Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 979 Repaying the Other Body with His Way

Chapter 979 Repaying the Other Body with His Way
When Ren Hongfei arrived at the company early in the morning, he heard someone discussing layoffs. He leaned over very puzzled, "What layoffs?"

The people chatting with each other belonged to the Technology Department of Deep Space Computer, and the game business department had a lot of business dealings with Deep Space Computer, so Ren Hongfei was quite familiar with several people in their technology department.

Seeing Ren Hongfei approaching, the only girl among the group of people said with a serious expression, "Group leader Ren, don't you know that your head office has too many people and the salary burden is too heavy, and now you have to lay off employees. It is estimated that your game department must be the hardest hit area for layoffs, after all, you have not had any actual results in the past two years, so you should be careful."

Ren Hongfei raised his eyebrows, with a strange expression on his face, "Where did you hear the news, the company has never heard any news of layoffs, and our game department has been asking the HR department to recruit people for us these two days. "

Ren Hongfei didn't believe the news of layoffs at all, especially their game business department.

The game business department has not been established for a long time, and there are not many people. Recently, Blizzard is preparing to release "Warcraft 3". Their department needs to recruit more people, so how can they lay off employees.

As for other departments, layoffs are unlikely. All departments are recruiting, and the HR department is the busiest in the company. I heard that the company plans to outsource part of the recruitment work in order to improve the efficiency of recruiting.

The girl sneered and said, "What do you know? There is no contradiction between recruiting and layoffs. Lay off people like you who don't work every day and have high salaries, and then recruit some fresh graduates who have just graduated and are willing to work with low wages." Come in and directly reduce the cost. Think about it, your salary is worth two or three newcomers. If you lower the education requirements and recruit some high school students, your salary will be worth four or five of them. The key is you There are also benefits for buying a house, if you open these benefits, you will lose them, or you will lose a house, and now the houses in the talent apartment are so good, everyone wants them."

The little girl said something serious, and the other colleagues next to her couldn't help it anymore, and said with a smile, "Leader Ren, don't listen to Xiao Liu's nonsense. It's not our company that is going to lay off employees, but Lenovo."

"Lenovo wants to lay off staff?"

"Yeah, the news came out early this morning. To be precise, it's not that Lenovo wants to lay off employees, but their FM365 is going to lay off employees. And I heard that the layoffs are not small, and the plan is to lay off 30.00%."

Ren Hongfei was not so surprised when he heard that FM365 was about to lay off staff.

FM365 is a portal website opened by Lenovo to enter the Internet. In order to develop this portal website and gain a foothold in the Internet industry, Lenovo has worked hard and exhausted all means, and even bound the website to their new computer Millennium , the user turns on the computer and wants to log in first to this website.

Lenovo has a three-point-one-line Internet blueprint. In this blueprint, Fm365 is used as a horizontal portal, and all channels are made into vertical portals. They want to use one portal to solve all Internet problems.

In order to complete this blueprint, Lenovo chose to cooperate with America Online, because America Online provides users with value-added content through Internet access.Users will get an account in a monthly payment mode, and use this account to surf the Internet from a dedicated client. The client integrates all services provided by AOL, such as news, entertainment, education, finance, search, email, chat rooms, etc. .

Last year, Lenovo prepared to cooperate with AOL, and in early June this year, the two parties also jointly released a cooperation framework. Lenovo and AOL each invested 365 million US dollars to establish a joint venture company to jointly operate the FM[-] website and expand the Internet together. The intention is also very obvious, which is to compete with Deep Space Corporation and seize China's Internet market.

This matter attracted the attention of the outside world in June. Although Lenovo and AOL did not mention Deep Space Corporation in their announcements, everyone knew that they were here for Deep Space Corporation.

The grievances between Lenovo and Deep Space, and the grievances between AOL and Deep Space are no secrets.These two companies form an Avengers alliance, which naturally targets the Deep Space Company.

Many people have the mentality of watching the excitement, and want to see if Lenovo and AOL can compete with Deep Space. It's really difficult.

