Chapter 971 Two Dogs

Yu Dong has read many novels from the perspective of animals.

Such as Mo Yan's "Life and Death Fatigue", Chi Zijian's "Sunny Beyond the Clouds", Jack London's "The Call of the Wild", Natsume Soseki's "I Am a Cat", etc., are all excellent works.

Writing from the perspective of animals has a characteristic, that is, it will make the narrative perspective in a marginal zone.

In the traditionally recognized human world, women and children are on the edge of the right to speak, while men hold the right to speak authoritatively, and animals are more relegated to the edge than women and children.

No matter how weak children and women are, how low their right to speak is, at least they can still speak, but animals can't even speak, and are completely in a state of aphasia.

It is precisely because of the aphasia of animals that human beings will show a more real state in front of animals. Therefore, the perspective of animals may seem marginal, but it is actually more in-depth and objective.

In Chi Zijian's novel "Sunny Beyond the Clouds", many people lied in front of the protagonist, Da Mao stole the egg but lied that "I" ate it, Shui Gu killed Dr. Wen, Shui Gu's father But he said that Dr. Wen was killed by a black bear... This novel shows a lot of human lies, and these lies are all done in front of "I". The reason why people lie in front of "I" without fear is simply because "I" has no right to speak, and there is no way to expose their lies.

In "Life and Death Fatigue", the protagonist also watched his aunts and wives slander him, watched them remarry, and watched his house be confiscated. Because he became a donkey, he saw more things that he couldn't see before as a human being. thing.

And in "I'm Waiting for You in the Rain", there is actually such a plot. For example, after Eve, the hostess of Enzo's family, died, Eve's parents discussed in front of the protagonist how to get Enzo to take custody of her granddaughter. Danny's reputation is ruined, but because Enzo is a dog, there is no way for him to expose this like a human being.

However, compared to the works mentioned above, "I'm Waiting for You in the Rain" shows more of the beauty of the hero's family's humanity, and is a very healing work.

Moreover, different from other works, this novel has reincarnation. Enzo has always believed that he is a human being, but he is put on a dog, and he firmly believes that he will be a human being in his next life.

Later, this thing came true. After Enzo died, reincarnation became a five-year-old boy, and he reunited with the hero, father and daughter with his memory.

Yu Dong has never raised a dog in his two lifetimes combined, but now there are two dogs living in Luoyuan.

These two dogs were brought back by Qin Fang. One was born to a puppy from a nearby neighbor. The owner said he wanted to throw it away. Seeing this, Qin Fang felt sorry, so she brought the dog back. The other was for shopping in the market. When I saw it, I thought it was very beautiful, and I paid for it.

The neighbor’s dog should have Jingba blood. The locals call it a poodle. It is small in size and has long and curly hair. However, because it is skewered, the coat color is more mixed. After bringing the dog back, Qin Fang specially called everyone for a meeting. Give the dog a name - edamame.

There is no other reason, just because the family ate edamame that day.

The name Maodou was proposed by Yu Hansheng. At first, Qin Fang strongly opposed it. She said that the name Maodou sounded like a dog that would eventually be served as a piece of meat on the dinner plate.

But I thought it was quite easy to say, so I didn't change it.

The other one is a corgi, a foreign dog. The little guy is not easy to keep, and everything he eats will run out when he comes back. The veterinarian visited him many times before he was recuperated.

A lot of money was spent on it, which made Qin Fang's teeth itch with hatred. Therefore, it also got a name-losing money.

And because it's not easy to call it, everyone calls it Peibei. If others don't know it, they think it's called Peipei just by hearing the sound.

Qin Fang often joked that the two dogs in Luoyuan had eight legs and were less than three feet long, so it was completely impossible to expect them to guard the house.

Yu Dong didn't see those two dogs very often, so he wasn't very familiar with them, but when he came home, the two dogs would definitely not bark. Although they were dogs, they were good at reading people's faces. can also be clearly distinguished.

Two dogs live in the same yard, but their personalities are very different.

