Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 978 Terrible premiere box office

Chapter 978 Terrible premiere box office
Before Fowler could speak, Yu Dong continued, "Actually, I think the selection of contestants is secondary, the key is the selection of companies. Which companies are more suitable for this program, and whether these companies are willing to be on the program depends on It must be considered. The program must be authentic. What I mean by authenticity does not mean that the process of the program must be all authentic, but that the positions given by the company must be authentic. In the program, if the company recruits contestants, it must be Fulfilling the contract, you can’t say you’re accepted on stage, and you’ll kick people off the stage. When choosing a company to appear on the show, you must make sure that the above-mentioned situation will not happen to these companies.”

"Indeed, this must be guaranteed. As for the selection of companies participating in the program, I think we should focus on those new and promising technology companies. These companies are relatively new and more suitable for this new program. Some companies under the umbrella of Space can participate, such as Deep Space Games and Deep Space Computer." Fowler said.

Yu Dong said with a smile, "You have to talk to Jimmy about this, I think he will definitely agree, it would be even better if you can persuade him to go on TV. We don't need to talk about it in detail today, but mainly talk about the mode of the show, Do you all agree with the model I just mentioned? Or do you have other ideas?"

Several people participating in the conference call became contemplative, and after a while, Jack, Canxing's vice president, said, "I have an idea."

Yu Dong said with a smile, "If you have any ideas, just say it. We are the only ones in today's meeting. I hope everyone can speak freely without any worries."

Jack said, "I think there is no problem with the program format provided by YU, which is also in line with the situation most people face when applying for a job. But I think there is another format that should be very interesting. The mode like ordinary interviews can only be It is difficult to select high-end management talents with management ability when selecting ordinary positions, and the format of this type of program is not coherent. Basically, a job seeker will only participate in one program, which does not have continuity. It may be close to the point. So I thought, whether it is possible to select a few job seekers with management ability to participate in the competition, and let these people manage the team to show their management ability through actual combat."

After a pause, Jack continued, "In this way, there will be a direct competition between the contestants, and the show will definitely be more exciting. And in this way, several contestants can do a season of the show, and the audience will be like Chasing this show is like chasing a series, and finally after layers of screening, the remaining players can enter the company's management."

Hearing Jack's proposal, Yu Dong couldn't help squinting his eyes, secretly thinking that this Jack is indeed a talent.

What Jack is talking about is actually not a job hunting show, but an entrepreneurial competition show.

Thinking of such programs, the first thing that came to Yu Dong's mind was the program "Apprentice" created by Donald.

The column group selected more than a dozen young professional elites from across the country, and Donald divided them into two groups according to certain criteria, and then designed a series of activities to test the business ability of these people. Those who stayed could get an annual salary of 20 Multi-million dollar job.

In the program, Donald actually gave some very specific topics about cooperation with the brand to the two teams.

For example, designing brochures for GM, shooting advertising videos for Lamborghini, helping clothing brands sell clothes, and helping car brands plan promotional activities.These seem to be activities, but they are actually advertising spaces, and those cooperative brands can only be used for money.

Besides, the second program Yu Dong thought of was "Win in China".

"Win in China" is similar in style to "The Apprentice", but compared to "The Apprentice", "Win in China" has a higher level of business warfare. In the later stages of the show, contestants can get a lot of venture capital funds for practical operations .

For the two programs, "Apprentice" is like choosing the best sales, while "Win in China" is more like choosing the CEO of the company.

Yu Dong pondered for a moment, and said, "The model Jack mentioned is very good, but it must be difficult to operate it..."

Jack was a little disappointed when he heard this, because usually the boss would use this kind of words when rejecting a proposal.

However, Yu Dong continued, "The operation is difficult, so you need to be fully prepared. Since it is the idea proposed by Jack, it is up to you to make a detailed plan. My idea is that if possible, the two Let’s do a show together, grasping with both hands, hard with both hands.”

Fowler and Jack on the other end of the phone were taken aback for a moment, and they didn't expect that one program would become two while chatting.

Of course Jack was very happy, which meant that his proposal was approved by the boss, and the show would be handed over to him to lead.

But Fowler mused, "But we, Canxing, don't have enough manpower right now. Talent Show, American Idol, I'm a Detective, and Pop Idol are all doing shows. If there are two more shows, there will be six shows." We are under a lot of pressure when we are doing programs at the same time. Compared with other programs, job-seeking programs are obviously more complicated."

Yu Dong said with a smile: "If you don't have enough manpower, just recruit. If it doesn't work, you can outsource it to other teams. If two shows are successful in a row, are you still afraid of taking too long? Also, before the soldiers and horses are moved, the food and grass go first. You are doing it. When planning a plan, you can find sponsors. Sponsors for these two programs should not be difficult to find. Ordinary job-hunting programs first go to BenQ Mobile and ask their opinions and whether they are willing to sponsor. Entrepreneurship programs contact some big companies , and will definitely sell for a good price.”

Jack said, "The setting of the program process will be adjusted according to the amount of funds provided. How much practical funds can we provide to the players in the future?"

"How much do you think is appropriate?" Yu Dong asked.

"I think it must be done step by step. In the early stage, it is enough to provide them with a few hundred dollars at most. In the later stage, the practical funds will be increased a little at each level. At the last level, each of them can be provided with tens of thousands of dollars. If the funds are sufficient, the final It’s better to increase it to US$[-], which will be more attractive to the audience.”

One hundred thousand dollars, Yu Dong smiled, Jack's thinking is still a little conservative.

"You plan according to the range of one hundred thousand US dollars to one million US dollars."

"100 dollars!"

Hearing this number, Fowler and Jack gasped together.