At that time, everyone believed that the Internet industry would definitely be a bloodbath again.

But what people didn't expect was that before the Deep Space Company made a move, something went wrong inside them, and it was very fatal.

Because of some problems during the merger with Time Warner, America Online was not stable internally, so it put forward very high requirements in the cooperation with Lenovo. The licensing fees they demanded have been so high that the joint venture company will never be able to make money. .

In other words, AOL is trying to cheat Lenovo. What they want to fight against Deep Space Corporation and seize the Chinese Internet market, AOL has never thought about it at all. What they value is Lenovo itself.

In this cooperation, if it continues to go down, then Lenovo will have to work for AOL for the rest of its life, and it will also pay for it.If we give up the cooperation, Lenovo Capital will not be able to get back the money.

This matter was naturally handled by Steven Case, the head of AOL, who introduced Lenovo step by step into the preset pit.

When Lenovo's Yang Yuanqing found Steven Case for the first time, Case already had an idea, and he wanted to use Lenovo's eagerness to deal with Deep Space Corporation and hold them.

Yang Yuanqing and the others may think that Steven Case should be in the same trench as them, after all, they all have grievances with Deep Space Corporation.

But what they didn't know was that Steven Case didn't feel that he had any unresolvable grievances with Deep Space Corporation at all. In his opinion, everything was just a business behavior. Air company cooperation.

Besides, Lenovo and Deep Space are put together for Steven Case to choose, no matter how stupid he is, he will not choose Lenovo. Now that Deep Space is so popular, it is best not to offend.

Anyway, after entering the big pit of America Online, FM365 collapsed directly. Although the website is not closed now, it is still in name only, and the daily traffic of the website is terribly low.

Ren Hongfei went to the website to check some time ago. The website has not been optimized for several months. The news section on the homepage even shows the most popular news from three days ago. It is exactly the same, it must have been copied directly from the deep space network.

There's no way around it, the traffic on their website is so low, and if they make any hot news, it's just nonsense.

Now that Lenovo wants to continue to build the FM365 website, there is no good way. In this case, layoffs are inevitable. As for cutting 30.00%, it sounds terrible, but there are not many people in FM365, and the employee base is small. Cut several ratios are up.

After chatting with the people from Deep Space Computer, Ren Hongfei returned to the game business department. He had nothing to do in the morning, so he turned on the computer, wanting to take a closer look at Lenovo's layoff news.

He didn't need to look for it too hard, several websites of the Deep Space Department hung the news of Lenovo's layoffs on the homepage, and they flogged the corpse vigorously.

This can be regarded as a kind of revenge for Lenovo's bad intentions.

There are also some independent media people who write news headlines that are particularly exaggerated.

[Lenovo Group broke internal news that it will lay off more than 30.00% of its employees. 】

It stands to reason that the full version of this headline should be "Lenovo Group broke the internal news that its FM365 website will lay off 30.00% of its staff", and these media people directly omitted the following subject.

Now the headline is very misleading, making people think that Lenovo Group is going to lay off 30.00% of its workforce.

According to the previous work style of Deep Space Corporation, if the title of this kind of hot news is obviously misleading, they will restrict the flow or simply delete the post, and wait until the revision is completed before releasing it.

There are also some news, if it is false news, Deep Space will also put a yellow label of "false news" to prevent netizens from being misled.

But this time Lenovo Group's news, Deep Space did not post a yellow label or delete the post, but added a black word "to be investigated" after the title, which means that it is uncertain whether this news is true or not, after checking Just known.

The key is that the word "to be investigated" is not particularly obvious, even if many viewers see it, they won't care.


Inside the Lenovo Group, Yang Yuanqing was furious, and his desk was slapping loudly.

"Didn't the matter of layoffs be handled in a low-key manner? Why did the news of the layoffs leak out?"

The assistant standing opposite Yang Yuanqing said, "This matter is under investigation. It should be leaked by internal personnel, otherwise we would not even know the proportion of layoffs. The problem we are facing now is that all employees know that layoffs are going to be laid off, and many people think it is the group The company is going to lay off 30.00% of its staff, and everyone is asking what the situation is."

