Chapter 980 Completely Banned
If it was only for the layoff news, Yang Yuanqing actually didn't need to call Yuyu himself, and put his attitude so low. Although the layoff news will have an impact on Lenovo, it is not particularly big. The negative news of Lenovo every year is not bad. No, isn't it still here?
The bigger the company, the more this kind of negative news will appear, but now that the Internet is developed, it spreads faster.

The reason for Yang Yuanqing's attitude is that he wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to ease the relationship with Shen Kong.

The competition between Lenovo and Deep Space has changed step by step over time.

At the very beginning, Shenkong Company was still small, so it was impossible to have any influence on Lenovo. At that time, Shenkong Company took the initiative to seek cooperation with Lenovo, but Yang Yuanqing was too high-key, and he was not willing to cooperate with Shenkong at all. I put a cold butt on my face several times, so I didn't stick it anymore. After all, a hot face can't cover a cold butt.

Later, Deep Space gradually grew, and Lenovo was thinking about entering the Internet industry. Deep Space became their biggest opponent in the Internet industry, and the relationship between the two parties would not be good.

After that, Deep Space Co., Ltd. cooperated with Acer, acquired BenQ Dentsu, and won the mobile phone manufacturing license of Xoceco Electronics through a joint venture to enter the mobile communication industry. The two sides began to compete more positively.

And after June of this year, the contest between the two sides on the Internet ended in Lenovo's complete failure. This failure also made them feel relieved. They also knew that in China, they wanted to take down Deep Space Company in the Internet industry. , is basically impossible.

The layoff of FM365 is only the first step. Later, they are going to transform and try to build a search engine for the website. If they can't do it, they will consider leaving FM365 there.

In addition to the Internet industry, Acer has developed very well in the past two years because of its strategic cooperation with Deep Space Corporation. Strategic partners, this is a big threat to Lenovo.

At this time, Lenovo has also begun to reconsider their relationship with Deep Space Corporation, especially after they have been cheated by AOL this time, Yang Yuanqing and Yanagawa are also thinking about whether they really want to fight to the end with Deep Space Corporation .

The margin is very clear about Yang Yuanqing's thoughts, but the conflict between Shenkong and Lenovo is no longer as simple as the previous grievances. Shenkong is now highly bound to Acer, and the two sides now need complete strategic unity. In this case, Lenovo Just a stumbling block.

What Deep Space and the others are thinking now is to remove the stumbling block of Lenovo, so how can they cooperate with them?

But this time when Yang Yuanqing came over, he could still use him.

Yu Liang said with a smile, "Actually, it's not so difficult to verify whether the news of your company's layoffs is true. We can also trace back to who sent the news and help you completely eliminate the rumors."

"Yes, yes, it shouldn't be difficult." Yang Yuanqing said.

"You fm365 first need to find a user's information. It shouldn't be technically difficult, right?"

Hearing Yu Yu's question, Yang Yuanqing suddenly became vigilant, "I don't know much about technology, and I may need to ask my colleagues in the technology department."

Yu Liang smiled and said, "Well, why don't you ask the technical department, Mr. Yang, because I'm more curious about this, and we'll talk again when you understand."

Yang Yuanqing gritted his teeth, "Mr. Yu, just tell me what you want, and let's be more frank."

"Mr. Yang, my appeal is actually very simple. When your FM365 still had traffic, there were many negative news related to our company. I want to know where these negative news come from and who sent them. These news. I want to find out this point, it is not difficult for you."

Hearing this, Yang Yuanqing finally understood what Yu Yu wanted to do. Deep Space wanted to settle accounts after the fall.

There were indeed many organizations and individuals maliciously slandering Deep Space Corporation on FM365 before, and Lenovo has been conniving and even encouraging these people. It can be said that FM 365 is the carnival gathering place for deep space sunspots.

