Chapter 982

At the end of November, Zhou Xiang's Literary Hundred Creatives was completely disbanded, and several companies under his name were also involved in lawsuits and faced various claims.

In addition to Literary and Art Hundred Creations, there are more than a dozen large and small navy companies that have also encountered the same experience.

Originally, this matter was secretly operated by Deep Space Corporation, and it was not announced to the public.However, as the scope of Deep Space Corporation's attack became wider and stronger, some news media also got the news, and some media workers followed this clue to dig out a huge chain of interests.

According to a newspaper report, more than 30 Internet companies were affected this time, of which [-] companies with names and surnames were directly disbanded, and another dozen may be only marginal.

Digging out these dozens of companies is still secondary. The main reason is that these companies have collapsed, and some celebrity affairs have been involved.

Because the incident was so big, CCTV and rm Daily also named several of these companies one after another, saying that in today's rapid development of the Internet, everyone must take good care of the Internet environment, and don't think that the Internet is a place outside the law and act recklessly.At the same time, it also praised the deep space company for setting a good example and making its own efforts to clean up the Internet environment, and called on other companies in the Internet industry to consciously maintain a good Internet environment.

A person familiar with the matter revealed that the "rat eradication plan" implemented by Deep Space Corporation is not temporary, but continuous and uninterrupted. As long as the situation of the navy is still there, their plan will not stop.

As soon as this incident happened, many media organizations became cautious. Recently, the frequency of their news releases has decreased, because they are afraid of being hit by the gun.

Although these media organizations have not clearly marked the price of selling services like Wenyi Baichuang, they have also done things on the Internet that confuse right and wrong, and now Wenyi Baichuang has been killed. They monkeys have to weigh Let's see if the news can still be scribbled like before.

And now there are rumors that because of this incident, the country is also considering legislation to crack down on those people and institutions who spread rumors on the Internet.

This rumor is much stronger than the rat eradication plan of Deep Space Corporation. The reason why there were such chaos before is because the cost of spreading rumors is very low. Generally, those who are rumored have no way to sue the rumor maker. Even if they are able to sue, it is very difficult To be able to win the lawsuit is because the law in this area is not sound and it is easy to be exploited.

If there is targeted legislation, the cost of spreading rumors will be much higher.

Combined with the deep space's rat eradication plan, those who want to spread rumors have to weigh even more. In the rat eradication plan, Deep Space will take the initiative to help those who are rumored to file a lawsuit with the rumor maker.


"This rodent eradication plan has banned more than 8000 accounts of various types, involving more than 1000 and 50 accounts, most of which are related to the entertainment and sports circles, and there are more than [-]. The rest are from the business world. Those related to our company..."

Listening to Jiang Yueming's report, Yu Dong couldn't help sighing. How long has it been since the navy company came out? There are already more than 1000 and [-] incidents involving the navy company, and this is only what they found out. Did you find out.

It is no wonder that these companies are developing rapidly, because the demand is huge.Looking at the orders received by these sailors, more than [-]% are attacking opponents, and the other [-]-[-]% are flattering themselves.

The reason why Deep Space Corp. made such a move to deal with these navy companies this time was that Lenovo fm365 laid off its staff. Deep Space successfully obtained more information and was able to eliminate these companies more cleanly.

On the other hand, during this period of time, some sailors have faintly blacked out Jay Chou and other stars of the Deep Space Company, and there are even signs of this on the Deep Space Department website. Deep Space must contain this momentum in advance.

"During this investigation, have you found any foreign forces?" Yu Dong asked.

Jiang Yueming shook his head, "There is no sign of this for the time being."

Yu Dong frowned, he didn't believe that there were no foreign forces involved in the domestic Internet world, it's just that they haven't discovered it yet.This is not good news. It proves that they hide well, and their surveillance technology is not enough.

He is particularly worried about the invasion of foreign forces. The most domestic naval forces are attacking opponents, and the losses are basically individuals, but the impact of foreign forces is nationwide.

And the means of the two are also different.

