Chapter 981 Business
After Liang Han and Zhou Xiang reported their work, they were going to go outside to contact the Internet cafe for a transition, and get rid of the orders they had received in the past two days.But before he walked out of the office, a group leader hurried over from below.

"Mr. Liang, the situation is not good."

Liang Han looked at the lobby outside. Many employees were looking there, so he whispered, "Come in and talk."

Bringing the team leader into the office, Liang Han carefully closed the door, and then asked, "What happened again? Is it hard to know the impact of you rushing to my office in such a hurry?"

The team leader said in a panic, "A few people under me have rebelled now. They all said they would resign and quit, and they are making trouble there now."

Liang Han frowned. He knew that it was normal for employees to have thoughts in their hearts, but he didn't expect it to be so serious.

"There are six people in your group. Which ones are making trouble?"

"There is no one who doesn't make trouble." The team leader said with a bitter face, "And now it's not just about our team, the situation of the other teams is also not good. When I came in just now, I heard that the people in the next six teams were also I'm making trouble with Liu Changhe. The main reason is that many of them have registered PayPal payment before, and now PayPal payment has been directly banned because of this incident, and their own Dongdong number, Xiao Liu from our group, his The Dongdong account is a pretty account I bought. There are four sixes in it. I spent a lot of money, and I also spent a lot of money to upgrade the account. Now it is blocked, and the money is wasted. Even if the account didn’t cost money , the friends added before can't be found now. And..."

"And what?" Liang Han asked.

"And now some people speculate that it is illegal for our company to do this, and it is only closing the account now, and it may be taken away later..."

"Fart!" Liang Han yelled, "Our serious company is doing serious business. Which law stipulates that we are breaking the law? These people know how to think wildly."

The team leader said with a bitter face, "Isn't this just guessing by the people below, and we don't understand the law."

Liang Han sighed slightly, he knew that the problem mentioned by the team leader did exist, not to mention other people, even he himself suffered a lot this time.Liang Han's Dongdong account is not a fancy account, but he has used it for several years, and spent a lot of thought and money, especially he has a group for playing games. He is the president of the guild in the game, and now his account is blocked. It affects work very much.

The Dongdong account is the second. His Haibei account and PayPal payment account have been banned, and it will be more troublesome to shop online in the future.

As for whether it is illegal or not, Liang Han has no idea, but he must hold on in this situation, otherwise the people below will definitely break up if they see him unable to hold on.What he has to do now is to stabilize people's hearts.

"Try to calm their emotions and tell them that this situation won't last for too long, so don't worry, the account will be automatically unblocked after a while."

The team leader's eyes lit up, "Really? Mr. Liang, where did you get the news? Can the account be unblocked after a while?"

Liang Han nodded, and said with certainty, "I have just called and asked a few deep space insiders, and they told me that it is just a period of strict investigation, and the risky accounts will be banned, but it is not Permanently, after a while, the account will be unblocked after the limelight passes. There will be no loss of anything in the account, you can rest assured."

The team leader completely believed Liang Han's words, and said with a smile, "Mr. Liang, are you still familiar with the interior of Deep Space?"

Liang Han pretended to be mysterious and said, "Otherwise, do you think our company can continue to work until now? Shenkong is now the leader of the Internet in China. If we want to do this business, we must deal with Shentian. Besides Now, who would think that money is too much? There are some things that Deep Space Corporation is too embarrassed to do by itself, why not ask others to do them?"

Hearing Liang Han's words, the team leader gave full play to his imagination, "Mr. Liang, you mean that our backer is actually deep space? They are embarrassed to make marketing money, so let us do it?"

Liang Han followed his words and said, "Otherwise, how do you think that there are so many websites in the deep space to support them, and their websites have few advertisements, so where is the profit margin?"