It stands to reason that there is no loss to Lenovo by selling these people, but after all, their reputation is not very good. If they abandon their cars to protect their handsome appearance, no one will trust them in the future.

Seeing Yang Yuanqing's hesitation, Yu Yue said with a smile, "Mr. Yang, I can't think of any reason why you don't agree, you don't think that if you don't give me the information of these people, we won't be able to get them in deep space, right? By asking you for this information, we are simply doing less work."

Yang Yuanqing squinted his eyes. He didn't think Yu Yu was bluffing with him. Although those people didn't appear on the website of the Deep Space Department, the mailboxes and instant messaging software these people usually use are all owned by the Deep Space Company. Isn't it easy to find the chat information of these people in the sky?

He and Yanagawa have always believed that Deep Space Company is monitoring 163 mailboxes and Dongdong users, so their company now prohibits the use of these software to handle work, because they are afraid of leaking company secrets.

After pondering for a moment, Yang Yuanqing said, "I'll ask the technical department about this to see if it can be realized. If it can be realized, we will definitely help."

Yu Yu said meaningfully, "Okay, then I will thank Mr. Yang for your help in advance, and I will go back now to see if I can find out the situation of layoffs. If we find out, we will naturally help you remove the news." Lose."


After hanging up the phone, Yang Yuanqing sighed deeply, then called fm365 and asked them to sort out the information.

In fact, there is no need to inquire about this information at all. FM365 has checked out these organizations and individuals before. Most of these sailors come from a company called Wenyi Baichuang. The reason for collecting this information is because they also want to find out the enemy. Who is the enemy, maybe there is a possibility of cooperation in the future.

That afternoon, Yang Yuanqing sent the data to Yu Yu.

He wanted to procrastinate, pretending that it took them a long time to get the data, but now time is running out, and he can't care about it anymore, so hurry up and send the data over so that Deep Space can remove the news as soon as possible is.

After receiving the data, Yuyu didn't break its promise and asked them to mark all the news headlines with a guiding nature in yellow. As for the news that only mentioned FM365 layoffs, they didn't care.

Yang Yuanqing didn't say anything about it, because FM365 really wanted to lay off staff.

After getting the data, Yu Yu sent it to the data department of the Deep Space Computer, and asked them to check the data first. If there is no problem, all the IPs in it will be blocked, and it will be completely banned. That is to say, as long as the IP addresses of software and websites of the deep space system can no longer be used, and those IPs that have logged into software such as Dongdong, the logged-in accounts will be blocked directly.

In fact, the deep space also had some information about the naval forces before, but it was not comprehensive enough, because these naval forces were more cautious when they were active on the website and software of the deep space department, and they hid more deeply when they released their remarks. It is very difficult to find out.

But it is different with FM365. These sailors completely let themselves go and surfaced. After all, in their view, Lenovo is the enemy of deep space, and it is impossible to sell them.

In addition, although these sailors are active on the Internet every day, they don't really know much about the Internet. They don't know what the Deep Space Company can do.


In a certain industrial park in Shanghai, a small company has dozens of computers installed. At first glance, it looks like an Internet cafe.

The keyboards in the company were flying, and suddenly someone yelled, "I wipe it, who unplugged my network cable!"

Then there were complaints.

"Yeah, what's wrong with the Internet, I can't even enter the website."

"Why is there a problem with the Internet every day, what do you want the people in your technical department to do?"

"Hurry up and restore the Internet, who will be responsible if today's order cannot be completed?"

"The chain was lost at a critical moment, and the big order was only accepted this morning."

"What's the situation, my network is not down here."

"Yeah, the internet on my side is not down, is the website stuck?"

Everyone yelled at each other, and soon they discovered that not everyone's network had problems. Some people's websites could not be opened, while others could.

The people from the technical department rushed over to check around, and finally found the problem. It was not a network card at all, but the website restricted their IP login, and the websites that could not be accessed were all from the deep space system.