At the end of the show, there are at least two people, which means that the last round will provide at least 200 million US dollars of practical funds, which is really too big.

If these people are up to date, it would be fine if they make money or keep their capital, but what if someone loses money?You can’t post money for a show, right?

And who will pay for the money?Will Deep Space produce it by itself, or find those sponsors?Are sponsors willing to come out?
"Well, do we need to pay for these practical funds?" Fowler asked.

Yu Dong smiled, "Find a sponsor first, if no sponsor is willing to offer, I'll find you a sponsor who is willing to offer."

"Would you like to offer a sponsor?"

"Well, you don't have to think about who pays for it for the time being. Anyway, someone will pay for it in the end, so just plan according to what I said. What you have to do now is to dig out the advertising space for this show."

After Yu Dong said this, Fowler and the others naturally did not continue to ask. Fowler smiled and said, "We will do this right away, and promise to send you the preliminary plan within a week."

"Don't be in such a hurry. After all, you have so many programs on hand and you still have to recruit people. You are very busy. Let's take half a month. Send me the first draft of these two programs within half a month. Okay, here's That's it for the time being, now let's talk about the situation of the talent show. I read the information, are you going to sign up soon?"

Fowler said, "Well, the registration will start next week. Two days ago, the official account of the talent show has been warmed up on the tribe. The enthusiasm of the netizens is very high. If there is no accident, the registration this time The number of people should exceed that of "Pop Idol."

"Of course, there is no age limit for talent shows after all. Many people who were not able to sign up because of their age can now sign up."

"And the talent show has a very wide range of candidates. Apart from singing, anyone who has a skill can sign up for the competition. I was on the Internet this morning. Someone said that he can eat fifty eggs in one go, and he can quickly get rid of it." Clothes, you have to sign up for the show."

What Fowler said was entirely within Dong's expectations. He had watched the talent show, so he naturally knew how common the weirdness of this show was, and he only watched it on TV. The weirdness on the audition stage would definitely be More.

Of course, there are a lot of those who really have special talents. Compared with popular idol programs, talent shows are more visually stimulating and novel, precisely because there often appear some talents beyond ordinary people's cognition.


On November [-], "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" was released in North America as scheduled.

Because Deep Space Company has warmed up for this movie for a long time in advance, and the novel is also selling well recently, the box office of the premiere is very impressive, directly breaking through 9000 million US dollars.

As soon as the premiere box office came out, many film critics were taken aback. They thought the premiere box office would be high, but they didn't expect it to be so high, it almost broke [-] million.

It was not just the film critics who were confused, but also Bowei Films. Their movie "Monsters Inc" released on the 6000nd of this month performed very well. The box office of the premiere almost exceeded [-] million US dollars. It is very firm, and even has the momentum to catch up with "Shrek".

But when "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" came out, it seemed like a blow to them. Their box office has shrunk severely in the past three days. Billions of dollars are still unknown.

Of course, it's not just the movie "Monsters Inc." that's affected. All the movies that are being released in the same period are more or less affected. There are only so many people watching the movie. Even if the total box office increases, it is still limited. The number is also limited, and theaters and movie fans have to make a choice. Everyone has gone to see "Harry Potter", so there are fewer people who watch other movies. If people watch less, there will be fewer movies in theaters, and the box office will be greatly affected. fast.

Some have not yet been released, but the upcoming movies are also shivering.

For example, the crime blockbuster "Ocean's Eleven", which will be released early next month, was originally produced by Bowei Films. With such a high box office, the publicity was urgently stepped up.

They have also lowered their goals now, not to mention the championship, if they can squeeze into the top three, they will be lucky, if they can't squeeze into the top three, they can still reach their goal if they squeeze into the top five.

According to the current momentum, unless the word-of-mouth collapses, even if the box office of "Harry Potter" cannot exceed "Shrek", it is absolutely no suspense to exceed the US$2 million of "Rush Hour [-]". It will occupy the top two of this year's North American box office rankings.

If "The Lord of the Rings" re-enters the top three, then Deep Space will take the top three in the North American box office rankings this year, truly demonstrating their dominance in the film market. Released a film history box office No. 2 "The Martian".

"Harry Potter" will have an advantage in the global box office competition, because the original novel has a large number of readers around the world.

Of course, film income is one aspect, and other aspects of income driven by the follow-up are what Deep Space really values.

Before the movie was released, the peripheral props in the movie had already been mass-produced. When movie fans bought movie tickets on, they would get a chance to draw a lottery, and the peripherals in the movie would be included in the prize pool.

Amazon’s official website has also set up a peripheral topic for “Harry Potter”. Click on it and it’s all movie peripherals. The prices of these peripherals vary. The cheapest one is a staff of more than ten dollars, and the most expensive one is Hogg’s hundreds of dollars. Watts model.

As soon as the movie was released, the peripherals also went on sale.

In just three days, Harry Potter merchandise on Amazon has sold more than $200 million in turnover, and this number is increasing every day.

The peripherals of Deep Space have always been very good, using the best materials, and the workmanship is better than other peripherals. Of course, the quality is good and the price is more expensive.

But the peripherals of Deep Space can be sold. There is a statistic. On Amazon alone, the products authorized by Deep Space have sold [-] million US dollars in the first half of the year. This figure has squeezed into the top [-]. .

In front of deep space are Disney, Hasbro, Warner, Pokémon, Toei Animation, Paramount, and nbc, all established IP management companies.

Behind the deep space, there are big companies such as the NFL Players Union, Hershey, BMW, WWE, and Playboy.

This year, Deep Space has produced three big IP movies in a row, and together with the following Marvel movies, it is just around the corner to squeeze into the top ten in the licensing business turnover ranking.

(End of this chapter)

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