The team leader suddenly realized, "Let me just say, before I saw that there were a lot of advertisements on other websites, but the homepage of Deep Space Company basically couldn't see advertisements. It turns out that they have their own way of making money. Airline companies can become bigger and stronger, because they spend more money than other companies. They do all the dirty work for us, and they are glamorous. They get benefits and a good reputation."

"Well, this kind of matter of repairing plank roads and keeping warehouses secretly is the specialty of Shenkong Company. We are not the only ones who cooperate with them. The marketing business is basically monopolized by Shenkong Company itself. Not only do we charge customers money Distributed to the deep space, and our existence itself is to provide topics and traffic for the website. But you should not publicize this matter, as long as you know it, and the deep space side does not want others to know, I also see how many times you are The team leaders performed well among them, so I told you."

When Liang Han said this, the team leader immediately felt that he had been valued, and his chest unconsciously stood up.Now all he can think about in his mind is how to appease the few employees under him, so that he can leave a better impression on Liang Han and be reused.

He patted his chest and said, "Okay, Mr. Liang, I'll go out and tell them right away, and promise to appease them all and not cause trouble for you."

Liang Han nodded, and then added, "To appease the team members, we must combine strength with softness, and offer both kindness and strength. In addition to telling them that their accounts will be unblocked soon, they are also warned that those who resign now will not get a dime of their salary. Yes, and their deposits will not be refunded. And some people live in our dormitory. If they resign, not only will they not be paid, but the dormitory will not give them to continue to live.”

The corner of the team leader's mouth twitched, but he still kept a smile, "Understood, Mr. Liang."


After talking on the phone with Liang Han, Zhou Xiang lit a cigarette on his own. The matter on Wenyi Baichuang was a loss to him, but it definitely wouldn't hurt his nerves.

Now he has a lot of businesses, and Arts and Culture is just one branch. In the first half of this year, he developed another career in the entertainment industry, which is art training.

As the domestic film and television industry is becoming more and more developed, more and more young men and women want to become stars and get rich overnight. In many people's opinion, there are two fastest ways to get rich overnight. One is to buy lottery tickets , and the other is to be a star.In the eyes of many people, being a celebrity is obviously much easier than winning the lottery.

Zhou Xiang's business is very simple. They will go to some relatively unpopular schools, and when they see good-looking men and women, they will say that they are scouts for a certain company, hoping to sign them.

The company is a formally registered entertainment company, and the scouts are all talking about Gang Pu, and those young boys and girls who are not deeply involved in the world are immediately bluffed.

It's not over yet, after the boys and girls are moved, Zhou Xiang and the others will take these boys and girls to the filming crew.

The crew is also real. After all, Zhou Xiang has been in the entertainment industry for so long, and he is familiar with some crews. He brought the group to perform, and of course those crews will also use them. After all, the price is not expensive.

But in the eyes of those boys and girls, it was Zhou Xiang and the others who had a wide network in the film and television industry and could arrange them to act at any time.

In the end, these people signed a brokerage contract with Zhou Xiang and the others in a daze, and became artists of the company.

Young people don't understand the law, they don't understand the contract, and they don't even know how to read the contract carefully. They just want to become famous overnight, but after signing the contract, they will find that things are completely different from what they thought.

The company will spend a week or two at the beginning to give these people some simple training, and then let them go to the crew to play tricks during the day, and perform in entertainment venues at night, which is also called exercise.

At the beginning, these young people believed it was true, but as time went by, they found that no matter how much they worked, they couldn't make any money, and they did the same thing every day, and sometimes they had to accompany them to socialize.

When they find that something is wrong and want to terminate the contract with the company, the company will tell them at this time that they can terminate the contract if they want, as long as they pay the termination fee.

The termination fee is generally a figure they cannot bear. In order not to compensate the termination fee, these people can only bite the bullet and do it, and even do some extraordinary things in order to get out of the sea of ​​suffering as soon as possible.

Of course, Zhou Xiang and the others didn't just exploit these people blindly. Occasionally, when they came across particularly good seedlings, they would spend some time cultivating them and then selling them to bigger entertainment companies.

