Chapter 963 An Batian

When Jimmy got the three-person list given by Yu Dong, he had a surprised expression on his face.

Of the three listed in Yu Dong, except for Karim Benzema's relatively high rating, the other two's statistics are mediocre.

Among the list of more than 50 people this time, Griezmann and Kane can only be in the middle and lower reaches, and there are many people with better statistics than them.

Especially Griezmann, if it weren't for this kid's comprehensive style of play and good looks, I'm afraid he wouldn't even make it into this list.

Jimmy didn't agree with such a candidate, but he didn't make any comments, because in Yunchi's plan, he would sponsor many small players, and Douglasman and Kane were no big deal.

In addition, in addition to good looks, Griezmann also has a good family background.

In the list that Yudong saw, most of the players’ families were relatively poor, and some belonged to ordinary families, but Griezmann was different. His father was a member of parliament and his mother worked in a hospital.

Griezmann's father has a good influence in the local area. If Griezmann can be signed, it will be a good thing for Yunchi and Shen Kong.


"Anthony, would you like to take a look at this YU novel recently recommended by the teacher? It's on the bookshelf in the study."

Alan Griezmann held in his hand the list of extracurricular readings given to them by his son's teacher, and the third one on it was YU's "Old Books".

Antoine Griezmann shook his head as he casually practiced juggling the ball and said, "I know where the book is, but I'd rather read Resident Evil, and it's the comic book version."

Alan Griezmann smiled, and put down the list of books in his hand. In fact, he also thought that his son was only ten years old, and works like "Old Books" were not suitable for his son to read at all.

In the past two years, "Old Books" has become very popular in France. The novel romance in the book has swept France in a short period of time.

Alan Griezmann has also read "Old Book" and read it more than once, but he still thinks that YU's best novel should be "Curse" or "Westward", and "Old Book" can only rank third Of course, such things cannot be said in his family, because his wife likes "Old Books" very much.

How much does his wife like "Old Books"?I like it so much that after reading "Old Book", I have read all the novels mentioned in it.Apart from "Old Books", his wife's favorite now is "Border Town", and then "To Live".

The book "To Live" became popular in France a long time ago, but after "Old Book" came out, the sales volume went up to a new level.

"We're going to Paris this week, do you want to bring the comic version of "Resident Evil" too?"

Antoine Griezmann stopped juggling the ball and looked up at his father, "Dad, can I skip the autograph session this weekend? I'd rather go to the Lyon game."

"We can go up to accompany my mother to the autograph session, and then go to the stadium to watch the game at night. These two things do not conflict. I have already bought the tickets for the game."

"Okay." Antoine Griezmann nodded helplessly, and ran to bounce the ball again.

Alan Anthony knows what his son is thinking. This weekend happens to be the match between Lyon and Paris Saint-Germain. As Lyon fans, the father and son will of course go to the scene to watch the game.

YU's autograph session is also on that day, but the autograph session is during the day and the competition is at night.

The reason why Anthony didn't want to go to the signing event was actually because he wanted his father to take him to Paris Saint-Germain to see if he could enter their youth training team.

The six-year-old Anthony first got into professional football four years ago at their local Macon United club in Sahne, where he has since become part of the Macon United youth academy.

After all, Macon United is a small local team. Of course, Alan Griezmann hopes to send his son to a more promising place. In recent years, he has contacted Lyon, Marseille, Paris Saint-Germain and other giant clubs, hoping Can make his son a member of their youth training, but these teams rejected him because Anthony was too short.

However, although he has been rejected by many giants, Anthony is still unwilling to give up. He trains very hard every day, just to be able to enter those big teams one day.

Alan Griezmann supports his son to play football. On the one hand, it is because of his father. Anthony’s grandfather was also a professional player. On the other hand, he also saw his son’s toughness. He believes that with this toughness, his son will definitely be able to play football. Developed in football.

Although Anton is short in stature, his athletic talent is not bad, and football is the most inclusive sport, allowing all kinds of players to appear on the field, and even short stature can find their own position. The beauty of sports.

"Actually, you should go to YU's signing event. Have you forgotten? Deep Space is the parent company of Manchester United, and YU has shares in Deep Space, which means that YU is also one of the owners of Manchester United. I heard that he himself I also like football very much, you can chat with him about football at the autograph session, maybe you will have a chance to go to Manchester United to try.”

He didn’t believe what Alan Griezmann said. There were so many people at the autograph session. How could YU have time to chat with Anthony, let alone arrange him to Manchester United. He just wanted to improve his son’s ability to go to the autograph session. Interested, I said so on purpose.

After all, Anthony was a child, and he really believed in this.

He even began to think about what to do after he went to Manchester United, "But Manchester United is too far away from us, and I still have to go to school."

Alan smiled, "It's okay, there must be a French school in Manchester. If you can really go, your mother and I don't mind if you live abroad alone."

This sentence Alan is sincere, if Anthony is really likely to go to Manchester United, he will send his son to Manchester without hesitation.

Anthony smiled brightly. "Should I wear a Manchester United jersey? That way he can notice me."

Alan twitched the corner of his mouth. This is a loyal Lyon fan, and the betrayal is only a moment away.


"The mud in the jade cave roars, and the nest is like An Batian."

At the autograph session, Yu Dong suddenly heard a clear and crisp child's voice, speaking not-so-standard Mandarin.

Yu Dong looked up in surprise. In front of him was a little boy wearing a Manchester United new season jersey, with blond hair and a bright smile.

Yu Dong only saw the face of this little boy on the computer a few days ago. Isn't this Antoine Griezmann?
There is such a coincidence?

Yu Dong blinked, "You just said, what's your name?"

