Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 970 I'll Wait For You In The Rain

Chapter 970 I'll Wait For You In The Rain
In addition to the difference in whether students are allowed to take plays outside, there is another difference between Jinyi and Zhongxi Opera, that is, Jinyi can choose to delay graduation.

Jinyi’s acting undergraduate class is a four-year course, but Jinyi allows undergraduate students to stay in school for up to seven years, which is three years longer than ordinary students, which is equivalent to ordinary students studying in school for a postgraduate study.

The school’s policy is essentially to allow some students to squeeze out time to film outside. Sometimes students receive better roles, and the filming time is relatively long. When they can’t take care of their studies, they can apply to the school for a postponement of graduation.This kind of delayed graduation application is very easy to pass. Basically, as long as the student applies, the school will approve it.

Of course, the reason why this application is so easy to pass is that students who delay graduation need to pay a corresponding price. Students who delay graduation not only have to pay full tuition and miscellaneous fees like other students when they are not in school, but the delay time , for each additional year, you will pay 50.00% more than the previous year.

The tuition and miscellaneous fees of universities are not cheap now, generally four to five thousand, and Jinyi is a little more expensive than ordinary colleges and universities. Some majors have to pay seven to eight thousand at the beginning of a semester.

The annual tuition and miscellaneous fees for the acting major are also more than 5000. If a student has studied the acting major for seven years, the total tuition and miscellaneous fees for the seven years will add up to 6 to [-] yuan.Moreover, in addition to paying tuition and miscellaneous fees at school for delayed graduation, daily living expenses are also unavoidable.

In addition to the 50.00% annual increase in tuition and fees, students who graduate late will be arranged in an independent dormitory.For other dormitories, the school will provide students with a fixed amount of electricity and water for each dormitory every semester. Under normal circumstances, the free electricity and water provided by the school are enough for students to use, and even if there is an excess, the charge is normal The price will not be very expensive.

But the dormitories for students who have delayed their graduation are different. They don’t have free electricity and water at all. All the water and electricity they use are charged, and the charges are not cheap.

It can be said that Jin Yi is blatantly and trying every means to get money from these delayed graduation students.

Jinyi's philosophy is also very simple. Since these students go out to use their study time to make money, it is only natural that they use the money they earn to give back to the school.

The students even set up a fund to deduct 70.00% of the money these students pay to the school each year, and the remaining 30.00% is used as operating funds for various clubs in the drama department.

Therefore, the more students who delay their graduation and the longer the time, the more operating funds will be obtained for various clubs of Jinyi Drama Department.Many students in the club are looking forward to other students going out to film and delay graduation every day...

The extra fees for delaying graduation are not a small expense for ordinary students. Except for those who already have money at home, those students who go out to pick up jobs in advance have to weigh whether it is worth it. Therefore, unless it is really Encountering such a particularly good character, otherwise the average student would not choose to delay graduation at all.

And it is not particularly difficult to complete Jinyi's studies, as long as the final coursework is done well, you can get credits.

Just like Liu Ye, this kid does filming every year, but he didn't choose to apply for a postponement of graduation.


Hu Ge himself is quite contradictory. In fact, compared to filming, he wants to be behind the scenes. He especially likes to do commercials. At the beginning, he wanted to apply for Jin Yi’s directing department. Later, he chatted with Yu Dong once. Just changed my mind.It's not that Yu Dong made him give up the method of being behind the scenes, but that Yu Dong's words made him change his mind. He decided to take the path of acting first, and then turn behind the scenes when he has a chance later. After all, it is easier to be in front of the scene than behind the scenes make money.

Only when you make money can you work behind the scenes with peace of mind.

Although Hu Ge initially wanted to be behind the scenes, but now he is looking forward to filming. On the one hand, it may be because he does have a desire for expression in his heart, and this desire for expression can be released during filming. On the other hand It was because he wanted to earn more money to relieve the pressure on the family. His mother was not in good health, and the financial pressure in the family was also quite high.

