Chapter 965 Plan ahead
Anthony Griezmann's visit to the Parc des Princes this time is of course not just as simple as getting his signature. Because of Yu Dong's face, Karum agreed to give Anthony a trial training opportunity for a period of two weeks. Don't leave Anthony behind.

Although it is said to be a two-week trial training, Calum has made up his mind that as long as Anthony's performance is not particularly bad, he will keep Anthony.

It's not for the adult team, it's no big deal to put a child in the youth team. Before Anthony, their Paris youth training team did not have this kind of situation.

YU did not emphasize that Anthony must be allowed to play in the echelon. He only needs to be able to train in the youth academy. This requirement is too easy to meet.Before, they only had Ronaldinho as a bridge with Deep Space Corporation and YU, but now they have another Anthony, which is of course a good thing for them.

In addition, Karum is also quite curious, what is special about this child Anthony that can make YU value.

Although YU is not from the football world, he has always had a unique vision. Maybe this kid has some advantages that ordinary people have not discovered.Scratch the lottery ticket with YU, there is no loss if you don’t win, but if you win, you will make a lot of money.

When Callum invited Anthony to join the Paris youth training team in front of Alan Griezmann, Alan was full of surprise. He didn't expect that YU would directly arrange for his son in Paris, and it would be done so quickly. .

He also knew that the two weeks of the trial training was probably just a formality. After Karum said this, Anthony was already a member of the Paris Saint-Germain echelon.

After the two sides reached a verbal agreement, Yu Dong took Anthony to meet Ronaldinho alone. After that, one of them was in the youth team and the other was in the first team. They were relatively close. He let Anthony have nothing to do with Ronaldinho. Odo learned, and let Ronaldinho usually take care of Anthony.

Anthony is of course very happy. Ronaldinho completely conquered him in today's game. He has declared that Ronaldinho will be his biggest idol in the future.

Ronaldinho has no objection. He is very tolerant to the young players and is willing to take them to play. His personality is relatively happy, and he is destined to be able to mingle with the young players.

After meeting Yu Dong alone, Ronaldinho also asked about his brother Assis.

"What is Assis doing recently, I call him, and he always takes a long time to reply me."

Yu Dong is so busy every day, he doesn't have time to take care of Assis' affairs, but he doesn't want to disappoint Ronaldinho, so he said, "Being an agent in Deep Space Company is very busy, and the company will give He works, and besides you, he may take over other players in the future."

"Why can't my brother come to France directly to be my full-time agent?"

"I understand what you think, but Assis is not experienced enough, and his French level is not up to standard. If he comes here now, he will talk to other people like the two of us now, and Mr. Griezmann is needed to translate. The company will train him slowly, and when his business level is high enough in the future, he will be arranged to take over all your work. You should understand that this is a good thing for you and Assis."

Ronaldinho was silent for a while, then finally nodded, "I understand."

Yu Dong also nodded with a smile. In fact, Assis was not allowed to take over Ronaldinho's job, not only because of Assis's professional level, but also because of Assis's personality that was not suitable for being an agent. Man, he will only pamper his younger brother, and letting them be together every day is not a good thing for Ronaldinho.

The two brothers in later generations were imprisoned because of fake passports. Ronaldinho also won the prison football championship in the prison, and was dubbed by many netizens as the only Grand Slam prisoner king in history.

Assis should bear the main responsibility for the fake passport. As Ronaldinho's manager, he shouldn't make such foolish tricks.

Now this situation is very good, Assis is working hard in the United States, Ronaldinho is playing well in Paris, and both sides are pursuing their own careers.

In fact, when he saw Ronaldinho, Yu Dong would think of Messi. The two had a good relationship when they were in Barcelona. Messi is only thirteen or fourteen years old at the moment. Later, he can ask the company to find out about Messi. If there is a chance, Messi can also be signed.

As long as the lottery is drawn well, there is no need to worry about Yunchi not being able to open up the sports markets in Europe and America.

Moreover, stars of the age like Messi, Benzema, and Ronaldo are very easy to blow, and they can reap the fruits in a few years.


After parting with Yu Dong, the Griezmann family of three did not rush home, but found a hotel in Paris, planning to stay one night before going back.After going back this time, they will pack Anthony's bags and send him to Paris Saint-Germain's youth training base.

If nothing else, Anthony will be in Paris for a long time.

After arriving at the hotel and checking in, Antoine Griezmann said with a smile, "Now I stay in France, so I don't need to learn English."

When they were looking forward to going to Manchester United before, although Anthony was looking forward to it, he was also worried that he would not be able to speak the English language and communicate with other people. Now, he stays in Paris, so he doesn't have to worry about language problems anymore.

Alan Griezmann shook his head and said, "If you have time, you should learn a little English. Paris may not be the team you stay in all the time. There will be a bigger stage waiting for you in the Premier League. Learn English early , is a good thing for you."

Although it has been confirmed that Anthony will go to Paris for training, Alan Griezmann still thinks about Manchester United. If Griezmann performs well in the future, there is still hope to go to Manchester United.

Compared with Paris, Manchester United's stage is too big, and the temptation for players is too big.

If someone knows that Alan Griezmann is already thinking about his son going to the Premier League giants, he may laugh at his wishful thinking. After all, before today, Anthony was still a rookie who could only stay in a small local club.

But Alan Griezmann has such confidence in his son. Of course, if he hadn't had confidence in his son, he wouldn't still take him around to find clubs when the major clubs rejected Anthony.