He was speaking Chinese, and Antoine Griezmann looked puzzled, not understanding what he was talking about.

Alan Griezmann, who was standing behind Anthony, quickly said in English, "Hello YU, this is my son, Antoine Griezmann, he is your loyal reader and a fan of Manchester United."

At least today, Alan Griezmann added silently in his mind.

Yu Dong smiled. In fact, there are quite a few readers wearing Manchester United jerseys. In recent years, Manchester United has gained a large number of fans all over the world.And many readers who wore Manchester United jerseys at the scene were all because of the relationship between Yu Dong and Manchester United.

This Anthony Griezmann must be the same. Yu Dong has read the information. This little guy should be a Lyon fan. As long as it is Lyon's home game, he will basically go to the scene to watch it.

"What he said just now seems to be in Mandarin, did I hear it wrong?" Yu Dong asked.

Alan Griezmann smiled and said: "You heard me right, he did speak Mandarin, he was greeting you and introduced his Chinese name to you."

"Chinese name? An Batian?"

"That's right, that's how it's read, An Batian."

Yu Dong held back his smile, nodded and said, "Very good Chinese name, very suitable for this child, usually like playing football?"

Hearing Yu Dong mentioned football, Alan Griezmann quickly took over the conversation, "Yes, he is actually receiving professional training in a professional football club. Although he is young and thin, his basic skills are very solid. Very hard working and very clear minded."

Upon hearing this, Yu Dong knew that Alan Griezmann was recommending his son, and with Anthony Griezmann wearing a Manchester United jersey, the purpose was obvious.

"It's a critical moment for a child of this age. Which city do you want to play football in in the future? Is it in Paris?"

"Paris is of course a very good choice, but in the end it depends on whether the club's training methods are suitable for Anthony."

Yu Dong nodded secretly, this old Griezmann is indeed a politician, he just knows how to talk.

What to say depends on whether the club's training method is suitable for Anthony. In fact, it means that it depends on which club wants Anthony.

Yu Dong thought for a while and said, "My autograph session will end in three hours. If you want, you can find me in three hours and we can talk about your son."

Alan Griezmann was surprised and delighted, "Really?"

Yu Dong nodded, signed the books of the two of them and handed them to Alan Griezmann, "Of course, but now I have to sign other readers."

"Okay, okay, I understand."

After that, Alan Griezmann walked forward with the signed book.

When they walked out of the bookstore, Anthony's mother, Isabella, was waiting for them. Just now, Isabella walked in front to sign and then came out under the guidance of the staff. Halfway through, she realized that her husband and son hadn't followed , but she has no choice but to go back, the entry and exit of the team is one-way.

"Why have you been inside for so long?" Isabella asked curiously.

Alan Griezmann excitedly explained to his wife, "YU said he wanted to talk to us about Anthony and asked us to find him in three hours. Maybe Anthony really has hope to go to Manchester United."

Isabella was dumbfounded when she heard this: "Why, did you just make the request?"

Alan Griezmann shook his head, "I didn't make a request. As for why, I don't know. It may be Anthony's Chinese name. YU said his Chinese name is very good. It seems that before coming here, find someone to give him a name." The Chinese name was the right decision."

This reason made Isabella hard to believe, "Just because of a Chinese name? Is there such a possibility?"

Alan Griezmann shook his head, "This is the reality, if you have any questions, you can ask him when you see YU later."

Antoine Griezmann was in a daze listening to the conversation between his parents. He didn't understand a single sentence of the conversation between his father and YU just now. Now he knows this situation through the conversation between his parents.


Three hours later, Yu Dong's signing session ended, and when the Griezmann family was hesitating whether to go in and ask, a staff member came out and invited them in.

Seeing a family of three, Yu Dong smiled and said, "Have you been waiting outside?"

Alan nodded and said: "Well, I just read a book for a while, and the time passed quickly."

"Is this Anthony's mother?"

"Hi Yu, I'm Isabella Giroud, nice to meet you."

Yu Dong nodded, "Actually, the reason why I keep you here is because I read Anthony's profile some time ago."

His words answered Alan's doubts, but at the same time, they also added another doubt in their hearts.

"Why do you read Anthony's profile?" asked Alan Griezmann.

Yu Dong explained with a smile, "We also have a company called Yunchi Sports. They hope to cooperate with some young players with potential and provide them with free sporting goods in order to promote their football shoes, so they collected There are many profiles of young players, and Anthony is among them."

Alan Griezmann and his wife did not expect such a coincidence. As for Yunchi Sports, they had never heard of it at all, let alone Yunchi Sports visited Anthony.

Yu Dong continued, "I have a deep impression on Anthony, so I hope Yunchi can sign Anthony. If there is no accident, Yunchi should talk to you about cooperation soon. I didn't expect it to be so Coincidentally, before Yunchi found you, I met you first."

Alan Griezmann tentatively asked, "If we cooperate, besides getting free sporting goods, are there other benefits?"

Free sporting goods are not what Alan Griezmann cares about at all. Can a family like theirs still afford football shoes?
Yu Dong said with a smile, "This will be discussed in detail. You can propose what you want, as long as it is within a reasonable range, I think Yunchi will be satisfied."

Alan Griezmann hesitated, then said, "Let me be blunt, I hope that Anthony can enter the youth academy of a big club."

Yu Dong glanced at Anthony's red jersey, "For example, Manchester United?"

"Manchester United is a very good choice. If he can enter Manchester United's youth training, Anthony will definitely shine. Of course, there are other good choices besides Manchester United."

Yu Dong smiled, "Someone will talk to you about this later, let's go to the Paris match tonight."

(End of this chapter)

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