Yang Yuanqing frowned. He knew this situation. Not only ordinary employees, but even some middle-level leaders were concerned about this matter.

"Contact the Deep Space Company and ask them to remove those false news."

"I have already contacted, but the other party said that it cannot be confirmed that it is false news, and has marked the words to be investigated after such news."

"What do you mean you can't be sure that it's not false news? Even if we, as the parties concerned, denied the news, we can't be sure? How can we be sure?"

"Deep Space said that it suggested that we make a public statement that there would be no layoffs."

Yang Yuanqing pursed his lips. The key point is that they are going to lay off employees. Could it be that they have misunderstood in the statement that we just want to lay off FM365 employees, which has nothing to do with the group.

This statement seems to be able to break through the rumors, but the key point is that netizens will only stare at the word layoffs.

And if they want to post an announcement, they can only post it on the Deep Space Network, otherwise no one will be able to see it.

Thinking of this, Yang Yuanqing felt a helpless feeling in his heart. They thought that they were ambitious to enter the Internet, but in the end they ended up like this, and they still had to be controlled by Deep Space Corporation.

"Let's communicate with them again, it's best to let them refute the rumors for us."

The assistant showed embarrassment, but he still gritted his teeth and said, "I'll try again."

Yang Yuanqing waved his hand, "Forget it, let me communicate."

He knew that there was no strength at all for the assistant to come forward, only he could have some hope.

When the assistant left Yang Yuanqing's office, he called Yu Yu. He wanted to call Yu Dong or Jimmy directly, but there was no contact information at all, and even if he had contact information, they would most likely ignore him. The levels of the two parties are not equal, and the relationship is not good.

The phone rang for a long time before the other person finally answered.

"Who is it?" A voice from the margin rang on the other end of the phone.

Yang Yuanqing said with a smile, "Mr. Yu, it's me, Lenovo's Yang Yuanqing."

"Oh, Mr. Yang, I remember saving your number, why is it still displaying an unfamiliar number, you changed your phone number."

"I called from a different mobile phone." Yang Yuanqing explained with a smile, but in fact he used this mobile phone to make calls every time, and it was obvious that his number was not saved at all.

"Let me just say, Mr. Yang, do you have any orders for calling me?"

Faced with the words of a gun with a stick in the margin, Yang Yuanqing said quickly, "Don't dare, dare not, I have something to trouble you."

Yu Yu laughed and said, "Is it the news of your company's layoffs?"

Yang Yuanqing was a little surprised when he heard that the margin was straight to the point, "That's right, I'm here for this news. I know that Deep Space Network has always attached great importance to the authenticity of news, and this kind of false information should not appear on your company's website." Now, do you see if you can mark these news with a yellow mark, or delete them?"

"Mr. Yang, this is not acceptable. Our company really attaches great importance to the authenticity of the news, but there is no evidence to prove that these news are fake. Our website is also very serious and marked the label of the news after the title. I believe Netizens will have their own judgments. And you have made websites yourself, so you know that it is not easy to distinguish the truth of this kind of news. For example, there have been a lot of news about our company on FM365 before. Isn't it also impossible to distinguish between true and false?"

Yang Yuanqing's expression froze when he heard that Yu Liang had settled old scores with him.

They did have a lot of false news about deep space before FM365, and deep space also negotiated with them before, hoping that they can manage these news. The answer they gave here is basically exactly the same as Yu Yu said now.

After pondering for a moment, Yang Yuanqing said, "Mr. Yu, there are many friends and many paths. It's not a problem for both of us to keep doing this. In the end, both sides will suffer, and the fisherman will benefit."

Yu Liang chuckled, "Mr. Yang, asking for help is not the attitude. I'm busy here too. Otherwise, I'll hang up the phone first, and we'll talk after you think it through."

After all, Yu Yu was about to hang up the phone, Yang Yuanqing said hastily, "Don't, don't, Mr. Yu, we have something to discuss, if you have any demands, just say it, I will definitely satisfy what I can promise."

(End of this chapter)

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