Chapter 966 Double Harvest

After Almond Campote commented on "Shrek" in the article, he couldn't help feeling that the competition in the North American film market this year was extremely fierce.

It's only less than September now, and there are already many films to meet fans.

Temporarily ranking first in the North American box office of the year is "The Mummy" sequel "The Return of the Mummy" released in May. The film was released two days apart, and the North American box office was only 400 million US dollars away.

However, according to the current situation, both "The Mummy Returns" and "Pearl Harbor" will drop one place behind, because "Rush Hour 2", which was just released in early August, performed well at the box office, and it shouldn't take long for the North American box office to exceed [-] million. , boarded the first throne of the year.

In addition to these films, the films that have been released this year include "Jurassic Park 3", "Planet of the Apes", "A Beautiful Mind", "Hannibal", "American Pie 2", "Fast and Furious", "Princess Diaries", "Black Hawk Down", "Vanilla Sky", "Legal Blonde", "Artificial Intelligence", "Attempts at Arms" and many other excellent movies.

In the North American film market this year, not only are there a large number of films, but the quality is also very good.

Probably because a new century has entered, all the major film companies are also trying their best to make movies, thinking of making a good start in the new century.

However, Almond Campote believes that it is impossible for "Rush Hour 2" to win the No.1 box office in North America this year, and the real competition is yet to come.

The just-released "Shrek" has a very high possibility of surpassing "Rush Hour 2" at the box office. In November, there will be another "Monsters, Inc." that is going strong, and it is estimated that there is hope.

In addition, Warner Bros.'s "Ocean's Eleven" will be released in December. This movie has great ambitions and is aiming for the top three at the box office.

Of course, "Ocean's Eleven" is No.3 at most, because the top two have basically been booked.

"Harry Potter" and "Lord of the Rings", which will be released at the end of this year, will definitely win the top two box office in North America this year, but we don't know who will be the first and who will be the second.

It's not just Almond Campote who is optimistic about these two movies, all film critics think this way, and it's not just film critics who think this way, ordinary people think this way too.

Both "Harry Potter" and "Lord of the Rings" are movies based on novels, and they have a strong reader base. Even if the movie is really not made well, relying on the reader base can buy a wave of box office.

Moreover, people don't believe that the film is not good, because this is a movie produced by Deep Space Corporation. In terms of IP development, Deep Space Corporation cannot disappoint.


The first-week box office of "Shrek" came out very quickly, with 300 million U.S. dollars, a very good premiere result, directly on the top of the box office of the week, and relying on the results of the week, squeezed into this week's box office. The top five in the monthly box office list.

As long as there is no problem with the word-of-mouth in the future, the North American box office will definitely break through 8000 million, and there is a high probability that it will move towards [-] million.


"Jorge, someone is looking for you outside the door."

In an office in La Masia, Jorge heard someone looking for him and asked, "Who is looking for me?"

The person who spoke smiled, "I don't know, it should be British or French? It shouldn't be Argentine. Do you have any friends there?"


Jorge shook his head, with a puzzled expression on his face. Their family had only been in Catalonia for a few months, and they had no friends at all, and all they knew were from the team.

With doubts, Jorge walked out of the gate of the youth training camp.

At the gate, he saw a tall, thin young man with blond hair. The man was dressed casually and looked very elegant.

"Sir, are you looking for me?" Jorge asked.

The young man nodded. He took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to Jorge. He said in Spanish with a special accent, "I'm Hulk Grady from Deep Space Corporation."

Jorge looked at the business card. The information on it was very simple, with Hulk Grady's name, phone number, and the name and logo of Deep Space Company written on it.

Jorge is no stranger to Deep Space. He is a professional in the football industry. Of course he has heard of the acquisition of Manchester United that has been raging a while ago.

But he didn't understand why the people from Deep Space Company came to him.

"Mr. Grady, what do you want from me?"

Hulk Grady cut to the chase, "I'm here for your son, sir."

Jorge raised his eyebrows. Could it be that the other party wanted Leo to go to Manchester United?If that's the case, it's certainly a good thing for them.

Throughout history, Barcelona is certainly no worse than Manchester United, but the development of Barcelona in the past two years is not as good as Manchester United.

Of course, this is not the most important thing. The important thing is that since the other party comes to poach people, they will definitely pay a higher price.

Leo is very talented, but because he suffers from hormone deficiency, the monthly medical expenses are very high. Most teams are not willing to accept him at all. Even Barcelona did not bear all the medical expenses.

Now their family has moved to Catalonia, the family's expenses and part of Leo's medical expenses all depend on his own salary. His job is provided by Barcelona, ​​but the salary is not too high, so their The living conditions are also average.

"But I..."

Hulk Grady laughed, "Can you take a day off and let's find a place to have a cup of coffee?"

Jorge hesitated for a while, then nodded and said, "No problem."


The two found a coffee shop quite far from La Masia. Jorge deliberately found this place. He was afraid that someone in the youth academy would see him contacting people from other teams, and now Leo also has an agent. Man, it wouldn't be nice to let that agent know about it.

After sitting down, Hulk Grady said, "I came here this time mainly to become the agent of your son Leo Messi. Does Leo have an agent now?"

Hulk Grady had actually investigated Leo Messi before he came, and knew that Leo now had an agent, but he still asked this question on purpose, just to test Howles' attitude.

Sure enough, Howers heard Hulk's words and said with a smile, "Leo does have an agent, but we didn't sign a long-term contract."

The implication is that they can change agents at any time.

Hulk Grady nodded, "Deep Space Company is different from ordinary brokerage companies. In addition to drawing commissions, Deep Space Company pays more attention to the future development of players. If Leo becomes a player of Deep Space Company, we will contact him An endorsement."