It actually took courage for him to leave Shanghai and come to Jinling, because he already has some fame and contacts in Shanghai. If he continues to study in Shanghai, he will not have to consider tuition fees and living expenses at all, because people often ask him to shoot commercials.

But when he arrived in Jinling, he needed to start over, and the one who gave him courage was naturally the Deep Space Company.Now it seems that he is right to believe that Shen Kong is right, at least he doesn’t need to worry about accepting the job anymore, Shen Kong will help him to worry about it.

"Mr. Yu, what are my characters like, in ancient costumes or fashion?" Hu Ge asked curiously.

Yu Dong smiled and shook his head, "I don't know, I didn't choose it, and I didn't see the timetable. Do you want to act in ancient costume or fashion?"

Hu Ge thought for a while and said, "Fashion, I don't look like an ancient costume."

Hearing what Hu Ge said, Yu Dong laughed, "Have you ever acted in ancient costumes? Just say that you don't look like ancient costumes?"

"I shot an advertisement before and tried a costume look, but the effect was not very satisfactory."

Hu Ge's statement was still to save face for himself. In fact, after he finished modeling the ancient costume, the director of the advertisement yelled in front of Hu Ge, saying that the advertising company had found someone who would wear an ancient costume and follow a Like shit.However, because the candidates have already been decided, the advertisement was still shot, but the plan of ancient costumes was not used, and fashion was replaced.

After the commercial was filmed, the person from the advertising company also told Hu Ge that he could not shoot ancient costumes, and that modern costumes were more suitable.

This incident happened two years ago. At that time, Hu Ge was already somewhat famous in Shanghai, otherwise the advertising company would not have replaced him.It is precisely because the advertising company did not replace Hu Ge that the director was even more angry.

Hu Ge has always remembered this incident. At that time, the director scolded him very badly, which shocked him very much.

Yu Dong looked at Hu Ge up and down, "The style of ancient costumes is different from that of fashion. Sometimes the style of ancient costumes is not good-looking. It may not have anything to do with people, but has something to do with the style. Deep Space Company has professional costume stylists, and there are also professional fashion stylists. Ancient etiquette and physique teacher, you can try to make an ancient costume later."

Hu Ge nodded, "Well, then I'll try it later, maybe it looks better than before."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Well, the mentality is good, keep it up, young people can do it even if they don't have blood on them, but they can't be without self-confidence. When I was as old as you, I didn't think anyone in our college would be convinced except my teacher. At that time we..."

Yu Dong was about to brag to Hu Ge about his glorious deeds in Yan Normal University when there was a knock on the office door.

The two turned their heads and saw Yu Dong's new assistant, Jiang Yueming, standing at the door with a tall, thin, curly-haired foreigner.

Yu Dong's assistant has changed several times. The new Jiang Yueming is a returnee. He studied abroad at London School of Economics and Political Science. After returning to China, he stayed in Haibei for more than four months. assistant.

Jiang Yueming was naturally 1 willing to be Yu Dong's assistant.

In the deep space company, there is a saying: It is better to be an assistant to the boss than to be a manager in the company.

Everyone knows that as long as you can work as an assistant to your boss, you will most likely become a vassal and manage a company later on.

Yu Dong's first assistant, Jiang Jie, the general manager of Deep Space Computer, is now a well-known figure in the Internet industry, the kind who often appears on TV.

Hu Hao, the second assistant, served as the CEO of Yunchi Sports at a young age.

The two bosses here worked alongside Yu Dong, that's why such a sentence spread in the deep sky.

Seeing Jiang Yueming and the others, Yu Dong smiled and stood up, "You guys are here, just in time, Hu Ge, let me introduce you."

As he said that, Yu Dong beckoned Jiang Yueming and the others to come in, and then pulled Hu Ge and said in English, "Benny, this is a kid who just came in from Jin Yi this year. He has great potential in acting."

Then he said to Hu Ge in Chinese, "This is Benedict, Cumberbatch, and an artist from our company, Old London."

After Yu Dong's introduction, the two shook hands with smiles, and Benedict said in broken Chinese, "Hello, I'm Benedict, if you find it troublesome, you can also call me Ben."

