Chapter 964 Summer
That night, in a VIP box near the players' tunnel at the Prince's Park football stadium, Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu were playing cards around the coffee table. There was still a while before the game officially started, and they didn't want to miss this time.

Alan Griezmann is very curious about the "scrambled egg" game, and has been watching the game very seriously, trying to understand this game.Bi Feiyu and the others were also very enthusiastic, playing cards while explaining to Alan Griezmann.

His son, Antoine Griezmann rubbed his little hands excitedly, looking at the player tunnel for a while, and then at the pitch for a while.

Anthony has watched many football matches live, and he has been to the Parc des Princes several times, but he has never been able to watch a game in such a place.

Although his family background is very good, the box near the player's tunnel in the Prince's Park is not accessible to ordinary people.

This box is adjacent to the player tunnel, and there is a layer of transparent glass in the middle. When the players enter the field, the people in the box can still greet the players, and the distance is very close.

And when they entered the stadium, it was Paris Saint-Germain's sports director Karum who led the way. It could be seen that Karum respected YU very much.

Callum's respect for YU is no longer the respect that ordinary people have for writers, but with a hint of flattery. After all, YU is a person who can buy Paris Saint-Germain at any time. In other words, Callum not only respects YU This guy, and respecting his money.

The finances of Paris Saint-Germain have not been very good in the past two years. Although the appearance looks glamorous, and the Brazilian star Ronaldinho was signed not long ago, the situation has not improved. According to the current situation, it will not be too long. Crisis can take a long time.

As the sports director of the team, Calum certainly knows the bad situation of his own club, so this time Yudong and the others came, and Calum attached great importance to it. Maybe this is a good opportunity to reverse the situation.

And their team has nothing to do with Deep Space Corporation, because the star Ronaldinho they signed in March this year is also a player of Deep Space Corporation.

Deep Space Company originally started as a brokerage company, but they did not set foot in the sports industry before, and Ronaldinho was also the first football player they signed.

Why Deep Space chose Ronaldinho as their company's "first pick" is actually quite puzzling, because they obviously have more and better choices.

For example, signing any of the stars of the Manchester United club is more gimmick and more commercially valuable than signing Ronaldinho.

Ronaldinho is very young, and he only started his professional career for two or three years, but he performed very well in the youth team. He once scored all 23 goals in a 0-23 game. He also performed very well in the senior team in [-], so he was signed by Paris Saint-Germain.

Anyone can see that Ronaldinho is a player with great potential and has almost no shortcomings except his looks.I believe that as long as it develops steadily, Ronaldinho will definitely become a superstar in a few years.

It's just that compared to those Manchester United stars, Ronaldinho is not a better choice in any way.

Moreover, signing Ronaldinho was quite troublesome. Ronaldinho’s agent was his brother Assis. Ronaldinho was won only after he signed with Deep Space Company.

Now Assis is just Ronaldinho's nominal agent, and all his affairs are arranged by other people in the company.

Because of Ronaldinho's relationship, Yu Dong's visit this time is a bit like a parent coming to school to see if their child is doing well in school.

Yu Dong turned to look at Antoine Griezmann, "As a Lyon fan, do you feel complicated at this time?"

Antoine Griezmann raised his head and smiled, "Lyon today does not lack cheers from me alone."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows. This kid is quite good at talking, probably because of his father's influence.

While Yu Dong was chatting with Anthony, he suddenly heard a familiar sound of music coming from the court. Before he could react, Wang Anyi who was sitting by the door excitedly shouted at him, "It's Yanqiu's song, it's Yanqiu's song."

The others were also attracted by Wang Anyi's shout, and listened sideways.

"That's right, it's "Summer Wind" by Teacher Cheng. Not to mention, this song is very suitable for the occasion, but the summer in France is not too hot." Wang Xiaobo said.

Yu Hua also laughed, "It's quite special to hear Teacher Cheng's song in Prince Park."

"This song is for Yu Dongfang, so don't listen to it." Bi Feiyu joked.

"Just a joke, of course Teacher Cheng belongs to someone other than the staff, but Teacher Cheng's music belongs to all of us, tens of thousands of people present are qualified to listen." Yu Hua laughed.

Wang Anyi nodded, "Yu Hua is right, Yanqiu's song certainly belongs to everyone."

Griezmann and his family of three were dumbfounded, not knowing why the atmosphere suddenly became heated.At first they thought that some players had come out, but after looking at the stadium and the passage for a long time, they didn't see a single player.

Seeing Alan's confused face, Wang Xiaobo kindly explained to him in English, "The song playing in the stadium is the song of Yu's wife."

Alan Griezmann asked unexpectedly, "So YU's wife is a singer?"

Wang Xiaobo gestured to play the piano, "His wife plays the piano, and occasionally sings, jay chou, you know, she is a student of YU's wife, and he wrote this song."

Speaking of Jay Chou, Alan Griezmann knew it, "Oh, it's him, this guy is very famous in France recently, many young people like his songs, and many people in my son's class also like him. "

Then he said to his son Anthony in French, "Anthony, do many people in your class like jay chou?"

Anthony didn't know why his father asked this suddenly, he nodded, "Well, his songs are cool, his people are cool, and his girlfriend Shakira is also cool."

Alan rolled his eyes, "Just focus on the music, and less on gossip."

Then he translated his son's words to Wang Xiaobo, but of course he didn't say anything about his girlfriend.

Wang Xiaobo nodded, "It seems that his development in Europe is also very good. Although this kid looks cool on the outside and doesn't like to talk, he is actually quite talkative in private. He is the kind who can talk about nothing."

"It's normal for a celebrity to have a difference outside and privately." After thinking for a while, Alan Griezmann couldn't help asking, "Is he and Shakira a couple?"

