set it up. It's just a night of playing. .”

"It's not that guy Feiyu, he won't let people go if he loses money."

Yu Dong sneered and said, "You can pull it down, I don't think it's because Feiyu won't let people go after losing money, it's because you won't want to leave after winning money."

"Hey, if you win the money, go away, not the brand. I'd rather survive than lose the brand."

Yu Dong rolled his eyes, "We're leaving in the afternoon, do you want to go back and sleep for a while, or go to the restaurant with me before going to sleep?"

"I'd better go back to sleep and eat when I wake up."

After finishing speaking, Yu Hua wandered back to her room.

Yu Dong pouted, and went to the restaurant by himself. When he got there, he saw Jimmy, and Jimmy also had a pair of dark circles under his eyes.

Looking at Jimmy's dark circles, Yu Dong wondered, "Did you stay up late yesterday?"

"Also? Who else stayed up late?"

"You gamblers, what are you doing up all night?"

Jimmy grinned, "I stayed up all night writing a script."

Yu Dong asked in surprise, "What script, jailbreak?"

"Well, it's jailbreak. I originally thought about throwing it at the screenwriters, but I went back last night. The story couldn't get out of my mind, so I tried to write it, and I couldn't stop writing it."

Seeing Jimmy sighing, Yu Dong realized that Jimmy was originally a screenwriter.

"What about your script?"

"It's in the room."

"I'll go take a look in a while."

"Look and see, but you can only praise, not criticize."

"Don't worry about this, the main word is: praise."

"That's good." Jimmy squinted and smiled, "Did you watch the video last night?"

Yu Dong nodded, "After reading it for a while, I think there are three little guys who are good. I will write their names to you later."

Jimmy yawned, "Okay, I'm very curious about how you see the players."

(End of this chapter)

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