Immediately afterwards, they found that they not only restricted the login of the IP, but also banned the accounts that had logged in from this IP. Deep Space directly banned their accounts of Dongdong, 163 mailbox, Haibei Shopping Network, and PayPal. up.

This is the headquarters of Wenyi Baichuang. After Liang Han, the general manager, learned of the situation, he quickly called the other two branches and found that the two companies were not spared, and the situation was exactly the same as that of the head office.

They also sent someone to a nearby Internet cafe to try to log in with the account, and found that the account was not working at all. The most terrifying thing was PayPal payment. Bay Shopping Network.

At this moment, those employees panicked, because these accounts belonged to themselves, and now they are all banned, and their lives will be affected in the future.

Moreover, their company has just received several orders, and they are rushing for performance. Now the computers are completely unusable, and the orders can only be breached.

Now they can only change places and re-register the account, but this cannot be done in a short time, and the cost is too high.

The most important thing is that they still don't know why Shenkong was able to find out their accounts. If they change places, can Shenkong still block it?
Liang Han quickly reported this matter to their behind-the-scenes boss Zhou Xiang, who was also stunned when he learned about it, and furiously said, "I asked you to keep a low profile as much as possible when you are active on the Deep Space Department website. , hide yourself a little bit deeper, you have completely ignored my words, now it’s all right, someone took it all in one go.”

After being scolded by Zhou Xiang, Liang Han said aggrievedly, "Boss, you can't blame me. We listen to what you say. All our activities in the deep space department are very low-key. Moreover, the people from the third company I was basically active on other websites before, and I didn’t go to the deep space website at all, but I was afraid of this situation, but the three companies were still blocked, and we usually use the phone to communicate, and we don’t use email or Dongdong. Boss , Do you think that the Deep Space Corporation has invaded our network, so they know so much about our situation?"

Zhou Xiang was also a little uncertain, "Even if we hacked into our network, there's no way to understand it like this. Didn't you say that you usually communicate by phone instead of through the Internet?"

"Yeah, so I can't figure it out. Could it be that there is a ghost in our company?"

"The three companies don't know the existence of the head office, and the ordinary employees of the head office don't know the existence of the three companies. If you say that there is an insider, who is most suspected?"

Liang Han broke into a sweat all of a sudden, Zhou Xiang was right, the third company was an independent company, they didn't know there was a head office at all, even the general manager of the third company thought Liang Han is the boss behind the scenes.As for the total company, no more than three people knew of the existence of the third company, and Liang Han was the only one who knew the specific information of the third company.

Therefore, if there is an insider in the company, Liang Han is the most suspected.

"If there is no inner ghost, I really can't figure out what else is possible."

Zhou Xiang sighed slightly, he couldn't figure out what was going on now.

He is from Xiangjiang. He had done business in the United States for two years before, and when he came to China, he found that there was a gap in the navy, so he paid for it and set up a company.

Sure enough, with the rapid development of the entertainment industry and the Internet, the navy has become more and more popular. They have gradually developed from one company to three companies, with more than 200 employees, and they seem to be a big company. Turnover is also increasing.

After pondering for a while, Zhou Xiang said, "Take the employees to the nearby Internet cafes, register accounts as soon as possible, and close the orders received recently, and don't accept other orders. Work hard these two days, stay up all night Also get rid of the work."

"They won't ban the computers in Internet cafes, will they?"

"It's okay to ban it, we haven't lost anything, and the owner of the Internet cafe will go to Deep Space for trouble."

"Okay, boss, I understand." Liang Han also sighed, "The accounts we have raised for so long have been banned. It's a pity that even if we can register accounts now, these accounts are all new accounts. , It’s very troublesome, many accounts in Deep Space now have restrictions on speaking if the level is not enough.”

"That can't be helped. I can only do this. I will negotiate with the employer about the list and see if I can delay it. Also, find a new office location as soon as possible."

"it is good."

(End of this chapter)

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