The entertainment industry at this stage is very chaotic, with all kinds of dirty things, but Zhou Xiangle is in it. If the entertainment industry is not chaotic, how can a person like him make money?

Zhou Xiang and the others are also very smart, they won't provoke people from some schools at all, such as Central Opera, Yanjing Film Academy and Jinling Academy of Art.

In fact, Zhou Xiang and the others will try it occasionally. After all, these two colleges also have the kind of students who have no resources but are eager to become famous.And if you cheat the students of these schools, you can easily sell them for a good price and lure the students to the clubhouse. If it is said to be a central drama, others will take a second look.

But at the Jinling Academy of Art, they wouldn't even touch it.

First of all, it is impossible to be deceived. A large number of students in the performance department of Jinling Academy of Arts have signed contracts with Shenkong Company. If these leather bag companies without actual performance go to dig them, even a company like Huayi Brothers may not be able to dig them.And those students who didn't sign the contract must have filmed a movie, at least they were specially invited, and they definitely didn't like the secondary roles arranged by Zhou Xiang and the others.

Secondly, Jinyi’s management of students is very strict. The school is like a parent to control the students in all aspects. It is also impossible, because the students need to report to the school when signing the company. If the school does not agree, there is no way to sign the contract, unless the student does not want a graduation certificate.

Some people may ask, if you are a graduate, will you have a chance?Basically, it's impossible, because even if Jinyi's students have graduated, they will still consult the school if they want to sign a contract.

Jinyi has a student consultation department, where students can go to consult all the information related to the company, which companies are legitimate, and which companies have problems, the school will inform the students.The students trust the school's consulting department very much, because the consulting department is really powerful and has information in the industry, especially in the film and television industry. Their information basically communicates with Deep Space Corporation.

In this way, it was too difficult for Zhou Xiang and the others to deceive a student in Jinyi.

In fact, the most important thing is that the students of Jinyi have all seen the world, so it is difficult to be fooled.

Most of the time, Zhou Xiang and the others set their sights on some junior colleges with more girls, and most of the girls they cheated were girls.

Now Zhou Xiang's main business is to set up a brokerage company, and his money depends on those ignorant girls.

A few days ago, he felt that it was too slow to make money by relying on the hard work of these artists, so he opened up new businesses and increased the training business. After the artists entered the company, not only could they not make money, but they had to pay for their tuition.

This business is not bad. There are already a few bullies who have paid their tuition fees, and they are making money much faster than before.

But just as Zhou Xiang hung up on Liang Han, someone from the brokerage company called him again.

As soon as the call was connected, the person on the other side said, "I just received a call from the tax bureau to check our accounts, and the court also sent us a subpoena, and Lin Piaopiao sued us."

Hearing this, Zhou Xiang froze. The caller was Wang Chong, the general manager of the brokerage company. He had worked in a TV station before, and now he was helping him manage the brokerage company.Wang Chong is a person who knows a lot about the entertainment industry, and has some connections in the film and television industry, so the company's management has always been relatively good, and Zhou Xiang is also very relieved.

"Why did the tax bureau come to investigate me, and what happened to Lin Piaopiao? I remember that Lin Piaopiao's family has no money. Can she afford a lawyer? Have you asked her?"

"I don't know what's going on now. I suddenly received a notice that Lin Piaopiao didn't come to the company today. When I called, a man answered the call. He claimed to be Lin Piaopiao's lawyer. He asked him to talk to him if he had anything to say. Let's get in touch with Lin Piaopiao."

"There is nothing wrong with the contract we signed with Lin Piaopiao, it's useless even if she sues us."

"It is reasonable to say that there is no problem, but this kind of case is still not safe. I don't know if Lin Piaopiao listened to what someone said, otherwise she would not sue us."

"Just sue, let's arrange the affairs of the tax bureau first, and now we need to know why they came to check the accounts. What is there to check about our company's accounts?"

(End of this chapter)

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