Companies like Wenyi Baichuang are taking advantage of legal loopholes. In fact, the methods are relatively low-end. If it is really necessary to deal with it, it is very easy, but those foreign forces usually have expert advice, especially some with years of struggle experience. The organization gives pointers, and their methods are undetectable to ordinary people.

"Convey it, pay close attention to this direction, and report it if there are any clues. In addition, pay more attention to more active public figures, and analyze, research, and investigate these people more."

Yu Dong knows that it is difficult to investigate foreign forces, but one thing is certain, that is, public figures are the hardest hit areas, because if you want to spread some ideas, you can't rely on ordinary online accounts, you must have such public figures. It's only good for the characters to go out, and it's not wrong to keep an eye on this group of people.

"Oh, and more." Yu Dong added, "Some media organizations, even units like CCTV, should pay more attention."

"CCTV?" Jiang Yueming asked with a surprised face, "Does CCTV also need to pay attention? There should be no problems, right. Those who can enter CCTV are checked at various levels. If there is a problem, it is not our turn to find out." Bar?"

Yu Dong smiled and waved his hands, "Since Deep Space is the leader of the domestic Internet, it naturally has to shoulder the responsibility. The country may not have our experience in this regard."

Jiang Yueming nodded: "I understand, I will definitely convey it accurately."

"Well, that's it for the time being with the rat eradication plan. Let's report back if there are any new results. How is the box office of "Harry Potter" now?"

Jiang Yueming changed another report and reported seriously, ""Harry Potter" performed very strongly in the first two weeks, earning more than [-] million US dollars in box office, but the daily box office began to decline faster from the third week onwards. , the box office is not as good as the previous two weeks, and the film schedule is also decreasing."

"It shouldn't be a problem if the box office exceeds [-] million U.S. dollars before the painting is released?" Yu Dong asked.

"That's no problem. According to the budget, the box office before the painting can reach between 1000 million and 5000 million US dollars, even if there is a small error."

Yu Dong nodded. He also expected that "Harry Potter" would not have enough stamina. The target group of this movie is under the age of 25, and it is not suitable for all ages. "The Martian" exploded like that, and it's pretty good to sell more than 3 million U.S. dollars in North America.

In other words, it's not that it lacks stamina at all, but that it has too much momentum. The box office almost exceeded [-] million in the first weekend, and there is naturally little room for development in the future.

Of course, more than 3 million US dollars is only the box office in North America. The box office of "Harry Potter" in other countries will definitely not be bad, and the situation must be similar to that in the United States. The box office was very good from the beginning.

The movie received good reviews, but like any movie based on a book, there will always be people who don't like it.

There are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a person, and there are naturally a thousand Harry Potters in the eyes of a thousand people. Most people think that the casting and scene selection of "Harry Potter" are in line with the original work, but some people think that the casting is in line with the original work. The scenography was rubbish, nothing like the Hogwarts they imagined.

This is unavoidable. Fortunately, the overall evaluation is very good, and everyone has high expectations for the next step.

"Has the global box office of "Shrek" come out?" Yu Dong asked about "Shrek" again.

"There are still some countries and regions that have not been released, but the impact on the total box office will not be too great. As of last Wednesday, the global box office of "Shrek" reached 5000 million U.S. dollars, and it is expected to reach [-] million U.S. dollars in the end. billion dollars."

The global box office of [-] million US dollars has exceeded Deep Space's previous expectations, which can be regarded as overfulfilling the task.

"Is there a DVD in the works?"

"It is already in production and is expected to be released in February next year. There are also various peripherals. Also as of last Wednesday, the authorized peripherals of "Shrek" have sold 200 million US dollars."

The score of more than 200 million US dollars is actually very good, but Yu Dong didn't feel it at all. This is also because this score is not particularly outstanding in the surrounding area of ​​​​the deep space department.

"Shrek" has been in theaters for several months, and its peripheral products have only sold 200 million US dollars so far, but "Harry Potter" has sold more than 200 million US dollars in three days, and the gap between the two is huge.