Jorge was surprised, "Advocacy?"

"Yes, endorsement. Although Leo is still young, his talent is obvious to all, so we have also contacted brands that are willing to provide him with an endorsement contract."

Howers looked at Hulk Grady suspiciously. The other party's words had exceeded his cognition, so much so that he suspected that Hulk Grady was not from Deep Space Corporation at all, but a liar.

In fact, there are many such scammers nowadays. Some people find parents with children playing football at home and claim to be well-connected agents. As long as the children sign with him, they can provide their children with good contracts.

After the parents take the bait, these "brokers" will ask the parents for money under various names, and disappear after they have squeezed the parents dry.

In another situation, they will not ask parents for money in any way, they will put traps in the contract, and they are all problems that ordinary people cannot find out.

After the two parties have signed the contract, these agents will stop pretending. When the contract is in place, the parents will have to spend money to settle the matter.

Anyway, there are many deceptions by such "agents", and their targets are parents who are eager to make their children a star.

Thinking of this, Jorge became cautious. He pretended not to care and asked, "Have you signed players before Deep Space?"

Hulk has seen Jorge's cautious look before, so he knew Jorge's thoughts, so he said with a smile, "Our company did not sign players before, and the sports development department was established at the end of last year. Our company now We haven’t signed a few players in total, and Leo is the second batch of players we signed. As for the endorsement brand I told you, it is actually Yunchi, which has just emerged recently. I don’t know if you have heard of it.”

"Sorry, I haven't heard of it." Jorge shook his head.

Yunchi has relatively little publicity in Spain and Argentina, so Jorge has never heard of the name Yunchi.

Hulk also expected this, he nodded and said, "This is a Chinese brand, and the owner of the company is YU. If you are worried, you can check it out. Yunchi just sponsored the Crystal Palace of the English League One. It is a very potential s brand."

"If we sign a contract, do we need to go to Deep Space Corporation?"

"It stands to reason that it is not necessary, but if you want to go to the headquarters, we can arrange for you to go there."

Hulk knew that Jorge was still worried, so he proposed to invite them to the headquarters of Deep Space Corporation to sign the contract.

Hearing this, Jorge was relieved.

For a company as big as Deep Space, it is impossible for the headquarters to fake it. If they can sign a contract at the Deep Space headquarters, there must be no problem.

After pondering for a while, Jorge asked again, "We just signed a brokerage contract, will you ask Leo to go to other teams?"

Hulk shook his head, "Which team to go to, as a brokerage company, it will only make suggestions, the key still depends on the player's wishes. Does Leo want to go to another team? If he has an idea, we can help."

Jorge smiled and shook his head, "No, no, La Masia is fine."

If Deep Space can really help them solve their financial problems, Jorge hopes that his son can stay in La Masia. The youth training here is very good, and if they go to the UK, they will have to solve the language problem.

"However." Jorge said again, "We had an agreement with Barcelona before, and they would pay us part of the medical expenses. If this part of the expenses is also settled by you now, then we will terminate the agreement with Barcelona and change it to ordinary medical expenses. youth training contract."

Hulk nodded, "Don't worry about this matter, we have already considered it, you have not been in Catalonia for a long time, and the funding you received is only a few thousand dollars, I will help you negotiate with Barcelona , to change the original agreement into an ordinary youth training agreement. In fact, it doesn’t matter whether you change it or not. As far as I know, there are no specific provisions in your agreement, except that they pay you part of Leo’s medical expenses. There is no difference between ordinary contracts, and now we will solve this part of the cost, and Barcelona will definitely be very happy."

Jorge smiled, Hulk was right, their contract with Barcelona was no different from a normal contract, after the modification, Barcelona would definitely be willing.

After thinking about it, Jorge said, "Mr. Grady, I want to confirm three things with you. First, are you sure you will pay for all of Leo's medical expenses? Do you know how much Leo's medical expenses are? "

"I know that Leo's monthly medical expenses are 180 US dollars. As time goes by, this cost should increase. We will settle these expenses for you, and these will be written in the contract."

Jorge nodded with satisfaction, "Thank you very much, the second thing, you just said that in addition to medical expenses, you will also provide us with funds for daily expenses. How much is this part of the money?"

"This part of the fee is not indefinite. Yunchi will keep it until Leo enters the first team, and after he enters the first team, it will become other cooperation methods. Before he enters the first team, you will be paid every month in the first year. You will receive a living allowance of US$20.00, which will increase by [-]% every year.”

Six hundred dollars per month, an annual increase of 20.00%, Jorge roughly calculated, this condition is quite good.

Hulk then said, "This is just a cash subsidy. In addition, after signing a contract with Yunchi, Yunchi will also solve Leo's daily dressing, and will give some clothes to your family members every year."

"Okay, I understand, the third thing, what are we going to do after signing with Yunchi."

Hu Hao laughed, "Leo is still young. Although he signed the contract, he doesn't need to do anything special, but there is a rule that he must abide by. He is not allowed to wear other sports brand clothing in private."

"Is it only possible to wear Yunchi?"

"If it's not sportswear or sneakers, he can wear whichever brand he wants, but if he wears sportswear, he can only wear the brand Yunchi. If he wears other brands, he will violate the contract."

"What about us?" Jorge asked.

"He's the only one, you don't have any rules."

Jorge nodded with a smile. He didn't think there was anything wrong with this regulation. For endorsements, this is already the most basic.Generally speaking, he is very satisfied with the conditions proposed by Hulk, and then he is going to have a good talk with Hulk about the agent contract. Of course, he hopes that Hulk can charge less commission.

(End of this chapter)

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