Wang Xiaobo scratched his head. He didn't expect Alain Griezmann to gossip like this as a member of parliament. "Uh, this is a young man's private matter, and I don't know."

He really didn't know about this matter, after all he had little contact with Jay Chou and the others, but he had heard this rumor.

There are rumors that it is normal. In the past two years, Jay Chou and Shakira have collaborated a lot. The two often appear as surprise guests at concerts. Jay Chou has written several songs for Shakira, and entertainment reporters have photographed them Play together in private.

Alan wentssip, feeling a little embarrassed, and began to change the subject, "Uh, haha, this song is very nice, what's its name?"

"The name of the song is "Summer Wind". If you are using a BenQ phone, you can directly search for it in the BenQ Store, and it should be the first song that comes out."

In fact, Wang Xiaobo doesn't know if it's the first song, but he thinks that since it's the song of the proprietress, it should be the first one in related searches.

"Summer Wind" was being discussed in the vip box, and many fans at the scene were also inquiring about this song.

"What's the name of this song? It sounds so comfortable. What language is it?"

"It should be in Chinese. This voice feels very familiar. I don't know where I heard it before."

"I know, I know, I've heard the Chinese version of "The Roof" before, it was sung by YU and a girl, and that girl's voice is similar to this."

"That's Yu's wife, she seems to be a pianist, and she wrote the piano piece in "Sea Pianist"."

"You have never heard of this song. This is Yu's wife's new song "Summer Wind". This song is suitable for listening to in summer."

"What new song? This song was released last year. It's already an old song."

"Why do you know this song? I rarely hear Chinese songs... oh, except Jay's song."

"Because this song was recommended in the music library of the BenQ Store, I tried it out and liked it so much that I bought it."

"Does it have to be a BenQ phone to hear this song?"

"do not know……"

"Why did you play this song all of a sudden?"

"Don't you know? Yu is in Paris today."

"Oh, so that's the case, will YU come to the Parc des Princes?"

"I don't know, I haven't heard the news."

"Do you still need to ask, it must be here, otherwise the stadium wouldn't play this song for no reason."

"Haha, it would be great if YU can buy Paris, and we can look forward to the championship next season."

"Didn't Deep Space just buy Manchester United? It's impossible for YU to buy Paris again?"

"Who said no? YU can buy it personally, he has enough money, and Paris is very cheap."

"If YU buys Paris, I'm personally willing to buy a hundred books from him."

"Me too...I'll buy ten copies."

"You have money, why don't you just donate it to the team?"



Yu Dong and the others thought that "Summer Wind" would only be a small episode, and it would pass soon.

But what they didn't expect was that after "Summer Wind", a rap song "General" from Jay Chou's new album released this summer was played.

Then there was Shakira's "wenever, whenever", and the scene seemed to be a special show for Deep Space Corporation.Wang Anyi and the others were also emotional. They didn't expect that Chinese culture had penetrated to this point in Europe in less than ten years.

Especially popular culture, although it entered Europe later than literary works, it developed better and was easier for the public to accept.

Some people questioned Deep Space's approach before, thinking that many of the films made by their company are Western blockbusters, which are not conducive to the promotion of traditional Chinese culture. Yu Dong himself is also famous in Europe and the United States for "Resident Evil".

But gradually, people discovered that no matter whether the style of the work is westernized or traditional Chinese, as long as it can be quickly accepted by foreigners, it can play a positive role in the spread of Chinese culture.

Let’s go back to Yu Dong’s early work "Resident Evil", which is indeed a very westernized work, but the problem is, if you only talk about "Resident Evil" now, who would think of China? Oh, China can still have such interesting works.

There is also the acquisition of Manchester United, which seems to have nothing to do with China's cultural propaganda, but now when people mention Manchester United, they still have to mention Deep Space Corporation, Yu Dong, and then China.

Moreover, the friendly match between the Chinese team and Manchester United also let many people know about China, and also created a star Zheng Zhi by the way.

Ever since Zheng Zhi and Beckham exchanged jerseys in that friendly match against Manchester United, several teams in the Premier League have asked Zheng Zhi, and Deep Space also signed a contract with Zheng Zhi a few days ago, and Zheng Zhi will be transferred next year. The ambition is to send it to the Premier League, as for which team to go to, it has not yet been decided.

Because several deep space songs were played at the scene, Yu Hua also joked: "They played so many songs of yours at once in the stadium, did you pay the copyright fee?"

Yu Dong said with a smile, "You can ask Karum later, if you haven't handed it in, you can ask for it for me."

"I won't do anything that offends people." Yu Hua waved his hand, then suddenly looked towards the player tunnel, "The players have entered the field."


The game that night was very exciting. The tactics of both sides were very open.

For such a score, both sides can accept it. Lyon was the Ligue [-] champion last season, and it was the leader not long after the start of this season. It is very strong and can get a point from Lyon. Paris is already satisfied.

On the other hand, Lyon certainly knows that Paris Saint-Germain is not a soft persimmon. After all, it is a top team in the league. It is not easy to score a point in the Parc des Princes.

In this game, the best performer was Ronaldinho. He made two passes and one shot in this game. All three goals scored by Paris were related to him.

Because of Ronaldinho's superb performance, Antoine Griezmann yelled frantically after the game: "Ronnie will be my idol in the future."

After the game, Yu Dong took Antoine Griezmann to the locker room and got autographs from Paris Saint-Germain stars.

The jersey used for signing was given to Anthony by the club, because it is impossible for them to let their own group of players sign their names on a Manchester United jersey.

That's right, Anthony didn't change his clothes, he came to the Parc des Princes wearing that Manchester United jersey.

In this way, he, a Lyon fan, entered the dressing room in Paris wearing a Manchester United jersey in the Parc des Princes and got an autograph.

(End of this chapter)

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