In addition to "Harry Potter", Deep Space also has big IPs such as "Resident Evil", "Plants vs. Zombies", and "Warcraft", and the peripherals are selling very well.

"The script for the second part is being written, right?"

"Well, it's being written, and Andrew Adamson has made an appointment with you to call next Thursday, maybe it's also about the script."

"Next Thursday... It seems that "The Lord of the Rings" will premiere in North America next Friday, right?"

Jiang Yueming nodded, "Well, so next Friday night you made an appointment to talk to Peter Jack on the phone."

Yu Dong touched his forehead. He didn't want to make people wait like this, but he had too many things to do. If he didn't make an appointment in advance, it would be very likely that people would miss out, which would greatly affect efficiency.

Now as long as it is about work, basically you have to communicate with Jiang Yueming first, and then you can contact him. Only a few people, like Jimmy and Spielberg, can contact him directly.

"You said just now that there are two more things to report, what are they?"

Jiang Yueming smiled, changed the file, and said, "There are two more things. The first one is a report from Xuele Mountain that their new game "Minecraft" is almost ready. Three months You can go online to the space within a few days."

Yu Dong couldn't help raising his eyebrows, "So fast?"

When he discussed with Roberta to make "Minecraft", he thought it would take a long time to make it, but he didn't expect it to be launched so soon.

He calculated the date again, now it is the end of November, and it can be made within March, that is, before the end of February.

"Can it go online within two months?" Yu Dong asked.

Jiang Yueming was stunned by this question. Yu Dong was still surprised that he went online so quickly, but now he is asking if it can be faster. Isn't this a bit contradictory?

"Uh, they didn't say this, how about I go and confirm it today?"

Yu Dong nodded, "Well, go back and check with Roberta, and ask if it can be launched within two months. The reason for asking this is also very simple. If the game can be launched within two months, I hope that the game can be launched within two months. Time for the video game-themed day at the Deep Space Annual Meeting."

Jiang Yueming suddenly realized that the boss was thinking about this.This year's Deep Space Annual Conference starts from January 26th and lasts until February 31rd, with a total of nine days. Except for the last day of the conference, the other eight days are themed days. The video game theme day should be on January [-]st. If Xueleshan can complete the launch within two months, it will also be able to catch up with the video game theme day.

"Okay, I will tell Roberta about this. I believe she knows what you think and will definitely pay attention to it."

"Tell her, do what you can, don't force it, I don't want to affect the quality of the online because of the rush, the loss outweighs the gain."


"What about the second thing?"

"Our video website has entered the final stage of preparation, and it will be officially launched before April next year. Now the company is discussing the name of the website."

Yu Dong smiled, another piece of good news.

They have been paying attention to streaming media technology since a few years ago. They not only develop their own research and development, but also continue to purchase technology, just to make video websites.

In the first half of the year, Shenkong established a subsidiary company called Yazhi Network Technology. The company's logo is a cute yellow version of Duckweb.

The name was given by Jimmy and the others. At the beginning, they wanted to call it Footprint Technology, which means that people will leave their own footprints on the website just like traveling. However, many people think that the name Footprint is not good, so they changed it to Ya web, which sounds the same as duck web, is also a footprint anyway. The key is catchy. The Chinese name is Ya web, and the English name is Yapp.

"Just continue to call it Yazhiwang, there is no need to give it another name."

Jiang Yueming nodded, and took a pen to write down on the paper, "I will pass on your opinion, boss."

"It's just a suggestion. They can decide what name to use. As for the launch, I will talk to Jimmy later, and then put the press conference and the annual meeting together."

"Oh, also, Yazhi said that when the website goes online, the first video will be uploaded first, and they asked, boss, can you help record a video for them to put on the Internet as the first video of the website. "

Yu Dong scratched his eyebrows, "That kind of blessing video?"

"Isn't that right? It just needs to be a daily life video."

"Well, then I'll go back and see what video I can give them."

(End of this chapter)

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