Maodou is very lively, jumping around every day, and likes to join in the crowd of people. If there is no excitement in the yard, it always wants to run outside the yard.Compensation is more introverted, and he does not leave the hospital every day, just wandering in the garden.

However, Maodou once suffered a loss because he liked to join in the fun.

It likes to run out of the yard to play. Usually, it will come back by itself after playing for a while, and it doesn't want the family members to shout.

But one day, it was sent back by someone.

When Maodou was sent back, he was dying, and it was said that he had been poisoned. Qin Fang and the others quickly watered it, and called the veterinarian to come over urgently, and finally saved his life.

It was only later that I found out that during that time there were many poisonous dogs around, and Maodou had eaten poisonous eggs thrown by others on the roadside.

It may be that the edamame was lucky, and it was seen and sent back just after eating the egg, or it may be that it was too small, and the people who poisoned the dog were unwilling to take it, anyway, it ended up taking a life.

But after that time, Maodou seldom went out, and was even less willing to eat eggs.

The reason why Yu Dong considered writing "I'm Waiting for You in the Rain" is also related to these two dogs, because he can often see them, and his mind will turn to the top.

Benedict doesn't really care much about whether the film's perspective is human or animal, after all, he has never played any important role before.

Although he got a lot of opportunities to join the team after signing with Deep Space, but he was more in a learning state, and Deep Space didn't give him any better roles.

Right now Benedict is still a little dazed, the company hasn’t given him any more important roles for so long, now he’s the main character, and it’s YU’s script, it’s like a dream, no, he usually dreams It's more conservative, even if it's a dream, I didn't dare to do it.

Being able to play the leading role in YU's script is something that most actors dream of.

No one can refuse YU, this is a saying circulating in Hollywood.

"This movie should require prolonged contact with dogs. I have no problem with that. My communication with dogs is very smooth."

Hearing this, Yu Dong couldn't help but smile. Now Benny is like an interviewer, constantly emphasizing his own advantages.But he doesn't have to be so nervous, because the role has already been assigned to him and will not be changed.

Yu Dong shook his head and said, "Compared with the contact with the dog, what you need to do is the training of racing car driving skills. You are playing a very powerful racer. I don't expect you to be able to go on the track, but at least you must have some look."

Benedict rubbed his hands together and said excitedly, "Is the company going to train me in racing?"

Yu Dong smiled and said, "It seems that you are looking forward to it?"

"Of course, I am an avid sports fan, and I like racing cars very much, but it is difficult for ordinary people to get in touch with racing cars. Of course, I am very happy if I can get in touch with racing cars through this movie. There are very exciting races in this movie Is it the picture? Am I going to practice as professionally as possible?"

"Uh, it doesn't have to be very professional, the screen ratio of the game will be very small."

"Okay, but I will still train seriously."

Yu Dong nodded, "You have plenty of time to prepare for this movie. I will ask someone to contact you with a professional racing coach. While you are practicing the car, you are preparing for the movie. During the period, I will also ask them to arrange some other things for you. Less important roles, so you can maintain the state and hone your acting skills."

Hearing this, Benedict was of course very happy. He didn't expect YU to think of him so thoughtfully. He thought of it all the time. What YU did made him feel tears welling up in his eyes.

But what he didn't know was that Yu Dong had planned much more than that for him.

In Yu Dong's plan, after Benedict finished filming "I'm Waiting for You in the Rain", Deep Space will start preparing for the filming of "Detective Charlotte", and the protagonist is naturally Benedict.

In the matter of talent cultivation, Yu Dong has always been a patriarchal style, and he likes to make proper arrangements for the people to be trained.

Not only Benedict, but also Will Smith, Gu Tianlei, Matthew McConaughey, and Liu Qingyun.

Each of them, Yu Dong has arranged the future plan, Liu Qingyun and Gu Tianlei's schedule is basically full.

Especially Gu Tianle, in addition to movies, he also wants to make TV series.

Of course, Gu Tianle doesn't really want to make TV dramas. Since he finished filming "Looking for the Qin Dynasty", he only wants to make movies, but the TV dramas arranged by the company are all good, and one of them will be broadcast abroad, so he can't help it.