"Oh, by the way, if possible, you can also learn a little Chinese. It doesn't take much, just a few simple daily conversations."

Antoine Griezmann blinked, puzzled, "Dad, it's impossible for me to play football in China, right?"

"You don't have to go to China to play football to learn Chinese. According to the current situation, you must sign a contract with Shen Kong and Yunchi Sports. And to cooperate with them, it is definitely right to speak Chinese. If, you become a If you are a star player and have an appointment with Yunchi Sports, you must cooperate with them to go to China for publicity. Knowing Chinese can make Chinese fans like you more. There are so many Chinese, and there must be a lot of fans. Didn’t they just successfully bid for the Olympic Games? Are you done? Seven years later, you will be seventeen or eighteen years old, and it is the critical moment to enter the first team."

Griezmann has no concept of what his father said, especially China's bid to host the Olympic Games. He has no idea about this matter at all. China is too far away for him.

Although he can always hear jay chou's songs and read YU's books recently, he doesn't know what the real China is like, let alone think about it.Now when someone mentions China, the first thing that comes to mind in his mind is YU and jay chou, followed by the maps in the "Runaway" game.

Will he really go to China in the future?If he really went to China, it means that he has become a football star, and the brand will not invite an unknown football player to help them promote it.

"Dad, do I still need to learn a little Portuguese? I may often be with Ronaldo in the future."

Alan Griezmann laughed, "Maybe, you should teach him some French to help him integrate into the team faster."


When Yu Dong and the others were "playing a copy" in Europe, "Shrek" had already been released in the United States.

As the first animated film released by Deep Space Corporation, "Shrek" has attracted the attention of many deep space fans.

Many people said that they have not read the original book of the movie, and the reason why they went to the cinema to watch this movie is entirely because of Deep Space Company, Deep Space Company will never disappoint, and they believe that this time will be no exception.

Since "Shrek" was screened, the film's reputation has been very good, and a group of professional film critics came out to endorse the film.

Among them, the most widely circulated and most popular film review was written by the well-known film critic Almond Campote.

Some viewers who often pay attention to deep space movies may be familiar with the name Almond Campote, because he is the first batch of film critics every time Deep Space Company produces a film, and the speed is very fast.

After the release of "Resident Evil" that year, Almond Campote attracted a lot of traffic with his article [Why "Resident Evil" was a failure], many people were deceived by this title at the time, thinking that Ah Mond Campote was spraying "Resident Evil", and after they read the article, they realized that Almond Campote was playing the trick of exaggerating before suppressing, and he was still praising "Resident Evil".

The title of Almond's article this time is still very attractive-why it is Deep Space Company again.

In the article, Almond pointed out that in the past seven or eight years, Deep Space Corporation has brought many surprises to the film industry, and has always been able to shine in some seemingly inconspicuous corners.

For example, "Shrek" this time, when the original plan was in the hands of DreamWorks, due to various reasons, it almost failed to be filmed, and Spielberg and DreamWorks also had a bit of trouble because of this incident. happy.

At this time, it was Deep Space Company who paid a high price for the next movie and helped DreamWorks and Spielberg solve the problem. Can continue to complete his plan.

When this incident was reported, many people believed that Spielberg took the initiative to ask Deep Space Corporation for help, and the latter took over out of morality.

But what I didn't expect was that Deep Space Company actually presented such a wonderful, even revolutionary movie to fans.

In the article, Almond joked that "Shrek" is a cartoon that smashes glass balls.

"Shrek" is not the first 3D cartoon, but it is different from all previous 3D cartoons. The realistic hair and clothes in the movie made Almond almost exclaim when watching the movie.

Before this, there had never been a 3D animated character that could move, breathe, crawl, roll over, do whatever he wanted so silkily that Shrek looked like a living monster.

Almond also strongly recommends to the public that if possible, you can choose to watch it in the IMAX theater. Although the ticket price is much higher than ordinary tickets, the viewing experience is much better.

Watching Shrek jumping randomly on a huge screen, even if the whole movie has no story to tell, is an ultimate visual enjoyment, and this alone is worth the price of admission.

The special effects of this animated film were also produced by the PDI studio under Deep Space Corporation, and PDI was just an ordinary special effects company before. Who would have thought that they could make such superb special effects?

In Almond's view, even if "Shrek" did not achieve a satisfactory box office in the end, a PDI studio alone has allowed Deep Space to pay back.

Of course, special effects are just one of the advantages of "Shrek". The most important reason why this movie makes Almond feel so moved is because of the vivid fairy tale world shown to the audience by the movie.

Almond has read the original book. Although the film is so wonderful, it is due to the original book, but the production team of the film cannot be denied.

After talking about the advantages of "Shrek", Almond sighed, why Deep Space Company can always produce such eye-catching works, and at the same time, "Harry Potter" and "The Ring Wang expressed his expectation.

After the screening, almost all film critics praised the special effects of "Shrek". Even though some film critics thought that Shrek's image was too ugly and would make some audiences unbearable, they still affirmed the film's special effects.

Therefore, after the screening, the movie tickets were sold out, and Box Office almost collapsed for a while. At this time, most movie fans went to see it for the special effects, and they wanted to see how realistic the clothes and hair were.

However, when they walked into the cinema, they realized that the special effects were really just for the plot. Deep Space Company produced a completely different fairy tale. It turns out that this kind of ugly protagonist can also resonate with the public. .

It is not necessary for a princess to marry a prince, and a hero does not have to be tall. Every kind person in the world should be treated gently.

(End of this chapter)

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