But Hu Ge said in English, "My name is Hu Ge, if you think I take advantage of you, you can also call me Hu Di."

This Chinese-style humor is generally difficult for foreigners to understand, and it is said in English, Benedict did not respond at all.Jiang Yueming felt that the digestion was good, and it was a pity that Benedict couldn't understand, so he explained it to him in English.

After hearing Jiang Yueming's explanation, Benedict laughed.

Although Hu Ge's English is not very fluent, it is slightly better than Benedict's Chinese, at least there is no problem in normal communication.

Recently, Benedict is learning Chinese, and Hu Ge wants to learn English, and they are both practicing with each other.

Several people sat down and chatted for a while, and Hu Ge saw that Benedict had come here for business, so he got up and said goodbye in a very sensible manner.

After Hu Ge left, Yu Dong smiled and asked Benedict, "Benny, you've been exhausted all this way, didn't you take a rest at the hotel?"

The reason why Yu Dong said that was because his original appointment with Benedict was tomorrow, but Jiang Yueming called in the morning and said that Benedict wanted to visit the school today, and Yu Dong didn't say anything, and agreed directly. Get them over here today.

At this moment, counting the time, Benedict should not have gone to the hotel at all, but Jiang Yueming went to the airport to pick him up, and the two came directly from the airport.

Although he just rushed over from the airport, Benedict didn't give people a sense of travel and dust. He was very particular and meticulous from head to toe.

He was also wearing a casual suit with a black shirt inside. This outfit might be okay in London, but it would be a bit thick in Jinling.

When they came in just now, Yu Dong noticed the beads of sweat on Benedict's forehead, but even so, he still didn't take off his coat.

However, Yu Dong's office was still very cool. After sitting here for a while, the beads of sweat on Benedict's forehead disappeared.

Benedict replied with a smile, "I like to rest after finishing things, otherwise, it will be difficult for me to rest well."

"This is not a good habit, because many times, things can't be finished. I specially asked you to come here because there is a role I want to hand over to you, but I'm not sure whether you are suitable for this role, so I can only trouble you Come to Jinling yourself."

Benedict said with a smile, "I didn't find it troublesome. It happened that I didn't come to Jinling last year because of my health. This time I just made up for the regret of last time. It is also my honor to be summoned by you. "

For Benedict's serious flattery, Yu Dong had no other way to deal with it than to accept it readily.

Sincerity and flattery are powerful weapons in the world, and sincere flattery is even more powerful.

The role that Yu Dong wants to give Benedict is the male lead in "I'm Waiting for You in the Rain". In fact, the script of this movie has not been written yet, only an outline of the original novel.

That's right, Yu Dong is going to write the novel first this time, and then write the script.

Yu Dong could have prevented Benedict from coming to China. He could have waited until he had written the script and then sent it to Benedict for a look. The reason why he did this was because he hoped that Benedict would come to China. Dixter can come to China more often.

Last year, Deep Space specifically asked Jiang Jie to add Benedict to the annual meeting list, but in the end Benedict did not show up because of diarrhea.

Yu Dong didn't say anything more, and directly chatted with Benedict about the role.

"The character you play is a racing driver with a daughter..." Yu Dong looked up and down at Benedict, "I was wondering, as a father, are you a little too young?"

Benedict is only 25, and he certainly doesn't look like the father of a teenage daughter.

"Maybe, I can grow a beard." Benedict touched his chin. "If I don't shave my beard, maybe I will look more like I am in my 30s."

Yu Dong looked at Benedict's chin and easily thought of him with a beard.

"Have you ever thought about becoming a father yourself?"

Benedict shook his head, "I haven't thought about it, but I definitely don't mind playing Dad."

Yu Dong nodded, "Actually, you are not the protagonist, the real protagonist is a dog, and the whole movie is told from the perspective of a dog."

Benedict blinked a few times, "Is it similar to Hachiko, a story about the relationship between humans and dogs?"

"Almost." Yu Dong nodded, "The difference is that the first perspective of the story is the dog."

(End of this chapter)

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