In fact, the TV series arranged by Shen Kong for Gu Tianlei are more sophisticated than the ordinary movies he participated in in terms of production. He sometimes comforts himself that he is not making a TV series, but a movie with many sequels.

Thinking about it this way makes me feel better.

At the moment, we have almost talked about the movie. After all, the script has not been written, and it is impossible to talk more. Yu Dong looked at his watch and said to Jiang Yueming in Chinese, "Yueming, you will take me with you later." Benny will go back to the hotel to settle down first, and then take him to the No. [-] box of the canteen in the park for dinner in the evening. God, you still have to pay more attention to him, if you are busy, let Xiao Wu take him around."

Xiao Wu is from the secretary department, and usually communicates with Jiang Yueming a lot, and her English is pretty good.

The secretarial department of Deep Space Corporation is very large, there are more than 60 people now, and the number is still growing.

The secretaries of the deep space are different from the secretaries of ordinary companies. The secret department of the deep space is a branch of the human resources department.

In Deep Space Company, the requirements for hiring a secretary are very high. In the secretarial department, at least a junior college student, and graduate students are not uncommon. They are recruited to solve the problem of productivity, so that other managers, R&D personnel, and marketing personnel of the company can do their work. Work professionally without being distracted by other work that comes with company processes.

Some secretaries don't even do basic secretarial work such as document management, personnel information management, and attendance management.

Just like Jiang Yueming, he is actually in the secretarial department, but he is an assistant, a senior secretary. He usually does not focus on ordinary secretarial work, and his work is closer to the management. His job is to investigate effectively and accurately Relevant work information provides an effective basis for management decision-making. Specifically, Jiang Yueming personally collects information for Yu Dong and then assists Yu Dong in making decisions.

Since Jiang Yueming didn't do basic secretarial work, he definitely needed someone to do it, so he also had the right to call some people from the secretarial department to assist him in his work.

In fact, as Yu Dong's assistant, he has the right to have the entire department assist him in his work.

And different from other companies, the secretaries of Shenkong can develop and become managers, because the secretaries of Shenkong understand a wide range of comprehensive aspects and have considerable adaptability. The personnel are even better.

Many secretaries in the deep space regard Jiang Jie and Hu Hao as their role models, and hope to become them in the end. Besides Jiang Jie and Hu Hao, the secretarial department has also stepped out of other middle-level managers in recent years.

Generally, after two and a half years in the secretarial department, there is a chance to be promoted to an administrative assistant, that is, the fifth-level assistant secretary with the highest level in the secretarial department. Once you reach this level, you may be transferred to the management of other departments at any time.

For example, last month, an administrative assistant in the secretarial department was transferred to the Deep Space Music Marketing Department as the team leader. The reason for such a job transfer was because the administrative assistant was in charge of coordinating the work between the headquarters and Deep Space Music. Yes, he is more familiar with the business of deep space music.

This set of secretarial systems in Deep Space was created by Jimmy. Now let alone domestic, even foreign countries, there are very few such perfect secretarial systems.

When Jimmy first wanted to grasp the secretary system, Yu Dong didn't take it seriously, but later found out that this trick is really good. The establishment of the secretary department has indeed made the management of deep space very efficient.

Although Benedict's spoken English is average, but his hearing is good, he probably understood Yu Dong's words, and he waved his hands again and again, "No, no, Jiang must be very busy. He is very happy to be able to pick me up at the airport." It's easy, I can do it by myself. I won't go far, just take a stroll in the park."

He knew how busy Jiang Yueming was. When he was on the road just now, Jiang Yueming kept answering and making calls, almost unable to stop.

Yu Dong smiled, "If you're only in the park, then there's no problem. If you want to leave the park, you still have to tell Jiang Yueming. By the way, Yueming, have you arranged for him with his mobile phone?"

Benedict took out a red and white BenQ s1 from his pocket, and said with a smile, "I've already got the phone, it's very easy to use."

(End of this chapter)

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